Temple emanu-el - Constant...

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Transcript of Temple emanu-el - Constant...

Temple emanu-el providence, Rhode Island | 2017–5777

August 5, 2017 | 13 Av 5777

Etz Hayim, Page 1005

1st Aliyah Deuteronomy Chapter 3 verses 23–25

2nd Aliyah Deuteronomy Chapter 3/4 verses 26–4

3rd Aliyah verses 5–14

4th Aliyah verses 15–20

5th Aliyah verses 21–40

6th Aliyah verses 41–49

7th Aliyah Deuteronomy Chapter 5 verses 1–18

Maftir Deuteronomy 5:16–5:18 Page 1020

Haftarah Isaiah 40:1–40:26 Page 1033

Minhah/Ma’ariv Service – 7:55 p.m.

Havdalah – 8:38 p.m.

parashat Va-ethannan

Services this Shabbat

Sanctuary ServiceMain SanctuaryRabbi Wayne FranklinRabbi Rachel ZerinCantor Brian Mayer

Mazal TovMazal Tov to Carolyn Myrus and her family on her becoming a Bat Mitzvah this morning. Thank you to the Caplan-Myrus family for sponsoring the kiddush in honor of Carolyn.

At Temple Emanu-El, we seek to fashion an atmosphere of peace and tranquility on the Sabbath. To help create this environment throughout the Temple, we refrain from writing, taking photographs, texting, and using cell phones. Please join us in observing these traditions as we make Shabbat a sacred experience for us all.

Tot ShabbatSisterhood Lounge Heather Dudley


New Temple Website Be sure to log in to your account on our updated website: www.teprov.org. Please add to or correct your personal infor-mation on your page. If you have any questions, contact Paul Stouber at 401.331.1616 or by email: pstouber@teprov.org

Visit Temple Emanu-El’s Rosen Library Visit Temple Emanu-El’s Rosen Library! New books every month! Open every day. Check out our online library catalog (http://tee.hl.scoolaid.net), or contact the librarian (jjasper@teprov.org) for help finding the perfect book for you!

Support Emanu-El Bring your East Side Marketplace receipts to the Temple. We receive 1% of all receipts. Last year we raised over $2,000 for the Temple!

Did you know you can also support the Temple by shopping on amazon.com? Simply go to smile.amazon.com, search for Temple Emanu-El in Providence, RI, and start shopping. There are no added fees!

Tara Watkins — Drop In Hours Tara Watkins will be having drop in hours Saturday, August 5, and Saturday, August 12, in the Temple Office from 11:00-2:00 P.M.

Greeters Needed for Upcoming YearIf you would like to be a greeter at service for the upcoming year, please email Marilyn Katz at katz288@verizon.net.

Here’s the good news: After years of effort, this spring both the RI House and Senate passed out of Judiciary Committee a bill to keep guns out of the hands of people convicted of misdemeanor domestic violence crimes. These important bills to protect domestic violence survivors were at long last headed to the House and Senate floors for votes by the full membership.

Now the bad news: When House Speaker Mattiello and Senate President Ruggerio had a last minute dispute over the state budget, the General Assembly recessed without voting on the bill, in addition to closing up shop without voting on a state budget. It is crucially im-portant that the General Assembly address this bill when it reconvenes to finish its work this year.

What you can do: Call the key legislators below and tell them, “Cur-rent RI law makes it too easy for dangerous domestic violence abusers, including those who are currently subject to protective orders, to access guns. Reconvene the full Senate and General Assembly right away so they can vote to pass House Bill 5510 and Senate Bill 405.”

Here’s how to contact them:

Call your RI Representative to the RI General AssemblyTo find who your representative is and how to contact her/him go to:http://www.rilegislature.gov/representatives/default.aspx

Call your RI State SenatorTo find who your state senator is, and how to contact her/him, go to:http://www.rilegislature.gov/senators/default.aspx

For more information about the details in the bills go to:http://www.ricagv.org/ourlegislation

Thank you! Temple Emanu-El’s Social Justice Committee

The Good and the Bad news Regarding Domestic Violence Bills — What You Can Do

House Speaker Mattiello401-222-2466Rep-mattiello@rilegislature.gov

Senate President Ruggerio401-222-6655Sen-ruggerio@rilegislature.gov

Deadline: Saturday, August 5

Additional subsidies available! Please email shosh@teprov.org for more infomation.

etched in Glass: The legacy of Steve Ross

As part of the Rhode Island International Film Festival, a film called “Etched in Glass: The Legacy of Steve Ross” will be shown on Sunday, August 13th at 2:20pm in the Woodman Family Community and Performance Center, on the campus of the Moses Brown School, 250 Lloyd Ave, Providence.

