Term 4 Week 10 - Cerdon...

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Transcript of Term 4 Week 10 - Cerdon...


No. 19 Term 4 Week 10

A Message f rom the Pr inc ipa l Dear Parents, Staff and Students As the year draws to a close, may I take this opportunity to thank staff, parents and students for their support and co-operation. Much has been achieved by students this year in the classroom, in the Creative and Performing Arts and on the sports fields. It is extremely pleasing to see so many students constantly striving to ‘do their personal best’ in everything they undertake and also learning that they learn from their mistakes so that they continue to challenge themselves to keep developing their skills. As the 2013 academic year closes, I wish to thank all on the Cerdon College staff for the work they do with students. In particular we extend special thanks to Mrs Keran Dircks, our College Secretary who is retiring. We thank her for her 20 years of service to the College community, and wish her all the best in the next phase of her life. Cerdon College also bids farewell to Mrs Marilyn Cook, who is retiring from the staff after 16 years as a teacher in the TAS KLA. Cerdon College thanks Mrs Cook for all her work at the school over this time. We also farewell Ms Nicole Ellis-Windsor, our Teacher in Charge of Drama who leaves Cerdon after 9 years on the staff. Ms Ellis-Windsor leaves to take on a promotion position in an independent school. We thank Ms Ellis-Windsor for her work in building up the Drama Department and the Creative and Performing Arts at Cerdon. Cerdon also takes this opportunity to thank and acknowledge the service of the following teachers who are completing temporary appointments at the end of 2014. Mr David Toft (HSIE) - Returning to UK Ms Susan Jones (Science) - Returning to UK Miss Joanna Isip (TAS) - Taking up a part-time appointment Mrs Johanne Zyp (TAS) - Taking up a part-time appointment Ms Deidre Farrar (HSIE) - Taking up a permanent teaching appointment May joy be your gift this Christmas and Christ’s Peace and Hope follow you into the New Year.

Advent PrayerAdvent PrayerAdvent PrayerAdvent Prayer Jesus,

Master of both the light and the darkness, send your Holy Spirit upon our preparations for Christmas.

We who have so much to do, seek quiet spaces to hear your voice each day.

We who are anxious over many things, look forward to your comings among us. We who are blessed in so many ways,

long for the complete joy of your kingdom, We whose hearts are heavy, seek the joy of your presence.

We are your people walking in darkness, yet seeking the light.

To you we say, ‘Come Lord Jesus!’. Amen

Friday 13 December 2013




TERM 1 2014

Wednesday 29 January 2014

Year 7 Classes Commence Thursday 30 January 2014

Year 8-12 Classes Commence College Swimming Carnival

DIARY DATES Term 4 2013

Week 11

Monday 16-18 December Year 11 Assessment Period Monday 16 December Year 10 Prefect Training Tuesday 17 December

Year 7-9 Liturgies and Presentation Assemblies Wednesday 18 December HSC Results Released Year 7-9 Picnics Last Day Term 4

Thursday 19 December Staff Development Day HSC Morning Tea 10:30 am

Friday 20 December Staff Development Day

Last Day 2013 School Year

Unclaimed Uniform Items

There are a number of uniform items in the lost property at the office.

Many of these items have not been labelled and have remained unclaimed for a long period of time.

These items will be disposed of at the end of this year, so if your daughter has anything missing, please make sure she checks the lost property at the office without delay.

Thank you

God Bless Mrs Patricia BakerMrs Patricia BakerMrs Patricia BakerMrs Patricia Baker PrincipalPrincipalPrincipalPrincipal

P A G E 2

Melissa Aoun 8G27, Emily Banks 8G25 Marianne Chemuel 10F19, Simone Cheuanghane 10F24

Shantelle Dang 10F22, Brittney Daoud 8G25 Tahlia Del Principe 7E9, Yi Jun Mojie Ding 8G27 Esther Duruchukwu 10F24, Elizabeth Elias 7E7

Michelle Elias 10F24, Tiana El-Ters 7E7 Hayley Fisher 8G25, Emily Galea 7E8

Mikaela Hanna 8G27, Brooke Iannello 11F11 Holly Ibrahim 7E10, Samantha Jabour 7E7

Pamela Kahwajy 10F22, Evanna Kamal 11F14 Nikhita Kaur 8GL3, Joel Khaouli 7E5

Catherine Le 10F20, Dorothea Noone 11F16 Summer-Cheyenne Phillips 7E5, Lauren Smith 8G24

