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VOLUME 6 2012

Technical Research Bulletin


Archaeobotanical research in a pharaonic town in ancient Nubia

Philippa Ryan, Caroline Cartwright and Neal Spencer

Summary This contribution discusses ongoing collaborative archaeobotanical research at Amara West, an

ancient settlement in Upper Nubia (Northern Sudan). The region of Upper Nubia was occupied by pharaonic

Egypt between c.1500 and 1070 bc, and Amara West acted as the administrative centre of the region for the

last two centuries of Egyptian rule, from c.1300 bc onwards. Since 2008, a British Museum research project

has undertaken excavations at the site to investigate the lived experience of the inhabitants of the town, with

a particular focus on seeking evidence of interaction between Egyptians and indigenous populations. This

can be tracked through urban architecture, artefact assemblages, funerary preferences, skeletal remains and,

perhaps, plant use patterns. The excellent preservation of both settlement and associated cemeteries, including

evidence for use during the post-colonial period (1070–800 bc), has allowed recovery of reliable archaeobo-

tanical evidence that is being used to study plants used for food, fuel and craft activities. The identification of

wood and charcoal from the cemeteries and settlement is ongoing; ultimately this may not only reveal delib-

erate selection practices but shed some light on changes in local vegetation over time.


Upper Nubia was annexed by Egypt around 1500 bc [1]; the

town of Amara West was founded as a new administrative

centre for the last two centuries of pharaonic rule (1250–1070

bc), Figure 1. There is also evidence for up to two centuries

of post-colonial occupation. In the Nile Valley, agriculture

is predominant on the narrow strips of land either side of

the river, which are flanked by desert [2]. South of Aswan

there are fewer areas suitable for traditional floodplain irri-

gation than further north; in Upper Nubia (Kush), the wide

floodplain of the Dongola Reach has the most agricultural

potential [3]. Amara West is situated between the Dal and

Third cataracts, downstream of Sai Island, where a pharaonic

town was founded in the mid-sixteenth century bc. The Nile

turns east after Sai, with Amara West today located on the

north bank. Amara West was founded on an island, and

optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dates from fluvial

sands interleaved between the final silt- and clay-rich flood

deposits in the palaeochannel north of the site have estab-

lished that this channel failed towards the end of the second

millennium bc [4]. When surrounded by water, Amara West

would have been a pleasant place to live, with agricultural

potential underpinned by the annual Nile flood and protec-

tion from windblown sand provided by both the river and

riverbank vegetation. Once the channel failed, agriculture

would have become increasingly difficult due to the strong

northerly winds and subsequent accumulation of sand. Since

figure 1. Map showing the location of Amara West. Map: Claire Thorne



the mid-first millennium bc, all significant settlement has

been located on the opposite bank of the Nile.

Amara West was originally excavated by the Egyptian

Exploration Society (EES) during 1938–1939 and 1947–

1950 [5, 6]. A British Museum research project focused on

reconstructing the lived experience of Egyptian, indigenous

and mixed communities in Amara West has undertaken

new excavations in the town and two associated cemeteries,

revealing well-preserved architecture, artefact assemblages,

faunal and botanical material.1 The identification of wood

and charcoal from the cemeteries and settlement is ongoing.

A pilot study of charred macro-remains (seeds and fruits)

and phytoliths is focusing on recovering plant remains from

a villa located outside the west wall of the town and two

contiguous small houses within the north west of the town.

This study is being undertaken to assess archaeobotanical

preservation, taxa present and to investigate whether the

centralized Egyptian administration dictated plant use

patterns or whether there are some aspects more similar

to those found in Nubian settlements post-dating the New


Egyptian style architecture predominates in the town,

including a temple with associated storage magazines

(excavated by the EES), potentially suggesting a redistrib-

utive model of food supply. The issue of how much food

was sourced locally and what was imported from other

regions, particularly Egypt proper, is of key importance

for a colonial settlement such as Amara West. Conversely,

a building conforming to Nubian architectural traditions

(Figure 2) suggests that alternative modes of urban expe-

rience, reflecting indigenous traditions, were present at

the site [7]. Artefacts from the town are predominantly

pharaonic in form, although Nubian style objects are

found in the funerary assemblages, including funerary

beds and distinctive jewellery [8]. The ceramic assem-

blages, from secure contexts within housing areas, indicate

that some pottery vessels were supplied from Egypt, but

most vessels were produced locally, in both Nubian and

Egyptian style [9, 10].

