TEETH AND GUMS: GENERAL VOL. 1 - Edgar Cayce · Teeth and Gums: General, Vol. 2 ... of an organism...

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Transcript of TEETH AND GUMS: GENERAL VOL. 1 - Edgar Cayce · Teeth and Gums: General, Vol. 2 ... of an organism...

Circulating File


A compilation of Extracts from the Edgar Cayce Readings

Edgar Cayce Readings Copyrighted by Edgar Cayce Foundation

1971, 1993-2008 All Rights Reserved

These readings or parts thereof may not be reproduced

in any form without permission in writing from the Edgar Cayce Foundation

215 67th Street Virginia Beach, VA 23451

Printed in U.S.A.


Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


Circulating Files are collections of verbatim quotes of what Edgar Cayce said during his readings on a given subject or, in some cases everything. We have medical circulating files which focus on the over 9,000 health-related readings with subjects from Acidity-Alkalinity to Weight Loss. We also have non-medical circulating files on a broad range of topics, for example Egypt: Sphinx, Pyramids, and Hall of Records, Fear and Its Far-Reaching Effects, Advice to Parents, Serving in Accord with Ideals, and Business Advice.

Each circulating file is simply a collection of reading quotes or full readings given for different individuals on a similar subject or disease. The A.R.E. cannot and does not suggest treatments for physical ailments nor make claims about the effectiveness of the therapies. We encourage anyone working with the health readings to do so under a doctor's care and advice.

The circulating files support the research aspect of the Cayce work. We appreciate any feedback informing us of progress made in improving one’s life or achieving good health by applying suggestions given in the readings. Please send any feedback (testimonies, experiences, results, etc.) to:

Library: Circulating File Desk A.R.E. 215 67th St Virginia Beach VA 23451 Or e-mail: CirculatingFiles@edgarcayce.org

Please note: The complete Edgar Cayce Readings are available through the members only section of our web site, EdgarCayce.org or on CD-ROM.

Some circulating files contain commentaries or summaries written by physicians. These reports are to be used as a basis for further research in the form of controlled studies, and should not be misinterpreted to be either a refutation or an endorsement by the doctor. Referral doctors wanting to borrow a file for an extended period may do so by writing to the Library: Circulating File Desk.

Our hope is that through the Cayce readings you will find the wholeness and oneness which is God's plan for us.

Blessings, A.R.E. Member Services Team

There are in truth no incurable conditions…. 3744-2

This Circulating File consists of the Edgar Cayce psychic readings on teeth and gums. The information is not intended for self-diagnosis nor self-treatment. Please consult a qualified health care professional before following any advice contained within this file. Articles may be included because the information supports the remedies and therapies described in the Edgar Cayce readings or are of a helpful nature. Their inclusion does not imply endorsement or recommendation. Before following any advice contained in the articles, please seek the counsel of your doctor.


Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


Teeth and Gums: General Vol. 1

Contents Pages

A. Introduction to the Edgar Cayce Readings on Health and Healing 5

B. Commentary on Dental Care 9

C. Teeth and Gums: Anesthesia 10

Astrology: Dentistry 18

Bridges 20

Cataracts 21

Cycles 21

Dentistry 21

Diet 34

Enamel 59

Exercise 63

Extraction 64

Extraction After Effects 78

Fillings, Inlays 79

Grinding 80

Grow New? 82

D. Related Circulating Files and Research Bulletins*: Dentistry Ipsab Formula Pyorrhea, Vol. 1 & 2 Teeth and Gums: General, Vol. 2 Teeth and Gums: Glands

E. Related Articles: “Mercury – Playing With Poison” 83 “Mercury in Fillings a Hazard” 87

(continued on the next page)

* Circulating Files & Research Bulletins are available from A.R.E. membership services at (800) 333-4499 or: http://www.edgarcayce.org/circulating_files.asp


Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


E. Related Articles (continued): “Oral Health: More Than a Pretty Smile” 89 “Invisible Illnesses, Dental Health Connection” 91 “The Mouth Is the Window to the Sole” 93


Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


Introduction to the Cayce Readings on Health and Healing

No matter what illness or ailment concerns us, certain basic principles about

health and healing are relevant. These are the premises upon which all of the Cayce health information rests. For those who would like to make a more careful study of these basic principles, the recommended Circulating File is entitled Principles of Healing. Here, in essence, are the ideas found in that file. They may prove to be very useful to your study of the specific ailment that requires healing for you.

The first fundamental idea about healing requires that we maintain a creative balance between two principles:

1. All healing comes from the infinite - that is, from attunement and harmony with our spiritual source. The infinite is just as accessible and available in the visible, physical world as it is in the invisible realm.

2. At the same time, each person must take responsibility for his or her own healing process. No one can simply sit back and wait passively for healing to occur. This second principle - the need for self-responsibility - can take many forms.

For example, healing requires attunement, and no one knows better than ourselves exactly what has gotten us out of attunement. Often, if we look closely at our lives, we can see (without needing a gifted medical clairvoyant such as Edgar Cayce) what's causing our illness.

To illustrate self-responsibility further, the human body has a marvelous, innate drive to heal itself, but we've got to do our part to help. A broken bone will naturally try to mend; however, the fracture needs to be set properly for the healing to be complete and effective. Cayce stresses the healing ability of the body:

Remember, the body does gradually renew itself constantly. Do not look upon the conditions which have existed as not being able to be eradicated from the system. . . Hold to that KNOWLEDGE - and don't think of it as just theory - that the body CAN, the body DOES renew itself! 1548-3

Another important principle relates to energy medicine, a new field for which Edgar Cayce was a pioneer. His readings consistently speak of the roles played by vibrations or vibratory forces - right down to the level of individual atoms. According to Cayce, there is a type of consciousness that exists in each atom. Although most of the passages about the atomic physics of healing seem rather esoteric, it might be easier to follow the analogy of the attunement of a stringed musical instrument. A violin or piano that is out of tune makes sour, discordant music - symbolic of disease or illness. Just as a skilled musician can bring the instrument back into attunement, we experience healing when our vibrations - right down to the atomic level - are adjusted in a correct manner. In essence, all healing is bringing the vibrations into harmony from within.

Balance among body, mind, and spirit is another key to Cayce's philosophy of healing. For healing to be complete and lasting, we must recognize and meet the needs of each of these three levels. Virtually no illness or disease can be treated successfully at only one of these three levels.

What's more, Cayce affirms that the human body will naturally stay healthy - and even rejuvenate itself - if a kind of internal balance can be maintained. “Dis-


Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


ease” starts when one part of the body draws energy from another part. One portion of an organism may become overcharged with the creative life force, while another portion becomes undernourished. The result is a gradual disintegration of the body and the onset of illness.

The opposite of this sort of disintegration is rejuvenation. The readings assert that we are continuously rebuilding our bodies. Within any seven-year period, each cell is replaced. If we'll allow it, our bodies will transform any problem and resuscitate any condition. But our ingrained habits usually block this healing potential - the habits of action and, even more potent, the habits of mind.

What role do drugs and medicine play in the healing process? Cayce's philosophy clearly sees a place for them, but warns of misunderstanding how they work and of expecting more of them than is possible. Any healing method attempts to create an experience of oneness, in hopes of then stimulating a similar response in the body. For some people in some situations, a drug may be the best way to accomplish this - just as in other cases surgery may be the best way to stimulate healing. Medicines can be a practical application of the one life force. Occasionally they must be very potent in their reactions in order to get the patient through an acute illness. But Cayce from time to time encouraged people to consider the herbal formulas he recommended to be tonics and stimulants, rather than medicines.

The dangerous side of medicines is their potential to diminish the body's own healing work. This is what Cayce alluded to when he warned about “palliatives” that deceive the soul with half-truths and temporary relief. It's also what he meant when he warned that we shouldn't come to rely on any condition outside of ourselves that could be assimilated by the body inwardly. All of this is to say, take the medications prescribed by the physician you trust. Keep in mind this thought: what those chemicals can do is temporarily - and somewhat artificially - give your body an experience of greater oneness.

Healing that really takes hold and lasts must come from changing one's inner consciousness and vibration. That happens most effectively from consistent and persistent human effort (that is, engaging one's desires, purposes, and will) - something that pills all too easily allow us to skip.

These have been long-standing. Do not take the treatments just a few days, or even a few weeks, and expect to be well - and then revert to old conditions. But be consistent and persistent! Have periods when these will be taken (that is, ALL of those things indicated) for two, three to four weeks. Then rest by leaving them off a week. And then be just as patient and just as persistent as though you were beginning all over again. 976-1

Cayce's healing philosophy includes other insights that can help us avoid misunderstanding. For example, one principle states that the best treatment procedures sometimes cause a temporary worsening of conditions. If we didn't recognize this possibility, we might give up just before the benefits begin to appear. A closely related principle states that when a body is re-establishing its attunement, it tends to be more sensitive. Again, if we misunderstand that heightened sensitivity, we might not see the good that is slowly being effected.

The mind is a focus of other healing principles. The unconscious mind plays a role in many illnesses and diseases. One example of this is the karmic factor in health problems. Memories from previous incarnations, stored in the soul mind, can


Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


trigger problems in the body. Of course, we shouldn't go so far as to suppose that every health challenge has past-life roots; nevertheless, the perspective of reincarnation can help us understand what we could possibly be dealing with as we seek healing.

The familiar Cayce axiom, “Mind is the builder,” leads us to wonder exactly which attitudes and emotions best foster healing. The readings emphasize several:

Self-acceptance. As we rid ourselves of self-condemnation, we make room for healing forces to enter.

Optimism and hope. We're encouraged to expect healing. Patience. It's much easier and quicker to destroy health than it is to rebuild it.

We need to be willing to patiently invest whatever time is required. Alongside these specific attitudes and emotions, we're invited to use the

creative potential of visualization to stimulate our own healing. The mind's image-making capacity can be directed in such a way that we “see” the healing transformation taking place. This is not something that's accomplished in a single visualization session. Like all the Cayce health-promoting approaches, it requires persistence and works best in conjunction with other healing methods.

Perhaps the most important principle of the mind's relationship to healing concerns purposefulness. A person can experience temporarily an outer healing - that is, in the physical body only - yet still be spiritually sick. What cures the soul? A commitment to a purposeful life. Not just any purpose, but instead one that reflects care for other people.

On occasion a reading from Cayce would pose this question to the person who was ill: What would you do with your life if you were healed?

What would the body be healed for? That it might gratify its own physical appetites? That it might add to its own selfishness? Then (if so) it had better remain as it is. . . But first the change of heart, the change of mind, the change of purpose, the change of intent. 3124-2

The position of Cayce's psychic source was simply this: Why correct the physical condition unless there's also going to be an inner correction? People who are looking for both inner and outer healing are the best candidates for restored health and vitality. In Cayce's philosophy, healing should equip us to be more useful to others.

With this ideal of service in mind, we might also wonder just how we can be channels of healing to others. What principles govern our efforts to be healers to those for whom we have concern? One principle is based on the spiritual connections that exist between all people. It states that as we bring the experience of oneness into our own consciousness, it can profoundly help someone else experience oneness, attunement, and healing. Cayce's way of putting it was, “...raising the Christ Consciousness in self to such an extent as it may flow out of self to him thou would direct it to.” (281-7)

For this to be most effective, the recipient must desire such help and have requested healing prayer. Of course, we can always pray for someone, even if that individual hasn't asked us. But it's important that we not assume we know what's needed in any person's life. For one who hasn't specifically asked for prayer, we can simply offer prayers of protection and blessing, rather than try to direct healing energies to that person or for a specific condition.


Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


It is also important to remember that each reading was given for an individual. It must be emphasized that no suggested treatments for any particular ailments should be "lifted" from any individual reading and tried by another individual except under the supervision of and with the cooperation of a physician or licensed health care professional. However, there were many suggestions that were given over and over, and these can be studied to find how they apply to ourselves. These healing principles can be grouped in four categories that referred to as CARE. Circulation – moving the blood around the body through therapies such as

massage or spinal manipulation Assimilation – encouraging the body to pull the proper nutrients from the food by

eating the proper foods and in the proper combinations Relaxation – taking time to rest and let the body recuperate and counterbalance the

daily activities Elimination – removing the waste products from the body through therapies such as

sweats, colonics, and fume baths

For more information about CARE and recommendations on the lifestyle described in the readings, please see Dr. Harold J. Reilly’s Handbook for Health. There are also many verbatim collections of the readings in other Circulating Files, Research Bulletins, and Treatment Plans for individual diseases which may be purchased through Customer Service at 800-333-4499.

The A.R.E. is interested in having all the material in the health readings reviewed by physicians and health care professionals who also provide summaries of their findings in the hope that the information may prove beneficial to others. When time and finances permit it is planned to have all the information in the health readings read by one or more physicians and the subject matter summarized. Please send any feedback to

Library: Circulating File Desk A.R.E. 215 67th St Virginia Beach VA 23451 Or e-mail: CirculatingFiles@edgarcayce.org

To obtain health items mentioned in the readings, contact our official worldwide distributor, Baar Products at 800-269-2502 or Baar.com.

We do not advocate a do-it-yourself process. Please seek out the advice of a health professional before implementing any recommendation.

In summary, the Cayce readings remind us that our natural state is wholeness and health. An innate wisdom within ourselves knows what's needed for healing. We should expect to get well, and we should be willing to do our part to make it possible. “Those that expect little of the Lord receive little; those that expect much receive much - if they live it!” 1424-1 Blessings, A.R.E. Member Services Team


Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


Commentary on Dental Care

A total of 621 readings, which have been indexed as directly or indirectly concerned with the teeth and gums, were researched to bring together all the material possible and assemble this information for circulating files for the membership and for the dentists who are interested in Edgar Cayce's concepts of good dental care and general physical well-being.

One file contains references to the Ipsab Formula from August 1922, when Toothache Bark or Prickly Ash Bark was first recommended for gum problems, through September 1942. It contains a complete history of the formula IPSAB which is widely used for the control and cure of Pyorrhea or Riggs' Disease. The name was suggested by Gertrude Cayce, combining the first letters of the main ingredients. Ipsab is recommended throughout these readings for reasons other than Pyorrhea; such as, use after an extraction, as a cleanser for plaque, purification of the mouth, tightening up loose teeth, gumboil control, and improving circulation to the teeth.

This file on Dentistry, contains readings and extracts in numerical order for case numbers 2 through 3051, for persons who received from three to 16 readings on dental care. This file shows how Edgar Cayce followed through on his recommendations to individuals. No matter how many years intervened between two readings, Edgar Cayce seemed to pick up as though he had given the previous reading only a day or hour before! Case 257 covers a period of fourteen years, starting and ending with extractions, so this case is headed Teeth: Extractions. Other cases are listed under whatever headings seemed to cover the main subjects of their readings, such as impactions, fillings, etc. Extracts within the cases are also assigned various headings to make it possible to pick up easily on the subjects of particular interest to the person using the file.

Another file, Teeth And Gums: Glands, covers especially salivary glands and thyroid glands. The section on salivary glands covers all indexed references to salivary functions since they would necessarily affect the teeth and gums whether or not so stated. The section on thyroid glands does not cover all possible readings on the thyroid – only those found in the 621 readings referring to dental care. Many other glands are mentioned throughout these readings but are not mentioned often enough to segregate into sections.

Cases of individuals who were given only one or two readings on dental care, and certain general readings – such as 1800 series – are covered in chronological order, under subjects in alphabetical order from Anesthesia to X-ray. This makes it possible to study how Edgar Cayce did or did not change his recommendations on any particular phase of dental care from 1922 to 1944. (See this file, Teeth And Guns: General, Volumes 1, and Volume 2)

The earliest reading used in this research project was 4310-1, given on 2/28/11; the last one was 5345-1, given on 7/15/44 (just two months before his very last reading which was for himself, 294-212 on 9/17/44) – a period of more than 33 years.

Grace Sybil Huffman Edgar Cayce Foundation, June 1983


Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


Anesthesia 2653-5, Male 22, 9/16/29 Nerves, impaction, osteopathy, extraction (Physical suggestion – special reference to teeth.) Edgar Cayce: [2653] - we have the body here. This we have had before. Now, there are acute conditions to be sure, with the teeth. While this impaction, or impacted tooth, will cause - and does cause - trouble, the better manner will be to anaesthetize the body and remove this, for this has much to do with the nervous condition of the whole system. But sufficient time and rest should be taken after such an operation, for the body to fully recuperate from same. The nervous, run-down condition, and the taxation to the body, are produced from this pressure, and when these are removed, give sufficient of the bromides to GENTLY allow the body to overcome much of the strain as will be produced ON same by this reaction of the anaesthesia that should be given for this removal. Remembering that the corrections as will be made, or should be made, along the whole of the cerebro-spinal system, will assist the body in gaining proper control over itself, aiding digestive forces - but the body should go at a little less pace, for the taxing of the body in such a manner as to burn the candle at both ends is not well. Then, remove these - and have at least ten to fifteen osteopathic treatments and adjustments - beginning about five days after the operation. We are through for the present. 758-21, Male 8, 8/18/30 (Q) Should teeth be extracted and by what method? (A) Gas. 1158-8, Female 47, 2/24/37 Entire reading, Novocaine not recommended

see next page.


Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


INDEX OF READING 1158-8 F 47 Anesthesia: Monocaine Par. 6-A, 7-A : Novocaine: Not Recommended Par. 6-A, 7-A Doctors: Elson, Henry: D.D.S. Par. 6-A Entity Par. 6-A Forces: Creative Par. 3 Healing: Oneness Par. 6-A Life: Balanced: Health: General Par. 3 Reincarnation: Purpose Par. 3 TEETH Work: E.C.: Quotations & Similes: "Use That In Hand" Par. 4 BACKGROUND OF READING 1158-8 F 47 B1. 12/18/36 See 1158-3, her last previous Ck. Physical. B2. 2/11/37 Letter: "For three years I have neglected to have some dental work done, because when I last went (for the first time in my life) I went all to pieces, I trembled all over, and the tears streamed down my face and I was unable to control them. I decided, until my nerves got in better condition I would not return to the dentist. During the three years intervening my teeth have gotten steadily worse, until they actively ache, now, and I know something must be done. "The two questions confronting me are - 1. Shall I take 'gas' or 'novocaine' to have my teeth filled, or can I meet the situation successfully by just using truth thoughts? 2. Shall I go to Dr. Lutz, my former dentist, 89 Pondfield Rd., Bronxville, N.Y., or to some N.Y. dentist?... "You might include these two questions also, in my Physical Reading. 3. Is it advisable to take occasional osteopathic treatments from Dr. Schoelles through the Spring? 4. Was the water (drinking water) or my manner of eating responsible for my ill feeling while recently in (Fort Myers) Florida?" TEXT OF READING 1158-8 F 47 This psychic Reading given by Edgar Cayce at his home on Arctic Crescent, Virginia Beach, Va., this 24th day of February, 1937, in accordance with request made by the self - Mrs. [1158] through Associate Membership of her husband in the Ass'n for Research & Enlightenment, Inc.


Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


P R E S E N T Edgar Cayce; Gertrude Cayce, Conductor; Gladys Davis, Steno.

R E A D I N G Time of Reading 11: 30 to 11: 40 A. M. Eastern Standard Time. ..., N.Y. (Physical Suggestion) 1. EC: Yes. 2. As we find, general conditions are very good. There needs to be those cares and attentions not only relative to the general physical welfare of the body and the specific disturbances that arise from time to time, in taking the nominal, normal precautions, but the precautions as to the mental and material attitude as to conditions without as well as within. 3. For the whole of the experience of an individual entity in a material plane is the coordinating and cooperation of Creative Forces from without to the divine within, as to keeping an activity that may bring into manifestations health and happiness. 4. In the degrees that we make the application of self then in these directions, using that as we have in hand from day to day for such, we bring about those experiences for the greater development, the greater manifestations of an individual entity's activity at any given experience. 5. Ready for questions. 6. (Q) Shall I take gas or novocaine to have my teeth filled, or can I meet the situation successfully by just using truth thoughts? (A) As we find, in the more recent experiences there has been an innovation [See 1158-8, Par. R1] in these directions; and this method we would use rather than novocaine or truth thoughts entirely. But we might give much in respect to the activity of influences from without as to the active forces from within: For each individual has its own active forces as to the emotions, bodily, mentally, spiritually; and each entity is a sum total of all those activities or experiences in the various spheres of action or sojourn in any material or mental or spiritual experience. And these then in their various spheres work with or towards that which is the Builder - the mental, the mind. That there may be used an injection or a use of any drug is not that there is not the trust nor the activative force. Thou sayest thou believest what is written, what is the experience - All force, all power - of good - emanates from the One Source. Then if this is true, the use of influences as may be from without to meet those experiences of the various phases of the development of an individual is only making a practical application of that which is given as the belief, see? As we would find, Elson would be well for the entity to consider as one capable and efficient in making the proper adjustments and local applications, local treatments for the conditions that exist with this body - 34th Street, New York, as we find the address. This we would advise for the body. 7. (Q) Then should either of these be taken, the gas or the Novocaine? (A) Rather the new innovation, as we find. 8. (Q) Any further advice as to my health?


Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


(A) As has been indicated, keep a coordination between the mental, the physical, the spiritual forces and attributes of the body. For not only coordination but cooperative forces are necessary. Do these. 9. We are through with this reading. REPORTS OF READING 1158-8 F 47 R1. Newspaper article:

PSYCHIC PAINS ARE CULTIVATED FROM CHILDHOOD Philadelphia, Feb. 3 - (AP) - You have to believe this for it to come true - but there is no operation in dentistry which can not be performed without pain. This was reported to the Philadelphia County Dental Society by Dr. Fred A. Adams, of New York City, past president of the Second District Dental Society of the State of New York. He explained it in telling about a new dental anesthetic. If you don't believe it is possible to feel no pain, said Dr. Adams, there will be actual "psychic" pain. From childhood people are taught to cultivate this psychic pain by believing dentistry must hurt. "Most individuals, " he added, "are loth to admit they were caused no pain, but prefer to pose as heroes who have bravely suffered." He reported experiments of 26 dentists with the new preparation, monocaine, and said all agreed it had no bad after effects and caused more "profound" results than other similar preparations. It is injected into the gums. 413-7, Female 47, 5/6/37 Entire reading, Novocaine, extraction after-effects

See next page.


Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


INDEX OF READING 413-7 F 47 DENTISTRY: SURGERY: AFTER EFFECTS Diet: Nervous Systems: Shock Par. 11-A NERVOUS SYSTEMS: SHOCK Neuropathy: Nervous Systems: Shock Par. 4 Osteopathy: Nervous Systems: Shock Par. 4, 6, 9-A, 10-A Physiotherapy: Massage: Oils, Olive: Nervous Systems: Shock Par. 8-A Sensations & Symptoms: Numbness: Nervous Systems: Shock Par. 3 BACKGROUND OF READING 413-7 F 47 B1. See 413-6 on 8/24/36 for infected finger. B2. 10/22/36 She referred Mr. [1275] for a Physical Rdg., 12/23/36 Mrs. [1310]; 1/19/37 Mrs. [1321]; 1/30/37 Mrs. [1326] and Mrs. [1328]; 4/18/37 Mr. [1359]. B3. 5/5/37 P.M. Daughter Mrs. [578] phoned that she was worried about her mother; Mrs. [413] had gone to the dentist yesterday (Dr. N. R. Mitchell) and had two teeth pulled, one wisdom tooth which broke off and had to be cut out. She felt terrible, so weak, no appetite, and her hands felt numb as if going to sleep. She had taken small doses of Castoria all morning, thinking it would get the effects of novocaine out of her system. GD advised rubbing her with olive oil and tincture of myrrh. B4. 5/6/37 A.M. Daughter Mrs. [578] phoned: "[413] is better. The numbness is gone, after massaging with the oils last night, but she is terribly weak and not feeling well at all." TEXT OF READING 413-7 F 47 This Psychic Reading given by Edgar Cayce at his home on Arctic Crescent, Virginia Beach, Va., this 6th day of May, 1937, in accordance with request made by the self through her daughter, Mrs. [578], Active Member of the Ass'n for Research & Enlightenment, Inc. - by telephone.

P R E S E N T Edgar Cayce; Gertrude Cayce, Conductor; Gladys Davis, Steno. Irene Riggs and a little girl.

R E A D I N G Time of Reading 11: 00 to 11: 05 A. M. Eastern Standard Time. ..., Virginia. (Physical Suggestion) 1. EC: Yes. As we find, conditions are not so good.


Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


2. Here we have an effect of a high developed nerve force through the spiritual forces and activities in the body raising the system to high vibrations, and then the effect upon this as a shock from that which deadens the nerve system. 3. Hence we have the feelings - and will have for several days - of numbness, portions of the extremities going to sleep, a very great weakness, a lack of appetite, a tendency towards a little nausea. 4. That necessary is to have general manipulations, either by a neuropath or an osteopath if GENERAL treatment is given; and the massages with oil that would make for a food to the sympathetic or to the superficial AND sympathetic nervous system. 5. Then only time and these will relieve. 6. When and if the osteopathic manipulations are given, special precautions should be made as to the heart - and examinations made as to the effect of these upon the heart's activity; or an adjustment in the upper dorsal and cervical area, that we may overcome those tendencies for nervous jerking (that comes from a pressure there) and the tendencies for the overpowering force of the sympathetic nerve system. 7. Ready for questions. 8. (Q) What oils should be used? (A) Olive oils. 9. (Q) How often should the manipulations be given? (A) Once, twice, three times a week at first; and there should not necessarily be more than four or six such adjustments - if THOROUGHLY and GENERALLY given. 10. (Q) Who would be suggested to give these treatments correctly for this body? (A) Anyone that will be in sympathy with the manipulations, and that would give a general treatment and pay particular attention to the heart's activity. 11. (Q) What diet? (A) There won't be very much of a diet! Anything that is easily assimilated. Broths, juices, fruits - any of these are the better. 12. (Q) Any spiritual advice? (A) Hold fast to the good within. Do not suppress the desires for activity, mentally or spiritually. 13. We are through with this reading. 538-51, Female 58, 2/17/39 Entire reading, Extractions, neuritis, poisons See next page.


Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


INDEX OF READING 538-51 F 58 Dentistry: Surgery Par. 6-A, 8-A--10-A Intestines: Enemas: Neuritis Par. 7-A NEURITIS Prescriptions: Zilatone: Neuritis Par. 7-A Teeth: Toxemia Par. 3, 5, 6-A TOXEMIA TEXT OF READING 538-51 F 58 This Psychic Reading given by Edgar Cayce at his home on Arctic Crescent, Virginia Beach, Va., this 17th day of February, 1939, in accordance with request made by the self - Mrs. [538], Active Member of the Ass'n for Research & Enlightenment, Inc.

P R E S E N T Edgar Cayce; Gertrude Cayce, Conductor; Gladys Davis, Steno.

R E A D I N G Time of Reading 10: 55 to 11: 00 A. M. Eastern Standard Time. ..., Va. 1. GC: You will give the physical condition of this body at the present time, with suggestions for further corrective measures; especially with reference to the pain under left shoulder, side of back. You will answer the questions that may be asked. 2. EC: Yes. 3. Now as we find, the acute conditions which arise from this disturbance are the reflex forces from poisons not eliminated from the system; arising from the teeth, gums AND the lack of proper eliminations. 4. To remove the disturbances, increase the eliminations, - but REMOVE the SOURCES or causes of the infectious forces that are causing the pressures upon the nervous system in and through the areas indicated. 5. Have the teeth fixed, then. 6. (Q) Which specific teeth need removing? (A) This can best be determined by the one who would do the work or make the corrections in same. The back ones, especially, and some of those that have been built up so much. 7. (Q) What is best to do for the eliminations? (A) To keep the eliminations so that there is a better drainage from the alimentary canal through the activity of an increased circulation, and the mineral AND vegetable combinations as we find are preferable; as the Zilatone with the occasional flushing the colon with enemas and the like.


Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


8. (Q) If teeth are removed, what anaesthetic should be used? (A) This again should be a study of the one making such corrections. 9. (Q) Who would be suggested as best to do this? (A) Whoever the body chooses. 10. (Q) Is Dr. Brooks [T. Lea Brooks, Jr., D.D.S.] of Virginia Beach alright to do this work? (A) He understands the situation, and is VERY good. 11. We are through with this Reading. 2084-6, Female 13, 6/11/41 Novocaine not recommended (Q) In dental treatment, is the use of Novocaine dangerous to her? If so, what should be used for necessary anaesthetic? (A) There are other conditions that are used, - akin to the Twilight Sleep*, - that would be as effective and not as dangerous for this particular body. *Twilight sleep. A condition of partial anesthesia, or subconsciousness, which dulls awareness to pain and softens or effaces memory of pain, as from childbirth. It is produced by hypodermic injection of morphine and scopalimine. Webster’s New International Dictionary, Second Edition, 1950


Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


Astrology: Dentistry

623-6, Adult Female, 6/6/42 Entire reading INDEX OF READING 623-6 F ADULT Astrology Par. 3, 8-A Clairvoyance of E.C.: Incorrect? Par. 8-A, R1 DENTISTRY Doctors: Taylor, Robert L.:D.O. Par. R1 Physiotherapy: Gargles: Glyco-Thymoline: Throat: Infections Par. 5 Prescriptions: Glyco-Thymoline: Antiseptics Par. 6 THROAT: INFECTION BACKGROUND OF READING 623-6 F ADULT B1. See previous Rdgs. B2. 6/6/42 Phone request to EC: "Do I have strep throat? What may be done to correct the condition? "I had my throat swabbed by Dr. Taylor, the osteopath, but it is no better - we're afraid of strep throat; so thought I'd better ask for a reading. I was supposed to go down to his office to have it swabbed again this morning, but think perhaps I shouldn't go out. If anything urgent in way of treatment is suggested that I can do between now and Monday, please phone me." TEXT OF READING 623-6 F ADULT This Psychic Reading given by Edgar Cayce at the office of the Association, Arctic Crescent, Virginia Beach, Va., this 6th day of June, 1942, in accordance with request made by the self - Mrs. [623], Associate Member of the Ass'n for Research & Enlightenment, Inc.

P R E S E N T Edgar Cayce; Gertrude Cayce, Conductor; Gladys Davis, Steno.

R E A D I N G Time of Reading 11: 00 to 11: 05 A. M. Eastern War Time. ..., Ohio. 1. GC: You will given the physical condition of this body at the present time, with suggestions for further corrective measures; answering the questions, as I ask them: 2. EC: Yes, we have the body here, [623]. 3. Now, as we find, while the acute condition is causing a great deal of pain and anxiety, this is being handled very well by the dentist. It was an unfortunate


Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


choice of time. And while the conditions in the system allowed for the infections to take place, if these are adhered to in the manner in which it has been determined by the dentist, it will soon be alright. 4. There is not the presence of strep in the blood, but an infection. 5. As a gargle we would use Glyco-Thymoline; this applied warm to the face, or held in mouth, will be helpful. This should not interfere with those antiseptics used locally by the dentist. 6. Also as an intestinal antiseptic we would take internally a few drops of Glyco-Thymoline - five to six drops in water about twice a day for a few days. 7. Ready for questions. 8. (Q) What caused the infection? (A) Removing the tooth, and the condition of the blood, as just indicated. It was a bad time - astrologically. Do these, and keep up those activities - and the condition should soon be better. 9. We are through for the present. REPORTS OF READING 623-6 F ADULT R1. 6/6/42 P.M. GD phoned her: Remarks when the directions were phoned: Can't understand - thought there was never a mistake in the Rdgs., but this apparently is one. I didn't have a tooth removed. The fact is that I had all my upper teeth removed when I was 21, and have been wearing a plate since, but soon after I started wearing the plate a wisdom tooth came. The other day I was chewing gum, and I noticed that the wisdom tooth was sore around the roots. I thought it was just rubbed by my plate and went to the dentist. It kept getting worse, and went down into my throat - the infection - little white spots in my throat. The dentist swabbed it but wouldn't do a thing to the tooth - wouldn't think of pulling it. What he applied seemed to make it worse, so I went to Dr. Taylor yesterday, the osteopath, who swabbed it with something that made it better. So I think that must be the application I should continue. I know my blood is acid, and I'm sure the Glyco-Thymoline will help in clearing it up. Thanks very much. [Observations by GD: EC answered the phone this morning and talked to Mrs. [623]. I think his conscious mind influenced the Rdg. When she told him she had an infected wisdom tooth, he immediately jumped to the conclusion that the wisdom tooth had been removed and the infection from it had gone into the throat.] R2. 6/9/42 Letter: "Sorry I did not make myself clearer about the tooth not being out. I wish it was out, as that is still ahead of me. A little upper wisdom tooth I cut last year…. R3. 7/15/42 Letter: "I had my wisdom tooth taken out last Friday, it was the jawbone that was infected, so they took out some of the bone also; they froze the gum well and did not hurt me, lacerated the gum and later put in one stitch; seems to be healing very nicely. I have kept it clean with Glyco. My tonsil tried to get sore again but is alright now. Tried to pick a day proper or good for such work; I should say, favorable astrologically."


Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation



264-24, Female 42, 10/15/3 Broken tooth, petal, tooth nerves (Q) What should be done for broken tooth, and to whom should I go to have it done? (A) As the present indications show, there is a defect in the nerves that lead directly to the tooth that is in trouble. It would be well that this be treated directly, and when this has been restored to a healthy condition the replacement may be made there by the addition of bridge, or by the petal made and inserted in same. As to whom the body should go for such, one in whom the body-mental may entrust such activities. Anyone well equipped may attend to same, if the body will find him in sympathy with self. 257-31, Male 35 (Sales Mgr) 10/3/28 Joined, pivot (Q) Would a bridge for the loose tooth in the front of the mouth be better to join the other teeth or remain on the present pivot. (A) Better to join on others. 10/29/28 Mother [325]’s letter: “[257] had his teeth fixed this time. I saw that it was done right and I did not let him get away with excuses he was going to Asheville, but Asheville had to wait, and now he feels a great deal better.” 268-2, Female 44, 2/11/3 Dentistry, extraction not recommended (Q) Are the eyes and teeth in good condition? (A) The teeth need some local attention, though teeth and eyes BOTH will be very much improved when those instructions given have been followed out. Those teeth that need particular attention at present are those next to the wisdom teeth, at the top. (Q) Should any teeth be removed? (A) Local attention rather than removal, as we find in the present. (Q) Is bridge in good condition? (A) Very good condition.


Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation



3168-1, Male 52, 8/21/43 Extraction

(Q) Will the cataracts be lessened since the teeth have been pulled? (A) They will be lessened but will not be eliminated unless the sources or causes of these are removed, as indicated.


3051-3, Female 45, 9/25/43 Calcium

. . . supply sufficient calcium to the body at the periods when cycles change. Cycles change for the teeth during the second year of each cycle. During that year take at least three to four series of Calcios or its equivalent to supply calcium to the system, and it will aid not only the teeth but all the activities of the thyroid glands.


5453-6, Male 26, 5/8/25 Toxemia

(Q) What are the teeth that need attention? (A) There are several that need attention. This is not the cause or that producing the condition in the system. The lower molars, the upper central teeth, see? 4622-1, Adult Female, 6/22/25 In the functioning of organs themselves

In the lungs, throat and bronchials, very good. Some teeth, however, need attention. This should be attended to locally. Left side, lower. 460-1, Female 17, 7/3/25 Toxemia, X-ray

Now, in the physical conditions of this body, these we find very good in many respects and the body in that way, form and manner of keeping near normal. The conditions of which the body should be warned of, in regards the physical forces of the body, are especially those that have to do with the eliminations in the system, and the condition as is existent in teeth. The left portion in wisdom tooth, this needs local attention, also in the front and right, second molar, this needs local attention. We find there are being absorbed in the system some poisons and toxins as are being produced by this condition…. (continued)


Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


Then, to assist this and to bring about the normal forces, that the body may function normal, correct first those as have been given as needing local attention - teeth, you see…. Report 1: 7/16/25 "I was awfully pleased with the rdg. and will try to do just what you told me. I had my teeth examined but the conditions you described have not developed as yet. The only molar tooth I have been at all troubled with was x-rayed but the picture didn't show anything wrong. However, something may come up so I'm on the war-path if it should." Report 2: 2/5/26 Brother [257]'s letter: "[460] is still having a lot of trouble with her face. I do not like to ask for so much of your time but I would appreciate your giving her a rdg. as soon as possible... What causes condition to her face? We had teeth examined and dentist [Henry Elson, D.D.S.] says nothing is wrong. What tooth is it? How can the tooth be detected? Will an x-ray show it?” 460-2, Female 18, 4/1/26 Toxemia, cavity: Dentist’s reaction Now, we find there are some changes in the conditions within the physical forces of this body, from that as we have had here before. There are some that have been corrected in a way and manner, yet the effects of those conditions, as were produced in the system by this derangement, or by this leakage, as it were, in the eliminating channels, being misdirected, has left those conditions in the body that at times give distress to the system. This, we find, is especially true in that that may be called the cellular activity of the equilibrium of the system, or the abilities of the system to coordinate the replenishing cellular forces, as are assimilated, for the system's building. Hence we have a condition existent in the lacteal ducts, where the dissemination of the cellular units in circulation, by this diffused condition in the assimilated portions of replenishing cellular force, give improper incentives, as it were, for elimination and rebuilding in the system. Much, as we see, of this condition was produced by that condition existing in the mouth, teeth, tonsils, and that poison absorbed in the system, with the condition as existed in the glands in the body, where the ductless reaction appears, gave this retractory reaction in this system. Hence, conditions as exist in the capillary circulation, in the emunctories of the body - the liver in its inactivity, the kidneys in their improper functioning - these are the effects of the affectation as is seen from within…. (Q) What is the condition of the teeth? Do any need attention at present? (A) This condition, as we see, has been much corrected in the system. The molar on the right side of the upper portion needs attention. Report 1. 4/22/26 "I've been waiting to have my teeth examined before writing to tell you about my rdg. Really, I can't tell you how pleased I am with the rdg. and I


Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


feel sure that your medicine will do me loads of good. I went right to the dentist and at first he said my teeth were o.k. but needed a cleaning. When I went back to have my teeth cleaned he discovered that I had a cavity in the upper right molar which is brought out in the rdg. I've had the prescription filled and started taking the tonic yesterday. I suppose your ears must be burning up, as all we do is talk about you..." [She referred Mr. [2660] for a Life Rdg.] Report 2. 4/30/26 Brother [257]'s letter: "In reference to [460], one remarkable thing. The dentist [Henry Elson, D.D.S.] finally found the tooth after two months of searching all told." Report 3. 5/17/26 Mother [325]'s letter: "Dr. Elson is going to ask for a rdg. on the strength of the decayed tooth that he couldn't find of [460]'s. The last medicine is helping her fine." Report 4. 5/28/26 Sister [459]'s letter: "[460] is taking her medicine faithfully and each day measures the bottle to see if 1/2 is gone, for you said to take 1/4 and see results. Well, she has a terrible skin, real boils under skin and poor girl is so alarmed. Well, she is encouraged because she says you always have proven - about the dentist, I was with her when he dismissed her. When I got through telling him of you, with [460] reassuring him that Dr. Cayce is right, he said 'Come back and I will give another examination' - and such a cavity! He says he is sold - he wants a rdg but says he wouldn't dare ask you for one, for your work is so precious that it should be used only when imperative." 4509-1, Adult Female, 8/24/25 Neurasthenia (Q) In what condition do you find teeth and how do they affect this entire condition? (A) There are certain teeth as we find, especially those in the second molar on left side, needing special or direct attention. These are as a reflex, not a direct cause in any of conditions. 2901-2, Male 33, 7/12/26 Save trouble Teeth also need some attention, especially those on left side in both lower and upper molars. Local attention by the dentist will save the body much trouble. 4251-1, Male 44, 5/30/27 Poisons, toxemia First: Have the teeth attended to! See? for this another seat or center from which the radiation of a hindered circulation and elimination brings poisons to the body.


Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


4511-1, Adult Female, 7/26/27 Poisons, Ipsab, eliminations (Q) Should any more of the teeth be removed? (A) Rather use the local applications for corrections of conditions, for this is not a SOURCE of supply of poisons, but RATHER a STORAGE of the poisons by improper eliminations. With local applications, and with corrections of eliminations, these conditions will disappear. (Q) What applications should be used? (A) Those as found in Ipsab, massaging the gums well with this solution at least twice each week, cleansing mouth with pure water after the use of same. There are some teeth that need local attention by the dental surgeon. Do that. Those on the left side, near the lower molar, see? 4874-3, Male 555/17/28 Ipsab (Q) Are my teeth in the right condition? or will they affect my stomach? (A) Well that these be looked after, and we would use - after the corrections locally - that of Ipsab for the gums and the mouth. 307-2, Female 51, 9/4/29 (Q) Should the body have the teeth taken out? (A) Rather would we use, with the corrections of the system, those properties of the Ipsab as a massage for these. Then, as the centralization comes, and defective conditions are to be met, these would be LOCALLY treated - not take them out as yet. 5471-1, Female 49, 5/21/30 Acidity, Ipsab (Q) Are the teeth having any effect on the system? (A) Only as a sympathetic condition. These may be treated LOCALLY, and taken care of. Use Ipsab and massage. 2504-15, Male 64, 9/1/30 Ipsab cleanser/strengthener (Q) What is condition of teeth? (A) These need local attention as soon as it may be done. (Q) Should Ipsab be used? (A) This is good, and will assist in cleansing and strengthening the conditions in this portion of system.


Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


630-1, Female 27, 8/6/31 Left, right? There are some specific teeth that NEED attention. Those especially in the upper eye, and next to - or first molars - on the left side of face (we are looking at them straight in the face, now, or right side if from the other - see?). 413-3, Female 42, 11/23/32 Toxemia, Ipsab (Q) Give the condition of my teeth, and the required treatment. (A) As indicated, there are poisons in the system that naturally make for accumulations in the upper portion of the system. There is the necessity that there be some local attention to the teeth. Then, with the matter of the diet and the cleansing of the system, and the changing of the activities in system, then those properties that would add to the better status for the condition of gums and teeth may be found or added in Ipsab. 341-39, Male 26, 5/29/33 Entire reading INDEX OF READING 341-39 M 26 Eyes: Glasses: Change Par. 4, 6-A, 7-A

Halitosis: Teeth Par. 3

Work: E.C.: Readings: Things Missing Par. 6-A 1. EC: We have the body here, [341]; this we have had before. 2. Now, as we find, the general physical conditions of the body are very good in many ways and manners. 3. There needs to be the attention to the local conditions with the gums and the mouth, that there may not be the absorbing of the poisons from the conditions into the system, and the causing or producing of the foul breath or of the tendency for such a condition. 4. Also there needs to be those preparations for the correction of the tendencies in the vision, as yet; that these be kept in that way and manner that will make for the better reactions. 5. Ready for questions. 6. (Q) Please tell the body where and how he may find the glasses he lost last Friday afternoon, the 26th. (A) We don't find them; they are lost! 7. (Q) Then he should have eyes tested at this time? (A) Should have eyes tested at this time; should also have teeth and gums worked on locally. 8. We are through for the present.


Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


342-3, Male 48, 7/29/33 Local attention, Ipsab (Q) Are there any conditions in my teeth affecting my general or particular health? (A) Some of the teeth, as we find, need attention; and the gums need the use of such as Ipsab. The teeth should be given local attention. Not the cause; rather - at present - a resort [result?]. 410-1, Female 42, 9/21/33 Circulation to head We would also have some LOCAL attention to the teeth. These need LOCAL attention, but they will be found to be much improved when the general condition, especially the circulation to the head, has been renewed or revived to near normalcy. 420-1, Male 54, 10/14/33 Toxemia, acidity, age Brain forces are very good, as are the discernments and those activities to the sensory organisms show the effect of poisons in the muco-membranes and in the antrums of the body itself, or facial portions, from conditions in the gums and head, and the upper portion of the body. This is rather a specific condition and almost separates itself, except at times when forming coagulated forces that are not carried in the circulation properly it makes an upsetting to the digestive system by the manner in which the reflexes are carried to these portions of the body; or to the liver itself, and thrown back through this regurgitation into the activities, causing this acidity in the system.

These make for tendencies of poor digestion, and the disturbances that have been had in the digestive organism.

The organs of the sensory system are affected at times, as to the eyes, to the taste, to the hearing, in reflex manners; not at all times, for at times the eyesight is clearer than at others, even with the vision impaired from usage or the general debilitations that come through this portion of the body at times, and the activities that make for the general deteriorations in the system at the age; and the taste is not always the same….

Also in the meantime we would have those corrections in the gums and teeth. 503-1, Male Adult, 1/31/34 Gold, rheumatism, neuritis, cholecystitis,

hepatitis, toxemia (Q) Does the gold in the mouth contribute a cause to this poison? (A) Rather the POISONS have made for those disorders in the mouth! These should be taken care of locally.


Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


622-1, Male 29, 8/1/34 Acidity, pus, toxemia, constipation (Q) What is the condition of my teeth? (A) The natural condition from acidity. There is needed local attention. Several of them have pus at the base of them.

(Q) Is my present condition due to any faulty teeth? (A) Present condition due to rather a condition that existed sometime back, that arose mainly from constipation…. 622-1, Male 29, 8/1/34 Diet, iodine, iron, phosphorus, silicon Digestive system at times apparently most anything will digest, and at others scarcely anything at all will be digested in its proper way and manner. Lack of the proper amount of the lacteals, and a superabundance of the hydrochlorics or the elements lacking are iron, silicon, phosphorous and iodine. These are as would be indicated, unless there is added to the system these in such a way and manner as to be assimilated, not only from the foods but from properties taken into the system that will effect and maintain nearer a coordination in the functioning of the impulses to the organs themselves; they would produce an improper distribution….

Be mindful of the diets, that we keep more in an alkaline reaction. And because the appetite is improved after the first week, don't overeat! Beware of melons of any kind. Eat as many pears as the body can well assimilate. Eat at least three each day. Quantities of grapes may be taken also. Peaches - only a very few of these should be used. No apples. No bananas. Citrus fruits. And little or no meats save lamb, fowl, or such; and none of these fried. 987-1, Female 47, 8/7/35 Circulation, Ipsab, roots (Q) Are my teeth alright? (A) Some local attention is needed. The natural tendency of a disturbance in the circulatory forces to the sensory organs, as indicated, is to make for a lack of the proper circulation through the gums and to the portions of the teeth themselves. If the solution known as Ipsab is used to massage the gums occasionally, it will make for a STRENGTHENING of the areas and a preserving of their usefulness. Once or twice a week this would be thoroughly massaged into the gums, and will make a great deal of change in the gums and the teeth. Do that.

(Q) The roots are alright? (A) The roots are alright. There's a little receding in some portions, but there is needed the local attention as indicated - and those stimulations. For, as we have indicated, the GENERAL treatments will materially aid in this direction also.


Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


1195-2, Adult Female, 10/21/36 Ipsab, chiropractic & neuropathy, violet ray, radio-active appliance

In meeting then the other general conditions, as we find the applications that may be made by one physician or doctor, of a neuropathic and chiropractic combination, would be the better help for this body, and would follow closer the suggestions for the applications - Dr. Ada Wahlen, see?

And these should be given every other day, preferably just before the body retires, or else in the evening after the body is through with its labors or has no activities and can REST after such treatments are given. These should be at least every other day. Begin in the central portion of the body, the 9th dorsal; work DOWNWARD, especially over the 4th lumbar area, the coccyx area and the lower limbs and the feet; that the swelling, that those heavinesses throughout the lower extremities may be aided in stimulating the circulation, that those that cause the swelling may be stimulated to be carried through the circulation back to the eliminating forces of the body. Work downward and then stimulate the 9th dorsal, the 12th dorsal, the 4th lumbar; that the superficial circulation may be made to coordinate with the deeper circulation. The same - begin at the 9th dorsal, then work UPWARD toward the head, not away from, in the general treatment, but work to the fingertips; stimulating after this general massage in a chiropractic and neuropathic way - this is following the nerves but making the pressures in all of the ganglia along the center - specifically the 3rd and 4th cervical for a drainage from the sinus, the face, the throat, the upper portion of the head. Stimulation about the vagus center and those on either side of the heavy flow of blood to the head for clearing the ears, the throat, relieving the pressure in the eyes. Then stimulate the 4th dorsal for the aiding to eliminate those tendencies for filling in the gastric flow of the digestive forces. This will aid the nervous forces of the body and will assist assimilation and relieve much of these disturbances.

After all of these have been given, then apply the violet-ray; beginning at the base of the brain, coming downward then, circular motion either side of the spinal system or along those connections specifically between the cerebro-spinal and the sympathetic nervous system. Let this be of a circular motion and keep on down to the 4th lumbar, then branch to a circular motion towards the plexus for the lower portion of the limbs. Extend this to the feet on either side and over the sciatic nerve center, under the knees, soles of the feet, the ankles and then from the feet back towards the body. This to carry nerve energies and stimulations.

After this has been given, let the body rest or be bathed off with a little rub alcohol, and then apply the Radio-Active Appliance to equalize circulation.

Keep these up for a period of two to three weeks. Then rest a period of a week, ten days or two weeks, and then have another period of these treatments; keeping up the nerve forces, the assimilating forces, through those properties that have been indicated - but keep these together. Do not do one without the other….


Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


(Q) What should be done for my teeth? (A) The treatments as indicated, through the general manipulation, aided with those as WE find of the local application of Ipsab and SOME specific or some local attention by the dental activity. But use Ipsab to massage the gums, inside, outside; that is, inside of the gums and outside of the gums; not meant outside of the mouth, but in the mouth - each day. 1309-1, Female 53, 12/21/36 Ipsab, salt & soda, osteopathy (Q) Is it advisable having my teeth out? (A) This as we find is only a portion of the condition, and rather a result or effect of disturbing conditions. While local attention is needed, the massage of the gums with either Ipsab (as an alleviator for gum disturbance) or equal portions of salt and soda would be that necessary for the corrections of this portion; IF the other directions are followed in toto. If these are not all to be done, then do not begin!

513-2, Female 38, 6/10/37 Delay (Q) Do I need dental work? (A) Let the dental work go until the general system is better; then it'll be longer lasting, the teeth will be better and the whole condition. Not immediately, unless some condition arises that isn't indicated immediately. 348-23, Male 53, 6/18/37 Toxemia, indigestion Then, with the poisons that accumulate, and that are added by the condition of the teeth - which should have local condition - there is produced an indigestion, and an overflow of the gastric juices in this particular condition. All of these conditions, then, must be taken into consideration. First, then, we would have the teeth - the mouth conditions - corrected. 1183-3, Female 56, 1/22/38 Improve health first (Q) Regarding my health: Should I have my teeth fixed the way my dentist says, or can he fix them the way I want them? (A) He can fix them the way you desire, if the general HEALTH is improved. (continued)


Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


Use the Radio-Active Appliance that has been indicated for the body through this channel. Have the adjustments and those reliefs from the pressures upon the heart that cause the dizziness and the activities that bring about the disturbances that become nerve racking at times. These done - that is, following close in those things that we have outlined for the body - we will find it will not only improve the health but will make for many, many conditions in the mental attitudes that will be MUCH more satisfactory. And with the conditions improved physically, there may be the care of the teeth in the manner indicated as the desire - as to the arrangements or corrections for the teeth; for these CAN then be accomplished properly. 1676-2, Female 27, 11/17/38 Multiple sclerosis: Calcium, calcios (Q) What about my teeth? (A) The general condition here is that there has NEVER been sufficient of the calcium for the completion even of the teeth in the system. Hence there has been a great deal of disturbance left through the system. Hence the necessity for the rubs and the hot packs in such quantities; that, with the distribution of the circulatory forces, this condition may be relieved. A little later - but not until there has been better coordination established by the removal of pressures and the stimulating of coordination of the activities of both the deeper and the superficial circulation - which as we find should be by the middle of March - we would then have local attention to the teeth; and also add more calcium to the system through the taking of Calcios in small quantities; a little bit taken every day, preferably spread on bread or cracker. 543-28, Female 30, 4/3/39 Leakage (Q) Please state condition of 2 upper left back teeth, and effect on body's health because of it. (A) Local attention should be given to these, as there are indications of leakages in each of these. And if local attention would be given, it would be beneficial to the general nerve condition as well as the general health of the body. 1935-1, Female 36, 6/24/39 Extraction, salt & soda, dentifrices

(Q) Do I have infected teeth?


Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


(A) These as we find only need some local attention. That as HAS been here disturbed didn't need to be removed! Then, the local applications would be the more preferable. Use an equal combination of soda and salt, - this is an excellent massage, and much better than most preparations that are rubbed on with a brush. 1222-3, Female 38, 10/29/40 Toxemia In the general physical force we find there are unbalancings in the metabolism of the system. This affects the circulation between the heart, the liver and the kidneys. Part of this arises from general constitutional conditions and overtaxing of the body at times, and much from the toxic forces coming from conditions about the teeth, throat and head. We find that the conditions should be corrected with the throat, head and neck, - and most of this may be done by the dentist. 308-8, Female 17, 7/30/41 Dentifrices: Salt & soda, Ipana (Q) Are my teeth in good condition? (A) These are better, though precautions should be taken as to them. We would use a good dentifrice that requires the massaging of the gums as well as for better preserving of the teeth. There is none better than an equal combination of soda and salt. Occasionally, however, use Ipana as a gum massage. (Q) Any treatment necessary for the upper front tooth? (A) This is not in as good shape as yet as it should be. We would keep those activities for correction. (Q) Would it be better if I changed from Dr. [C.B.] Gifford to another dentist recommended by you? (A) Not necessarily. 1676-2, Female 27, 5/11/42 Ipsab (Q) What about the teeth? (A) After there has been the following of these applications here suggested for a few weeks, these had better have local attention. Use Ipsab regularly, and we will save much of this gum and mouth trouble. Massage it on the gums at least three times each week.


Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


1223-7, Female 36, 11/25/42 Circulation, salt & soda (Q) In what condition are my lower teeth? (A) As we find, there is the lack of stimulation, from poor circulation. Use about three - twice to three times a day an equal combination of soda and salt as a gum massage. This will improve the condition materially. Then later, - possibly in the spring, - unless there are other disturbances, - some local attention may be necessary. 2890-1, Male 10, 1/25/43 Puberty, acidity (Q) Any advice regarding diet? (A) Be mindful not to overindulge in sweets. Do have the teeth taken care of, as there are some conditions in the manner in which those that are yet to come may be hindered unless much of the correction is done with same…. (Q) What specifically should be done for the teeth? (A) This should be looked after by a dentist, not by the body itself - save suggestions as will be given for the care of same, and some local applications and corrections should be made. 1309-8, Female 60, 3/15/43 (Q) Are teeth causing any of the trouble [neuritis] ? (A) Irritation and soreness; and should have local attention. (Q) Any specific ones? (A) All need attention. 3098-1, Female 54, 7/16/43 Ipsab, nerves (Q) What should be done for my teeth that have been bothering me? (A) This is part of the same condition of the nerves. DO use Ipsab as a massage for the gums, about three times each week. Then have local attention for the teeth. 3484-1, Male 40, 12/27/43 Salt & soda (Q) What is best procedure for care of teeth?


Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


(A) Have local attention and then take care of the teeth. Use an equal combination of salt and soda for massaging the gums and teeth - don't use a brush, use your finger! 3598-1, Female 57, 1/21/44 Extraction, Ipsab, osteopathy The palate and gums will also be much improved with these corrections. Do use Ipsab as a massage for the gums and it will make a great deal of difference with the teeth, the breath and the general activity. There needs to be some local attention to the teeth by the dentist. Do not remove these except those that are beyond repair. It may be necessary to take out one, but not others. 1695-4, Female 38, 4/15/44 Cavities, Ipana, worry (Q) Do I have any cavities in any of my teeth? (A) These should be attended to locally by a dentist. There are some that need attention, but these will be kept in better shape if there is less worry and the use more of such as Ipana for massaging the gums as well as the teeth. 5197-1, Female 56, 5/26/44 Salt & soda (Q) Condition of teeth and gums? (A) These are not too bad. There needs be some local attention, and use equal parts of soda and salt as a massage for the gums two or three times a week. 2970-2, Female 49, 6/2/44 Fillings, Ipsab, cleaning (Q) Should any of the teeth be extracted? (A) We would use Ipsab as a massage. We do not find other than some local attention needed. There's some need to be cleaned and then it will require about four fillings. 5307-1, Female 56, 6/28/44 Umbilicus strain (Q) Are my teeth contributing to the present illness? (A) Not necessarily, rather the condition contributes to the lack of circulation supplying foods for the rebuilding in the gums and teeth. Local attention for these, after corrections [fume baths, rubs, magnetic treatments], would be well.


Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


Diet 5416-1, Female 16, 8/30/29 Dentistry, obesity, iron, phosphorus, silicon Let the diet consist principally of those food values that do not work in opposition to conditions being attended, or accentuated in the system. Those, then, that build rather for blood, for tissue, for the bone structure - those that carry, then, those of silicon, iron, phosphorous, and the like. Not those that carry fatty foods, or fat producing - but SUFFICIENT of these to keep an equilibrium. For conditions as exist in other portions of the body, where the growth in structural forces - as is seen in the body, or mouth - these, necessarily, need that same care and attention locally, that there may not be pressures created that are abnormal and cause detention of nerve energy to that portion of the head or neck. These should be treated locally…. (Q) Local attention by dentist, or Ipsab, or both? (A) Local attention by dentist. Ipsab would be a secondary consideration in this, for these are of structural conditions and not of those of gums proper, save as related TO the structural portions. (Q) Has the work on the teeth been done properly? (A) Very good. (Q) What period of time will be required for this work on the teeth? (A) It SHOULD be, or should require at least three to five weeks - or it should not be done in a hurry. Even longer, or twice that long would be really better. 341-31, Male 23, 3/10/31 Decay, vitamins, calcium, silicon, iron There is also an unbalancing of the vitamins in the physical functioning of the body. There is the lack of elements that make for physical structural forces of body…. Then, be a well-ROUNDED body. Take specific, DEFINITE exercises morning and evening. Make the body PHYSICALLY, as well as mentally, tired and those things that have been producing those conditions where sleep, inertia, poisons in system from non-eliminations, will disappear - and so will the body respond to the diets. Now, in the matter of diets - ONE activity is necessary, if there is to be a mental diet - or if there is to be a diet for a well-rounded PHYSICALLY useful, MENTALLY useful, SPIRITUALLY useful body. But there is the lack of vitamins as B and C, in this body. One, the C, stamina for mental energies that are


Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


carried in the white tissue in nerve energy and plexus. B, as is of calcium, of silicon, of iron. These would be well-balanced, will those [if those will be taken] of the food values that carry same be taken, but UNLESS the activities physical for the body are such as to put same into ACTIVITY they become drosses and set THEMSELVES to become operative, irrespective of OTHER conditions. (This as aside, but as very well in keeping with the circumstances or conditions.) Vitamins in a body are elements that are combative with, or in opposition to, the various activities of a living organism, and may be termed - and well termed - as those of bacilli of any nature within a human or physical organism. That's what we are talking of, or dealing with in this body. Now, when these are taken into the system, if they are NOT put to work by the ACTIVITIES of the SYSTEM - either physical or mental - they become DESTRUCTIVE tissue, for they AFFECT the plasm [plasma] of the blood supply or the emunctory and lymph which is another name for a portion of a blood supply in a system. Then, in the meeting of the diet - be sure the activities, physically, and mentally, are in keeping with; and DO NOT DO these SPASMODICALLY, but BE consistent - for the physical body, the mental body, the spiritual body, is as "Grow in grace, in knowledge, in understanding." [2 Pet. 3:18] That thou eatest, SEE it DOING that THOU would HAVE it do. Now there is often considered as to why do those of either the vegetable, mineral, or combination compounds, have different effects under different conditions? It is the CONSCIOUSNESS of the INDIVIDUAL BODY! Give one a dose of clear WATER, with the impression that it will act as salts - how often will it act in that manner?… (Q) What condition is causing the rapid decay of the teeth and what should be done to correct this other than the steps already taken? (A) This has been given, and this has been outlined. There should be the change to meet those necessary conditions in the supply of the system, that there may be more calcium, more silicon, and more iron added in same. These will be with physical activities of the body, and with the taking of foods as compatible with the conditions as to be met. Those in the food values as would be taken, ARE the activities [if the activities are] to be in keeping WITH same, would be those of the fruits of the ground, those of the leafy vegetables, those that carry magnesia [-ium?], iron, silicon, calcium, and such - see? Not too much with the use of those that carry phosphorus and the like, for these WASTE away. (continued)


Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


Don't eat too many oysters, nor too much seafoods - but SUFFICIENTLY balanced in these, dependent upon the activities of the body. Outline as to what the activities are to be! Then there may be a PERFECT balance in a diet! 5686-2, Female 57, 3/22/31 Calcium, carbonates

(Q) What is the cause of the absorption of the bone in mouth since extraction of the teeth? (A) This produced by the lack of those forces in the body to PRODUCE that process that is ordinarily found with the structural portion of the body. Lack of the calcium, and of the carbonates in the system. With these conditions added, or the application of these as given, we will find a more equal balancing of the various forces in the system. 3795-1, Adult Female, 4/2/31 Dentistry, lime, phosphates, silicon

(Q) Regarding the physical, what should body do for teeth? (A) Many of these will need local attention. Many of these will be assisted by those vibrations as to be set up in the system through the manner of the diet, when keeping away from those that make for acid forces in the body; using those food values that carry more of the silicon, the lime, and those of the phosphates will aid in CORRECTING those conditions, when LOCAL conditions are attended to.

654-4, Adult Female, 9/3/31 Extraction, warning

Beware of too much sugars or pastries. No ice cream. None of the fish or sea foods. Little meat may be taken, provided same is fowl or lamb; the broth from others may be taken, but not too much of the meats. 3795-2, Adult Female, 9/8/31 Dentistry, blood-building, extraction

We would also have those corrections of a local nature with the teeth and gums.

We would also be mindful that the diet is rich in the blood BUILDING….

(Q) Will tooth on right side of gum come through? (A) Best to have local attention for this, and if this is being pushed (as it is) to the side, best that it be MADE to come through or taken out!…

(Q) Is the diet correct? (A) More blood building, as has been indicated.


Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


391-4, Male 21, 11/25/32 Throat clogging, onions: Ipsab, salts Be mindful of the diet, that there is a well-balanced diet consisting rather in this line:

Mornings - either stewed fruits (rhubarb, figs or the like) or citrus fruit juices, but do not take both at the same meal. To this may be added coddled egg, or soft-boiled egg, with a little crisp bacon and a little coffee (but no cream in it!).

Noons - juices of vegetables, as vegetable soups, or stews, or meat stews, but not that which has a great deal of fat in it. This may be topped with any of the dried breads, or with any of the whole wheat breads.

Evenings - the full vegetable meal, with little meats; but with plenty of the green vegetables, especially of the leafy variety; beans, lentils, cabbage, peas, carrots, salsify, all of these are well, and as MUCH of the boiled onions that may be well assimilated.

For that tendency at times in evenings for the little disturbance or irritation in the throat, which arises from the gastric juices of the stomach, especially when the body retires, we will find that if there will be taken the juice pressed from half-boiled onions, or the syrup from same, with a little sugar - or preferably honey or saccharin, this will allay the condition even if only a few drops are taken at a time.

Do that. Ready for questions.

(Q) What can I do to keep my throat from clogging up every morning, when I don't have a cold? (A) We have just given it! We got ahead of you!