Cindy Thach 10F22, Anna Tran 10F19 Kristy Trinh 11F12, Deanna Uremovic 8KL6

Julie Vo 10F21, Rebecca Watson 7E6 Christine Yau 7G23, Carissa Zajac 7E10

Co-ordinator’s Awards

Monday 20th January 9:00 am—3:00 pm Tuesday 21st January 9:00 am—3:00 pm Wednesday 22nd January 9:00 am—3:00 pm Thursday 23rd January 9:00 am—3:00 pm Friday 24th January 9:00 am—3:00 pm Monday 27th January CLOSED Tuesday 28th January 9:00 am—3:00 pm Wednesday 29th January 9:00 am—3:00 pm

College Uniform Shop Regular Trading Hours

TERM 1 AND TERM 4 Monday and Wednesday

8:00 am—2:00 pm

TERM 2 AND TERM 3 Monday

8:00 am—2:00 pm Telephone enquiries can be made to the College Uniform Shop during opening hours on 8724 7329.

College Uniform Shop Extended Trading Hours 2014

Regular Trading Hours as of Monday 3 February 2014

Enrichment @ Cerdon

The Year 11 Cerdon College Knowledge Challenge Last week Cerdon’s Library hosted the last Knowledge Challenge for the year! After an intense assessment period, students in Year 11 took the opportunity to release some stress and participate in the fast buzzer rounds which test their knowledge of all their Key Learning Area subjects as well as sport, entertainment and current affairs. Congratulations to all the Year 11 girls who participated in the Challenge. The final battle this year was a close contest between the former Year 10 winners Marcellin, and McOscar. The competition was exciting and both teams were worthy winners. Congratulations to Narirac Fraser, Hannei Khalil, Andrea Mizzi and Mymy Tran from McOscar for making the final. A special congratulations to Nicole El Turk, Gillian Kayrooz, Dorothea Noone, Olga Zerefos from Marcellin for winning the challenge and retaining their title of ‘CCKC Champions’ for another year! A final note about the Cerdon College Knowledge Challenge… As this is the final challenge for the year, I would like to take this opportunity to thank all the staff members who so willingly assist with every challenge; whether it be with preparing their teams, compering, scoring, judging, writing questions, setting up and dismantling the library, even shopping for sweets…each and every contribution goes a long way to making the challenge the success it has become. A special thank you is also extended to all the students who have participated so knowledgeably and enthusiastically in the challenges this year…even as audience members. I hope that you all enjoyed the experience and look forward to more challenges next year! Mrs S Agius Enrichment Co-ordinator

P A G E 3 N O . 1 9 T E R M 4 W E E K 1 0

PDHPE and Sport Report PDSSSC Blues Awards Congratulations to Emma Cleary, Ellen Martin, Jessica Micallef and Jessica Stanton, who were presented with a PDSSSC Blues Award

at the 2013 Parramatta Diocese Sports Awards evening. The award recognised exceptional achievement and performance in their chosen sports. The presentation was held on Tuesday November 19th at Bowman Hall, Blacktown. It is fantastic to see our students being acknowledged amongst the best athletes in Catholic Schools in the Parramatta region.

Congratulations on your outstanding achievements in 2013. Emma Cleary – Vigoro and Softball Ellen Martin – Diving Jessica Micallef – Softball

Jessica Stanton – Gymnastics Gymnastics

Congratulations to Jessica Stanton on her recent efforts at the Australian National Clubs Gymnastics Championships. The Championships took place from November 7th to 21st in Geelong, Victoria. Her Level 10 Team placed 2nd overall,

finishing 1st on Bars and Beam, 2nd on Vault and 3rd on Floor. These are outstanding results and Jessica is to be congratulated on a fine year in the sport of gymnastics.

PDSSSC Softball Champions

After being postponed twice due to poor weather conditions, the PDSSSC Softball Gala Day finally took place on Wednesday December 4th at Surveyors Creek Softball Facility, Glenmore Park. We had two teams

compete in the Junior competition and both teams performed very well. It was Cerdon White who were able to overcome Xavier Catholic College Llandilo and our very own Cerdon Blue to emerge as champions on the

day. Congratulations to those students in the Cerdon White team for their success on the day, but also to Cerdon Blue who played to the best of their ability and were very competitive on the day.

Cerdon White: Alicia Allan, Kaitlin Allan, Melissa Barron, Gemma Curtis, Claire Duffy, Emilee McNaught, Mallory Morrell, Lara Sahyoun, Lauren Smith, Channelle Succar, Briana Titmuss,

Julia Achmar, Alexandra Boutoubia and Rachael Vella

Cerdon Blue: Gabriela Badrov, Rochelle Cohen, Melanie Conlon, Bianca Frasca-Villagran, Emily Furtado, Kate Hughes, Georgia

Kalisperis, Claudia Ong, Mikayla Ozols, Shiarna Tarasenko, Rebecca Watson, Vanessa Madeleine, Louise O’Neill.