Little is known about subsistence histories in Northern

Sudan, particularly concerning how strategies were

affected by climate and political change in the Late Holo-

cene. There is evidence for wild grass exploitation by early

to mid Holocene hunter gatherers; Near Eastern domestic

crops (wheat and barley) appeared in pre-Kerma contexts

(c.3500–2500 bc) in limited riverine settings but with

some potential importance still attached to wild plant

foods [11, 12]. Wheat and barley agriculture is reported

from Kerma period sites [13], but little is known about

agricultural practices or the relative importance of locally

available plant resources in settlements occupied prior to,

or during, pharaonic control. The presence of fatty acids in

cooking pot residues from Askut, an Egyptian settlement

of the mid-to-late second millennium bc, suggested some

differences between Nubian and Egyptian food types and

processing [1]. More is known, although from few sites,

about later first millennium bc and ad Nubian subsistence

practices [14–17]. Emmer wheat seems to have remained

the predominant wheat species in Nubia until the later first

millennium bc. Barley in Nubia has been generally identi-

fied as ‘two-row’, however identifications to species level

are mainly from later post-New Kingdom sites. Within a

few centuries of Amara West being abandoned, alongside

winter cereals (wheat and barley), domesticated summer

figure 2. Nubian style building E12.11 (foreground) and villa E12.10 (background).



crops (sorghum and two domesticated millets) were also

in use at Kawa, while other wild millet grasses hint at long-

standing traditions of using African C4 grasses [18].2


A combined approach

Charred seeds and fruits, as well as plant microfossils

(phytoliths), are being analysed from targeted sediment

samples taken across the settlement and cemetery, as well

as selected off-site locations. There are well-preserved

architectural features with associated archaeobotanical

material, for instance ovens and hearths packed with in situ plant remains. Analyses of macro- and micro-remains

provide complementary information since they survive

through different taphonomic processes and also afford a

means of cross-checking results and trends. As the analysis

is ongoing, some of the comments presented here might

require modification, particularly as more houses in the

ancient settlement are investigated.

Desiccated wood and charcoal

Following standard procedures [19], anatomical examination

of desiccated wood and charcoal from domestic and cemetery

contexts has been carried out using optical microscopy and

variable pressure scanning electron microscopy (VP-SEM).

Charcoal fragments were retrieved through a combination

of hand picking, sieving and flotation. These fragments have

not been counted; such a practice simply gives an index of

fragmentation rather than a quantitative or semi-quantitative

indicator of (relative) ubiquity of different taxa. It is impor-

tant to note that charcoal is present on an archaeological site

as a result of many different factors – anthropogenic, tapho-

nomic and incidental [19]. Selection of specific fuelwood

by people must account for a high (and perhaps even the

highest) proportion of charcoal excavated and retrieved. In

consequence, different charcoal taxa should never be directly

interpreted in proportional terms as exact reflections of the

surrounding (local) environment [20]. It is also quite likely

that different trees or shrubs could have been selected for

firewood, building material or artefacts from considerable

distances away from the archaeological site.

Macrobotanical remains (cereals, seeds and fruits)

Macrobotanical remains have survived at Amara West

principally in charred form. These were recovered from

sediments at the expedition house through a combination

of sieving and flotation. Different methods were trialled

during the 2011 field season: dry sieving, which involves

passing sediments through a set of nested sieves; and flota-

tion, which is a standard method for separating charred

plant remains from sediments, based on the principle that

charred items will float when sediments are immersed in


Simple bucket flotation was selected rather than creating

a larger flotation system. This was due to the limited supply

of water, which was only available for between two and

three hours each day from a shared tap, and the fact that a

flotation tank could not be set up close to the water’s edge

on account of crocodiles.

After various stages of experimentation it was found

that the most effective way of processing the sediments to

retrieve macrobotanical remains was to pass dry samples

through a series of sieves (5.0, 1.0, 0.5 and 0.3 mm) and

then to float the >0.3/<0.5 mm fraction (i.e. the contents

of the 0.3 mm sieve). Overall, it was found that far higher

proportions of charred macrobotanical finds survived from

the non-floated samples, with some dry-sieved examples

having up to 10 times more items. In contrast, flotation was

still the best option for the smallest size fraction (>0.3/<0.5

mm). The grain size distribution of the sediments, which

often contained a high proportion of silts, meant that

large quantities of sediment collected in the 0.3 mm sieve

during dry sieving and this rendered it difficult to retrieve

seeds. It is also difficult to sort the >0.5/<1.0 mm dry frac-

tion; however, at this site, many cereal fragments collect

in the 0.5 mm sieve and they survive in higher quantities

in the dry sieved versus floated samples. While flotation is

usually the most common way to extract charred macro-

remains, charred materials from sites where the soils have

been consistently dry may ‘explode’ on contact with water;

this has been observed elsewhere in Upper Egypt [21, 22].

Nevertheless, this study finds a combined approach to be

most useful.

Various reference collections are being used for seed

identification, including plants collected in the field, those

bought in local markets in Sudan, the in-house British

Museum botanical reference collection (which includes

specimens from Africa and the Middle East) and speci-

mens from Wakehurst Place, Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew.

Various Sudanese and Egyptian floras are also being used



Phytoliths are formed in certain plants, especially grasses

and wetland sedges but also in many woody taxa, when

soluble silica taken up by plants in groundwater is depos-

ited within and between certain epidermal plant cells [29].

Such plants often produce multiple forms of phytoliths,

which provide varying levels of taxonomic information.