“Etched In Glass: The Legacy of Steve Ross” is the compelling, true story of survival, resilience and hope. Nine-year-old Steve, then Szmulek Rosenthal from Poland, was captured by the Nazis and endured 5 horrific years in 10 concentration camps. Upon his liberation from Dachau, an American soldier showed him kindness, which kindled his resilience, propelling him to dedicate his life to helping disadvantaged young people for over 40 years.

Steve was the driving force behind the iconic New England Holocaust Memorial on the Freedom Trail in Boston. All the while, he searched tirelessly for the soldier who changed the course of his life and the lives of hundreds, if not thousands, of people.

The film has been discussed in several international publications:The Times of Israel: http://www.timesofisrael.com/in-film-survi-vor-searches-for-us-soldier-who-liberated-him-at-dachau/ New York Times: https://www.nytimes.com/aponline/2017/06/08/us/ap-us-holocaust-survivor-film.html?_r=0Boston Globe: http://www.bostonglobe.com/metro/2017/06/08/film-about-dachau-survivor-explores-moment-with-weight-history/G523K2ImuqBgfAJdmRkvRJ/story.html

A link to the trailer for the film: https://vimeo.com/218843354

Tickets can be purchased at: http://www.brownpapertickets.com/event/3047190

The film will be followed by a question and answer session that will include members of Steve’s family and others related to this remarkable story. You can learn more about the film on the film-maker’s website: steverossfilm.org



Temple Emanu-El Suggests:In June, many temple members (and some non-temple members) came together one Shabbat morning to participate in our first “People of the Books: A Book Show-and-Tell.” Everyone shared one (or more) books that were meaningful to them. By popular acclaim, every so often one book from the event will be shared with the larger temple community. Enjoy. The Verskin family (esp. Alan) shared the following recommendation: Elijah’s Violin and Other Jewish Fairy Tales retold by Howard Schwartz and illustrated by Linda Heller (1983). In his words, this fairytale/folktale anthology gives the “real” folktales. It contains 36 tales, trans-lated into English but with the same demons, witches, emperors, rabbis, playfulness, and slightly adult situations of the originals. The author culled the stories from a wide range of sources and locations: Egypt, Babylon, India, Spain, Eastern Europe and more. Appropriate volume for adults and older children. Located in the adult folklore section (Adult Non-fiction; call-number: 185). In the words of Alan, there are two other anthologies by Howard Schwartz, but this is the best one.

New Books:Throughout the summer, look in the library for new books. They’ll be added to the New Book section as soon as they’ve been processed. \New books include: The Twentieth Century in Eretz Israel: A Pictorial History by Mordecia Naor, Our Haggadah: Uniting Traditions for Interfaith Families by Cokie and Steve Roberts, What is the Use of Jewish History? by Lucy S. Dawidowicz, Essential Torah by George Robinson, and many more! They’ll be new additions to the new book section every week!

New Section: Hebrew and Yiddish BooksWe now have two new sections! Yiddish Books and Hebrew Books (besides holy books, such as prayer books or the Talmud) will now be shelved in a separate area. We received a very generous donation of popular fiction books in Hebrew (both classic works, as well as trans-lated popular fiction David Baldacci). These sections are intended for native readers of Yiddish or Modern Hebrew as well as advanced students of the language that want to keep up their skill level. As always, translated classic works of Yiddish and Hebrew can be found in the general Adult Fiction section, as well as in the Adult Non-Fiction section in the 500s.

Toby liebowitz: Teaching Hebrew in poland

Our congregant and Temple officer, Toby Liebowitz, is teaching Hebrew this summer at the JCC in Krakow, Poland. For the first time in its history the JCC is offering such an Ulpan, an intensive summer Hebrew course.

Toby, who regularly teaches Hebrew in our Adult Institute, visited Poland last year with Rabbi Franklin and other congregants and has returned to Krakow as the JCC’s Ulpan instructor.

Robert Pelcovits President Rabbi Wayne M. Franklin Rabbi Rachel Zerin Cantor Brian J. Mayer Rabbi Alvan H. Kaunfer Rabbi Emeritus Paul Stouber Executive Director Ronni GuttinDirector of Education Shoshana Jacob Director of Youth and Family Programs Joshua Jasper Librarian