(Q) What is wrong with my teeth and gums, and what can be done to cure them? (A) Balance the diet in the way and manner as to keep plenty of salts in the system, from the vegetable forces that we have outlined, and it will be much better for the body. We would also use the Ipsab as a stimulator for the muco-membranes, for the gums and around the same. 457-3, Female 26, 11/25/33 Glands, iron, silicon: Warning (Q) What can I do to preserve my teeth, as regards diet and treatment? (A) Be mindful of the diet and of the general health; and the care that may be taken of same. For, they are the effect of the activity of glands in the body and reproduce and preserve themselves if the proper diets are adhered to or precautions taken as respecting them. Don't take things in the mouth that are over hot or over cold; that is, don't bite ice with the teeth or the like of such. Do not take properties that are MINERAL in the mouth, or hold them in the mouth, as the body sometimes does, and expect the teeth not to be affected! (continued)


Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


(Q) Any specific suggestions regarding diet in relation to teeth? (A) See that there is the proper amount of iron and silicon, that comes from vegetables - not from minerals; they are minerals, but vegetable minerals for the body. 903-21, Female 31, 1/31/34 Pregnancy, streptococcus Keep the diet well balanced, and more alkaline than acid; FRUITS during those periods when the throat and the gums are disturbed, and a general well balanced diet afterward. 735-2, Female 7, 1/9/35 Calcium, silicon (Q) Is there anything wrong with her teeth? (A) We do not find anything materially wrong with the teeth. As indicated from the change in diets outlined for the body, necessary that we keep more of the foods carrying silicon and calcium in the system. 365-4, Female 38, 2/27/35 Enamel, calcium, chlorines, alkaline (Q) What can I do to prevent the teeth from wearing down? (A) Use more of an alkalin-reacting diet; as quantities of orange juice with a little lemon in same, as four parts orange juice to one part lemon; grapefruit, raw vegetables, potato peels, Ventriculin taken occasionally, these will materially aid in adding those elements necessary for the correcting of the glands with the system that make for the proper secretions to the body for the building of enamel, and for the activity - of course - of the thyroid. (Q) Would Kal or Vegetrate, rich in calcium and phosphorous, be beneficial in this condition? (A) As we find, the Ventriculin with the iron would be the more helpful; this taken about three to four times each week. (Q) Will the enamel form again on the teeth? (A) Provided the correct diet and correct elements for the system are kept…. (Q) Does my body need any special food which it is not getting? (A) As indicated by those necessary elements of calcium, the chlorines, the forms that make for the activity of the glands, as indicated by the character of the diet. And not too much of meats at any time for the body, and when meats are taken let these be either of liver, pigs' feet, tripe or lamb, or fish, or shell fish, in moderation.


Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


543-23, Female 26, 5/9/35 Dentistry, crumbling, salts (Q) Are there any teeth giving this body any trouble? (A) There are some teeth that need local attention. These arise from the changing of the salts in the body, and show some crumbling that has caused some of the irritation that makes for a nervous reaction. Unless these are attended to they will give trouble. 808-3, Female 27, 5/19/35 Pregnancy, mastication, salivary glands And especially keep a well-balance (but not an excess) in the calciums necessary with the iodines, that produce the better body, especially through those periods of conception and gestation. (Q) How about roughage in the diet? (A) Do not go to excess in this direction; but the proper amount is all right provided what is taken at any time is WELL masticated. For, as we have indicated, for each and every body there should be the thorough mastication. For if this is done the activity of the glands in the mouth and the salivary glands is such as to keep the throat and the bronchi in a much healthier condition. Bolting food or swallowing it by the use of liquids produces more colds than ANY ONE activity of a diet! Even milk or water should be CHEWED two to three times before taken into the stomach itself, for this makes for the proper assimilation of the lacteal activity in the system; and when being acted upon by the gastric flow of the hydrochlorics in the duodenum area, it is better assimilated and gives more value in the whole of the body. 412-8, Male 33, 5/23/35 Toxemia, gland incoordination, dentistry We find in the PHYSICAL being of the body that there are disturbances from poisons which have been and are an accumulation from the lack of coordination in the gland secretions, as well as in the assimilating forces of the body. There has been an unbalancing in the elements necessary for a proper coordination. So, we find it would be well at this time to add that within the system which would PURIFY the bloodstream, as a tonic compounded in such a manner as to make for the coordinating of the various channels of elimination and the activities towards creating the proper balance within the system. This would relieve many of the strains that exist in the vegetative or sympathetic nervous forces of the body; that bring distresses to the eyes, ears, the organs of the sensory forces, and in the superficial circulation the tendencies for a rash - and the disorders at times in these directions. The tonic would be prepared, for the better physical forces of this body, in this way and manner: (continued)


Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


To 2 ounces of Peptotol or Lactated Pepsin as the base or carrier, add: Elixir of Wild Cherry Bark...........1/2 ounce, Compound Syrup of Sarsaparilla.......1/2 ounce, Tincture of Stillingia...............1/4 ounce, Elixir of Calisaya...................1/2 ounce, Syrup of Rhubarb.....................1/4 ounce, Syrup of Cascara.....................1/4 ounce, Tincture of Capsici....................4 minims.

Shake the solution together before the dosage is taken, which would be half a teaspoonful after each meal and upon retiring. This must be taken consistently.

And it would be well that the diet be made in accord with same. We would keep nearer toward an alkalinity in the diet. Little or no food values carrying quantities of grease. Less of the breads or those things that make for the accumulation of elements that are clogging to the system, in the form of starches that have been and are indicated as a portion of the diet. So, a diet according to this outline would be well:

Mornings - the citrus fruit juices or cereals that have a great deal of all the elements; especially Vitamins A, B, C, D, such as would be found in whole wheat or the cereals that are dry and the Maltex preparations for the cooked cereals; but do not have cereals AND citrus fruit juices at the same meal. Not too great a quantity of sweets at the morning meal. If these have to be included, let them be principally in the form of honey and the derivatives of same; for these will be much better.

Noons - (or one meal each day, preferably at noon) RAW vegetables! Not the ones that make distresses in certain elements, but combine many of them together; as tomatoes, lettuce, celery, onions, radish, carrots, beets, beans, and those of such natures that make for roughage that requires the well mastication.

Evenings - rather the well-cooked whole vegetable diet, with lamb, fowl, fish or the like.

And take TIME to masticate the food well!

In this respect, we find that the teeth also need local attention in the present; especially the upper molars and some of the lower teeth toward the front. But with the changing of the diet, and with the properties combined in the tonic, the general health including the teeth will be materially aided; although we would have the local attention in the present to the teeth themselves.

Also we would have the stimulating vibrations from the Violet Ray (with the flat bulb or the large bulb) applied each evening just before retiring, for three to four minutes; especially across the shoulders, over the back of the neck, around the face, down and across the diaphragm area. This will STIMULATE the circulation and be activative with those forces that are taken internally through the tonic as well as working with the diets of the body.


Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


1315-6, Female 44, 1/7/37 Extraction after effects: Combinations (Q) What is the best diet for me? (A) An eighty percent alkalin to twenty percent acid reacting diet. The combinations are those things that make for too great a disturbance. Then, leave out these from the diet as combinations. Do not take tomatoes either cooked or raw WITH other green cooked or raw vegetables; though tomatoes by themselves (preferably the canned) are very good as a portion of the noon meal, or an evening meal. Leave off potatoes of any kind at ANY time, and especially no fried potatoes ever! Do not combine white bread especially at any time when wines or strong drinks are taken. Do not use too much of or too great quantity of alcoholic drinks, though Red Wine is very good for the body, or light wines - NOT in excess. Spaghetti or macaroni or great quantities of cheese, do not combine these too much with breads or sweets; but rather as indicated keep the twenty percent acid to eighty percent alkalin reactions. (Q) Are figs and dates good for me? (A) These are very good. Do not combine these, however, with starchy foods. (Q) Does pumpernickel bread contain starch or anything that is bad for me? (A) Pumpernickel is of many varied characters or kinds. That which is properly made pumpernickel is VERY good for the body. But we would find rye bread or Ry-Krisp as a better bread than too much pumpernickel - as has been mostly used by the body. (Q) Is liquor bad for me? (A) Strong drinks as indicated are bad. 808-5, Female 29, 1/16/37 Softening, Ipsab: Nuts and raisins (Q) Do I have pyorrhea of the gums? (A) The natural effluvium for the body-circulation tends to make for softening, as do the foods taken. And this as we find gives the inclination. We would massage more thoroughly, oftener, with the Ipsab; and we will find this softening - especially with nuts being a part of the diet, or nuts and raisins combined - will be overcome, and these will strengthen the blood through the iron as made and through the milk of chyle as they create for the strengthening of these particular portions or glandular forces of the body.


Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


1101-5, Female 20, 11/15/37 Calcium, calcium chloride, Ipsab (Q) Are my wisdom teeth coming in properly? (A) These are normal conditions at the present. It is well that these be examined occasionally for specific conditions. In all such there is the lack often of sufficient calcium in system, but the activities of this body - especially in the open and in the sunshine - make for sufficient here. (Q) How are all my teeth? (A) These are very good. Keep a normal balance for the activities to keep sufficient of the calcium, sufficient of calcium chloride, sufficient of the activities for such. Use the Ipsab occasionally as a thorough massage for the gums; this preferably massaged inside and out along the gums with the finger, or a tuft of cotton. This Ipsab as we find carries properties that will keep the proper circulation, adding to the system the properties that are effective in keeping the dentifrice of the WHOLE body well in accord. 1206-4, Female 12, 11/19/37 Aching teeth: Jerusalem artichokes (Q) Is there anything in the way of eating that should be changed? (A) We do not find that the activity of the diet is objectionable in any manner. We would find it very well, especially during these first two weeks of treatments, to use the Jerusalem artichoke once or twice a week. For this body, this vegetable should not be eaten raw but should be cooked - as a baked potato; but not more than one of the small ones, the size of an egg or the like, at the meal; and these may be obtained now. 1523-3, Female 29, 3/22/38 Calcium, thyroid: Preservation (Q) Suggest diet beneficial to preserving teeth. (A) Eggs, potato peelings, sea foods - all of these are particularly given to preserving the teeth; or anything that carries quantities of calcium or aids to the thyroids in its production would be beneficial - so it is not overbalanced, see? (Q) Is calcium taken in pills advisable? (A) That taken from vegetable matter is much more easily assimilated; or from fish AND sea foods.


Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


1467-4, Male 33, 11/7/38 Aching teeth, laxative foods, thyroid However, precautions should be taken that there is sufficient of the laxative foods, or plenty of such as prunes, figs, raw vegetables, or fresh vegetables well-cooked, as a part of the diet; so as to make for plenty of iron as well as the activities for resistances through the system. If the body does not respond to these, or does not gain the resistance sufficiently through the diet, then we find that Codiron would be a well-balance for producing plenty of the vitamins AND THE ACTIVITY necessary for the system. (Q) What causes the quick and achey feeling in the upper right teeth? (A) As indicated, the lack of the proper glandular force. Hence the diet or the properties indicated, with a balance of iron and a resistance which will make for activity of the glandular force of the body. Lack of activity through the thyroid. 257-205, Male 45, 2/17/39 Extraction, infections, roots (Q) Please examine the first and second maxillary upper left molars and tell us whether there is an infection at the roots of these two teeth. (A) There has been and is some infection at the roots of these teeth, that need local attention, - as well as a general supplying to the system of those foods which will enable the body to gain more of the vital forces necessary to combat infectious forces through the system. Such as celery, lettuce, radishes, onions and the like, - and these fresh and the GREEN rather than those that have been or are bleached - these would be just a portion of the diet each day. 1000-22, Female 50, 3/25/39 Atomidine, calcium: Enamel-building (Q) The enamel on my front teeth seems to be wearing away. Is there any special treatment for this, or is there a special diet? (A) A diet that will carry more of enamel-building foods would be well; or the Calcios, or calcium foods, - as well as the SKINS of Irish potatoes; not so much the bulk of the potato but the peel. Also a little Atomidine taken would be well; one drop in half a glass of water before any meal of morning, taken for three days out of each week for two weeks, then left off for two to three weeks, and then taken three days again each week for two weeks, and so on - see? This will be most beneficial. We would also use an equal combination of iodized salt and soda as a massage for the gums.


Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


1947-2, Female 31, 7/14/39 Eliminations, warning Then, as to the diet, - we would take precautions that better eliminations are kept. Not too much of fats. Not too much of starches or of sweets. This, now, does not indicate that any or all of these are to be eliminated, but keep a better balance in the use of these with the diet. And we will find that, with this change in the diet, the use of CODIRON as a tonic will supply energies and the proportionate character of vitamins for teeth as well as the NERVES of the body, for better correction with the vibrations used and the manipulations given for eyes and ears also. This will also aid in correcting the nervous digestion that at times disturbs the body. Take two of the Codiron tablets at the heavier meal of the day, and one tablet at each of the other meals; NOT after or before, but WITH the meals, see? 2004-2, Female 4, 10/27/39 Body-building, calcium, decay, orthodontia

(Q) Will her second teeth need to be straightened? If so, at what age? (A) Not if there would be given along with these treatments or corrections the body-building forces as found in CALCIOS; about as much as would be put on the point of a knife and spread on a cracker (as butter), three times a week for about three weeks, left off for two weeks, and then given for three to four weeks again - this eaten three times a week, see?

(Q) Is this what her diet lacks that causes tooth decay in her case? (A) This is what will aid, with the adjustments and body-building foods, in PREVENTING the disturbance in the gums, and make the teeth better. 2051-1, Male 66, 11/30/39 Extraction, vegetable juices In the diets, - here we will find that a great deal of the corrective forces will depend upon the adherence to the proper food values. No fat meats or greases or fried foods of ANY kind during the periods of these corrections.

Have a great deal of the juices of vegetables. This should be fresh juice, and NOT that which has been canned. Especially drink a great deal of carrot juice; an ounce to two ounces, two to three times a day; also celery, or the combinations of celery, lettuce and spinach, - these put in a Juicer, and taken fresh. Eat a great deal of vegetables rather than meats, though fish or fowl may be taken in moderation.


Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


1467-8, Male 35, 8/2/40 Pyorrhea/Riggs Disease, Coca-Cola not carbonated Then in the diet, - keep away from fried foods or quantities of fats or greases. Little of carbonated waters, though at times it will be found that fountain Coca-Cola will be helpful to the body, but this rather in moderation. White bread and white potatoes are tabu for the body. Potatoes may be occasionally in soups or the like, but very little of same. Carrots, lettuce, celery, - these should be a portion of one meal each day. 1158-26, Female 50, 9/19/40 Vitamins, aging (Q) Do I need Vitamin B? If so, in what form and dosage? (A) It is preferable that this vitamin be assimilated by the system from the natural sources, rather than in concentrated or tablet form, see? All bodies need Vitamin B, and this body especially - because of its energies and its serious activities at times, even to the detriment of the body's physical abilities! All foods that are yellow in color carry excesses of Vitamin B. Then, include in the diet such as: Yellow corn meal, yellow squash, yellow peaches, oatmeal, corn and corn products - but especially those that have been supplied with that to balance same are well; as Kix, as steel cut oats, as the regular parched corn, as popcorn and all its products. These are the BETTER manners to take Vitamin B, - unless some conditions have become acute - which they haven't here…. (Q) Is bone cracking in my head and feet serious? (A) No, it's rather the age and the lack of oils that supply the general activity - which is supplied through the Vitamin B-1 and G and K. (Q) Can it be permanently corrected? (A) This is as just indicated. If you could stop getting old - but we can't stop time yet! (Q) Any further suggestions as to diet? (A) This has been covered satisfactorily and frequently, so that the body is a very good dietician. Plenty of fruits, vegetables, raw and cooked, are best in the diet often, of course. (Q) Should I eliminate fats? (A) Not altogether.


Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


808-14, Female 33, 3/22/41 Extraction, calcium, vitamins (Q) Does this body need extra calcium for teeth and bones, and if so will Abbot's Dicalcium Phosphate wafers prescribed by Dr. Lansdale [George LeRoy Lansdale, D.D.S.] supply the lack? (A) As we find, if the ADIRON vitamins are taken, as combined with those properties for clarifying the system, there will be a better assimilation of calcium by the foods taken than there would be supplied by the use of the Abbot wafers. Then in the diet there should be supplied more often those elements needed, - as in fish, raw carrots and the like. Thus we should have sufficient calcium for the body functionings. The Adiron carries iron AND a calcium reacting influence, see? 2470-1, Female 51, 3/22/41 Acidity, uremia, extraction, hemorrhaging,

vitamins First, - the blood supply indicates there is very poor assimilation of foods. Thus those upsettings of the digestive system, and the irritations as produced in the lower hepatic circulation; by the excesses of acids and especially a uremic reaction causing irritation even to bladder at times - and the irritation to the tube or eliminating channel of the urine from the system…. In the diet, - be mindful that there are more of foods carrying the Vitamin B and B-1; such as may be found in steel cut oats, especially, and in cracked wheat, as well as liver and the juices of broiled beef. 2072-5, Female 31, 7/23/41 Hypothyroidism, toxemia, juices To be sure, have plenty of juices of fruits and vegetables; but also fowl, fish and beef juice. The beef juice should be taken only as medicine, rather than as food value - though it will add materially to the supplying of the needs as to body deficiencies, through the elements that are produced best in the beef juice itself…. (Q) Crying sensation at thyroid. (A) The lack of sufficient activity of same. Thus the needs for those energies in the VITAL forces indicated, - as in the fowl and fish, to make for better activity there. There are the needs for more iodine in the system. Hence fish, if it is at all assimilated, should be taken by the body.


Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


264-56, Female 50, 8/15/41 Citrus, calcios, calcium, salts, glands We would take more and more of the citrus fruit juices. These will be better for supplying of the mineral and vegetable salts for the body. This will also aid, of course, in the conditions with the teeth and the activity of the glandular system. Or, we would occasionally take CALCIOS. This is a source of supply of calcium; but with this the fruit salts - or the mineral salts from the fruits and the like - are necessary. 3/27/50 Reply to Questionnaire: "I followed the advice in 264-56, Par. 10-A for colitis, swelling and griping pains, and got a great deal of relief in about a week. It took about six weeks to entirely reduce the pain and swelling.

"Occasionally when eating in a hotel or restaurant, something will irritate my intestines, causing pain. I follow the above for two or three days, and drink an extra amount of orange juice (1 and 1/2 glass per day) and the condition clears up.” 1158-31, Female 51, 8/31/41 Vitamins, calcium (Q) What are the best sources of calcium in foods? (A) The ends of bony pieces of fowl or the like, gristle, pigs' feet, souse and the like. Vegetables such as turnips, parsnips, and all of those that grow under the ground. (Q) What foods are best source of Vitamin B? (A) And B-1. All of those that are of the yellow variety, in fruits and vegetables. Also in many of those are the acids that go with same [see previous excerpt above: 1158-26]. (Q) How often should these foods be used weekly? (A) Have rather regular days or periods in which these foods or fruits are taken, or take some portion of them every day. This is a vitamin that is not stored as is A, D, C or G, but needs to be supplied each day. (Q) For balanced diet, what quantities should I take per week of carrots? (A) This should be a carrot a day, and you will find you will have better conditions in your teeth and in the digestive forces. Yet to make this so specific might become a hardship, but the character of preparation may be changed - and this become rather a needed supply.


Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


808-15, Female 34, 10/5/41 Appetite as criterion, Atomidine (Q) Is my diet complete? (A) The diet is very good, if it is kept in that manner as indicated. Let the appetites of the body begin to be as a criterion to the body, as to its needs. Of course, when quantities or regular periods of sea foods are taken, lessen the quantity or the distance between the doses of the Atomidine. That is, if oysters are eaten oft, or sea foods, or fish, or crab, or lobster, or the like, then do not take the Atomidine as often. When there is a great deal of fowl taken, - that is, of chicken, goose, duck, turkey or the like, and the body pieces or broths of same are taken, - it is not so necessary for great quantities of the Calcios. But when these are NOT excessive in the diet, keep the foods reinforced with these. For, the glandular forces and the corrective measures for all of the activities of the organs through the pelvis, as well as those related to the thyroid, will be coordinated the better. 585-8, Female 45, 10/15/41 Extraction, nerves, X-ray, minerals (Q) Do any of my teeth need to be pulled at this time or treated? (A) Some rather need treating. Few if any need pulling. These had best be determined by the local treatments and the shadowgraph or x-ray indicating where there is such destruction to the nerve center as to make it preferable for extraction. But as we find, with proper balancing of foods in system, - plenty of calcium, iron and sulphur, we should have long use of the present teeth. 457-8, Female 34, 4/23/42 Pregnancy, calcium, glands (Q) Are teeth in good condition now to stand the strain of pregnancy? (A) Will necessitate that there be plenty of those foods carrying calcium, during the period. (Q) Do the proper foods prevent deterioration of the teeth and falling out of hair? (A) They do; though it may necessitate glandular changes at times in a body. For, though the proper food may be taken if the glandular system does not assimilate it in such a manner as for it to be used properly in the body, it does not prevent deterioration, see? It must be properly assimilated.


Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


457-9, Female 34, 5/21/42 Pregnancy, thyroid, iodine, vitamins

(Q) Is the glandular system in such condition to properly assimilate the foods to prevent deterioration of teeth and hair? (A) As indicated, there is the need for some stimulation to the thyroid, which acts directly with both the formation of teeth and nails, as well as hair. Thus the increase in the food values carrying iodine, or especially sea foods of all kinds, would be advisable for the body. Not to excess, to be sure, but to keep the better balance - which will be indicated by a better smoothness of the skin and a better gloss to the hair, as well as better conditions for the nails….

(Q) Do grapefruit and lemon contain Vitamin B? (A) Very little; more of C.

(Q) Do carrots carry this Vitamin B? Does it make any difference whether they are raw or cooked? (A) They do. If cooked, be sure they are cooked in their own juices to preserve the greater portion of same, but there's quite a variation as to that that is released for digestive forces by being cooked. There are periods when they are better assimilated cooked than raw, but the juices are the source of the vitamin - and that, of course, close to the skin.