I would like to congratulate Mrs Deegan and Miss Herrera for their astute coaching and preparation of the squads. Year 9 PASS Camp On Thursday and Friday December 5th and 6th, the three Year 9

PASS classes embarked on the annual Outdoor Recreation camp. This year the students attended Cataract Scout Park, a purpose built outdoor education facility with many exciting activities for

the students to participate in. The students were required to erect their own tents and took part in initiative games, caving, an army style obstacle course, a giant swing and rock climbing. The

students clearly enjoyed themselves and participated in all activities with enthusiasm. It was also great to see our students approach the activities in a mature manner and listen intently to

instructions from the group leaders. The students were also required to cook their own food on the camp and the staff were very impressed with the gourmet foods that were prepared by the

students. Aside from some high winds on day one, we were blessed with warm weather for most of the camp, which was pleasing. Overall, it was a very successful camp with students

gaining knowledge about preparing for the challenges that can be faced in the outdoors so that activities can be participated in safely for the enjoyment of all.

I would like to thank Miss Brewer for her assistance in the organisation of the camp and to Ms Mahrous, Miss Parker and Miss Soo for accompanying the students on the camp. Mr R Zammit

PDHPE/Sport Co-ordinator

Upcoming EventsUpcoming EventsUpcoming EventsUpcoming Events January 30 2014 School Swimming Carnival

Catholic Education Office News Executive Director’s Summer Reading Challenge

Read to learn...Read for fun...Read to win Read 10 or more age-appropriate books during the summer holidays to go into the draw to win one of four iPad Minis. Entries close Friday 7 February 2014. Enter online http://www.parra.catholic.edu.au/summer-reading-challenge See Terms & Conditions.

School Zone Reminder to all Families A reminder to all our parents ahead of the break at the end of Term 4 that school zones

remain in place for the safety of our children and families. School zones operate on all gazetted schools days, which are all days the school is open,

even pupil free days. School zones for our school will end on 20 December 2013 and resume on 28 January

2014. For most NSW Catholic schools, school zones operate as normal until (and include) Friday 20 December and resume on Tuesday 28 January 2014. NOTE: Double Demerits Points over the Christmas period will apply from Friday 20 December 2013 to Wednesday 1 January 2014 inclusive. Since Friday 20 December is a gazetted school day, Double Demerit Points will apply on this day in all school zones in NSW, whether students are present or not.


Term 1 2014 Diary Dates Week 0

Monday 27 January Australia Day Public Holiday

Tuesday 28 January Staff Development Day Wednesday 29 January Year 7 Commence

Thursday 30 January Year 8-12 Commence Swimming Carnival Friday 31 January

Classes Resume (Day 10) Week 1

Monday 3 February ID Photos P1 – Year 7 & new students

Week 2 Monday 10 February P&F Meeting 7pm

Year 7 EMU Parent Workshop 7:00 pm Wednesday 12 February

Opening Mass Year 12 Getting of Wisdom P5-6 Year 11 Information Evening 7pm

Week 3 Monday 17 February

Year 12 Information Evening 7pm Friday 21 February

Round 1 CSDA Public Speaking Week 4

Monday 24 February Year 10 Information Assembly P1

Thursday 27 February Year 11 and 12 Geography Fieldwork Camp

Friday 28 February Year 11 and 12 Geography Fieldwork Camp

Round 2 CSDA Public Speaking Week 5

Monday 3 and Tuesday 4 March Year 11 PDHPE Camp Wednesday 5 March Ash Wednesday - Liturgy

Friday 7 March Year 10 Geography Site Study CSDA Public Speaking Final

Week 6 Monday 10 to Friday 14 March

Catholic Schools Week Tuesday 11 March Open Night 4 – 7pm Thursday 13 March Year 7 Immunisation Friday 14 March

School Cross Country Week 7

Monday 17 March Year 7 Information Evening 7pm

Feast of St Patrick Wednesday 19 March Feast of St Joseph

Week 8 Thursday 27 March Staff Development Day

Friday 28 March Year 12 Exams Commence Round 1 CSDA Debating Year 10 History Excursion

Week 9 Thursday 3 April Year 7 Camp Friday 4 April Year 7 Camp

Year 11 Drama Production (Assessment Event) 7pm Round 2 CSDA Debating

Saturday 5 April Year 11 Drama Production (Assessment Event) 7pm

Week 10 Friday 11 April

Year 12 Exams Conclude Easter Liturgies

Last Day Term 1