Test Environment Algorithm Program Requirements/ Enhancements Analyze the Problem and Design a...

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Transcript of Test Environment Algorithm Program Requirements/ Enhancements Analyze the Problem and Design a...








Analyze the Problemand Design a Solution Programming

Software Translates the Source Codeinto Machine Code

Learn the step-by-step thinking that characterizes writing computer programsLearn the ideas behind incremental program


Learn the ideas behind programming techniquesLearn the ideas behind object-oriented

programmingLearn the ideas behind event-based computer


Write StorylineWrite ScriptsConditions/

VariablesSchedule tasks

•Brainstorming•Define purpose/goals

•Audience•Idea Evaluation


•Build/find sprites•Build Objects

•Write Conditionals statements•Build Rooms•TEST/Evaluate

DevelopDevelop PublishPublish

•Write player instructions

•Write tips/cheat sheets•Sell

•Make millions of $$$$


Learn the step-by-step thinking that characterizes writing computer programsLearn the ideas behind incremental program


Learn the ideas behind programming techniquesLearn the ideas behind object-oriented

programmingLearn the ideas behind event-based computer


The player interacts with the game Objects (other characters, food, weapons, potions, cars, fuel, puzzle pieces, obstacles, currency, etc.) to attain this Goal.

Object contains BOTH:GRAPHIC: An Object’s appearance is determined

by the image or digital picture the developer assigns to it. The image is called a Sprite.

BEHAVIOR: An Object’s behavior is determined by events and actions (Conditional Statements )

During gameplay, certain Events will happen and cause specific Actions to take place (Ex: If Player collides with enemy, then 1 Life is lost).

Some objects react to player input (keyboard, mouse) and to other objects.

Consider the relationships with real-world physics and how a computer must be told to demonstrate them on the screen.

Mapping these concepts to Computer Science Theory

Each object has properties and behaviors encapsulated inside of it.

This entire collection of properties and behaviorscan be referenced through the object name

Creation Behavior – Start moving

Collision Behavior – Bounce

Left Mouse Behavior – Increase Score Bounce

Image – Sprite propertiesbehaviors

Object AbstractDefinitionCookie cutter

Object instanceActual thingCookie

Building behaviors is an example of Event Programming

Wait for some specific Event to happen

Perform some action(s) in response to it.


Collide with Wall Object

Left Mouse


Start moving




GOAL - Games need to have a Goal for the player to work toward.

CHALLENGE: In addition, Challenge is needed to keep the game interesting and engaging for the player. Various strategies are used to make the game more difficult for the player as they progress to higher levels or achievement.

ROOMS - A digital game takes place in a virtual environment laid out in Rooms. There may be one or many rooms. This environment may be a castle, forest, racetrack, or underwater cave.

ENHANCEMENT - Sounds and Backgrounds

may be added to enhance the environment and gameplay experience.

In action tab: main2

Show information Key F1 used to show instructions, credits, etc

Display message

It can best be seen as a property of an instance of an object.

Examples x, y coordinate of the instance horizontal or vertical speed of an instanceDirectionSpeedSolid, visible

Properties that are used and seen by all object instances

ExampleScoreLivesMouse x and y position

Actions in control tab of gamemaker

Cause and Affect in gaming is accomplished by CONDITIONAL STATEMENTS

IF cause THEN effect

In gaming, the “cause” is called an Event and the “effect” is called an Action.

IF event THEN action

The computer only knows as much as you tell it

The game is created by defining a set of instructions or conditional statements for the computer to follow.

Computer instructions must be clearly defined and appropriately sequenced, or an undesired outcome may result.

Tutorial: Creating a Scrolling Shooter

Tutorial: Maze Games

Tutorial: Platform Games

Tutorial: 3-Dimensional Games