(Q) Are there any whole grain cereals containing Vitamin B which are not too much starch for this body? (A) Oats are the better sources, - oats and barley. [Maltex?]

(Q) Among the meat foods that may be taken, can lamb, veal and well done beef be included? (A) Beef may be included at times, but not too often.

(Q) Do raw foods carry more of the calcium; such as lettuce, cabbage, carrots and cauliflower? Does cooking destroy the calcium in foods? (A) To be sure. At times, but if the cooking is done in Patapar Paper, so that all the juices are saved with same, then these are just as well - and, as indicated - at times more preferable, for they are more easily assimilated, and especially so during pregnancy.

457-11, Female 34, 9/3/42 Pregnancy, calcium, gas (Q) Is there anything besides hog meat that causes the chemical changes which bring gases in the body? (A) This depends upon the chemical body, and the chemical reaction of the body. Yes, there are many other things. Various things will under various circumstances produce gases in body. (Q) Should lamb and veal be included in meat foods eaten or not? (A) Lamb and veal may be included at times…. (continued)


Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


(Q) Is milk a good source of calcium for this body? Will it not tend to be fattening? (A) Depends upon the character of milk, as to how it is sterilized, as to how it is taken or used. Milk is one of the greater sources for calcium. If there is the desire, or the fear of the body (and who are you thinking of? self or the child?), - if these are considered, or if there is the desire, CALCIOS may be added in a form to supply calcium for the body.

2376-2, Female 25, 6/29/42 Anemia, vitamins: Maltex, Karo

Then the diet and the other activities:

Mornings - do have cereals that have the vitamins especially of B and B-1. These are principally from the reinforced cereals or else the whole wheat or the combinations of wheat and barley (as in Maltex or the like), - thoroughly cooked. To be sure, these would not be all that would be taken, but do include these almost every morning meal. The yolk of an egg, breakfast bacon, milk, should be a part of this meal also at times. A little of syrup may be taken, - preferably Karo rather than other combinations, for this carries some carbohydrates that are well for the body. Do have one meal each day consisting principally of raw vegetables; not all of the meal, but the greater portion, while the other part should be preferably soups, stews or the like. Include all of the vegetables that may be eaten raw, - tomatoes, carrots, lettuce, celery, mustard, onions, radishes, - all of such use; peppers and the like. Not necessary all at once, to be sure, but some of these, or their combinations. Each day have one meal when these form the principal part. The rest may be the vegetable soups or the condensed soups, or tomato cream of tomato, or any of those kinds.

Eat few of those vegetables, other than the carrots, that grow under the ground. Use mostly those above the ground - these well cooked.

Fish, fowl and lamb may be taken. Do not eat beef, for this body; though beef juice may be taken if it is desirable, - not a stew, but beef juice.

Then take the B-Complex One A Day brand of reinforced vitamins; to supply the iron as well as the other vitamins in combination that will assimilate better with the body. 2072-9, Female 32, 7/22/42 Universal Keep the better diets; that is, keep a more universal diet, and this will aid. Fruits, vegetables, nuts; little meats, but fowl and fish do take. [GD's note: Mrs. [2072] had for some time been a diet faddist.]


Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


2797-1, Female 32, 8/26/42 Calcium, circulation, ridges In the matter of the diet and the exercises:

Do have walking as the principal exercise.

No fats in the diet. The meats should be fish, fowl or lamb. No fried foods. Only the yolk of the egg should be taken. Rarely take such as beans that are dried. The green or leafy vegetables should be the principal ones used for this body. Do drink plenty of water, but nothing with carbonated waters in same. The body is more allergic to carbonated waters, or carbons in any form, than to other things.

Do these, and we will find bettered conditions for this body….

(Q) Why are my teeth getting deep sensitive ridges in them? Can it be stopped? (A) From lack of proper amount of circulation and of calcium in the body; though calcium added to the body in the present would be detrimental rather than beneficial. But with the character of foods indicated, and with the applications made for correcting the impulses and the glandular forces, more calcium will be taken from the foods and eradicate this disturbance.

2376-3. Female 25, 10/6/42 Balance, vitamins We would continue now, periodically, the B-1 Complex tablets, - that is, we would take them say for ten days, and then leave off for five, and then take ten days again, and so on, - to make for a better balancing of the energies necessary for the general activities of the body…. In the matter of the diet, - keep this very well balanced in all the reinforced foods, - or flour and cereals, use those especially. Use fish, fowl and lamb principally, if meats are taken. Use leafy vegetables rather than the pod, and those that grow more above the ground than those that grow under the ground. For this particular body, however, take the Irish potato rather often, but eat the jackets with the potato, - whether roasted or boiled, eat the peel with it, and you will keep a better activity through the glandular forces, that will keep a better balance in the system. 2376-5, Female 26, 10/6/42 Anemia, digestion, glands, fats Also once each day, just after the heavier meal eaten that day, take internally the Milk of Bismuth with Elixir of Lactated Pepsin in it. Take about half a teaspoonful of the Milk of Bismuth in three-fourths of a glass of water, stirred thoroughly, with six drops of Elixir of Lactated Pepsin stirred in same. This as we find will remove those tendencies through the whole of the alimentary canal to give the disturbance to the glandular forces in the body…. (continued)


Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


(Q) What is cause and relief for severe headaches? (A) The taxation to the stomach centers. Thus the applications given for better eliminations. If it is necessary, because of taking several doses of the Milk of Bismuth, take an enema - rather than too much of any cathartic, see?... (Q) What is cause and relief of the condition at times in my throat, head and back of neck? (A) As indicated, the inability - with the stimulations that have been given - for the assimilation of any forms of fats in the body. Remember, fats are not digested - they are strained, as it were, through the activities of the glandular forces; that is, those in the upper portion of the stomach, and then they are emptied into the circulation, slowly at a time. Thus not too much fats, but some butter, some cheese, these are very well for the body, as should be milk, malted milk and those of such natures that carry forms of fat that are taken into the assimilated forces rather than requiring digestion for same. 3211-1, Male 55 (Dentist), 9/15/43 A dentist asks questions! Warning,

water chemicals, fluorine, thyroid Suggestion by Mrs. Cayce: You will have before you the research field in dentistry pertaining to chemical preparations and patents, and dental abnormalities. You will answer the questions submitted by Dr. [3211], dentist, present in this room, as I ask them: EC: Yes. If this information is to be obtained for individual use, it may be given from one approach, if it is to be for universal use, it is another approach. If it will be indicated as to which of these the entity wishes to subscribe, then we may give information as to the activities for individual application or that as may apply for the universal knowledge as may be indicated regarding dentistry or care of the teeth. (Q) Regarding the universal approach: Is it true, as it is thought, that the intake of certain form and percentage of fluorine in drinking water causes mottled enamel of the teeth? (A) This, to be sure, is true; but this is also untrue unless there is considered the other properties with which such is associated in drinking water. If there are certain percents of fluorine with free limestone, we will find it is beneficial. If there are certain percents with indications of magnesium, sulphur and the like, we will have one motley, another decaying at the gum. (Q) Does too much fluorine cause decay of teeth, and where is the borderline? (A) Read what has just been indicated. It depends upon the combinations, more than it does upon the quantity of fluorine itself. But, to be sure, too much fluorine


Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


in the water would not make so much in the teeth as it would in other elements or activities which may be reflected in teeth; not as the cause of same but producing a disturbance that may contribute to the condition. But where there is iron or sulphur or magnesium, be careful. To perfectly understand it would be preferable to understand these: There are areas within the United States - such as in some portions of Texas, portions in Arizona, others in Wyoming - where the teeth are seldom ever decayed. Study the water there, the quantity of fluorine there, the lack of iron or sulphur or the proportions of sulphur; that is in the regular water. There are many sections, of course, where fluorine added to the water, with many other chemicals would be most beneficial. There are others where, even a small quantity added would be very detrimental. Hence it cannot be said positively that this or that quantity should be added save in a certain degree of other chemicals being combined with same in the drinking water. But there are some places where you have few or none. For, here we will find a great quantity of either iron or sulphur, while in some places in the West - as in the central portion of Texas in certain vicinities, you won't find any decay. Certain cases in the North Western portion of Arizona, or close within some parts of Cheyenne, Wyoming, will not be found to show decay - if the water that is used is from the normal source of supply. But where there have been contributions from other supplies of water, there will be found variations in the supply of magnesium and other chemicals as from the flowing over, or arsenic and such - these cause destruction to the teeth. (Q) What is the best manner of protecting teeth against decay? (A) Keeping the best physical health of the body and protecting it from iron or iron products that may become a part of the body-physical in one manner or another. These are needed, but when their proportions are varied the teeth do not show the proper relationships - when you lose that quantity of iron needed. (Q) Could the diet give the required amount of fluorine for prevention of decay? (A) It could aid but depending upon the water and other conditions - there's no definite. (Q) What other factors are there that control and have an effect on mottled enamel and decay of teeth? (A) The general health of the body and the chemical processes that are a part of the digestive system, the process of digestion, the chemical processes through same, and the blood stream. These, of course, are the processes within the body itself. (continued)


Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


(Q) How can this condition be prevented in children's teeth? (A) By keeping a proper balance in the diet and in the protection from the ordinary causes - which are the lack of cleanliness…. (Q) Should drinking water in certain localities be prepared with a percentage of fluorine for prevention of decay and for preventing mottled enamel in teeth? If so, how and where? (A) This would have to be tested in the various districts themselves, much as has been indicated. There's scarcely an individual place in Ohio that it wouldn't be helpful, for it will get rid of and add to that condition to cause a better activity in the thyroid glands; while, for general use, in such a district as Illinois (say in the extreme northern portion) it would be harmful. These would necessarily require testing, according to the quantities of other conditions or minerals or elements in the water. 2982-2, Female 34, 12/1/43 Calcium, dentistry: heart, circulation As we find there is a lack of hydrochloric acid in the body forces. This causes those tendencies for acidity at times, a heaviness, a feeling as of flatness - not from the exterior, but a feeling of flatness through lungs and throat, tendency for clearing the throat, dimness to the eyes, and the high emotional reactions. There is also a lack of the proper balance through the system for the calcium that aids in equalizing the activities of the glandular forces as related to the circulation as supplied through ends of nerve and blood supply, or the sympathetic circulation that aids principally in the return of the circulation when carried by the heart beat through the arteries, and the deeper circulation. And this controls more the vein circulation. Thus these become full in places on the body, also causing a feeling of a puffed or slow circulation - yet the heart going faster than it should…. Do begin taking Acigest daily, half a teaspoonful in raw milk, preferably at the evening meal. Three times each week, at the noon meal, eat a whole wheat cracker spread thinly with Calcios. This is the better way to take calcium in the body so that it will be easily assimilated. Don't begin these, unless you are going to carry through with it. This has not been a fault of the diet but a fault of the general conditions through the body and general conditions that exist…. (Q) What is the condition of the teeth? (A) These are very good but soon will need some local attention, unless the supply of the calcium to the body will aid in strengthening the gums.


Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


2072-12, Female 32, 3/8/43 Acidity, alkalinity, expand stomach But keep that general activity, the occasional correction, and the keeping of the body in a normal relation between the acid and alkalines; not becoming overalkaline, for this may be worse than not sufficient. But the general activities, and these things kept in mind; that is, the alkalization and the acidization of the system in a nominal balance. However, do not become one set on any particular diet. For, remember, all the forces necessary for body changes are within the realm of the diet for an individual. And these are the natural sources, means and manners through which such should be carried on. An ounce of preventative may be worth pounds of cure!... The stomach itself has not developed as much as it should. Do eat a little bit more each time; not to make it disagreeable or unpleasant afterward, but do expand the stomach more, and we will find that the general health will be improved. 264-58, Female 53, 12/4/43 Calcium, Calcios, vitamin C, wine (Q) Is my diet correct? (A) Build up with the use of all the vital energies, especially those that have been indicated for this body. (Q) How much Calcios should I take? (A) A whole wheat cracker spread thinly with this two or three times each week…. (Q) Should I continue taking wine - what kind? (A) Again, as indicated, it depends upon the choice. This is a stimuli for the body, aiding to enliven the circulation, and the light wines are preferable. (Q) What should be done for my teeth, by what dentist? (A) This depends altogether upon the choices of the body. The addition of calcium and the combination with the iron and the activities from Vitamin-C, as in oranges, is well for the teeth - but depending upon the choice of the body. 3666-1, Female 35, 2/22/44 B complex, calcium, iron, thyroid The blood supply indicates those tendencies for lack of elements in the chemical forces in assimilation. This has particularly or partially been brought about by diet and partially by the lack of sufficient elements - and with childbearing. This has decreased, then, the amount of calcium necessary in the body-forces as to give not so much the quickening to the pulsation, but inability (continued)


Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


to supply at all times normalcy in the activity of some of the glands, especially as related to the thyroids, to give sufficient elements for the fingers, the hair, the teeth. These are sources, then, that have caused some anxiety for the body. Then, these may be materially aided, if certain characters of diet are changed, or if there is the supplement of calcium as to be easily assimilated by the body, thus gradually adding to the efficiency in the supply of these elements for activity through the body. With the supplying of this, we find that the tiredness would, to a great extent, be eliminated. The calcium we would add in the form of Calcios. Eat a whole wheat cracker spread thinly with Calcios at least three times a week, as it will be much better assimilated in this manner. Take this preferably at the noon meal, say on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Also we would add B-1 or the B complex, niacin and iron. The combinations of these may be had best in the form of Kaldak. Take a level teaspoonful each day, in milk - for this body…. (Q) Are the devitalized teeth in my mouth harmful to my general health? (A) Not if sufficient elements are added to the body that these do not make a drainage upon the system. (Q) What is the ideal diet for me? (A) This depends upon where the body is living. It should be a well balanced diet with plenty of the supplementary elements for the body at this time. 4001-1, Female 55, 3/28/44 Kaldak, orange juice, dentistry, Ipana (Q) Is the taking of one grain thyroid tablets each day necessary and should it be continued? (A) We would leave these off through these periods. When there have been the better corrections we find that the addition of KalDak taken in periods would be helpful; that is, about four times each week, at regular periods, taking a heaping teaspoonful of KalDak dissolved first in a little water and then the glass filled with orange juice. This is the preferable manner of taking same for this body, but do not begin this until after the other treatments have been followed. (Q) Do any of my teeth need extraction, indicate which ones? (A) As we find there are those needing local attention; not necessarily extraction if there is the use of the orange juice, provided these are kept very clean. Use an equal combination of baking soda and table salt as a gum massage, as well as any good dentifrice. Ipana is good.


Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


808-20, Female 36, 5/3/44 Pregnancy, calcium, dentistry We will find that the taking of Calcios regularly and also using vitamin E, or wheat germ in the cereal, will give greater strength, and do keep these up for a week or two weeks after the corrections are made so that the nausea disappears. Keep up the osteopathic treatments throughout the period of gestation. At the end of three or three and one-half months [of pregnancy], the nausea should disappear…. (Q) The enamel is leaving the teeth at the gum line on some of my teeth. What should I do to correct this condition? (A) This has been indicated also. These vitamins and certain properties should be taken. 5069-1, Male 41, 5/8/44 Chicken bones for calcium (Q) Although my teeth seem to be in good condition, could they be partly the source of trouble? (A) The teeth are in good condition. It would be very well to take foods to supplement, especially foods from which the body may assimilate larger quantities of calcium, such as fish, chicken especially prepared in a way where the bones may be eaten. The feet and neck of the chicken are worth a lot more than the breast, although the breast is more palatable. Chewing the bones will be worth more to the body in strengthening and in the eliminations. These should be broiled or stewed, but do keep the lid on so that the boiling will not carry off that which is best to be taken.

5080-1, Female 40, 5/10/44 Ipsab, laxative foods These, as we find are upsetting to the body from the natural tendencies and constitution of the body, yet if there were more precautions taken in the diets and in the preparation of the foods, and the use of those that are of the laxative nature, much of this disturbance might be eliminated. These are the effects of the lack of the relaxing of the muscular forces through the alimentary canal, and lack of sufficient flow of the gastric juices through the activity of the pancreas and the gall duct. These changes in the diet, as in using more of the combinations such as pie plant, prunes, figs and raw vegetables, would be beneficial…. (Q) What foods would be best for improvement of my teeth? (continued)


Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


(A) We would not so much change the foods in this respect but would use Ipsab as a massage for the teeth and gums. Of course foods which combine better laxatives for the body, as well as the activities indicated, should make for better conditions with teeth. 2890-3, Male 11, 6/6/44 Body-building, calcium, Calcios, Ipana

As we find, there are many changes for the betterment with this body. As we find, there needs to be kept some of those suggestions occasionally, and we would add reinforcements in the amounts of calcium which would be taken into the system; as is indicated in some of the structural portions of the body, as teeth and as a condition in the general blood supply. We would add this particularly in the form of Calcios. This is to be taken about twice each week; spread what would be very thinly spread on a whole wheat wafer and eat as a sandwich.

We would also include more of the bony pieces of chicken. Include also some fish; sea foods, not fresh water fish. When eating canned salmon eat the bony portion; don't take it out, as it will aid with the oil in same, to supply elements necessary for the body-building forces.

We would have local attention for the teeth. We would occasionally, once in two weeks or twice a month, but regularly, have a thorough osteopathic adjustment and we will make and keep bettered conditions for the body….

(Q) How long should the Calcios be kept up? (A) Through the summer until there are changes or the activities may be more in a different environ.

(Q) How often should it be taken? (A) As has been given, about twice a week. No more than that which would be thinly spread on a whole wheat wafer.

(Q) What is present condition of teeth? (A) These need some local attention. Use occasionally the soda and salt, equal portions, rubbed on with the finger as a massage for teeth and gums. Then Ipana as a dentifrice to brush teeth, see? Not too vigorous, but do have this regularly. 1206-16, Female 18, 6/10/44 Calcium, minerals, vitamins

(Q) What can I do to avoid further tooth trouble? (A) Add to the body-forces more of the calcium. These we would find particularly in shell fish, bony pieces of chicken, meats occasionally, but not too much of fats. These should be strengthened also by the exercise of the gums; also by supplying vitamins and minerals necessary for the body-forces.


Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


Enamel 365-4, Female 38, 2/27/35 Diet, thyroid (Q) What can I do to prevent the teeth from wearing down? (A) Use more of an alkalin-reacting diet; as quantities of orange juice with a little lemon in same, as four parts orange juice to one part lemon; grapefruit, raw vegetables, potato peels, Ventriculin taken occasionally, these will materially aid in adding those elements necessary for the correcting of the glands with the system that make for the proper secretions to the body for the building of enamel, and for the activity - of course - of the thyroid. (Q) Would Kal or Vegetrate, rich in calcium and phosphorous, be beneficial in this condition? (A) As we find, the Ventriculin with the iron would be the more helpful; this taken about three to four times each week. (Q) Will the enamel form again on the teeth? (A) Provided the correct diet and correct elements for the system are kept…. (Q) Can I drink a glass of wine or beer occasionally? (A) Wine is a food if taken with brown or black bread, or whole wheat or rye bread. But do not take beer for this particular body. A glass of wine a day is helpful; that is, not too big a glass. (Q) Am I able to eat egg yolk because of my liver condition? (A) The body may eat egg yolk; but NOT the white. (Q) Does my body need any special food which it is not getting? (A) As indicated by those necessary elements of calcium, the chlorines, the forms that make for the activity of the glands, as indicated by the character of the diet. And not too much of meats at any time for the body, and when meats are taken let these be either of liver, pigs' feet, tripe or lamb, or fish, or shell fish, in moderation. 289-2, Male 48, 8/10/35 Dentistry, circulation, Ipsab, salt and soda (Q) What is the condition of the teeth? (A) Naturally, with the type of disturbances as we have indicated [psoriasis, toxemia], the enamel is very much disturbed; poor circulation, and many of the teeth NEED local attention. Massaging the gums with Ipsab or with equal parts of salt and soda will materially aid in producing a better condition there. However, local attention is needed.


Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


263-1, Female 21, 2/6/33 Brushing, dentistry, breaking (Q) What treatment should her teeth have? (A) The general care that should be taken for these at all times; brushing at least three times - or two times each day; and keeping the attention locally that is necessary to prevent the occurrence of breaking the enamel, or the like. 261-13, Male 47, 11/22/34 Dentistry (Q) One of my teeth - the lower jaw on the right side - is sensitive when I bite on it. Do you find anything wrong, and if so can it be cured? (A) This should have some local attention, as the enamel lower in the inner side shows some disturbance there. And if applications are made there, as we find, they would be effectual in eradicating the disorder. 1691-1, Male 18, 9/26/38 Thyroid, Ipsab, Dentistry . . . there are the reactions to some structural portions of the body - as in the lack of proper enamel in the teeth. This shows a deficiency in the activity of the assimilating forces through the glandular reactions of the thyroids themselves - which is a portion of the corrective forces needed in the system as related to all the glandular system…. For those conditions that disturb the gums, local attention is needed for some of the teeth. But massage the gums each day, as well as the teeth, with Ipsab as a solution, see? Use this on a small tuft of cotton or on the finger itself. Afterwards rinse the mouth with a little warm OR cold water. But do this each day, just before retiring, for at least THREE WEEKS! 318-7, Male 15, 8/18/41 Cleanser, Ipana, salt and soda Also we find that some local attention is needed for the teeth. These should be attended by a dentist, and there should be more precautions as to the character and use of a dentifrice, as well as to keep better circulation through the gums. There is none better than an equal combination of soda and salt, dampened, as a massage about twice each week. Then any good dentifrice; as Ipana, or any that keeps the cleansing of the enamel itself without irritating same. 1434-2, Female 10, 8/11/38 Entire reading, Faulty development of enamel

See next page.


Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation



Chiropractic: Not Recommended Par. 6 Diet: Glands: Thyroid Par. 11 : Vitamins: Codiron Par. 10


Osteopathy: Spine: Subluxations Par. 6

Physiotherapy: Massage: Ipsab: Teeth Par. 7

Prescriptions: Calcios: Teeth Par. 8



BACKGROUND OF READING 1434-2 F 10 B1. 8/1/38 Letter from [1434]'s mother [2511]: "...Expect you'll be surprised to hear from me. I enjoyed your letter from some time back so very much, and now I want you to come to my assistance again. "[1434], (our youngest daughter) has been having so much trouble with her permanent teeth. I thought it might be wise to ask Mr. Cayce to give her a reading. You ask any questions you want, etc., etc. I'd like to have a CHECK reading. Please ask the CAUSE and CURE of the trouble with her permanent teeth... She has never had any serious illness. "1. Why does she have faulty development of the enamel? 2. Why do these white spots occur on the lip and lining surfaces of her permanent teeth? Later these white spots develop into cavities. 3. Why does decay develop in this child's teeth? 4. What course to proceed to correct this condition?..." TEXT OF READING 1434-2 F 10 This psychic reading given by Edgar Cayce at his home on Arctic Crescent, Virginia Beach, Va., this 11th day of August, 1938, in accordance with request made by the mother - Mrs. [2511], Associate Member of the Ass'n for Research & Enlightenment, Inc.

P R E S E N T Edgar Cayce; Gertrude Cayce, Conductor; Gladys Davis, Steno.

R E A D I N G Time of Reading ... Avenue, 3: 45 to 4: 00 P. M. ..., S.C. 1. GC: You will give the present physical condition, giving suggestions for corrective measures - with special reference to faulty development of enamel on teeth; answering the questions submitted, as I ask them: 2. EC: Yes - as we find in the present with this body, [1434], as in reference to faulty development of the enamel:


Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


3. There is a glandular disturbance, especially in the thyroid. And this as we find has caused and does cause improper activity especially in reference to the enamel, the cuticle, and - unless corrections are made - WILL be in reference more to the condition on fingers and toes, as well as hair! 4. In the upper dorsal and through the cervical area we find some impingements, that impair the impulse - that is, for flow from the activities of the gland through the vagus circulation. 5. This condition combined with an unbalanced condition in the chemical reaction of the system causes the specific disturbance for the teeth in the present. 6. We would have six to ten adjustments osteopathically - not chiropractically, but osteopathically. We would take these about twice a week until six or eight or even ten are taken. 7. Then as these are begun, use Ipsab as a wash and as a massage for gums as well as teeth. About three or four times each week massage the gums thoroughly, upper and lower, inside and out, by using the finger or a small tuft of cotton wet with the Ipsab. Then rinse the mouth with a little of the Ipsab; then of course rinse with a little clear water after same - about three times each week. 8. Also begin almost immediately with Calcios as an added force or manner through which calcium may be added to the system. This would be taken as indicated for same. 9. It would be well for the body to have Codiron as a long time diet, or tonic in the diet; one pellet each day for at least a hundred days, see? this to be taken with the meal. 10. And in the regular diet keep away from fried foods. Not too much of starches, but plenty of nuts, fruits and vegetables. Use whole wheat bread. Have whole wheat as a cereal occasionally; this crushed or cut, and used once or twice a week. 11. These as we find would make for the correcting of the glandular force, adding to the vitality of the system, correcting the condition of the teeth, preventing further inroads in these directions - and give much more vitality and pep to the body. 12. Ready for questions. 13. We are through with this reading. REPORTS OF READING 1434-2 F 10 R1. 9/1/38 Letter from [1434]'s mother [2511]: "...[1434] has been taking her osteopathic treatments for the past two weeks, also taking her medicines and massaging gums and teeth (which she says is VERY TERRIBLE!). She really hasn't had a chance to show any improvement but the vertebra rotation lesion seems to be better. Appreciate your splendid reading, and hope we will get results…. "Kindest regards to you and Mrs. Cayce. Please remember us to Gladys..." R2. 12/23/38 See 1434-3, a Ck. Physical.


Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


Exercise 470-37, Male 54, 6/20/44 Head and neck, body, antiseptics For those conditions with the sympathetic system, if the body would take the head and neck exercise, we will find it will relieve those little tensions which have been indicated as part of conditions in head, eyes, mouth and teeth. All of these will respond to regular exercise of body and neck. It doesn't take long, but don't hurry through with it. But do regularly of morning take the time before dressing, rise on the toes slowly and raise the arms easily at the same time directly above the head, pointing straight up. At the same time bend head back just as far as you can. When let down gentle from this you see, we make for giving a better circulation through the whole area from the abdomen, through the diaphragm, through the lungs, head and neck. Then let down, put the head forward just as far as it will come on the chest, then raise again at the top, bend the head to the right as far as it will go down. When rising again, bend the head to the left. Then standing erect, hands on hips, circle the head, roll around to the right two or three times, then straighten self. Again hands off the hip, down gently, rise again, down again, then circle to the opposite side. We will find we will change all of these disturbances through the mouth, head, eyes and the activities of the whole body will be improved. Open your mouth as you go up and down also…. (Q) Is there a cyst on the upper left molar? if so what should be done? (A) There is an accumulation but it is more as a gum boil. But it will be well if we will rinse the mouth out one time with Glyco-Thymoline or Lavoris and the next day rinse it with Listerine. These are opposite in their effects, yet both are antiseptics and with the exercise it'll disappear. (Q) What should be done about all the teeth? (A) Have them examined locally, but there are many that do not need much attention, if you'll do these. (Q) Are the teeth on upper left side close to the antrums so there will be danger in case of extraction? (A) No, they won't need to be extracted yet. For you'll have many years to use them if you'll keep these exercises and rinses. (Q) Any other advice or counsel? (A) Only as to the attitude. As indicated for most people and it is very well here: don't get mad and don't cuss a body out mentally or in voice. This brings more poisons than may be created by even taking foods that aren't good.


Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


654-7, Adult Female, 7/28/37 Head and neck, body, weight Also we would take exercises each morning and each evening. These exercises will also aid in keeping a better condition through the bodily forces and reduce that tendency for the increase in the weight. Take these same exercises morning and evening, for at least five minutes. Do not take them as something merely to be gotten through or gotten rid of, but see, feel, know - by the very activity - that which is being accomplished for the whole system. STAND ERECT, with very little clothing. RISE gently on the toes, at the same time taking a deep breath and raising the hands just as far above the head as possible. Then, STILL on toes, tend to lean forward - just as far as the body can. Keep these up until the body is able to stand ON TOES and touch the floor with the tips of the fingers! Each time the breath is taken rise on the toes, raising the hands at the same time. Just in the last two of these activities use the head and neck motion also; that is, the head far back, gradually brought forward, turn to the side, circle; or the head and neck exercises - taking the others at the same time. This will aid much also in those conditions in the head and in the neck; and, with the use of the Ipsab, change much of the condition in the gums and mouth; as well as having the corrections to aid same - by the adjustments in the cerebrospinal system…. (Q) What causes frequent excessive bleeding of gums and what to do for it? (A) The same conditions as given, that will be benefited by not only the head and neck exercises but the use of the astringent [Ipsab] for bringing healing in local condition.

Extraction 3755-1, Adult Female, 4/21/21 Removal possible but not necessary (Q) Should this body have the tooth extracted, and could it be done satisfactorily, Mr. Cayce? (A) It will be with some difficulty with the conditions as they are at present, but it can be taken out satisfactorily. It could be worked within itself and be taken care of without removal if taken care of properly. 3755-2, Adult Female, 8/10/21 Delay, toothache Through the molars or some portions of the body here; the pains that have existed through here are not of the condition as would be produced as from an incentive giving off to this portion of the body, that is, to the head and the facial part, that which would be of a detrimental nature, but the impossible part of the


Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


system under its present condition to eliminate through the lymphatic and through their emultaries [emunctories?], the right or proper amount of eliminating qualities to this portion of the system, you see?... (Q) Should this body have the lower tooth extracted from the lower jaw…? (A) It is best not to have it done at the present time, until you get the body in better shape. 3925-1, Adult Female, 12/14/22 Dentistry, no extraction (Q) What is the condition of this body's teeth, Mr. Cayce? (A) They are very good for the conditions throughout the system, see. Need some local attention. (Q) This body has one tooth, would you recommend this be extracted or have the dentist try to save it. (A) Local, as we have given here, you see. We are through. 4825-2, Adult Male, 6/9/24 Dentistry, toxemia, Peyer’s Gland (Q) What are the conditions of the teeth? (A) There are some of these that need attention. All are involved, yet not producing that which causes this in the system at present. (Q) Have any of the teeth of the body been extracted today? (A) We don't find it so…. (Q) Is the right tonsil disturbed and should it be removed? (A) Not necessary, as we have given, for either to have been removed, or to be removed, provided the conditions are met in the system. The condition arising in system comes from toxins in the Peyer's Gland region, and is only find the reaction or the system refusing to absorb or eliminate the pockets that contain the same in teeth, tonsils and nostrils and in other portions of the body. Do as we have given. Make the application of these properties to the body, if we would bring the best to this body, [4825], at the present time. 1713-8, Female 26, 10/25/24 (Q) Should the tooth be removed, which has been giving the body trouble, on the lower left side of the mouth? (A) Not absolutely necessary that it be removed, but better, however, were it done.


Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


2553-2, Female 26, 6/22/23 Dentistry, toxemia (Q) What are the conditions of the body's teeth? (A) There is one that needs some attention. That is local conditions.

(Q) Which one is it? (A) One of the molars here.

(Q) Should it be pulled or filled? (A) Be better if it was removed. 294-28, Male 48, 4/27/25 Toxemia, digestion, smoking (Q) What produces this poison in the system? (A) This we have produced from toxins as are created in the system from the digestive system, from the teeth, from the smoking, and from the congestions of lack of exercise. The combination of these. The most is from that in teeth.

(Q) Should the teeth be removed? (A) Best that they be removed, for then we would have the source of that creating the unbalance in the capillary circulation, of elimination, done away with. This would be physical, not by suggestion. [Humor?] 4769-2, Male 54, 6/4/26 Dentistry, delay The teeth need some local attention. This should be looked after as soon as the body is physically fit to do so. 4769-3, Male 54, 7/27/26 Ipsab, pus, toxemia, neuritis (Q) Have not been able to have my teeth fixed, as suggested in reading of June 4th. They do not hurt me, but I know they are in rather bad condition, including the gums. Is this contributing to any appreciable extent to my continued weakness? (A) This constantly adding pus to the system keeps the constant source of irritation. Be well were some of these removed, and well that those of the Ipsab be used in the gums and mouth, rubbed in and gently washed at least two to three times each week.

(Q) I suffer all the time from "rheumatism" in my shoulders and between my shoulders. Is this caused from the condition of the teeth? (A) This is rather of the neuritis condition than of rheumatism, and is aided and abetted by the condition of toxins in the system as a general, and of teeth as a specific.


Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


4721-2, Female 48, 9/28/26 Ipsab, decay preventive, infection (Q) What is the condition of the teeth, and should they be taken out? (A) Rather would we use those properties as are found in Ipsab as a wash, or to prevent any of the toxins from causing decay in teeth, or from the gums becoming infected through the softening by the condition in the system in general. Do not remove same. Not necessary. 195-55, Male 45, 2/5/29 Acidity, alkalinity, anemia (Q) The second Bicuspid on upper left jaw is causing trouble. Is nerve of this affected? (A) This of rather the sympathetic nature. While, were the condition to become localized THROUGH this sympathetic reaction, as is so APT to be where either the over-acid or over-alkaline reaction in system is apparent (and it is acid here), the condition would cause then that of an inactivity to the proper reaction in the nerves of the molars and cuspids; yet this, in this particular condition - were those suggestions as given followed closely would not necessitate the deadening, nor the removal, BUT - SHOULD the condition become acute, to where the soft tissue above the nerve ends that enter the portion of the face become apparent, then a REMOVAL might be necessary. Yet this as existent at present is rather sympathetic from the condition as has been ENDURED by the body. Rather, with the adding of these, add that to the physical forces as will rebuild stronger vitality toward resistance - or more red blood. 5514-3, Male 58, 5/6/29 Cirrhosis, toxemia (Q) Are his teeth affecting his condition? Would it be better if they were removed? (A) Those that are NEEDED to be would be better, but the teeth are NOT the CAUSE. They assist in KEEPING the poisons stirred in system, but only aid and are NOT the CAUSE of condition. The cause originating from that as has been given, in the condition of the liver, and the effect as has been produced on assimilation and excretory system. 5466-1, Male 28, 7/26/29 Ipsab, treatment, removal (Q) Regarding the physical, what would be best for the body to do about his teeth? Should all of them be removed or just certain ones? (A) Local applications and treatments for individual teeth. Then use Ipsab!

(Q) Which teeth are giving the body trouble? (A) Two lower molars on the one side, and the upper - those near the stomach teeth. (continued)


Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


(Q) On the right or left side? (A) Left side. (Q) Should those be removed or just treated? (A) At least two of these - one above and below - should be removed. The others should be treated locally. 1122-12, Female 21, 5/10/30 Dentistry (Q) Should tooth now being treated be extracted? (A) Be well if it was! Be better! 451-1, Female 21, 7/30/30 Wisdom tooth (Q) Will left upper wisdom tooth come through properly, or will tooth in front of it have to be removed? (A) Tooth, as we find, with the correcting of CONDITIONS [acidity, anemia] in system, will be much aided as to the proper position. As we find, the wisdom tooth best be removed, eventually. 2124-1, Male 53, 1/29/31 Infection, Ipsab, mental outlook In throat, bronchi, lungs, larynx: In the head forces or portions there have existed disorders which have produced some distress in the soft tissue in the face and muscular forces; in the burning sensation produced in throat from inflammation; some headaches as RESULTANT from same; again an accumulation of poisons by deterioration in the teeth or gums, and of the conditions as RESULTANT from same. These are PERIODS of acute conditions, yet with corrections the system arises to meet the needs of the conditions. One of the factors in the recuperative forces is the mental, or the SENSITIVE outlook the body has upon life itself and its relationships to conditions, both from within and from without…. (Q) Should any of the teeth come out? (A) Those where infection has been seen, as given, these would be well to be removed. (Q) Any treatment for the gums? (A) Any of those as antiseptics for the gums after the removal will be most helpful, especially those in Ipsab.


Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


2124-2, Male 54, 5/15/31 Toxemia, vertigo, osteopathy There are conditions in head, throat, teeth, that give some distresses to the body, and these are rather to be given local applications for the corrections, that will enable the whole system to better cooperate in the distribution of resuscitating or life giving forces through the body; thus prevent that recurrent condition of poisons backing in the system from used forces or drosses, or that which prevents a normal functioning of the system…. (Q) What causes the soreness in the end of my fingers? (A) This from disturbances in the circulation from poisons from head and teeth. As these are being eliminated, and as they have become accentuated by other portions being more near normal, these become acute at times and form that as may be termed the distress from pressures in areas that should be eliminated - see? (Q) What causes the flighty or dizzy feelings I have? (A) This produced by that same attempt of the system to adjust itself to the new circulation that is being created in the system, by the bettered circulation in the eliminating and the assimilating forces of the body. This will pass as the equilibrium of the system is gained. (Q) Should I take any more of the former medicine? [Elimination prescription given in 2124-1, see excerpt following this]* (A) We would take same until there is the full correction in the system; that is, until these dizzinesses - until this condition in head and teeth are corrected also. (Q) What local applications should be given for the throat and head and teeth? (A) There has been and are some accumulations in the soft tissue of the antrum and the soft tissue along the teeth area. These need local attention, see? and with the keeping up of the more stimuli in eliminations, clarifications will come about. (Q) Should these local treatments be given by a specialist, dentist, or who? (A) There will be some necessary from each; that is, there's local conditions in the mouth that need the dentist or specialist's attention; there are conditions in the nostril and nasal forces, or in the antrum, that need the attention of one that may give both - that is, the manipulations necessary to start drainages as they are corrected, see? [*2124-1, from previous reading for the same person as above] [First prepare this as the carrier: Take 16 ounces of distilled water and add 5 ounces of Wild Cherry Bark. Reduce this by simmering, or slow boiling, to 1/2 the quantity - 8 ounces. Strain while warm and then add: Syrup of Sarsaparilla.......1/2 ounce, (continued)


Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


Elixir Calisaya.............1/2 ounce, Oil of Sassafras............1/4 ounce, Tincture of Stillingia......1/4 ounce, Syrup of Rhubarb............1/4 ounce.

Cut 1 dram Balsam of Tolu in 2 ounces of grain alcohol and add to the solution. The dose of this would be (and shake together before the dose is taken) a teaspoonful in the morning before the meal and just before retiring at night.] 5419-1, Adult Female, 11/2/31 Bleeder, salivary glands, toxemia (Q) What effect will it have on my system by having my teeth extracted? (A) This, as we find, would not be necessary - to have same extracted would the SYSTEM be builded to the proper relationships of elimination. The extracting of the teeth would PREVENT those formations in the glands in the mouth, in the soft tissues of the face, of those accumulations - but are these ELIMINATED from the SYSTEM, and the local conditions there cared FOR, would be more effective and better for the body…. (Q) In having teeth extracted, do you find the body a bleeder? (A) This would be rather serious, for - unless it was a LONG time taken for it - this would be ONE of the conditions that would be overcome by NOT having this done, see? 4538-1, Adult Male, 12/2/31 Dentistry, pus, Ipsab (Q) Does the condition of my teeth have anything to do with my back trouble? (A) This is rather the cause of the condition of teeth! but these SHOULD have their LOCAL attention, and where pus is indicated remove same, otherwise use those of an Ipsab rub for the gums at least twice to three times a week, and we will find these will be removed. 4722-1, Adult Female, 9/23/32 Dentistry, cleansing (Q) Are the teeth of the body affected and should they be drawn? (A) Let's remove the troubles out of the conditions IN the body, and the teeth will be much better, will they be kept in a normal cleansed condition; for the conditions in the system affect the teeth, rather than the teeth affecting the system. Of course, the local conditions in teeth, where the disease has progressed far enough as to become localized, should need local attention, to be sure.


Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


385-1, Adult Female, 8/8/33 Toxemia (Q) Should I have my teeth extracted? (A) As we would find, these would require some local attention; but not NECESSARY for the extracting of but few. 412-7, Male 32, 9/26/33 Dentistry, glands, jaw, loose (Q) Which teeth need attention? (A) Quite a number of teeth need attention; for, with the poor circulation and with the drawing on the general activity of the system, several of these need local attention. We would have these gone over generally. (Q) Must the loose back tooth in the right lower jaw be pulled? (A) Would be better. (Q) Could it be saved? (A) Be better, as we find, were it removed. For, the condition has made for a separation in the lower jaw that irritates the glands' activity in the throat; by dead tissue. (Q) Can the entire dental work wait until winter? (A) It CAN wait, but better let the man who does the work wait for the money! 501-3, Female 62, 1/29/34 Dentistry, infections, pus, roots (Q) Should any or all of lower teeth be extracted? (A) Those that show that the body is giving off that which forms pus in the conditions about same at their roots, remove. Others, local applications and treatments. 805-1, Female 52, 1/30/35 Neuritis, toxemia (Q) Are the two bad teeth which I am having extracted responsible for part of the indigestion or a pain in my left arm, from the shoulder to the elbow? (A) This is a contributory cause. With the massage, with the cleansing of the system from the neuritis or the nerve pressures, and the extracting of the teeth, the condition will be relieved.


Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


924-1, Female 45, 5/14/35 Dentistry, no extraction, abscesses

As we find with the mouth or the teeth, these need some LOCAL attention. One or two, as will be indicated, dependent upon the character of the reactory forces in the body, will require being attended to by a sympathetic reaction, or taking care of same. None, as we find, should necessitate removal at present….

(Q) Are there abscesses in the teeth? (A) There are some abscesses. These are NOT necessarily, though, of such a nature that they would require the removal - if they are handled properly locally. 845-2, Female 36, 9/14/35 Dentistry, pain (Q) Please examine the teeth and specify the ones that are pressing on any nerve as to cause pain. (A) Those in the upper back molars, especially on the right side. (Q) Should they be drawn, or what should be done? (A) There should be some local treatments. As we find, one in the rear - or in the back - one only needs to be drawn, as we find. 1087-1, Female 68, 12/23/35 Insanity, toxemia, osteopathy Owing to the very nature of the disturbances, we find that those conditions in the mouth or the teeth are a CONTRIBUTORY cause; though not other than those which may be aided when there may be builded in the activities better coordination - and first the DESIRE for self-preservation, self-building; not self-indulgence but self's activities for betterment, to be used FOR something!

These, then, would be the periods when the mouth or teeth might be aided, and thus add to the abilities to give further aid or help for the general body….

