Text Effect 4

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Transcript of Text Effect 4

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Electric ArcsAdd electrical arcs to your text.

The order of these instructions was designed to be very flexible and allow you lots of

control over the effect.


In a new photoshop file, create your text black on a white background. Flatten thelayer.


Create a new white layer, and use Filter>Render>Clouds on it. Perform

Filter>Render>Difference Clouds about 5 times to bring out some details. (Note, render

clouds and difference clouds behave differently at different resolutions. Higher

resolutions give more detail.)


Put the text layer above the clouds layer, setting its opacity to 50.


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Add a levels adjustment layer (Layer>New

Adjustment Layer>Levels.) The shape of the

histogram should have a "dead spot". Adjust

the minimum and maximum input levels toencompass the dead spot. The result you

end up with should be black text on a white



Add a curves adjustment layer (Layer>New

Adjustment Layer>Curves.) Adjust the shape of the

curve so it resembles a bell or hill shape like pictured.

The second and fourth control points are important.

The resulting image wont look like much but a spotted



This step is recommended to help with future

adjustment. For now, we'll assume a basicyellow color. To do this we need to add

another adjustment layer, this time a Color



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And now the real fun starts. Select your text layer you created in step 1 a apply a

Gaussian filter on it. I used a setting of 8, but it will depend on your image size. The real

fun here is since we did the adjustment layers already, you can see what the effect will

look like with different amounts of blur.

You can now go back to the adjustment layers and continue to fine tune or adjust if

you desire.

And there you have it, the final version.

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ExplosionBlow up your text with a fiery background.

This is a multiple page tutorial because there are multiple layers.


Start a new image and add your text, assuming white text on black background.

Center the text and make sure you have a decent margin around it.


Add some quick noise grunge by using the Mezzotint filter set at course dots.

Filter>Pixelate>Mezzotint... Accept that the layer will be rasterized. Apply the filter 2-5

times depending on how roughed up you want your text to look.


Lets add some depth now by punching the text using Filter>Distort>Pinch... I set the

amount to -50 to bring the text out. The distortion will depend on your image's aspect

ration (ration between width and height).

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Duplicate this layer 4 times. Hide the top two copies

and continue to work on the bottom most layer. I've

named my layers back1, back2, text, and lightthrough

to help me in the next steps.


Apply a motion blur to the bottom two layers. One

at 45 and one at -45, each with 100 strength.Merge the layers together. It should resemble this...

Blow up your text with a fiery background.

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This is a multiple page tutorial because there are multiple layers, each adding to the

effect. Start on the first step.


Now apply a Gaussian Blur of about 3, then Filter>Stylize>Find Edges... The find edges

will emphasize the center area, essentially emphasizing the center explosion.


Now we'll use a levels adjustment layer

(Layer>New Adjustment Layer>Levels) to bring

out the basic shape and color of the explosion.

Put this layer above all layers.

Your going to adjust multiple channels, including

the overall RGB channel. This is very rudimentary

now, you may want to come back and change

it at the end.

First adjust the RGB channel middle input level so

its skewed right.

On the Red Channel, bring the left adjustment

slightly to the right, drastically bring the right

handle left, and skew the center handle towards

the right.

On the green channel, bring the left handle to

about the center, drag the right handle to about3/4 and skew the center handle towards the left.

Again, this is done to taste and will depend on

how you've set up your own image. Consider the

values shown in the images as a good start for a

red-orange explosion.

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Remember, make sure the adjustment layer is

positioned above all other layers.


Now unhide the text layer. Invert it and set its mode to Multiply.

Its up to you, but you can apply a slight Radial Blur, of about 10, to this text layer to

bring out the motion of the explosion on the text.


Unhide the lightthrough layer. Invert it and set its mode to Screen.

STEP 10 

With the light through layer selected, apply a radial blur at full strength.

Filter>Blur>Radial Blur... Zoom mode at 100, best quality. Repeat the radial blur 2-5 times.

Duplicate the layer to further pronounce the light through the holes of the text blast


And there you have it, the final version is easily cropped out. You may want to try

blurring the layer a little, though I l ike the sharp rays in this case.

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COLORFUL 3D TEXTIn this tutorial you will learn how to create this colorful 3D text effect:

Step 1

Create a blank document, size depends on the size of your text.

Type your text with every new letter on a new layer.

This is what your layer paletter should look like:

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Step 2

Give your text some color and align it to your liking.

