Ten Presentation Tips for Movie Lovers

Post on 25-May-2015

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Transcript of Ten Presentation Tips for Movie Lovers


Craft a thoughtful plan based on what you want the audience to achieve. Do this in a setting where you feel creative. The garden. The shower. The coffee shop. Anywhere but the computer.

The Godfather, 1972

Revise your speech. Make it half as long. Keep trimming the message until it’s blood simple.

A River Runs Through It, 1992

Napoleon Dynamite, 2004

Steve Jobs rehearses tirelessly for his presentations. That’s why they look so effortless. There are no shortcuts: Great presentations take lots and lots of practice.

American Psycho, 2000

Why distract your audience? Keep a clean desktop that’s free of background images, application shortcuts, folders and files.

Multiplicity, 1996

If you’re using slides, keep a second copy on a flash drive. And a third copy online somewhere. You never know, you know?

Sideways, 2004

When you don’t really care much about your topic, it shows. Your audience can smell a phony a mile away.

Here’s a great way to avoid making mistakes when presenting software: Visualize every keyboard and mouse movement before you start clicking away.

Searching for Bobby Fischer, 1993

Memento, 2000

Attempting to memorize an entire speech word for word is a tall order. Don’t be afraid to keep visual cues handy.

Great things happen when you loosen up and enjoy yourself.

Real Genius, 1985

After all the planning and preparation, after all the writing and rehearsing... you should have no trouble believing in your ability.

Fright Night, 1985

You’re going to give a game-changing presentation.


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