Terri topic web 1

Post on 06-May-2015

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Power point from the second session

Transcript of Terri topic web 1

Reflexion on last session








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Topic Web – St George’s Day




Cross Curriculum






•Drama – script for play George and the dragon,• Story and program for parents

•Texts on real dragons: komodo dragon and crocodiles. •Questions and Answers, predictions •gap fill exercises

•Scenery •Posters• Pamphlets advertising the play.



•How to care for a pet dragon – fiction writing in the style of instructional writing. (genres)•Debate – does the loch ness monster really exist?

•Factual research

(History and Geography) •Who was St. George? Did he really exist? Where did he live?

•Investigating paintings – an in-depth look at the painting of George and the Dragon by Rogier van der Weyden.


Basic Storylineflashcards for George and Dragon story

Flashcards curtesy of www.sparkelebox.com

This is a more gentle version supplied by Oxford Reading Tree

The Little Dragon

The little Dragon A playThe little Dragon A playby 1ª and 1b.by 1ª and 1b.

This is the story of This is the story of how princesses how princesses really DO like really DO like dragons.dragons.

The story is told by our The story is told by our narrators from 1ª and 1b.narrators from 1ª and 1b.

These are two These are two classes. 1ª and 1b.classes. 1ª and 1b.

These are the charactersThese are the charactersThis the king from This the king from 1B1B


And from 1ª And from 1ª DamienDamien

Here are the knights.Here are the knights.This is Samuel from This is Samuel from 1b.1b.

This is Pelayo from This is Pelayo from 1ª.1ª.

Dont they look Dont they look brave!brave!

These are the princessesThese are the princessesThis is Maria from 1ªThis is Maria from 1ª

This is Alicia from 1bThis is Alicia from 1b

Aren’t they beautiful!Aren’t they beautiful!

These are the dragons.These are the dragons.This is Irene from This is Irene from 1b.1b.

This is Yago from 1ªThis is Yago from 1ª

But they are only But they are only little dragons!little dragons!

These are the trees.These are the trees.This is Yago from This is Yago from 1ª.1ª.

This is Javier from This is Javier from 1b.1b.

Aren’t they green!Aren’t they green!

Here come the king and the Here come the king and the knight into the palace.knight into the palace.

I am the king. Go I am the king. Go and fight the and fight the dragon.dragon.

I am the knight. I I am the knight. I will go and fight will go and fight the dragon.the dragon.

The knight went in search of the The knight went in search of the dragon. Meanwhile in the palace dragon. Meanwhile in the palace


I am the tree.I am the tree.

I am the dragon, I am the dragon, but i am only a but i am only a little dragon.little dragon.

Here comes the princess and the Here comes the princess and the dragon hides behind the tree.dragon hides behind the tree.

I am the princess. I I am the princess. I like dragons.like dragons.

The dragon heard The dragon heard this and came out this and came out of hiding to play of hiding to play with the princess.with the princess.

Here comes the knight- Oh no!Here comes the knight- Oh no!I am the knight and I am the knight and i will fight the i will fight the dragon.dragon.

I am frightened I am frightened said the dragon.said the dragon.

I am cross said the I am cross said the princess.princess.

So the princess helped the So the princess helped the dragon.dragon.

She pushed the She pushed the knight into a pond.knight into a pond.

The princess and The princess and the dragon are the dragon are happy.happy.

Video of St George and Dragon

The Fat Princess

The Fat Princess, Shy Dragon and Cowardly Knight.

Adapted for the stage by class 2A

Characters: Fat Princess (I love crisps)Cowardly Knight (I can’t say boo to a goose!)Shy Dragon (don’t call me wallflower!)

Narrators All Class

The Playscript

Narrator: Once there was a princess. She was a fat princess and she really loved crisps.

Narrator: She was walking in the castle garden eating a very big bag of crisps.

Princess: Oh what a beautiful day and even better as I have a big bag of crisps.

Narrator: Near the princess is a very shy dragon who is trying his best to capture her (because that’s what dragons do!) but he is just too shy! She

doesn’t notice him as she is so involved eating her crisps.

Dragon (making his best dragon noises) plucks up courage and captures the princess, but in a very shy way.

Narrator The Princess started screaming very loudly.

Princess: Help me! Help me! My crisps they have fallen on the floor!

Narrator: George was riding by on his horse.

George: Hey! What’s that? It sounds like a princess in distress!! Oh no! That means I have to go and investigate and i might get hurt. What a

problem it is being a knight and frightened of everything!

Narrator: George rides into the castle garden. He sees the princess and falls in love immediately, George loves crisps too!

George: Oh look what a beautiful princess, I must be in love! And look at that big bag of crisps. But first I have to fight the dragon.... oh no he may

hurt me!

Narrator: George plucked up all his courage and fought the dragon

Dragon: This is too scary for me I’m off.

Narrator: The dragon ran off and was never seen again (he actually went on a course to become a real dragon.)

Princess: What a handsome knight! My hero! Would you like a crisp?

George: Your welcome and Oh yes please, I love crisps.

Narrator: So George married the Princess and they ate lots of crisps together

The End

characters Adjectives Other adjectives Princess






Work in your groups and fi nd some alternative adjectives f or the diff erent charcters.

Take a look at this playscript again.Think how your play could be.

Discuss the characters and how they would behaveWhat they would say, and what is the basic plot.

Make groups.with your adjectives

Think about the scenes, how many are there? and the brief summary of the storyline.

Maybe think of a script for one of the scenes.Choose who will be which character.

prepare to act out a small sample.Don’t forget your narrator.

Art Activity

Work in your groups and design a poster Use link between Adjective and Shape,

Size and decoration for your lettering

Art Activity

Look at this painting of St George and answer theQuestions on the screen.You can work in pairs.

Investigating and talking about a Painting

The artist Rogier van der Weyden was born in 1400 and died 1464. He lived in Brussels and was a busy artist with many assistants and pupils. This painting is actually quite small, about the size of your hand and was painted with oil paints on to wood. The painting was completed around 1435. There is so much detail in the painting that experts think that the artist used a very fine brush and a magnifying glass to help him.

Art Activity

Looking at a painting

• Take a look at the following slide and take in the details.

• Think about the time it was painted when considering your answers.

• What is the Princess doing?• Describe what she is wearing?• What do you think the dragon

stands for?• What emblem tells you the

man on the horse is St. George?

• What is he doing?• Who do you think lives in the

castle?• Why are there bones and

skulls at the bottom of the picture?

• Can you see the two men on horses travelling to the castle?

History Activity

Look at the gap fill on facts to do with St George’s DaySee what the class can do first and then

Read through and help all to fill in.You can incorporate this into your performance.

St George’s day is on the …… of ………. He is the ………….. Saint of……………….

George was a …………….. who fought a ……………. and saved a …………….

The …………… for England is the ……….. …………..

The Flag for England is ………… with a ………….. ………………

Complete the fact sheet.

Dragon patron symbol red

England 23rd princess April knight red rose white cross

History – Questions on St George Text

Take a card and then look for your other half!


Use your questions to

Pick out the info

Komodo dragons - video


Questions whilst watching video

• Where is the zoo?• What is about to happen?• Why is it so amazing• How much do adults weigh?• How long can they live?• How many are left in the wild?• Where do they live?• What do they feed on in the zoo?

Not forgetting Infants• Of course all the above is meant for first, second

and third cycles of Primary but look at these activities and see what you think:-

Make a collage of the Dragon

Princess knight Make a comic strip using the kids art work

To make the story come to life.

use the adjectives to make labels for Your story

A Big Green Dragon

Make propsCrown, sword, sheild, mask