Técnicas de Estimación de Aritmética

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Técnicas que se usan arimeticas, para la estimación.

Transcript of Técnicas de Estimación de Aritmética





    ABSTRACT. Recent advances in the way that adults perform computation in our society require reconsideration of the assumptions underlying current elementary mathematics instruction. The widespread use of calculators and computers for situations requiring precise calculation removes much of the motivation for teaching the current addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division algorithms. Yet precisely this use of computing technology now puts a premium on the exercise of estimation techniques for verifying the reasonableness of computations. These techniques, especially those that can be used "mentally" (without the use of any external tools), have been used informally for years, but never formalized for instruction. This paper discusses a range of estimation techniques, and presents in detail a series of mental estimation procedures based on the concepts of measurement and real numbers rather than on counting and integers. A set of techniques for teaching these procedures is described. These estimation techniques axe evaluated against the multiple functions that elementary mathematics instruction needs to serve.

    We are in the midst of a revolution in the ways we deal with computation in

    our society, brought on by the advent of cheap microelectronics. As the pocket

    calculator has become commonplace, there are fewer and fewer occasions that

    require adults to perform the long, laborious, and error prone techniques for

    doing complex calculations with numbers written on paper by pencil. A bank

    clerk who insisted on adding up long columns of numbers using the techniques

    learned in school would soon be seeking new employment.

    This development has implications for the instruction of mathematics in

    our schools. Teaching the pencil and paper computational techniques has been

    the cornerstone of mathematics instruction. Much of this instruction is dis-

    rupted when students bring calculators into the classroom. And even when

    calculators are not present, the motivation of students to learn (and teachers

    to teach) is problematic i f the skill is seen as useless in everyday life.

    Let us examine the rationale for the current paper and pencil techniques.

    There are three main functions for learning to compute: (1) for use in pro-

    fessional employment, (2) for use in non-professional everyday life, and (3)

    for use as a basis for understanding mathematics.

    (1) Business arithmetic: Are these paper and pencil techniques used in the business world? Right now, the answer seems to be, not very

    much. And the near future prospects (the next five to ten years) are for the use of paper and pencil computation algorithms to disappear

    from professional use.

    Educational Studies in Mathematics 12 (1981) 421--434. 0013--1954/81/0124-0421501.40 Copyright 9 1981 by D. Reidel Publishing Co., Dordrecht, Holland, and Boston, U.S.A.

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    Non-business everyday arithmetic: Are these paper and pencil tech- niques used in everyday life by adults outside of work environments? The surprising answer here is again, not very much. Often adults in our society need to compute, but recent research examining actual use of arithmetic by normal adults has shown that adults rarely use the paper and pencil techniques they learned in school in non-work settings (Lave, 1979). Instead, they evolve various techniques for mentally estimating the results they need. Introduction to higher mathematics: Are these pencil and paper tech- niques necessary as a basis for further instruction in other branches of mathematics? Again, the perhaps surprising answer is no. The right to left algorithms are not necessary for teaching the important con- cepts of arithmetic. Also, arithmetic is not the only entry point into higher mathematics. For example, geometry, topology, and set theory can each serve as an entry point to higher mathematics. Geo- metry, since it can be presented in a more visual way, may well be a much better entry point for pedogogical reasons than arithmetic computation.

    This is the challenge to current mathematics instruction: to find new ways that aid people in carrying out accurate computation using calculators and computers, new ways to help people perform the mental computations they do in everyday non-formal settings, and that form a basis for further instruc- tion in mathematics. Is this an impossible challenge? Let us attack it by con- sidering what is actually needed to achieve the first two functions.

    Computation with Paper and Pencil

    The existing techniques for computation with paper and pencil were developed to allow reliable operation without erasure. The right-to-left nature, the way of denoting carry and borrow, the ways of denoting partial results are all products of the particular characteristics of paper and pencil, which do not easily lend themselves to mental computation and verification procedures that are such important adult skills. The use of calculators, computers, and mental esti- mation each have properties differing from paper and pencil, leading to differ- ent techniques for computing results.

