Tetanus Immunization in Children

Post on 04-Apr-2018

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Transcript of Tetanus Immunization in Children

  • 7/29/2019 Tetanus Immunization in Children


    Does every in jury requi re Tetanus im m unizat ion in ch i ldren?

    A seven year o ld boy imm unized as per h is age brought by fa ther t o Urgent Care w i th compla in t s o f

    fa l l w hi le r id ing bicycle. Chi ld h ad sustained sm al l lacerat ion over fo rehead. Chi ld had simi lar h is tory

    of fa l l f ive m ont hs back and had received tetanus vacc ine. Does he requi re repeat dose of tetanus

    imm uniza t ion th is t ime?

    Injuries are very common in childhood. It is one of the common causes of morbidity and mortality

    throughout the world. Management of injury usually involves pain relieving, care of the wound and

    preventive measure from tetanus which may include tetanus immunization and or tetanus

    immunoglobulin. In day to today practice, we often come across situations in which parents worries

    about tetanus infection and insist on injecting tetanus vaccine after every minor injury. So what are the

    evidence based guidelines or recommendations for tetanus vaccinations following injury? Do we have to

    inject Tetanus vaccine after every injury?

    Tetanus was prevalent in pre vaccination era. But after the introduction of vaccine its incidence has

    decreased tremendously. Tetanus germs are found in soil which contaminates the wound following

    injury. In non vaccinated individuals this germ multiplies, releases a toxin known as tetanus toxoid which

    directly affect nervous system and produce rigidity in the body and difficulty in breathing which may

    prove fatal. In vaccinated children, preformed antibodies detoxify the toxin and the adverse effects will

    be avoided so thats why vaccination is important.

    How m any vacc ines does chi ld requi re?

    Routine primary immunization includes three DPT vaccines within 4 months of life. There after 3

    boosters at 18 month, 4and year and at 10 year. Once child had received initially three vaccines he

    does not require tetanus vaccine after minor injury up to 10 years.

    Dr Bharat Choud hary

    Pediatric Emergency Physician

    Urgent Care

  • 7/29/2019 Tetanus Immunization in Children


    W hich vacc ine t o b e given?

    For children aged