Ted Prez

Post on 21-May-2015

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Transcript of Ted Prez

  • 1. Edouard Seynaeve twitter.com/ seynaeve

2. Rencontres hebdomadairesMettre en avant l'innovation et initier le plus grand nombre aux nouvelles technologies Caf Numrique www.cafenumerique.be @CafeNumerique tinyurl.com/CafeNfb #CafN 3. believepassionateidea attitudeworldoffersfree knowledge inspiration thinkers communitycuriousother 4. Technology, Entertainment, Design 1984 Richard Saul Wurman & Harry Marks (The Sapling Foundation since 2002) Devoted to "Ideas worth spreading" Academic, nonprofit foundation Annual, invitation-only (TEDsters) conference ($6,000) in California since 1990 TEDGlobal annual export conferance TED Talks (science, arts, politics, education, culture, business, global issues, technology and development) 5. TEDxis a program that enablesschools, businesses, libraries or just groups of friendsto enjoy a TED-like experience with TEDx Eventsthey themselves organize, design and host Monday, 23 November, 2009 European Parliament, Brussels 6. TED Speakers Thinkers, leaders, politicians, inventors, scientific, creative marketers and philanthropistsBill Clinton, Bill Gates (mosquitos), Richard Branson, Philippe Starck, Bono,... TED Prize(2005) 3 x $100,000"Wish to change the world" Aimee Mullins 7. TED.com YouTube iTunes June 2006 500+ TED talks100+ million view 25+ lang. subtitles 15+ million people