    The current techniques for addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division have been widely used only for the last four hundred years or so. The Greeks considered multicolumn multiplication and division mental feats to be performed only by advanced mathematicians. Ordinary multiplication was


    performed by repeated addition and division by successive approximation (Ball, 1908). The current fight to left algorithms and the common notation of +, --, = came into use in the mid-sixteenth century (Ball, 1908). So the current techniques have not always been with us- Galileo used different (more cum- bersome) techniques.

    Other techniques for computation, once considered essential to a proper mathematics training, have fallen out of use, under the impact of improved computing machinery. The use of logarithmic tables ( " . . . without which many of the numerical calculations which have constantly to be made would be practically impossible..." (Ball, 1908, p. 195)) to perform high precision multiplication and division of large numbers has almost disappeared. The last major slide rule company recently closed its doors. No computational tech- nique should be considered sacred, but instead examined in light of the func- tions that it serves.

    Computation with Calculators and Computers

    Even given the world's most sophisticated computer, people still maintain a vital role. There is a saying in the computer world: "Garbage in, garbage out". When using a computer or calculator, there is still a vital need for the user to check the results for sensibleness. When a person enters ten numbers, each less than $1.00, and obtains a sum of $110.40, that person needs to be able to determine that something is wrong.

    In a few situations, exact accuracy is required. In these cases, the same "checking" technique can be carried over from paper and pencil computation to calculator use. The computation is repeated, sometimes in an alternate or reciprocal form to see if the indentical result occurs.

    Mental Computation and Arithmetic Skills

    Left to right computation. There are an alternate set of computational techniques, now used only by a few people who are "mental calculators", that are more suited for use without paper and pencil. These techniques generally involve processing the given numbers from left.to-fight (rather than the usual right-to-left techniques) (Sticker, 1955). One response, then, to the challenge of calculators and computers could be to teach students these right-to-left computational algorithms to use mentally to verify an answer produced by machine or to compute in situations without calculators or computers. In fact, computation from left-to-right preceeded the current techniques. "The old plan continued in partial use till about 1600; even now it would be more

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    convenient in approximations whereit is necessary to keep only a certain number of places of decimal." (Ball, 1908, p. 188) Since these techniques require considerable mental effort for an accurate computation, they are perhaps more useful when modified to provide results in a reasonable range of accuracy.

    In most situations, only approximate accuracy is needed. In dividing up a restaurant bill, determining the amount to tip, figuring cost and tax, comput- ing miles per gallon of gas, in most everyday situations we only need to be confident of approximately what the correct answer is. People develop per- sonal approximate techniques for dealing with these situations. But these techniques are almost never a part of formal curriculum in elementary class- rooms, as mental calculation is not recognized as a valued activity. Wrong answers are treated equally, whether almost correct or wildly inaccurate. In the adult world the consequences of a gross error are far more serious than those of minor deviations.

    Mental Estimation Techniques

    There are a number of estimation techniques, many of which are based on the current place.value techniques for computation. For example, we can estimate an answer by computing the "order of magnitude" of the answer. So, if we are multiplying 0.0034 by 64,534, we can determine that we are multiplying a 10 to the -- 2 fraction by a 10 to the 5 fraction and conclude that the answer will be a fraction times ten to the 3rd power (that the answer will be less than 1000). So if we enter the numbers into a calculator and get a result of 2194.156, we know that we've incorrectly entered the numbers.

    For more accurate estimation, people often use a "rounding to whole numbers" approach, sometimes with an "adjustment" afterwards. So, if they are to multiply 589 by 49.3, they will instead multiply 600 by 50, and then adjust the answer of 30,000 downward a bit, say to 29,000.

