Tennis Playing Techniques That Suits The Court surface

Post on 18-Feb-2017

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Transcript of Tennis Playing Techniques That Suits The Court surface

Tennis Playing Techniques That Suits The Court Surface

It also played in indoors and


Each surface plays differently and one must adapt their game to get success …

Clay Court Technical Game

Strategy ..

Clay Courts allows extreme grip as the

ball bounces higher …

Clay courts provide more secure serve with

heavy topspin……………

Clay court supports baseline player and specially defensive

baseline tactics that help a player to become the toughest

opponent for others..

The players of clay court generate drop shot as

offensive tactic for winning the game…….


The fastest surface and always favors to powerful

and aggressive players….

It rewards the players by giving the best spin, flat and fast counter punching ground strokes…

Grass courts Technical Game Strategy :

Grass court is an unpredicted surface for players…..

A slippery surface that makes the player to take more

precautions while taking steps..

The player can follow slice serve technique as the ball bounces low and skids …

The powerful groundstrokes and shorter backswings, drop

shots are the needed serve tactics for grass court…

The Most Important Match Strategies ….

A player should always develop his/her own strategy

for every game…

The strategy always takes into count some factors like

I. The player’s strength

II. The opponent’s style of play

III. The environment

Play percentage tennis

Keep the ball in play

Analyze opponent’s


Always maintain pressure on opponent

Use your strength