Testemonial FBA- MB

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Transcript of Testemonial FBA- MB

11 September 2015

To whom it may concern

Michael Burton from Lachlan Partners was welcomed into the FBA community in 2010 and from the start has been an engaged and collaborative adviser member.

Since the management changes at FBA at the beginning of 2014 Michael has taken the opportunity to re-forge his relationship with the family business peak body, securing his place as an integral part of the FBA community.

As the state manager my responsibility is to the Victorian membership. I have adopted a dual focus of value for members and awareness of the sector. Michael, as part of FBA’s most valuable resource – the adviser group – has been exceptionally generous with both his knowledge and understanding of the challenges within family business, and also his networks and circles of influence.

Relationships and engagement are at the crux of FBA’s effectiveness and indeed represent the essence of the family business dynamic. Michael understands this intimately and has been a terrific conduit, working with FBA to support family businesses.

FBA members have been invited to workshops at Lachlan Partners in order to connect and learn from international experts. Michael is highly visible at FBA events where he connects and collaborates with FBA members. I am most appreciative of his ability to see opportunities, draw stakeholders together and facilitate the process. As recently as this week Michael introduced FBA to an organisation which is a leader in its field and, within its constituency, supports a large proportion of family businesses. This relationship will undoubtedly lead to family businesses having access to professional and targeted support across a range of services.

I have asked Michael to consider solidifying his relationship with FBA further by becoming an Accredited Adviser. This will allow me to include him in referrals to the membership and the sector. It is vital that passion and experience, wherever it sits, is about to be enlisted. I am looking forward to the journey, working with Michael at Shadforth and with the wonderful families who contribute so extensively to the Australian way of life.

Nicola McKay

Executive Officer - VIC Family Business Australia Ph: (03) 9867 5322 Fax: (03) 9867 5344 Mob: (0499) 008 348 Email: fbavic@fambiz.org.au Web:    www.fambiz.org.au

Post:   450 St Kilda Road, Melbourne, VIC 3004