    Seldom are these techniques formally taught in schools, and almost never at the elementary or secondary levels. Yet a common complaint among col- lege teachers is that students don't seem to have a "feel" for numbers and their computation. So one approach to the challenge raised by calculators and com- puters would be to explicitly teach children estimation techniques.

    But don't estimation techniques require a previously acquired skill with the current right-to-left computational techniques? How could elementary school students be taught estimation techniques before they learn to master the con- ventional computation techniques? Before answering this, let us briefly explore the basic concepts underlying the conventional techniques and then consider a different basis for mental estimation.


    Numbers as Quantity

    Traditionally numbers are introduced to novices through the notion of count- ing. Integers are introduced first, then integer fractions, and only at later levels, real numbers. Let us consider an alternative way to introduce numbers, based on the notion of measurement, that provides an equally valid basic understanding of namber, but that also provides a basis for teaching mental estimation techniques for addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.

    It is a bit hard to imagine doing addition, subtraction, multiplication, or division without using the standard techniques and the tables on which they depend. Let us consider a case in which people spontaneously used a mental estimation technique that doesn't require the addition or multiplication tables.

    Serial Fractionation

    Suppose you are faced with a situation in which you have to multiply two numbers, say to determine what the tip should be on a restaurant bill. You need to multiply the total of $23.54 by 0.15 (15% tip). Now you could reach for a handy paper napkin and work through the multi-column algorithm. But people rarely do this computation with paper and pencil. Instead people use mental techniques, as it is too much trouble to use paper and pencil. Some people use the approximation techniques described previously, or develop special purpose algorithms for each recurring special case (Lave, 1979). How- ever, some people develop general mental techniques for estimating. A study of how people combine probabilities in a situation of importance to them (.playing poker) found that some people used the technique of "serial frac- tionation" (Lopes, 1976).

    These subjects were shown two poker hands. They were told that their hand had a 70% chance of beating one hand, and a 50%chance of beating the other. What was the chance of beating both hands? This is a situation requiring the subjects to multiply 0.70 by 0.50 to find the joint probability. Some of the people in an experiment to examine how people combined this kind of infor- mation reported using the following mental technique: they imagined a unit quantity. Then they imagined taking 70% of this quantity. Next they imagined taking 50% of this smaller quantity. Then they determined approximately how much this remaining quantity was of the original unit quantity. This is then the product of multiplying the two probabilities, which is the probability of beat- ing both hands.

    Let us use a line as our unit quantity, to make this technique clearer. Following is a line, with 0 at one end and 1.0 at the other:

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    0 1.0 ->

    Now the first step is to take 70% of the unit quantity, which in this case is a smaller line, 70% as long as the original:

    The next step is to take 50% of this smaller line:


    We can now see that this is about 30% or 35% of the original line. This is the product of the two fractions (0.7 x 0.5), giving us the joint probability of beating both hands.

    Notice that this technique does not require the use of the traditional ~lgo- rithms for multiplication, nor the use of the multiplication table facts. Instead it draws on several other kinds of number facts and skills. To use this approach to multiplication, you need to know how to go from a number to a quantity, such as a position on a number line. To determine what 70% of a unit line is, you need to be able to specify where 0.7 is on a number line going from 0.0 to 1.0. You need to be able to apply this skill to lines of different sizes. And then you need to be able to say what number is represented by a particular position on a number line.

    The two basic skills are required: (1) translating from number to position on a number line, and (2) translating from position to number. Since these are basic components of knowledge about number, there are a number of exer- cises for teaching these two skills. We have developed two computer programs specifically designed to teach this knowledge, one called Harpoon and one called Sonar.

    Harpoon: A program for teaching position-to-number skills. Harpoon is a com- puter game (written in Pascal for an Apple II Computer) that presents the players with a drawing of a shark's fin on the computer screen, with two perpendicular lines intersecting over the shark. Each line has its endpoints labeled with numbers. The program asks the players to specify the position of the shark left and right and then its position up and down. After they enter the two numbers, a "harpoon" flies across the screen to the position they have specified. If that spot is close enough to the shark, then the harpoon hits the shark, and the shark sinks out of view. If the harpoon misses, than a "splash" occurs on the screen to mark the spot, and the players can try again, using the splash mark as feedback.

