Tehran Bagh-e Melli (The National Garden)2

Post on 12-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Tehran Bagh-e Melli (The National Garden)2


Internet images

Bagh-e Melli (The National Garden) is a government compound where the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Iran, The National Museum of Iran, Malek National Museum, and the future National Museum of Post are located. It was for many years a big military parade ground, the Maidan-e-Mashq, but has now been built over.

Bagh-e Melli (Grădina Naţională) este un complex de clădiri oficiale destinate administrării guvernamentale, unde se află şi Ministerul Afacerilor Externe, Muzeul Naţional sau Muzeul şi biblioteca Naţională Malek. A fost timp de mulţi ani terenul pentru marile parade militare, Maidan-e-Mashq, dar a fost reorganizat în timpul dinastiei Pahlavi.

Bagh-e Melli (The National Garden)

• Ministry Of Foreign Affairs (1st Department)

• Malek National Library and Museum

Internet images

Bagh-e Melli (The National Garden) - Ministry Of Foreign Affairs (1st Department) Internet images

Bagh-e Melli (The National Garden)

Deeds and property registration organization

Here used to be a military area but when Reza Shah came to throne, he changed this place into the National Garden.

A few years later, some governmental buildings were built in the area but the name has remained up to now.

the old building of the Foreign Ministry from the Qajar era.

Now, Bagh-e Melli (The National Garden) is a government complex where the old building of Police office, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Iran, The National Museum of Iran, Malek National Library and Museum, the Iranian Research Centre for Conservation of Cultural Relics (RCCCR), and the National Museum of Post & telecommunication are located. The complex is located in central Tehran.

Bagh-e Melli (Grădina Naţională) este un complex de clădiri oficiale destinate administrării guvernamentale, unde se află şi Ministerul Afacerilor Externe, Muzeul Naţional sau Muzeul şi biblioteca Naţională Malek. A fost timp de mulţi ani terenul pentru marile parade militare, Maidan-e-Mashq, dar a fost reorganizat în timpul dinastiei Pahlavi.

Ministry Of Foreign Affairs (3Th Department), one of several buildings of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Bagh-e Melli Historical Complex (Meydan-e Mashgh), also a tourist attraction in Tehran, was built during the Qajar era. Achaemenid style structures were added during the Pahlavi era, architectural designs similar to those found at Persepolis to evoke the Persian Empire's extremely long history, and to hint at the Shah's plans to recreate ancient glories through the country's modernization.

Bagh-e Melli (Grădina Naţională) este un complex de clădiri oficiale destinate administrării guvernamentale, unde se află şi Ministerul Afacerilor Externe, Muzeul Naţional sau Muzeul şi biblioteca Naţională Malek. A fost timp de mulţi ani terenul pentru marile parade militare, Maidan-e-Mashq, dar a fost reorganizat în timpul dinastiei Pahlavi.

Iran's Ministry Of Foreign Affairs

Iran's Foreign Ministry

Iran's Foreign Ministry

Iran's Foreign Ministry

Iran's Foreign Ministry

Iran's Foreign Ministry

Iran's Foreign Ministry

Iran's Foreign Ministry

Iran's Foreign Ministry

Iran's Foreign Ministry

Majid Ghaznavi Sardare Bagh Melli

Text : Internet

Pictures: Sanda Foi oreanuş

Nicoleta Leu

Internet slide 2, 3, 4,33, 34Copyright: All the images belong to their authors

Presentation: Sanda Foi oreanuşwww.slideshare.net/michaelasanda

Sound: Farid Farjad - Mahali; Pari Kojai