Technology is Redefining Relationships

Post on 28-Jan-2015

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Transcript of Technology is Redefining Relationships

Technology is Redefining Relationships

By Rachel Orr

Image by imagina

The world has never been more connected

Image by miuenski

Social media has broken down time

and distance barriers

Image by Bluescreen

Enabling universal communication anytime and anywhere

Image by earl53

This includes the ability to rekindle old friendships

Image by Rob Lee

Image by s-ydneey

And have constant communication with the ones we love

“ Technology is rewriting the rules and practices that have guided the development, maintenance and

termination of relationships for eons” – Jim Taylor

Image by HmmlargeartSource: Is Technology Changing the Way Kids Develop Relationships?

A relationship used to be two friends spending time together

Image by Tammy McGary

Or the bond a mother builds with her child

Image by hotblack

Now a relationship is based on your interactions with people online

Image by Joeshoe

Source: How Our Digital Devices Are Affecting Our Personal Relationships Image by William Hook

54% of Americans said they would rather communicate digitally than communicate in person

Image by AuntieP


The internet is “an electronic drug that often yanks us away from the physical

world” – Alex Lickerman

Source: The Effect of Technology On Relationships

Our virtual presence is

redefining and affecting the quality of our

real relationships

Image by jamehand

“Facebook has redefined the idea of a “friend”- a passive connection with

someone you may or may not know in real life” - Alicia Eler

Image by Tammy McGarySource: How Technology Changes our Relationships - Alicia Eler

But as Eric Schmidt, the Chairman of Google said, “it’s not about your friend count.”

Image by Emily McCloy

“It’s about the friends you count


Source: How Our Digital Devices Are Affecting Our Personal Relationships

A romantic relationship is now defined as official when it is on Facebook

Image by Dieraecherin

Sharing used to mean lending your pencil crayons to a friend

Image by Lorettaflame

Now sharing means posting information to Facebook

Image by Mariahhlyn

"Human relationships are rich, and they're messy and they're demanding. And we

clean them up with technology. We sacrifice conversation for mere connection.”

– Sherry Turkle

Image by SimonQeCESource: The Flight from Conversation

This sacrifice is causing real relationships to be replaced by virtual ones

Image by mensatic

“We expect more from technology and less from one another and seem increasingly drawn to technologies

that provide the illusion of companionship without the demands of relationship” – Sherry Turkle

Image by IdandersenSource: The Flight from Conversation

Technology has brought us closer together Image by Anika Thomas

But is threatening to pull us a part.

Image by Nino Andonis

Common Creative License

All images are licensed under the Creative Commons Non-Commerical Share-Alike 3.0 agreement and are sourced

from flickr, morgueFile or Google images.

Image by Chamomile

Image by Cohdra


Is Technology Changing the Way Kids Develop Relationships? – Jim Taylor

How Our Digital Devices Are Affecting Our Personal Relationships – Iris Adler

The Effect of Technology On Relationships - Alex Lickerman

How Technology Changes our Relationships - Alicia Eler

The Flight from Conversation - Sherry Turkle