    The Harpoon game was inspired by another computer game called Darts


    (Dugdale & Kibbey, 1975), created explicitly to teach children the number line. Harpoon has been extensively tested with ten year old children, who find it challenging and motivating (kevin & Kareev, 1980). Initially they have to work together to hit the shark, dividing up the responsibility for parts of the task, but after some practice they can hit the shark with a high degree of accuracy. They acquire the skills of translating from position on number lines to numbers. When working with 9nly one dimension (the version most analo- gous to the original Darts game) children reach proficiency within ten "games ', moving from random performance to high accuracy (deviation of less than + 3% on their first guess).

    Sonar: A program for teaching Number-to-Position skill~ Sonar is another game program (also written in Pascal for the Apple II Computer) that teaches math skills within the framework of a game. This game is similar to Harpoon, as the players have the goal of hitting a shark with a harpoon. But in Sonar, the shark doesn't initially appear on the screen, but is hidden underwater. The player's "sonar" readout tells where the shark is hiding, giving the X and Y coordinate numbers. The players try to move the "crosshairs" to that spot on the screen. Then the harpoon flies to that spot and if it is close enough to the shark's position, the shark surfaces and then is harpooned. Otherwise, the harpoon splashes into the water, and the coordinate numbers of their guess are displayed as feedback.

    This game has been tested with ten year old children, who have found it also challenging and motivating. It teaches the mathematical skill of specifying a position on a number line, given a number. With this Sonar game and the Harpoon game, children can learn to have an "intuitive feel" for numbers, freely converting between numbers and number line lengths. Given these lower level skills, people can then apply the "serial fractionation" techniques for multiplication described above to compute the products of fractional numbers. Note that this technique doesn't require the use of the multicolumn "long" multiplication technique, nor the use of the elementary multiplication facts ("the times tables").

    Questions of precision. Current paper and pencil computational techniques are designed to provide absolute accuracy. Children are evaluated on the basis of producing exactly correct answers in their computations. However, in most non-school uses of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division, there is no need for absolute accuracy. In fact, for scientific uses of computation, students are taught explicitly about the limits of accuracy, and are trained in techniques for keeping track of the degree of precision in their computations.

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    People checking the results of a calculator or computer often only need to know that the answers are within a reasonable range of accuracy.

    An important characteristic for mental estimation techniques is that they be able to provide a whole spectrum of precision, from very rough approximation to high precision. The rough approximation techniques should be easy to apply, while higher precision uses can require more effort. The techniques should provide partial results that are more and more accurate approximations of the ideal answer.

    Note that these are not characteristics of the current paper and pencil techniques. The current multicolumn multiplication techniques, for example, produce partial results that are far from approximations to the accurate ans- wer. Some advanced university students are taught approximation techniques, but these are separate processes from the normal computational techniques. There is a need for an integrated process, that has the following characteristics:

    (1) The computational techniques can be applied mentally (with no recourse to external aids, like calculators, paper and pencil, or abaci).

    (2) The techniques produce partial results as they are applied that are successively closer approximations.

    (3) The techniques are easy enough to apply to produce sufficient pre- cision for people in most situations so that they prefer to use them over the alternatives (using a calculator, figuring on paper and pencil, asking someone, or not calculating at all).

    Current research (Lave, 1979) on how people actually handle computation in non-school life has found that the existing computational techniques are hardly used in everyday situations. Instead, people develop special purpose esti- mation techniques, they find the answer somehow, or they find some way to avoid the calculation altogether. Given that these techniques were developed for use with paper and pencil, it should not be too surprising that they can't be used efficiently by people without paper and pencil. Let us consider whether the estimation techniques described above can be expanded to handle these task demands.


