Term 2 Edition 15 June 26th 2014 The Overport Times

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Transcript of Term 2 Edition 15 June 26th 2014 The Overport Times

Dear Parents, Guardians and Students,,


This time last Thursday, teachers were preparing their rooms for our Open

Night. It was a cold night, but one which was thoroughly enjoyed by everyone

who came along. It was wonderful to have so many members of our Overport

school community take the time to come and see the variety of presentations

throughout the school. Many, many passports were stamped, and put into the

entry box, but there could only be 3 winners, whose names were drawn at

assembly last Monday. Congratulations to Jack (Prep A), Caleb (2B) and

Archer (Prep A), who took a small prize home with them. We certainly would

like to thank Mrs Lori Frowd for her organisation of this event, and all staff for

their energy and input into making it such a successful night.

As mentioned in last week’s newsletter, our assemblies will now run on a

fortnightly basis, alternating between area and whole school assemblies. We

will start off the term in week 1 with area assemblies. Week 2, and each even

numbered week from then on, will be whole school assemblies in the hall. All

area assemblies will be held in the following locations: P-2 in the hall, Yr 3/4’s

at the Yr 5 end of the TLC and Yr 5/6’s at the Yr 6 end of the TLC. All of these

assemblies will take place from 2.30pm on Mondays.

All students and families are again reminded that according to our Uniform

Policy, shoes worn to school must be predominantly black or white. Please be

aware of this if you are replacing shoes for school during the school holidays.

Semester one reports have been prepared by our teaching staff, and are currently

being collated. These reports will be sent home to parents at the beginning of

next term; Wednesday 16th July. The opportunity to meet with teachers will take

place during the following week: Tuesday 22nd and Wednesday 23rd July. Please

make sure you visit the online booking site to secure a meeting time.

www.schoolinterviews.com.au The booking code to use is ADLBS. These

meetings are now designed to include your child, so make sure you select a time

when they can come along with you. The purpose behind this is to actively

involve all those who are involved in a students learning journey: parents,

teachers and students. A 3 way conversation centred on each child’s

achievements will provide a great opportunity for celebration and

encouragement for future learning.

This week 5 Year 10 students from Frankston High School have been with us

for a week of work experience. We thank Stephanie, Kate, Sara, Alyda and

Yerim for the wonderful job they have done assisting throughout the school,

and wish them well in the future.

The Overport Times

Term 2 Edition 15 June 26th 2014

Overport Primary School T 97838777 F 9783 8702 E overport.ps@edumail.vic.gov.au W www.overport-ps.vic.edu.au

Diary Dates

Tomorrow -

Friday 27th June

School finishes at


Monday 14th July

First day Term 3

Tuesday 5th August

Pupil Free Day


11th September

Whole School Production

From the Principal’s Desk

…..Continued overleaf

Second hand


Did you know the school


Second hand


We would welcome your

donation of any clean,

useable, second hand

uniforms. Please deliver

to the office for us to

resell to our school


Don’t Forget





HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! Happy Birthday to the children

who have celebrated their birthdays this week.

Bel 2A, Emily 4A, Seth 6A,

Shaun OPA, Isaac 1B, Jotom 2C, Kaleb 3/4C, Charlotte 5A,

Kendall 3A,

Nikesha 2A, & Leila 3B.

With the school holidays upon us, this is a re-

minder for students to stay ‘cyber safe’. Stu-

dents, particularly senior students, are likely to

communicate with friends using social media.

I would encourage parents to monitor their

usage, and be as aware as you can of the topics

and tone of these conversations. You, as the

parent, are able to remove these devices from

your children if you feel they are using this

form of communication inappropriately.


5th AUGUST. Extend is planning to open their

program on that day, so please contact them if

you will be requiring childcare.

Have a fantastic holiday everyone, stay safe,

and see you in two weeks’ time.

Deborah Madder

Assistant Principal

Canteen News

TOMORROW — Friday June 27th

Canteen Closed

Term 3

Monday July 14th & Tuesday July 15th

Counter sales morning recess only

Wednesday July 16th Canteen open for lunch orders & counter


Thank you to everyone who has supported

the canteen this term through our Meal

Deals, lunch orders and counter sales.

Happy Holidays,

Monica Champion

Student Banking

Reminder to all families that

student banking is every


Student banking

information packs are

available from the office.


With a classic fairy-tale setting, loads of exciting and hilarious roles to play, a variety of entertaining musical numbers and a plot full of mystery and adventure, this show has it all!

It begins in the Misty Forest, where a girl is sleeping all alone. But when she wakes, nothing looks familiar to her. She can’t remember anything — not where she’s from, how she got here or even her own name!

She embarks on a journey to discover her identity and meets several fairy-tale characters along the

way — Hansel and Gretel, Rumpelstiltskin, Goldilocks and the Three Bears, Snow White and the Seven Dwarves, Cinderella and Rapunzel to name a few.

Some are helpful, some are dangerous and some are just plain weird, but all have information to help our young girl eventually realize her true identity as a princess.

As with any good fairy tale, there’s also a prince! He’s desperate to find the princess, but he’s always

one step behind and inadvertently rescues and wins the hearts of all the wrong princesses! A rocking

musical score adds even more fun to new takes on the stories everyone loves.

The Department of Education & Overport Primary School does not endorse the products or services of any private advertiser. No responsibility is accepted by the Department of Education or Overport Primary School for accuracy of information contained in advertisement or claims made by them.


Extend OSHC at Overport Primary School

Overport newsletter week10

Wow, what a term it has been. All

the fun times that were had by all the children as well as

the staff.

Last week the children had fun playing uno nearly every

night with different winners with all the games played.

Outside play was a must when the weather was not so

cold. Soccer was the game of choice and fun was had by

everyone playing the game.

I would like to wish everyone a safe and happy holiday

and will see everyone bright and early back at school on


Next week’s activities starting: 14th July

Monday- Winter wonderland

Tuesday- Origami

Wednesday- paper plate snowman

Thursday – penguins

Friday- snowflakes

Regards, Kelly

These certificates are awarded at assembly each week for children who have excelled

in an academic or social endeavour throughout the previous week.

Evie OPA, Sara OPB,

Isabella OPC, Charr OPD, Aleshia 1A, Sammy 1B, Grace 1C, Aina 2A, Jackson 2B, Temira 2C, Kegan 3A,

Olivia 3B, Melvin 3/4C,

Janet 4A, Christie 4B,

Matt K. 5A, Tyler 5B, Gustav 5C,

Khiel 6A, Lucy 6B

& Taylor 6C.