(Q) Can you suggest a method by which we can persuade her to have these teeth extracted? (A) Only through those manners as indicated; until, through the persuasive measures as may be had in the manipulative forces, there is created that desire on the part of self for helpfulness of self. Not until then would it be best to have these removed. This should be accomplished in thirty days or such a matter, if these are followed. 759-13, Male 7 (Hebrew), 11/23/36 Delay: permanent teeth (Q) Should the infected tooth be removed? (A) Not in the present, especially as this has a bearing upon the nervous reactions from the body. If there are those adjustments and corrections, as we


Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


would find, the flow of nerve energy, the flow of assimilated forces in the body would be then nearer normal, and the normal reactions would occur. And then when it becomes necessary, either by the formation or by the activities of the system, for its removal, it would be much less disturbing to the body. Well to have it inspected at regular intervals, at least a month or three months apart; that as changes are wrought in the system there are no hindrances produced by the formation of permanent activities for those in the present. 289-7, Male 50, 7/28/37 Helpful but irritating! (Q) Will it be helpful to have the teeth extracted? (A) It would be rather irritating for the body at the present, but it would be most helpful. 308-4, Female 13, 8/31/37 Misplaced tooth (Q) What caused tooth to come in the roof of her mouth and what should be done about this? (A) Must be removed. This is a misplaced, as it were, corpuscle first; then the formation. Necessitates the removal.

(Q) What dentist would be advised? (A) One in whom the body or those responsible for same has the utmost confidence. 1222-2, Female 35, 9/23/37 Toxemia As we find, in making the applications, first we would have the teeth that NEED attention removed.

Then we would begin with an eliminant to work as it were the poisons from the system, and stimulate the activity of the glandular system to a bettered condition. For this pre-activity of the staying of activities of the glandular forces becomes rather severe upon the body in the present….

Teeth first, then the others. 389-9, Male 59, 12/15/37 Dentistry (Q) What should be done in regard to the teeth? (A) Local attention should be given.


Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


694-4, Female 48, 4/8/38 Infections As we find, there is still a lack of the vital forces necessary in the circulation to prevent weaknesses as well as - owing to poisons - leakages into the blood supply of poisons as from the teeth; as combined WITH the poor eliminations; which cause a neuritic condition as well as headaches, upset digestive force and a general NERVOUS reaction. Then, we would have local attention to the teeth and gums. All of those teeth should be removed that show infectious forces in or about their area, or gums. 389-10, Male 60, 10/8/38 False teeth: United Dentists, Norfolk (Q) Should all the teeth be removed? (A) This depends upon how much disturbance these give. BETTER were they all removed! (Q) If false teeth are necessary, where is most economical place to have work done? (A) As we find, the United Dentists. Norfolk. 1711-1, Female 57, 10/18/38 Toxemia (Q) Would it be necessary to remove any teeth? If so, which ones? (A) Local attention to these would be preferable, and only removing those where there is the indication that their effect upon the system is to add to the general disturbance - and these as we find would only be a FEW in the present. 1771-1, Female 21, 12/28/38 Bite, osteopathy, not chiropractic Then, we would remove the repressions or subluxations that cause repressions to nerve impulses; through osteopathic adjustments, NOT chiropractic; for they need to be coordinated with the lumbar, sacral and coccyx area; as well as the vegetative center. And hence should be done in a manner as to make the coordinating of the whole of the cerebrospinal system; from the subluxations which exist in the upper dorsals and lower cervicals. This should require not more than ten such adjustments…. (Q) Should I have my other two wisdom teeth removed? (A) This will be very well. But we would have some of these corrections made osteopathically before we had them removed; at least two or three, and we will find not quite so much trouble in the removal.


Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


(Q) Will that correct my bite, or should I wear braces again? (A) This should correct the bite. See, we should make some corrections here in the cervical and the dorsal, especially to the vagus center which extends along to those portions of the thorax; that would make for quite a helpful condition in this direction. 1771-3, Female 21, 6/26/39 (Q) Do the wisdom teeth still need to be removed? (A) They still need some local attention. If there is the indication (as may be found) that one or more need extraction, be well to attend to same. 1152-7, Female 64, 3/21/39 (Q) When I return home, can my teeth be satisfactorily repaired or should they all be extracted for false teeth? (A) Be better if they would all be extracted, though it's not easy to do so. (Q) Would Dr. Jackson residing near me at the corner of 8th St. & University Place in N.Y.C., be alright, or should I have another dentist attend to them? (A) This is very well, if this is the one chosen or desirable. 1837-2, Female 64, 3/8/40 Dentistry, jaw, root (Q) Should I have any teeth out? If so, which ones? (A) These as we find need local attention; but if there are the proper precautions, it is not necessary that these be removed, - save those that have already disintegrated sufficient to cause some disturbance; and this, as we find, is in the back on the right side. (Q) The upper right tooth should come out? (A) Upper right tooth should come out. (Q) Do the eye teeth need to be taken out, as the dentist told me? (A) Eye teeth, if treated properly, do not need to be taken out. Treat the lower portion of the tooth itself, through the tooth; and we will find these will give a great deal of service and be better than being extracted. (Q) There are no abscesses, then? (A) No abscesses, though there are inclinations - especially on the left side, but if treated properly these may be preserved. (Q) How should they be treated properly? (continued)


Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


(A) As indicated, they should be drilled through and the gums treated, see? through the root. (Q) Are they dead teeth? (A) Not dead teeth…. (Q) With this harmonizing of the body, will the poisons be driven out of my jaw? (A) It should be driven out of the jaw. But it is necessary that there be the local treatment, and the removal of same, that it does not continue to form there, from the condition which has been partially existent, see? 2311-1, Female 50, 7/22/40 Dentistry, Ipsab, temperature, nerves (Q) Is it necessary to have my teeth pulled, as has been suggested? (A) With the corrections that we have indicated, and the use of an antiseptic such as Ipsab for the gums, only local attention needs be done. The condition does not arise from the teeth. The disturbance of the teeth arises more from the temperature and the nervousness through the system. 69-4, Female 59, 2/8/41 Cholecystitis; purify system first (Q) What is the source of the poison or acidity in the blood stream? (A) Congestion in the liver and gall duct area. (Q) Do my teeth, or the urine, have anything to do with this? (A) The conditions in the teeth, and the disturbance in the lower hepatics or kidneys, are RESULTS rather than causes. (Q) Should I have my teeth removed? (A) We would purify the system FIRST and we will have less trouble with the removal of teeth, and the results would be better - if this is decided upon. 2552-1, Female 74, 5/1/41 Ipsab, treatments, later extraction

(Q) Is it necessary to have the upper teeth extracted? (A) We would advise NOT to have this done in the beginning; though there are some needing extraction. Use rather a good antiseptic as a massage for the gums, - such as found in Ipsab. This, aided by the other treatments [diet, osteopathy, etc.], will make it necessary only to remove parts of these. 263-19, Female 31, 9/4/42 Ipsab, purifier, strengthener (Q) Has Ipsab been of benefit to the gums since the tooth was extracted?


Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


(A) It has been a benefit, for it is a purifier; and aids in strengthening the gums and purifying the mouth. 3024-1, Female 56, 5/26/43 Nerves (Q) Would it benefit me to have the rest of my teeth extracted? (A) Not necessarily, though this may be necessary unless there is a great deal of change in the general nervous forces of the body. 3300-1, Female 54, 10/19/43 Neuritis, toxemia (Q) Did removing my teeth remove the cause? (A) No. For the cause is in the liver and gall duct and kidney, not in the mouth. But if those things will be done as given, we will find improvements for this body. 3470-1, Female 53, 12/21/43 Parkinson’s disease, Tic Douloureux, Ipana (Q) Do you advise having teeth extracted to help condition? (A) No. Use Ipana toothpaste, and massage the gums with this. 3479-1, Female 27, 12/23/43 Delay (Q) Would it be advisable to have wisdom tooth extracted? (A) Be very advisable along in February or March; not before. 3677-1, Female 52, 2/19/44 Dentistry, Listerine, salt and soda (Q) Should the teeth be extracted? (A) Not necessary, if the body-forces are purified. Then use an equal combination of baking soda and table salt to massage the gums, rinsing the mouth with Listerine as an antiseptic. Then local attention for the teeth would be all that is necessary. 5144-1, Female 53, 5/25/44 Arthritis, toxemia (Q) Should all upper teeth be removed? (A) These, as we find, while not altogether a source of the trouble, are so much contributory to same that the body will be much bettered if these were removed.


Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


Extraction After Effects

404-2, Female 42, 3/22/32 Piece in gum (Q) Is there still some part of the wisdom tooth which was taken out in Oct. 1931, left in the mouth, and – (A) Small piece on the edge that has not been entirely removed, which makes for a rough and disturbing element at times there. (Q) Is it harmful, and what must be done about it? (A) If we will massage this with any of that that will make for an activity of the membranes about this, this will come out! 558-4, Female 32, 5/25/34 Fig packs For the local condition in head or teeth, REMOVE those conditions there; for this wisdom tooth, as we find, is not set properly, and would continue to cause trouble. The position of the tooth causes the sympathetic reactions and accumulations of poisons, that makes the fullness or flushness in face. We would remove the tooth at once, and then begin with the properties outlined below along with it; for while there will be some little trouble in removing the tooth itself, if a poultice of milk and figs is used on same the after effects will be very little.

Note to Mrs. [325], mother of [558]: After the tooth is removed, prepare the poultice as follows: Obtain dried figs, unsweetened, and soak in warm milk; then lay over the gums and place in mouth to remove pain, and inflammation.

325-56, Female 62, 3/2/35 Loosened poisons (Q) Did the pulling of the tooth eliminate the condition? (A) Partially. It has loosened a great deal of poisons in the system that must be eradicated. (Q) Any other need drawing? (A) Not as we find. 2302-3, Male 69, 8/7/41 Feeling in eyes, vision, toxemia (Q) What caused the peculiar feeling in the eyes immediately after wisdom tooth was removed the other day?


Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


(A) Pressures and the release of poisons that are a part of the disturbance. Now these eliminated, and coordination in the eliminations set up, vision should return. (Q) Should any other applicator to the Violet Ray be used? (A) Use the one as suggested for the present. A little later we may add even the eye applicator, but this would be too severe in the present, and tend to produce accumulations rather than a setting up of distribution and elimination of poisons as cause the conditions to the vision. 2722-3, Adult Female, 4/11/42 Poisons loosed, lymph, adrenals As to the functionings of the organs themselves, - when there were those disturbances in the mouth or the gums and the removal of the teeth, this loosed so much of the poisons that had not been drained from this area as to bring about rather serious conditions to local areas, - though distributed in part through the lymph circulation, - combined with the GENERAL disturbance in the glandular force along the adrenals.

Fillings, Inlays

1158-26, Female 50, 9/19/40 Seepage (Q) Should fillings of teeth be remade? If so, which fillings? (A) These should be found by local attention, that some need replacement - where they indicate there has been seepage around present fillings. 1158-27, Female 50, 9/30/40 Leaks (Q) Where there are leaking inlays in the teeth, shall the entire inlays be taken out and remade or just the leaks filled up? (A) This will depend upon how much there has been of the disintegration around the inlays. In most of these, as we find, while expensive, it would be better that they be removed, rather than filled around. They may be cleansed out in some instances, as we find here, and this done without removing the whole, but this should be very carefully attended to. 1158-28, Female 50, 11/1/40 Pulp, Ipana, Ipsab (Q) Have I pulpitice in my teeth [softening of the pulp of the teeth]; if so, how can it be overcome? (continued)


Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


(A) We do not find it as such. The use of Ipana toothpaste, and Ipsab as a massage, would be the most helpful for the conditions existent. Use the Ipana on the teeth, you see. Use the Ipsab on the gums, and massage the gums with this at least four to five times each week. (Q) Would you advise having inlay dental work done? (A) Not if there is used the Ipana paste, and the Ipsab as a massage, in the manner indicated. (Q) Can the pain, when chewing with the left side of jaw, be overcome? How? (A) It may only be overcome by correcting the softening of the gums about the teeth themselves, that allows the receding of gums somewhat; and by the general building up of the physical health. 1703-2, Female 51, 12/12/38 Extraction, porcelain (Q) Should the tooth being treated be filled or pulled? (A) The back or the wisdom tooth should be pulled. The other filled, with the porcelain or such compound.


308-4, Female 13, 8/31/37 Nervous reaction, Tonicine (Q) She was gritting her teeth the other night. Any more worms? [See 308-1.] (A) This is more nervous reaction, and as we find with the removal of the pressures, the toning and tuning of the system to the activities of the glandular forces through the properties taken in the manner indicated (which requires taking for longer periods but which will be more effective) should change all of this. 2746-2, Male 31, 11/11/43 Indigestion: charcoal, honey, pepsin (Q) What causes me to grit my teeth when sleeping? (A) These activities are from purely physical causes, coming from the condition in the digestive system. Take occasionally those properties that will cause better assimilation, such as the combination of Willow Charcoal with Honey; and a few drops of Elixir of Lactated Pepsin after the heavier meal of the day - and this effect will disappear.


Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


578-5, Female 22, 1/4/36 Relaxation, chewing gum (Q) What causes me to grit my teeth while sleeping, and what can I do to stop it? (A) This is from the general contraction that exists through the system at the attempt for perfect relaxation. And with the more and more relaxing of the body, this will gradually be overcome. A small piece of gum kept in the mouth would prevent same so much. 1001-1, Male 22, 5/7/30 Epilepsy, osteopathy (Q) Why is there grinding of teeth during sleep and how can it be stopped? (A) By relieving the pressure in the cervical and dorsal and lumbar regions. 4281-4, Female 5, 12/9/24 Circulation, salivary glands (Q) What causes the body to grind or grit her teeth while sleeping? (A) Contraction of the action of the nerve system between the hypogastric and pneumogastric circulation, affecting the reflexional and salivary gland. 2542-4, Male 5, 11/11/43 Pinworms (Q) What causes gritting of the teeth in sleep? (A) You'd grit your teeth too if you had all of these worms gnawing on you! 3193-1, Male 10, 9/3/43 Acidity & alkalinity, Glyco-Thymoline (Q) What causes the gritting of teeth at night, for past two months? (A) Those tendencies for the activities through the stomach to become active in themselves, causing this activity - which is not unnatural. But the body should be given Glyco-Thymoline as an intestinal antiseptic, as an aid for keeping alkalinity in the body so that it will not become unbalanced. This will be most helpful. Give one to three drops in water after the morning meal, two to three drops after the noon meal, and two drops after the evening meal. 1467-15, Male 37, 11/17/42 Osteopathy, nerves (Q) What is cause and relief for gritting my teeth when asleep? (A) This is contraction of the nerves of the body. Better coordination produced in those areas from the 9th dorsal to the upper cervicals will relieve these tensions.


Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


Grow New?

2483-1, Male 50, 3/7/21 Possible but not likely for this person at that time (Q) Can this body grow new teeth? (A) It is possible for any body to produce that which it has produced before. Everything that the body has by thought and by action has been created in the body itself. If a perfect balance is kept in the body itself the expression of thought carries on the forces in the system to perform any of the functioning of the body. Teeth are not likely to be produced in this body as the spiritual forces in this body are not up to this state in this body.


Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


Mercury: Playing With Poison by Susan E. Brown, Ph.D.*

Health Express, December 1983

A young Colorado girl, after eight thousand dollars worth of medical testing, seemed destined for institutionalization. Her epilepsy was so severe she had seizures every fifteen minutes while wide awake. Unable to stand by herself, walk, or process thoughts, she had no normal life. In a last-ditch effort, her parents brought her to Dr. Hal Huggins.

A dentist greatly concerned about high mercury levels in so-called "silver" fillings, Huggins tested her hair, blood, urine, and immune responses, even doing an electrocardiogram. He found toxic, abnormally high levels of mercury throughout her body, and removed three small fillings which had been placed just before the seizures began. Within ten days, she was back in school, living a normal life again.

Dr. Huggins began researching mercury levels in his patients ten years ago, first finding simply that "placing amalgams in most people caused their white blood cell counts (the immune reaction) to rise. Everyone has some response, because mercury is a poison." But many people simply cannot tolerate mercury at any level; perhaps fifteen to twenty percent of the population could have a serious physiological reaction to mercury-placement, due to an especially sensitive body chemistry.

The doctor continues, "These individuals develop untoward reactions mimicking everything from epilepsy, to multiple sclerosis, to Hodgkin's disease, all of which can be reversed in some cases with amalgam removal." Huggins feels that the problem of mercury use might have been addressed long ago if all patients developed such dire symptoms.

But we face an insidious problem with mercury placement, when poisoning symptoms ranging from fatigue, nausea, headaches or double vision, all could be attributable to a variety of sources, from the flu to allergies. In fact, some people react allergically to their fillings, and their illness subsides when the amalgams are removed. Simple home observation can offer a clue to the true cause, however. It seems that one-third of hypersensitives with amalgam fillings will run a subnormal body temperature, as low as in the 96's and 97's. Coupled with metallic taste in the mouth and excessive saliva, a low temperature could mean mercury hypersensitivity.

Dentists themselves risk such contamination, since they are constantly exposed to amalgam. Dr. DeWayne Ashmead, biochemist and nutritionist, accidentally found high mercury levels in hundreds of dentists he happened to be testing for other minerals. Ashmead notes, "Mercury has been incriminated by science as having serious physiological consequences, including emotional disorders such as depression, because mercury depletes the body's store of minerals, such as lithium." Interestingly, among professional groups, dentists

* Susan E. Brown, Ph.D., is a professional anthropologist and nutritional consultant. Her recent area of research has been mercury toxicity.


Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


have a very high divorce rate, and a rather high suicide rate. In their annual screening, the ADA sampled dentists' urine, finding ten percent of dentists suffered from excessively high mercury levels.

Yet the American Dental Association has only this to say about the use of mercury as this country's most popular dental filling material: "Except in individuals sensitive to mercury, there is no reason why a patient should seek at this time to have amalgam restorations (silver fillings) removed." Unfortunately for the public, the ADA made no recommendation to dentists as to how to test for mercury sensitivity. Yet in an interview with the author, they said they estimated that ten percent of the population is hypersensitive to mercury. Huggins uses a mercury "patch" test much like allergy doctors use, which he finds can point out eight percent of hypersensitives.

Like the ADA, various dentists downplay the significance of mercury in dental fillings. Dr. Terry Donovan, chairman of Biomaterial Science at USC School of Dentistry, says to all the mercury concern, "It's a natural question to worry about, since mercury is a poison." But he contends that since it's in a nonreactive form, buried deeply within the silver part of the filling, it is of negligible concern to most people. He adds that such compounds of mercury have been used on patients since the 1850s. Donovan says, "Everybody's anxious for a cure for MS and these other disorders, and they're very ready to find help, and hope, in these things." He also points out the vast difference in cost; silver fillings run from 35 to 70 dollars, whereas gold begins at 150, and can be as high as 400 dollars.

Plus, he notes, dental insurers won't pay for gold fillings. Certainly, the field could use another alternative substance for fillings. In fact, amalgam wars broke up the original American dental society: amalgam's European inventors were touting their product in advertisements all over the country, much to the dismay of those dentists who opposed using such a toxic substance. Unfortunately, cost considerations won out over health concerns.

Donovan adds, "It would be very easy for a dentist to warn all his patients about mercury poisoning, and then charge them for removal, and then again for gold fillings." Unfortunately, unscrupulousness is always a possibility in a medical relationship. But if you're in the risk group for mercury hypersensitivity, your concern is learning if the mercury in your mouth is making you sick.

Serious cases aside, the average person could also benefit from Huggins' approach, because he insists on a special "Body Chemistry Balancing" program to help his patients excrete the heavy metals their bodies have amassed. Mercury is irrevocably in our environment, coming from pollutants in fossil fuels, from wastes from tanneries, paper plants, and even certain water treatment facilities. It is even used in many common medicines and cosmetics. Mercury ends up in tuna, shrimp, lobster and other seafood simply because it was dumped into rivers that found their way to the sea. And it's in the very air we breathe, right alongside lead.

After beginning the body chemistry program, Huggins checks the electrical current in the patient's mouth. Current? Huggins explains, "In a filling you have many dissimilar metals bathed in saliva, an electrolyte solution, and you get a


Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


little battery." He uses a meter to measure whether the tiny current is positive or negative. He adds, "One of our most interesting findings is that negative currents are most often associated with neurological disorders."

Huggins warns: "In only about ten percent of the cases will simple amalgam removal give you the desired results. If you want, say, an eighty percent chance of success, it is necessary to balance the body chemistry first so the cell membrane will be able to dump the heavy metals, like mercury. Mercury has widespread effects upon many biochemical variables, levels of calcium, manganese and lithium, and an impact on white and red blood cell counts." All these levels need to be normalized for truly successful treatment.

Huggins estimates that between 1,500 and 3,000 dentists purposely use no mercury amalgam in their practices, and advises that "when you go to your dentist, just request that no filling material containing mercury be placed in your mouth or the mouth of your child." As an aside, Huggins also notes that nickel, a known carcinogen, is widely used in dentistry, and again, some ten percent of the population is hypersensitive to nickel.

Some defend the use of amalgam by noting that it's been used since the 1850s, on millions of people. Dr. Ashmead points out, however, "Our environment has become much more polluted than it was a hundred years ago. Paint, fungicides, industry, all dump mercury and lead into the ecosystem."

As we become increasingly attacked from all sides by toxic materials, it is logical that we will become more sensitive to their cumulative effects. And while today the concern is over mercury toxicity from dental fillings, the greater issue lies in researching and understanding biocompatibility with the foreign substances in dental materials.

Generally, dental materials evolve with an eye toward dependability, ease of application, and cost – nominal attention is given to the materials' effects on the body's chemistry.

