TEST 5 ODD-01-06-2015

Post on 17-Sep-2015

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test- vezbi-eksterno-5-odd

Transcript of TEST 5 ODD-01-06-2015

5TH GRADE FINAL TEST NAME________________________________________________

1. ?A. equals B. divided by C. multiplied by D. greater than2. : I love sunbathing in _______.A. spring B. winter C. autumn D. summer3. , :A. museum B. library C. cinema D. art gallery4. e e ?A. bread B. book C. bag D. biscuit 5. ?A. I like books. B. I am reading a book. C. I like reading books. D. I read a lot of books.6. : ?A. How much B. How many C. Have much D. Have many7. ? A. can B. should C. would D. must 8. .A. reading B. writing C. listening D. speaking9. ? A. Whats the time? B. Do you have the time? C. Have you got a clock ? D. Whats the clock? 10. ?A. Where is the museum? B. What is a museum? C. Whose is the museum? D. Why is the museum?11. ?A. I live in Mavrovo. B. My favourite place is Mavrovo. C. I often go to Mavrovo. D. I like going to Mavrovo.12. ?A. Can you have some coffee and cookies? B. Would you like some coffee and cookies? C. You should have some coffee and cookies. D. You must have some coffee and cookies.13. ?A. I feel terrible. B. I have a sore throat. C. I am going to the doctor. D. You should see a doctor.14. 7 30 ?A. Its half to seven. B. Its seven past thirty. C. Its half past seven. D. Its thirty to seven.15. ?A. An apple a day, keeps the doctor away. B. Two birds with one stone. C. Stop pollution! 16. : My dad keeps his ______ in the bank.A. shoes B. money C. books D. monkeys 17. : We usually stop if the traffic light is .. A. Red B. green C. orange D. stop

18. :A. I have a handache B. I have a toothache. C. I have headache. D. I have a sore head.19. ?A. Noon B. day C. night D. date20. : ?A. Which is your favourite subject? B. Why is your favourite object? C. What do you do at school? D. Do you like the school subjects?21. : ?A. Are you happy? B. Who is happy? C. Why are you so happy? D. Im so happy.22. :A. house B. zoo C. tractor D. car23. : I can`t eat. I have..A. a toothache B. a headache C. an earache D. chest ache 24. ?A. I often watch TV in the evening. B. I like watching TV in the evening. C. Im going to watch TV this evening. D. Im watching TV tomorrow evening. 25. .. between B. next to C. today D. time 26. : When is your birthday?A. Its on the seventeenth of July. B. Is twenty-five September. C. Its my birthday. D. I got presents for my birthday.

A . Ohrid is a large town. It has more than forty thousand people living there. It sits next to the Ohrid lake. Most people live in the city, but there is small number of people who live in the villages near the city. Ohrid is a beautiful city. The lake gives the city its own beauty. There are 365 churches in Ohrid. One for each day of the year. Every summer the city is full with tourists that come to visit. They usually go to the Samoils fortress, one of Ohrids cultural monuments. The fortress is on the hill. There is a lot of walking to get there. I go to Ohrid every winter with my parents. I have a cousin there and she has a birthday in January, so we are visiting her for her birthday. Ohrid is quiet in winter. There arent any tourists. 27 . ? a) 365 b) 40 000 c) 39 000 d) 2000028. ? a) beautiful b) full c) quiet d) large 29. . My sister Elizabeth likes Easter very much. It`s her favorite holiday. My mother is very busy every Easter with the Easter eggs. I like red Easter eggs. My sister Elizabeth likes the green ones. My mother likes blue Easter eggs. We have a Bunny basket full of eggs in different colors. 29. . ?A. green B. blue C. yellow D. red30. ?A. B. C. D. [endnoteRef:2] [2: ]