The colors that are used here are:

# bd64fa

# a8ed76

and# fc9713

Step 3

Hit CTRL+T at every layer and rotate the letters a bit so it looks something like this:

Step 4

Right click your first text layer and choose Rasterize.

Select your 2d text layer and hit CTRL-E to merge it into the first layer.

Repeat until you only have one text layer (+background) left.

Now add a gradient for the background.

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Step 5

With your text layer selected hold down ALT and press down and then left about 4 or 5


It'll look like this now:

Step 6

This is your layers palette right now:

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 Again, merge down until you are left with only two text layers:

Move your original text layer to the top:

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Step 7

Select your copy text layer, hit CTRL-U and set it to something like this:

Merge the two text layers.

Apply this Drop Shadow to your text layer:

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 That's it, there's your colorful 3D text:

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3D Lava Text

This tutorial will show you how to create 3D looking text that is sinking into some hot lava,

all in 1 effect, all in 5 simple steps. .

- Start a new document about 600x600 and fill the background with BLACK.

- Use the type tool to create your text in white. Make it big and space widely spaced


- Then go to Layer » Flattern Image. 

- Now go to Filter » Stylize » wind ( Method: Wind. Direction: From the left)

- Press CTRL+F to reapply the filter.

- Now go to Filter » Stylize » wind ( Method: Wind. Direction: From the right)

- Press CTRL+F to reapply the filter.

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- Press D to set your colors to black and white.

- Go to Filter » Render » Difference Clouds. 

- Then use the type tool again, and create another WHITE text exact same size as the

original, and place it over the original, covering it, then set its opacity to 60%. This willmake your text whiter if it was darken by the difference clouds filter.

Now flatten your image again. Layer » Flatten Image 

- Go to Filter » Stylize » Extrude. 

- Then Image » Adjustment » Invert 

- Now go to Image » Adjustments » Color Balance 

For each of the Tone Balance, set the following color levels.

- Midtones: [ +100 ] [ 0 ] [ -40 ]

- Shadows: [ +70 ] [ 0 ] [ -70 ]

- Highligts: [ +80 ] [ 0 ] [ -40 ]

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Here is mine. 

You can use the above techniques to apply to random shapes and the result will be

something like rocks sinking in lava instead of text. Thats what tutorials are about, you

learn, and apply the technique your own way.

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BlinkVery trendy, pimp everything with photoshop. That is why we are gonna pimp our text

in photoshop. In this tutorial you'll learn how to make a simple layer-style for your pimpin'

text in photoshop. If you don't have the patience to do this tutorial, you can justdownload the PSD wich contains the layerstyle from this tutorial. Nice and easy.

Start a new document and typ a text with a thick font (our example file is 500x500

pixels). Don't use a small font like Arial Narrow. It won't work on a small font.

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Add a Bevel and Emboss with these values:

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Add a Gradient Overlay with these values:

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Add a Pattern Overlay with these values:

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 Use this pattern for the "pattern overlay":

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And finally, add a Border with these values:

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The copy yhe layer and "rasterize" it (right-click on the layer and choose the rasterize


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Then reduce the height of the rasterized layer (CTRL+T)

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Then move the layer with the back text underneat the layer you created first (drag it in

the layers panel) and apply a gaussian blur van 3,2. Move the blurred text behind the

layer with the layerstyle. Align it like this:

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Choose a white, star-shaped brush (comes with photoshop).

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Make a new layer above all others and apply the star-shaped brush on the edges

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(don't use it to much!). This applies a bling effect and your finished!!

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This Photoshop tutorial will show you

how to create text wrapped in


Step 1. 

To Start off make some thick text using the settings shown below.

Step 2. Apply the Bevel and emboss layer style (Layer > Layer Style > Bevel & Emboss), using

these settings. Make a selection using the text (Select > Load Selection), as shown

below in a). Contract (Select > Modify > Contract) the selection by 8 pixels and

feather (Select> Feather) it by 4 pixels.

a) Click for settings  b) 

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Step 3. 

Choose the gradient tool (a), and set it to linear gradient (b). Drag the gradient

tool from top to bottom within the selection.

a)  b)  c) 

Step 4. This is the 2nd part of this Photoshop tutorial. Next, make a selection of the

text again and expand (select > modify > expand) it by 3 pixels. Create a

new layer below the text and then fill the selection with a dark grey (474747)

a)  b) 

Step 5. Next, highlight the layer set, in the layers panel, and merge (layer > merge

layer set) the layer set into a single layer (image b).

