Ten Best Practices for Teaching Online

Post on 05-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Ten Best Practices for Teaching Online

Ten Best Practices for Teaching Online

by Jose Antonio da Silva

Source Designing for Learning http://www.designingforlearning.info/services/writing/ecoach/tenbest.html

A successful virtual class is inhabited by a present facilitator and motivated tutees who create a supportive learning community.

Online learning is just as intensive as face to face and so are e-learners expectations. So, if tutors provide opportunities for group and individual work, learners will feel challenged and rewarded.

Synchronous and asynchronous activities are ways to allow learners to engage in different ways with the course. They are also great opportunities to get informal feedback.

To keep students learning, you should “ Prepare Discussion Posts that Invite Questions, Discussions, Reflections and Responses”

Students expect to learn anywhere, at any place, and at any time. Having this in mind, online courses should focus on content resources that are easily accessed combining core concept learning with customized and personalized learning.

A good closing activity helps reduce end of course stress and creates a calming atmosphere.

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