    Fractional scientific notation. So far, the examples have discussed how to per- form mental arithmetic on fractions. How can we operate mentally on any numbers, not just decimal fractions? At secondary levels, students are taught "scientific notation", through which all numbers, from the very small to the very large, are expressed as a product of a number between one and ten and


    some power of ten. To multiply two numbers, the student then can multiply the two numbers between one and ten, then add the exponents.

    This use of scientific notation can provide a general technique for mental multiplication. You can express the two numbers to be multiplied in "frac- tional scientific notation". Each number is converted to a fraction between 0.1 and 1.0, and a power of ten. You then multiply any two numbers by adding the exponents, and then "serially fractionate" the two fractions. As the first approximation to the result, you mentally add the exponents (using Estimation addition, described below) to get the exponent of the result. This by itself is sometimes sufficient, if the person needs only an "orders-of- magnitude" estimate of a result.

    Next, the two fractional numbers are multiplied, using the "serial frac- tionation" technique described above. The precision of representing the numbers and performing the fractionation is a function of the mental effort put into the process by the person. Rough estimates can be performed with less mental effort than more precise estimates.

    Estimation Dip&ion

    Since division is the inverse of multiplication, it's not too surprising that the

    estimation technique for division is the inverse of multiplication. The first step is identical: convert the numbers to fractional scientific notation. Then the exponent of the divisor is subtracted from the exponent of the number being divided, using the estimation subtraction techniques described below. This again provides an order-of-magnitude estimate, as an initial estimate of the result.

    In the second step, the two numbers are represented as relative line lengths, and the proportion that the numerator is of the denominator is determined. For example, suppose we wanted to estimate the price per unit quantity of peanut butter in a supermarket. The price is $1.57 for 28 ozs. We first repre- sent these as 0.157 x 10 to the 1 and 0.28 x 10 to the 2. So the answer will have an exponent o f - 1. Next we represent mentally 0.157 and 0.28 as relative line lengths:

    0 1 ->

    - -> 0.157

    -> 0.28

    We can now estimate that 0.157 is approximately 0.5 of 0.28. So the result is 0.5 x 10 to the -- 1 or approximately $0.05/oz. If we were comparing a set

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    of peanut butter jars of approximately the same price range and sizes, then we could skip the first part, and just do the division of the fractional portion.

    This process may seem long, complex, and effortful, but that is, to some extent, due to its novelty. Imagine the length and complexity of description you would have to give to someone unfamiliar with the paper and pencil division algorithm so that s/he could divide $1.57 by 28. Also note that neither of the mental estimation techniques discussed so far requires knowledge of the "times" tables (the memorization of one hundred single digit multiplic- ation results).

    Estimation Addition

    As you might have suspected, there are simple techniques for doing mental addition and subtraction as well. To add two numbers, you represent them as relative line lengths, relative to some standard. The standard is chosen to be some convenient quantity larger than the largest of the numbers to be added. For example, if we want to add 43 and 256, we represent each of these as line lengths, relative to, say 500.

    0 500 >

    > 256

    > 43

    Then we mentally translate the shorter line to the end of the longer line. The resulting line represents the sum of 256 and 43, which we can estimate to be approximately

    > > 300

    Note that using this technique requires only the skill of converting num- bers into relative line lengths (trained by the Sonar game described previously), the skill of converting relative line lengths to numbers (trained by the Harpoon game), and the mental skill of mental translation. There is strong psychological evidence for the abilities of people to perform mental translation in a linear way (Kosslyn, 1975).

    Estimation Subtraction

    The techniques for mental subtraction are similar to those for addition, with the added issue of negative numbers. Subtraction of one number from another


    can be represented as the addition of a number and a negative number. That is, 53 -- 45 can be re-expressed as 53 + (-- 45).

