Text Reading and Comprehension (TRC) mCLASS ® :Reading 3D ™

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Transcript of Text Reading and Comprehension (TRC) mCLASS ® :Reading 3D ™

Text Reading and Comprehension (TRC)

mCLASS®:Reading 3D™

TRC Overview

•Accurate and Fluent Reading of Connected Text

•Reading Comprehension

•Vocabulary and Language Skills

Basic Early Literacy Skills

•BOY Kindergarten through EOY Grade 3


•Mobile Device

•Leveled books/cards

•Written Comprehension Question (Level F - Above)


TRC Benchmark Goals

Grade BOY Reading Level Goal(s)

MOY Reading Level Goal(s)

EOY Reading Level Goal(s)

Kindergarten RB to B C D

Grade 1 D G-H J-K

Grade 2 J-K L M-N

Grade 3 M-N O P-Q

Correlation Chart

Criteria for Instructional Level


Accuracy ≤ 89%or

Retell/Recall = 1/3 or

Oral Comp. ≤ 3/5


Accuracy 90 – 94%and

Retell/Recall ≥ 2/3

andOral Comp. ≥ 4/5


Accuracy ≥ 95%and

Retell/Recall ≥ 2/3and

Oral Comp. ≥ 4/5

TRC identifies the student’s instructional reading level.

Print Concepts

• Goal: 13 out of 16

• Cover: Front of Book

• Print Contains Message

• Directionality: Beginning, L to R, Return Sweep

• 1:1 Match

• First and Last Words on a Page

• Meaning of Quotation Marks, Comma, Question Mark, and Period

• Identifies Uppercase Letter

• Identifies one letter, one word, first and last letter

Reading BehaviorsGoal: 5 out of 6

• Indicate Title

• Matches Words 1:1

• Left-Right Directionality

• Return Sweep

• Maintains Language Pattern

• Uses Picture Support

TRC Knowledge of Print (KOP)

• Marking• Correct

• Incorrect

• Observe• Instructions to assessor

• Assessed concepts

• Page numbers

• Use of index cards

• Running score

TRC: Print Concepts Partner Practice

• Assessor

1. From Main Menu choose Reading 3D

2. Choose BOY

3. Select a Kindergarten student.

4. Choose Benchmark.

5. Select TRC.

6. Select Print Concepts (PC) and On the Table book from dropdown box.

7. Tap Begin.

8. Score student responses on device.

TRC: Reading Behaviors Partner Practice

• Assessor

1. Select a Kindergarten student.

2. Choose Benchmark.

3. Select TRC.

4. Select Reading Behaviors (RB) and the Look at Me book.

5. Tap Begin.

6. Score student responses on device.

• Student

• Read aloud the script.

PC and RB Administration Check-In1. What was easy?


2. What was difficult?


3. What do you need to practice?


TRC: Text Reading and Comprehension Records

The ability to accurately read and comprehend authentic text


Tap Level list toselect book level.

Tap Book list toselect book title.

Record Reading BehaviorsIf the student says, “Every sat-, Saturday”:

1. Tap the word Saturday.

2. Write exactly what the student said (“sat-”).

3. Tap Save.

RepetitionIf the student says, “We like to dance, dance”:

1. Tap the Repetition button at the top left of the screen.

2. Tap and drag to select the repeated word (dance).

3. Repeat steps 1 and 2 for subsequent repetitions.

To mark a repeated phrase, tap the Repetition button, then swipe the entire phrase.

Record Errors

• Self Correction (SC)

• Substitution (sub)

• Insertion (^)

• Omission (omit)

• Told (told)


If the student says, “Everything looks fun”:

1. Tap the word funny.

2. In the freehand space, write “fun.”

3. Tap sub.

4. Tap Save.


If the student says, “It’s my best friend, Jill”:

1. Tap the word after the insertion (friend).

2. In the freehand space, write “best.”

3. Tap Insertion (⌃).

4. Tap Save.


If the student says, “I see living room”:

1. Tap the omitted word (the).

2. Tap omit.

ToldIf the student says, “Things look di-, dif-”:

1. Record any attempt(s).

2. Wait five seconds fora complete response.

3. Say “different.”

4. Tap the word you tellthe student (different).

5. Tap told.

6. Tap Save.

If the student says, “Here is my mane, I mean, name”:

1. Tap the word (name).

2. In the freehand space, write “mane.”

3. Tap sub.

4. Tap SC.

5. Tap Save.


If the student says, “hadn’t” instead of “had not”:

1. Tap the first word (had).

2. In the freehand space, write “hadn’t.”

3. Tap sub. Tap Save.

4. Tap the second word (not).

5. Draw a line or slash in the freehand space.

6. Tap Save. “Not” will display in bold, but does not count as an error.


TRC Reading RecordQuick Reference

Correct Incorrect

Student reads correct words Insertions

Student correctly sounds out words Substitutions

Student repeats words Omissions

Student self-corrects

Words read in the wrong order

Five-second hesitations

Proper nouns (the first instance only)

Reading Record Results Screen

Tap Delete toinvalidate probe.

Tap Motiv. or Note to record additional information.

Tap Accuracy rate to review probe.

Comprehensiontasks required

TRC Demonstration

TRC Partner Practice

• Assessor

1. Select a Grade 1 , 2 or 3 student.

2. Choose Benchmark.3. Select TRC.4. Select a Level and a book

title.5. Select Start Timed

Administration.6. Score student responses on

device.7. Record motivation and


TRC Administration Check-In1. What was easy?


2. What was difficult?


3. What do you need to practice?


TRC Retell/Recall(Benchmark Levels E and lower)



Tap Retell to access questions.

TRC Oral Comprehension(Benchmark Level D – Above)

Tap Oral Comp to access questions (Benchmark)

Tap Correct or Incorrectto record answers toquestions provided.

TRC Written Comprehension(Benchmark Levels F – Above)

Tap Written Comp. to Access the rubric.

Written Comprehension Scoring RubricScore Level What it means What it requires

0 No UnderstandingThe response demonstrates no understanding of the text.

Completely incorrect, irrelevant to the question, or missing

1 Minimal Understanding

The response demonstrates a minimal understanding of the text.

Minimally addresses the demands of the questions

Uses minimal information to show understanding of the text in relation to the question

2 General Understanding

The response demonstrates a general understanding of the text.

Partially addresses the demands of the question

Uses text-relevant information to show understanding

3 Complex Understanding

The response demonstrates an understanding of the complexities of the text.

Addresses the demand of the question

Effectively uses text-relevant information to clarify or extend understanding

MSV AnalysisMeaning• Does the word the student

used make sense?• Did the student preserve

meaning?Syntax/Structure• Does the word the student

used sound right?• Did the student preserve

language structure?Visual• Does the word the student

used match the print?• Did the student preserve

the visual appearance of the word?

TRC Results with MSV

• The bar graph shows the frequency of each strategy.

• An under-represented strategy indicates the opportunity for instruction.

Which strategies did this student use to substitute while reading?

1. We live in a home at the lake. house

2. We walked to a store. the

3. Our family had a ran cat. pet

4. I got a new pair of shoes.have

5. Billy and the girl playing ball until dark. played

6. We are going to ride he bus to he beach. the the

MSV Group Activity Practice







Retell, Oral & Written Comprehension, MSV Partner

Practice• Assessor

1. Select the same student you administered the TRC previously.

2. Choose Benchmark.3. Select Pause button beside

TRC.4. Administer the Retell, Oral

Comp. or Written Comp, MSV

5. Score student responses on device.

TRC Retell, Comprehension & MSV Administration Check-In

1. What was easy?


2. What was difficult?


3. What do you need to practice?


WR: Word Recognition

• Measures the ability to accumulate a reading vocabulary of high-frequency words


From List A


From List C



From List B

WR Overview

• Alphabetic Principle• Accurate and Fluent

Reading of Connected Text

Basic Early Literacy Skills

• Reading levels A/1 to E/8Administere


• Mobile Device• WR Assessment Materials


WR Student Materials and Device

WR Common Scoring Rules

• Mark correct.


• Mark correct.

Schwa Sounds, Articulation, or Dialect

• After three seconds, select nr, point to the next word, and say “What word is this?”

Hesitation Rule

WR Results Screen