But what about the millions of Americans with mercury in their teeth, albeit in an inert form, which so concerns Huggins and other dentists? He feels perhaps twenty percent suffer various symptoms of "mysterious" origin which can be alleviated by amalgam removal. If you're concerned, you can contact the Toxic Element Research Foundation in Colorado Springs; they'll refer you to a dentist in your area who knows about the mercury problem and can test for potential toxicity.

Huggins warns ominously, “I believe amalgam use should be totally discontinued. From the viewpoint of epidemiology, a rive percent reaction would be considered an epidemic." And with fifteen or twenty percent of the population potentially hypersensitive, health-conscious patients might do well to find an enlightened dentist.


Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


Check yourself for mercury sensitivity. . . Please check if you have ever experienced or are experiencing any of the

following: 1. Sensitivity or allergies to any metals 2. Unusual exposure to metallic fumes or chemicals 3. Allergies to food, detergent, pollen, etc. 4. Metallic taste in mouth 5. Burning sensation in mouth 6. Increase flow of saliva 7. Gum disorders or disease 8. Frequent, unexplained fatigue 9. Headaches 10. Ringing or noises in the ear 11. Cold hands or feet 12. Skin rashes or dermatitis 13. Nervous disorders

a. multiple sclerosis b. numbness in any part of the body c. tingling d. shaking or trembling in fingers or hands

13. Do you commonly have low or high blood pressure? 14. Have you ever thought that some health problem you had was

connected with dental work?


Gold or silver fillings have been the only materials for repairing cavity-damaged teeth ... until now. Stronger, better-looking restorations – without silver fillings – are just around the corner, thanks to two exciting new dental materials.

Dental adhesive and resin bonded ceramic may be the greatest thing to happen to patients with cavities: The dentist using the new materials doesn't have to drill away a portion of the healthy tooth to create a physical anchor for a silver filling. He or she only has to remove the decay, apply the adhesive and fill the tooth with resin bonded ceramic.

The adhesive bonds to dentin (the part of the tooth beneath the enamel) without having to pre-treat the tooth. The resin bonded ceramic is a tooth-colored material developed for the back teeth. It is strong enough to withstand pressures that sometimes reach 12,000 pounds per square Inch and will cost only slightly more than a conventional filling.

Researchers caution that the material will not totally replace silver fillings, which have been used since 1835. But Dr. Leon Dogon, chairman of the Department of Operative Dentistry at Harvard University, says it will ultimately "revolutionize dentistry." "It's what the consumer has really been asking for," he says. "We have materials that look very much like teeth and they're going to last for long periods of time." Academy of General Dentistry


Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


From the Sunday Norfolk Newspaper, 2/12/84

Mercury in Fillings a Hazard by Joe Graedon

If you have some "silver" fillings in your teeth, take a close look at them. Like

a chocolate-covered cherry, they contain something you would never guess from looking at them, and it could be affecting your health.

Though dental dogma holds that these "silver" fillings are totally harmless, they are really amalgam,. a combination of silver, tin and mercury. Under certain conditions the mercury can be released, and for those sensitive to it even minute amounts can cause problems.

Amalgam has been a controversial and sensitive topic since it was introduced for dental use a century and a half ago. In the mid-19th century, one dental society expelled any members who used this compound.

And in 1926 a researcher wrote: "Dentistry should completely avoid the use of amalgam for fillings or at least not use it whenever that is possible. There is no doubt that many symptoms - tiredness, depression, irritability, vertigo, weak memory, mouth inflammations - often are caused by mercury which the body is exposed to from amalgam fillings, in small amounts but continuously."

What are the consequences? According to one patient, "A state of indescribable tiredness, stress and anxiety was constantly present" after extensive dental treatment. But his complaints fell on deaf ears: "The result was an entry in the records that the patient imagines his troubles."

The patient in this case was an expert in metals research, and he thought his troubles very much real, not imagined. The trouble turned out to be in his head, all right, but not in his mind.

By looking at when the symptoms started and what had changed around that time, he eventually traced the problem to his teeth - specifically, to the amalgam, or material used to fill those decayed teeth.

How can the mercury get loose? Corrosion is the culprit. While a hunk of metal in your tooth may look impervious, it may be subject to corrosion like a car driven over salty roads in the winter.

In addition to the chemical environment of your mouth, which includes a constant saliva bath that tends to dissolve tin, amalgam in contact with other metals (such as a gold bridge, which is what the metals expert had) creates a miniature electrochemical cell which is frequently bent on dissolving itself out of existence, merrily freeing mercury in the process. ;

Dentists who have measured the mercury in the breath of people with amalgam fillings report that these amounts are often surprisingly high. In some cases they exceed the levels allowed in the work place.

Most dentists will swear up and down that fillings are quite stable, uncorrodable and safe. This information comes largely from other dentists who passed along what they'd been taught.


Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


While there are studies supporting both sides of the argument, much more sophisticated research needs to be done on this problem. It crosses several fields and may require a cooperative effort to fully understand and estimate.

Until recently dentists had little choice anyway. The. only other filling material was gold, far too expensive for most people. But new technological developments its dentistry have come up with a type of ceramic-plastic compound suitable for small and medium-sized fillings.

Though most people probably will never experience any problems due to their fillings, there is potential trouble when gold and amalgam touch. There are still more questions than answers about this issue, so we hope the dental profession will soon sponsor the research needed to resolve them. . Joe Graedon is a pharmacologist and consultant to the Federal Trade Commission. Send questions to King Features Syndicate, 200 Park Ave., New York, N. y. 10017.


Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


Oral Health: More Than a Pretty Smile Dr. Julian Whitaker’s Health & Healing, July 2008

I'm a medical doctor, not a dentist, so why am I concerned about my patients' teeth? Because keeping your mouth in the pink goes a long way toward promoting and supporting optimal health.

Now I'm not going to waste your time telling you to brush-you've been doing that since your baby teeth came in. But I do want to address some dental questions I'm often asked by my Health & Healing subscribers and patients at the clinic.

Should I Have My Amalgams Removed? A hot controversy in dentistry is the safety of "silver" amalgam fillings, which

are used to fill more than 50 million cavities every year. Despite their name, silver amalgams consist primarily of mercury, a highly toxic heavy metal with devastating effects on the kidneys, blood vessels, and central nervous system. There is no question that chewing, drinking hot beverages, and grinding amalgam-filled teeth releases mercury vapor that is absorbed into the body. No matter how many dentists tell you amalgams are safe, voluntarily implanting toxic materials in your mouth is a bad idea.

If you need to have a tooth filled, ask for a biocompatible alternative to amalgam, such as composite fillings. They're more expensive, but they affix better to enamel and are more attractive. As to whether or not you should have your existing amalgam fillings replaced, we usually recommend this to patients with very high levels of mercury and signs of toxicity. However, it's a pricey procedure that I do not offer as a blanket recommendation for everyone. (I have to admit that I personally have had mine removed.) Should you decide to go this course, look for a dentist who is experienced in the safe replacement of amalgams.

Are Root Canals Safe? Root canals involve removing the soft tissue and nerve inside an infected

tooth to relieve pain and sensitivity and prevent infection from spreading. Beats pulling the tooth – or does it? Not according to George Meinig, DDS, a founding member of the American Association of Endodontists (root canal specialists) who popularized the concept of focal infection. Dr. Meinig and his many converts believe that chronic infection in the teeth can cause health problems throughout the body, and that root canals are a prime breeding ground for bacteria.

Granted, there are situations, such as extreme pain or abscess, in which a root canal or extraction is required. If you do get a root canal, it's imperative that it be done right. Bacteria must be completely eradicated and the tooth properly sealed or contamination can recur, and that's where the problems begin. If you've already had a root canal, I do not recommend that you rush out and have the tooth pulled. But, as with amalgams, we occasionally advise chronically ill patients to go this route, with sometimes astounding improvements in their health.

If I were facing a root canal, I'd probably have the tooth pulled and get an implant, thereby bypassing the potential for problems down the line altogether.

Is Whitening Worth It? Whether it's done in your dentist's office, via take-home trays, or by using

over-the-counter strips, the active agent in teeth whitening or bleaching is hydrogen


Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


peroxide. Believe it or not, all of these approaches produce similar results. The primary difference is that office procedures use stronger solutions, so they get faster results – and they cost more. Some dentists charge hundreds of extra dollars for laser-enhanced whitening, but aside from speeding things up, this high-tech approach adds little value.

As for safety, bleaching agents are caustic, so care must be taken to not get any on your gums. They may also cause transient tooth sensitivity, particularly with in-office whitening where stronger chemicals are used, although home-based products increase sensitivity in some people as well.

Teeth whitening is a cosmetic procedure, so the real question is, what's a "million-dollar smile" worth to you?

Do I Have to Floss? The purpose of flossing – and brushing your teeth, for that matter – is to

mechanically remove plaque. Plaque is a biofilm, produced by bacteria called Streptococcus mutans. It feeds on sugars in the mouth and excretes acids that decalcify enamel and bore into the inner tooth. This sets the stage for decay as well as periodontal disease that can lead not only to tooth loss but also to systemic inflammation.

So, yes, you should floss your teeth. It only takes a minute or two a day, and its benefits are profound. A 2007 study showed that people with cardiovascular disease who regularly flossed lowered their levels of CRP, a marker of inflammation and risk factor for heart disease, into the normal range.

If you're not going to floss, at least brush properly. The average American spends just 46 seconds brushing – not nearly long enough. And use a Sonicare electric toothbrush. It may not be as good as flossing, but its high frequency vibration has been shown to remove plaque below the gum line.

What Else Prevents Gum Disease? To really control plaque, I highly recommend WOW! This unique product

contains silicon dioxide, which forms an exceptionally strong bond with bacteria, biofilms, stains – it sticks to everything. WOW! is so effective at removing bacteria from the mouth that it can actually cleanup infection.

Subscriber Mariellen Staley from Utah was told she needed a root canal on a painful, infected lower molar. She recalled reading about WOW! in this newsletter and how its inventor, a grad student in organic chemistry, successfully treated his own abscessed tooth. Long story short, Mariellen never did have that root canal, and she continues to use WOW! to this day.

So there you have it. Now, do your entire body a favor and take a proactive role in protecting those pearly whites.

Recommendations: To locate a holistic dentist in your area, visit the Holistic Dental Association's

Web site holisticdental.org or call (619) 923-3120. WOW! is available from Carson Laboratories at woworalcare.com or (800)

342-2414. A similar product, Fizz & Clean, can be ordered by calling (800) 705-5559. Sonicare toothbrushes are sold in most drugstores.


Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


Invisible Illnesses, Dental Health Connection Could the Culprit be Lurking Under Your Dental Restorations?

by Gloria Gilbere, N.D.

Don't become a victim of a false sense of security just because you've had your amalgam fillings replaced with crowns... Your invisible illness could be hiding under your dental restorations – mine was!

With over 70 million baby boomers reaching the youth of middle-age, we're developing pain and discomfort from a myriad of invisible illnesses including pain, inflammation, gum disease, and digestive disorders.

General Inflammation Inflammation is a response that occurs when part of the body reacts to

trauma, toxic overload or infection, resulting in disorders such as arthritis, fibromyalgia, injury, or bacterial infection.

In times past, symptoms of inflammation were easy to identify: swelling, heat and pain. With newer emerging disorders such as fibromyalgia, lupus, chronic fatigue, and multiple allergic response syndromes (MARS), to mention a few, identification and diagnosis is challenging.

Doctor Heal Thyself Unfortunately, I speak from experience. As a result of a life-threatening

accident and the subsequent drug-induced leaky gut from prescription medications for pain and inflammation, I became allergic to everything! I'd consulted with thousands of clients around the world with serious multiple sensitivities and guided them to recovery, never dreaming I'd someday be forced to walk the same path.

After recovering from fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, leaky gut, and MARS, I developed an acute sore throat on the left side when I swallowed. It was relentless. Prior to the sore throat, I enjoyed my usual bountiful energy for traveling, lecturing, writing, teaching, and consulting. Suddenly, I was tired all the time, fibromyalgia symptoms returned, dark circles appeared under the eyes, my elimination became sluggish, and the sore throat became a defined swollen gland under the chin. After repeated visits and testing with my conventional physician, all that was echoed was “everything is within normal range” – I then knew it was time to see my dentist.


Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


My tooth was crowned in gold in 1966. In spite of laboratory tests and x-rays showing No decay, abscess, infection or inflammation, the detective in me went to work. I insisted that my dentist remove the lower first molar crown. The photo above shows what he uncovered.

I was being poisoned by an exposed nerve from rampant decay, and the build-up for crowning was a mercury amalgam filling – poisons were pouring directly into my blood. The tooth was extracted and replaced by a bridge. I worked in dentistry for nearly ten years in the 60s and 70s and had forgotten that amalgams were used in that era to build a weakened tooth structure in order to prepare it for a crown. Your invisible illness could be hiding under your dental restorations, as mine was.

Reducing the Toxic Load and Building Immunity Scientists know approximately 80 percent of our immune system is based

in our gut.... that's right, our gut. However, most of us never consider the fundamental protocols necessary to insure our intestinal toxic load is reduced, which is so interconnected to our liver health and countless invisible illnesses. When toxins are being “dumped” into our liver faster than its ability to neutralize them, invisible illnesses develop.

First – Provide overall immune system support by detoxifying the body through use of a comprehensive herbal/fiber cleanse.

An initial cleansing protocol takes 90 days; thereafter, maintenance should be daily to continue to “brush” colonic debris for elimination.

Second – Provide as much natural, non-drug support for the immune system by supplementing with plant sterols and probiotics. Plant sterols act as immune modulators, taming an over-active system and stimulating an under-active one. Probiotics are health-enhancing microorganisms that replenish those lost to antibiotics, medications, and digestive disorders.

Third – Eliminate all foods known as the “nightshades.” This family of botanicals contains a substance called solanine, a chemical known as alkaloid, which can be highly toxic and known to cause inflammation, even in your mouth.

Fourth – When infection or inflammation is present, take 2 droppersful of a high quality, professional colloidal silver product 3-4 times per day – place in mouth, swish and swallow. If needed for an acute gum boil or inflammation, soak gauze piece with the silver and apply directly to the affected area and leave at least 15 minutes – reapply as needed.

Fifth – Have a thorough dental exam by a biologically aware dentist – your recovery from invisible illnesses could be dependent on it.

If you are a victim of invisible illnesses and you've been told, as I was, that you're “within 'normal' range,” become a health sleuth to uncover the hidden causes. After all, it's about your quality of life, naturally.

Gloria Gilbere, N.D., DAHom., Ph.D., is a traditional naturopath, homeopath, and doctor of natural health. She is internationally respected as an authoritative influence in the discovery of the causes, effects and drug-free solutions for fibromyalgia, inflammatory disorders and chemically-induced immune system disorders. She is author of I Was Poisoned By My Body, Invisible Illnesses, Nature's Prescription Milk, her latest book Pain/Inflammation Matters, and a new online quick reference E-Guides. To learn more about consulting with Gloria, visit her Web site at www. gloriagilbere.com.


Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


The Mouth Is the Window to the Sole by Dr. David Williams

Alternatives Newsletter, May 2007, Vol. 11, No. 23

Whether I’m trying to formulate a more effective supplement, researching the effects of various supplements, or studying the dangers of toxins, one factor always comes into play: the regularity of exposure.

For example, taking a one-time dose of 800 IU of vitamin E might provide some health benefits for a day or even two, but the overall effect would be short-lived. The same holds true for other vitamins, minerals, and supplements; exercise; eating a cleaner diet; et cetera. The greatest benefits are obviously obtained with consistency. I’m sure this concept is pretty elementary to grasp.

On the flip side of the coin, however, I don’t think most people take seriously enough the extreme dangers of constantly being exposed to even minor amounts of toxins. Most research doesn’t focus on this problem, because it would require following the subjects for years if not decades. Additionally, hundreds of other possible factors would have to be eliminated from the equation.

Just like having a steady supply of vitamins or minerals can have a major role in preventing disease and illness, a steady exposure to toxins plays a major role in causing disease and illness. One of the reasons I favor drinking distilled water is that this simple act lessens your chance of slowly poisoning yourself, constantly stressing your immune system, or breaking down your detoxification abilities. Drinking even very minute amounts of pesticides, herbicides, toxic chemicals, et cetera, can lead to serious problems if done over a lifetime. Obviously, the concentration of toxins are higher, but a decades-long habit like cigarette smoking or a lifetime occupation around pesticides will take its toll.

Your Personal Superfund Site

One of the most under-rated sources of toxins and stress to the body comes from periodontal or gum disease. It’s a problem that exists 24/7, and often for decades. If you had a festering sore on the back of your hand for 20, 30, or even 50 years, it would get your attention. Periodontal disease, which releases a constant trickle of toxins and infectious bacteria into your bloodstream, somehow gets totally overlooked. Your body’s immune and detoxification systems, however, can’t overlook the problem. They face a never-ending battle that strains both their resources and your ability to fight other infections and repair damage elsewhere in the body.

I’ve reported on, and I’m sure you’ve read, the studies linking periodontal disease to the number-one killer in this country, cardiovascular disease. That direct link has been well established. [Editor’s note: Visit the Subscriber Center of Dr. Williams’ Web site, www.drdavidwilliams.com, to see his program for oral health.]

New research has now confirmed that periodontal disease is a major risk factor for pancreatic cancer.


Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


The health of 51,529 men was monitored over a 16-year period. The study began in 1986 and involved male health professionals ages 40 to 76. By 2002, a total of 216 patients had been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. Of those, 67 percent had periodontal disease. After adjusting for known risk factors such as cigarette smoking, insulin resistance, type 2 diabetes, and obesity, the researchers determined that periodontal disease increased the risk of developing pancreatic cancer by 64 percent. J Natl Cancer Inst 07;99(2):171-175)

Express Connection to the Teeth

It would be interesting (frightening would probably be a better word) to determine what other cancers and diseases are directly linked to periodontal disease. I’m sure that cardiovascular disease and pancreatic cancer are only the tip of the iceberg. In the early 1900s, the dentist Dr. Weston Price carried out numerous well-documented experiments demonstrating the connection between dental infections and all forms of serious diseases throughout the body.

He suspected that many degenerative diseases were, in fact, directly connected to bacterial infections in teeth. Dr. Price followed a path reminiscent of earlier studies where doctors removed, identified, and cultured bacteria from sick patients and then injected it into healthy animals, to determine if bacteria actually caused the same disease.

Dr. Price took extracted teeth from patients in his practice and placed the tooth under the skin of rabbits. In practically every case, he found that the rabbits would develop the same health problems and degenerative diseases found in the patients. Even more surprising, in many cases he could remove the tooth and the animal’s health would return to normal. The number and variety of diseases he found to be involved was amazing. (Dr. Price’s 1939 book, Nutrition and Physical Degeneration, explains his work and findings in great detail.)

Periodontal disease is one disease that can be effectively treated and kept under control with proper dental hygiene and other procedures. It amazes me just how much some people will spend on various supplements in an effort to “boost” their immune system so they can fight off infections while, at the same time, they allow a chronic infection to exist unchallenged right under their own nose.

Open Wide, and Let’s See Your Hip

Periodontal disease can predict health in other areas as well. A group of dentists with the Academic Center for Dentistry in Amsterdam have discovered that dental x-rays can be a diagnostic tool for osteoporosis. As I’ve written before, the health of your jaw is an early indicator of the health of your entire skeleton. Teeth are living tissue just as bone is, and any process that affects your bones will affect your teeth and the surrounding area, too. Loose teeth, in particular, indicate bone loss in the jaw, but simple gum disease can be the first sign of osteoporosis. [Editor’s note: See Vol. 10, No. 3, for more about the connection between dental health and bone health.]

Standard screening efforts for osteoporosis tend to be expensive and not readily available for large groups of people. (The heel-measurement devices


Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


found in drug stores and used in community screenings are not sensitive enough to give a true reading.) As a result, the tendency is to refer women for testing only if there’s some reason to believe that osteoporosis is present.

Currently, unless a woman has broken a bone, the only real indicators for osteoporosis are age and body type (the risk increases with age, and thin women are at higher risk – as are women with slender bone structure). Researchers found that certain measurements from dental x-rays could improve the prediction of osteoporosis by 10 percent or more. In the study, 661 women had their bone mineral density measured by the current standard, DEXA analysis, and the results were compared to those of dental x-rays from the same women. Analysis showed that using the dental x-rays was both sensitive and specific (that is, it detected osteoporosis in women who really had it, and didn’t show osteoporosis in women who didn’t have it). (International Association for Dental Research, 85th Scientific Session, March 22 2007 Abstract 0239)

I can think of two advantages to using dental x-rays in this manner. The first is that nearly everyone has them on a regular basis, so it’s not a big deal to add in a check for osteoporosis. The analysis of the x-rays is done by a software program, so the dentist doesn’t have to spend much additional time per patient.

The second advantage is that there’s little additional expense in the use of dental x-rays. DEXA scans require the use of specialized (and expensive) equipment, and providers of that service charge accordingly. Your dentist would need to make only a nominal investment in the software program.

One simple solution I recommended in the September, 2003 article is xylitol. Two Finnish studies showed that, in mice, xylitol could maintain bone mineral density – or even increase it. The dosage of xylitol used in those studies translates to about 40 grams a day. That might seem like a large amount, but it’s only three teaspoons. And if you take sugar in your tea, simply replacing it with xylitol will give you a good part of the dosage. Of course, weight-bearing exercise is probably the best preventive. The stress on your bones stimulates biochemical reactions necessary to take old bone away and replace it with new.