    How, then, do we represent negative numbers in Estimation Arithmetic? So far, we have represented numbers as relative line lengths. The positive numbers presented so far have been directed toward the larger end of the standard line length. Negative numbers are just relative line lengths pointed in the other direction. So - 45 could be represented mentally as

    - - 100 0 100

    - -45

  • 432 JAMES A. LEVIN

    mapping out in detail the arithmetic cognitive processes (particularly place value subtraction) (Brown & Burton, 1978; Brown & Van Lehn, in press; Burton, 1980). They have taxonomized a large number of subtraction errors, and developed a theory of computational "bugs" and their generation. One of the implications of their descriptive studies of the ways that people perform arithmetic is to highlight individual variation between the ways that people have for carrying out the arithmetic operations.

    Both for generating mathematics curricula and for constructing cognitive theories of arithmetic, individual variation has been largely ignored in previous work. But some of the earliest work focused in an interesting way on the astoundingly large differences between the ways that different people think about and operate on numbers. Galton (1907) collected "number forms" from people, drawings that people made to express where numbers are spatially located mentally for themselves. Most people have a strong notion of spatial location of numbers ("ONE is up here; TWO is next to it in this direction; THREE is below and to the r ight;. . . "). The variety of number forms he col- lected is striking, especially given the implicit assumption underlying most mathematics curricula that all people think about numbers and operate on them in the same way (the "right" way). This study of "number forms" has been carried forward recently by Petitto (1975), with much the same results: a considerable individual variation in the ways that people think about numbers.

    Implications of Individual Variation for Mathematics Instruction

    We have introduced a set of techniques for performing mental addition, sub- traction, multiplication, and division, all which can be performed approxi- mately with precision dependent upon the amount of mental effort. These techniques are based on measurement of quantity, rather than counting of units. We have presented some ways for teaching these techniques, starting with the underlying processes for transforming abstract numbers into mental quantities, processes for mentally manipulating these quantities, and processes for transforming these quantities back into numbers. These processes can form a firm basis for further explorations of mathematics. The estimation techniques are useful for school work, for checking the results of calculations performed with calculator or computer. They are also useful in non-school settings, where people need to perform computation without any external aids.

    More importantly, we have examined in this paper a series of estimation techniques as alternates to the standard algorithms for computation. Each of these techniques has advantages over the current techniques, especially in light of current technology for computation. The particular set of techniques


    for performing mental calculation were presented in enough detail to demon-

    strate that there are viable alternate techniques that we can consider, evaluat-

    ing them in light of the multiple functions served by elementary mathematics


    In light of the evidence for individual variation, perhaps the most fruitful

    course will be to provide students with a wide variety of approaches for com-

    putation, rather than any one cannonical technique. One advantage of using

    computers in mathematics instruction is that they can support a wide variety

    of approaches to manipulating numbers. Rather than reacting to the new

    technology for calculation as a threat, we should consider it a valuable oppor-

    tunity to reconsider the assumptions underlying the mathematics curriculum, a

    chance to discard the mechanical, mind-stultifying elements that are better

    turned over to dumb machines, a chance to focus on the creative qualitative'

    aspects that make mathematics exciting as well as useful.

    University o f California, San Diego


    i This research has been supported by The Spencer Foundation. Thanks to Randy Sou- viney, Margaret Riel, Marilyn Quinsaat, Andrea Petitto, Bud Mehan, and Karen Johnson for comments on earlier drafts.


    Ball, W. W. R.: 1908,A Short Account of the History of Mathematics, Dover Publications, New York (unabridged republication, 1960).

    Brown, J. S. and Burton, R. B.: 1978, 'Diagnostic models for procedural bugs in basic mathematical skills', Cognitive Science 2, 155-192.

    Brown, J. S. and Van Lehn, K.: in press, 'Towards a generative theory of "bugs" ', In T. E. Romberg, T. Carpenter and J. Moser (eds.), Addition and Subtraction: A Devel- opmental Perspective, Erlbaum, Hillsdale, N.J.

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