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a)  b) 

Step 6. Now we'er going to rotate each letter, so we need to split the text into 2. First,

rasterize the layer, by right clicking on it in the layers panel and then choosing

"rasterize layer". Then use the polygonal lasso tool to make a selection around

one of the letters (image a). You may want to zoom in to make sure not to

create the selection over the other letter. Once selected cut the layer into two,

by right clicking on the layer in the layers panel, and then choosing "layer via

cut". You should now have each letter as a seperate layer. Select the "G" layerand then rotate counter clockwise by 30 degrees, using the transform tool (edit

> transform > rotate).

a)  b) 

Step 7. Now rotate the "T" clockwise by

15 degrees. Then go to [ Part 3

] of this Photoshop tutorial.

Step 8. 

This is the 3rd part of this Photoshop tutorial. Next zoom in to 400% choose dark grey

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(595959) for the foreground color. Make a new layer, in a temporary layer set, above

the text layers and then create a pixel wide line on it, using the rectangular marquee

tool. Duplicate the layer, leaving a pixel wide space inbetween them.

a)  b) 

Step 9. 

Duplicate the line across the whole document and then merge the layer set

into a single layer. Duplicate the lines layer and then rotate it by 90 degrees

(edit > transform > rotate 90 CW)

a)  b) 

Step 10. Merge the 2 line layers into one. Make a selection using the "T" and then

contract it by 11 pixels. Use the selection to cut out part of the crossed lines

layer and then do the same with the "G". Delete the rest of the lines layer,

leaving you with image b).

a)  b) 

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Step 11. Change the blending mode, of

what's left over of the lines layer,

to "Color Burn". Then go to [ Part 4

] of this Photoshop tutorial.

Step 12. 

This is the 4th part of this Photoshop tutorial. Next, we're going to create somescrews. Zoom in to 500% and then create a circle on a new layer, using a light

grey (AEAEAE). Then use a pixel wide rectangular selection to create a black

and white line in the center of it.

a)  b) 

Step 13. Apply a drop shadow (layer > layer style > drop shadow) to the screw (image

a) and then duplicate it (image b).

a) Click for settings  b) 

Step 14. 

Next we're going to create the first chain segment, so zoom in to 700% and

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create a grey (A0A0A0) oval, on a ne wlayer. Use a rectangular selection to

delete part of the right end, as shown in images b)

a)  b) 

Step 15. Do the same to the left hand side and then the bottom.

a)  b) 

Step 16. 

Finally delete the top end and then make a selection using the shape.

a)  b) 

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Step 17. Contract (select > modify >

contract) the selection by 4 pixels

and then delete the selected

aread. Then go to [ Part 5 ] of this

Photoshop tutorial.

This is the 5th part of this Photoshop tutorial. Next, create a rectangle, on the same layer, and

then a then 2 smaller ones on the top and bottom. On a new layer, create a circle, using the

elliptical marquee tool.

a)  b)  c) 

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Step 18. Next, apply bevel and emboss (layer > layer styles > bevel and emboss) on both the chain

segment and the circle, using the settings viewable by clicking on iage a). Create a new

layer above the circle and then create the shape shown in image c). Apply the same layer

style settings to it and then merge it with the circle (image c).

a) Click for Settings  b)  c) 

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Step 19. Zooming out, the 2 chain parts

should look like in image

below. Next go to [ Part 6 ] of

this Photoshop tutorial, which

is the final part!

Step 20. 

This is the final part of this Photoshop tutorial. Next, zoom to 200%, duplicate the segmentof chain and place it over the right hand side of the "G". Use the trasform tool to rotate it

so that the end is pointing in the direction of the gap. Duplicate it again, place it below

the 1st chain link and then rotate it more than the first. Create another one and then use

the eraser to make it look as though it's going below the text.

a)  b)  c) 

Step 21. 

Add the smaller part of the chaing to the right hand side of the 1st link and then create a

chain on the "T". Again, use the eraser to make it look as though it's going beneath the

letter (image c)

a)  b)  c) 

Step 22. 

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Create another piece below the "T". Since the chain will appear to be below the letter, turn

off the drop shadow of the layer, from the layers panel (image d).

a)  b)  c)  d) 

Step 23. Create some more going from the "T" to the "G" and another piece around the left of the

"G". Then create a cross of chains, going from the letters to the top of the document.

a)  b)  c)  d) 

Step 24. Your image should now look like the one below, bringing us to the end of this Photoshop

tutorial! :)

You can download the PSD

from here,