Tennis time

Post on 24-Jan-2015

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Transcript of Tennis time

Tennis Time

Once upon a time there was a tennis player. Her name was Jammie Stanic. She was from Australia.One day she had to play against the world number 1 in the final. Jammie was world number 2. Nearly everyones favourite Australian tennis player was Jammie.When it was time to walk out onto the court, Jammie looked very worried. Jammie won the toss and selected to serve.The game started off very easily for Jammie. She won the first set.But the second set was when the disaster struck. Jasmine Rodger took the lead. The score was Stanic 1 0 Rodger 0 5. Everyone was going wild. Later on in the game when Rodger had won the 2nd set Stanic took the lead. Stanic was serving. “40-love,” the umpire said. Stanic severed and won the point. “Stanic leads 1 game to love. Then it was Rodger’s turn to serve, when Jammie had won the 3rd set. Rodger lost nearly every point in the last set.

“YAY!!!!!!” exclaimed the croued, Jammie had won!!! The final score was Rodger 1 Stanic 3.Then in the change rooms Jammie and her coach threw a party and invited any people who went for Jammie and were at the game or who watched the game on tv and went for Jammie.Jammie was so amazed so From then on Jammie won every match they played.