Phytolith types sometimes offer anatomical information,

enabling the distinction of plant parts such as seed bracts,

leaves and stems. Such evidence can facilitate the study of

crop processing procedures and spatial arrangements, in





figure 3. Backscattered electron images of: (a) a modern Cynodon dactylon grass seed; and (b) a detail of the epidermal cells and phytoliths. Image: Hitachi S-3700N VP-SEM

figure 4. Backscattered electron image of modern Digitaria exilis grass seeds after charring. Image: Hitachi S-3700N VP-SEM

figure 5. Backscattered electron image of an emmer wheat (Triticum dicoccum) spikelet fork from the oven fill (context 2130) in room 10 of villa E12.10. Image: Hitachi S-3700N VP-SEM



addition to distinguishing non-food plant uses such as for

weaving, fuel and animal fodder.

Sometimes, depending upon environmental condi-

tions that affect water uptake and levels of soluble silica,

areas of epidermal tissue can become silicified, creating

multi-cell forms commonly termed ‘silica skeletons’

[30]. The presence of silica skeletons enables a greater

possibility of genus-level identification for many plant

types, particularly grasses [30, 31]. Phytoliths can survive

in non-charred and charred contexts and are released

into sediments when plants die and decay, or through

burning. The phytolith record can provide plant identi-

fication where charred material has been turned entirely

to ash.

figure 6. Backscattered electron images of: (a) a barley grain (Hordeum vulgare) from the charred layer (context 4106) in house E13.3–N; and (b) a detail of the epidermal cells and phytoliths. Image: Hitachi S-3700N VP-SEM





These durable micro-remains can be extracted from

sediments through a series of laboratory techniques to

remove clays, carbonates and organics; the procedures

used in this study are based on those described by Rosen

[32]. Extracted phytoliths are mounted onto slides and

analysed under the microscope in transmitted light. Typi-

cally 300–400 morphologies will be counted per slide and

the quantities and relative abundances (%) of morphologies

can be compared between contexts.

To assist identification, phytoliths are extracted from

modern plant materials so that reference slides can be made;

modern plants collected during fieldwork are reduced to ash

in a furnace and mounted on a slide for analysis by trans-

mitted light microscopy. This phytolith reference material

has also been studied using the VP-SEM.

A VP-SEM approach for simultaneous study of plant macro-remains and phytoliths

The VP-SEM has been used to study modern and archae-

ological plant remains to determine identifying features

that can be used for macrobotanical analysis and, at higher

magnifications, to examine seed coat patterning and

epidermal cell arrangements. Studying cell arrangements

is important for developing criteria to identify multi-cell

phytoliths (silica skeletons) in the archaeological record.

Highly silicified cells appear visibly white in the VP-SEM;

it is possible to study elemental composition to ascertain

whether the cells have a silicon content by using energy

dispersive X-ray (EDX) analysis within the VP-SEM. The

VP-SEM is particularly helpful for revealing undulating

patterns of epidermal long cells, which can be useful for

identifying conjoined phytoliths, Figures 3a and 3b. This

approach shows potential for providing a new means to

assess quantities of silica bodies and the extent of silica skel-

eton formation within plant parts.

Experimental charring of modern specimens

To inform the interpretation of archaeological assemblages,

selected modern seeds were charred experimentally to

figure 7. Backscattered electron image of a halved charred sycomore fig (Ficus sycomorus) fruit from the oven fill (context 4035) in house E13.3–N Image: Hitachi S-3700N VP-SEM

figure 8. Backscattered electron image of a charred sedge nutlet (Fimbristylis sp.) from room 9 (context 2026) in villa E12.10. Image: Hitachi S-3700N VP-SEM

figure 9. Local vegetation at Amara West: (a) tamarisks (Tamarix spp.) growing along the riverbanks close to the site; and (b) doum palms (Hyphaene thebaica) growing nearby

a b



investigate the varying impact of heat on different species.

Seeds were placed in the furnace at 300°C for two hours and

afterwards studied in the VP-SEM to record any changes to

morphology or seed coat patterning. Interesting observations

include the ‘cream puff’ appearance of some items after char-

ring, including two taxa from the Amaranthaceae family and

Digitaria exilis grass seeds, Figure 4. Fimbristylis sp. sedge

nutlets did not appear particularly charred and had very

distinctive outer layers, which appeared to consist of silicified

cells (phytoliths). Such silicification may aid the preservation

of these sedge seeds, which is particularly relevant as these

are present within several of the archaeological samples.

When desert date (Balanites aegyptiaca) and Christ’s

thorn (Ziziphus spina-christi) fruits were heated at 360°C

for two hours all the fruits remained whole after charring.


An initial overview of the main taxa present and the

types of contexts analysed is presented here. As part of

the ongoing work at Amara West, full species counts and

tabular quantifications will be presented in due course, once

further sample analyses and taxon identifications have been

conducted and comparisons made on a context-by-context

basis (linked to site plans).

Site contexts

Within the rooms at Amara West, the deposits typically

consist of occupation layers, rich in organic detritus and

pottery along with other artefacts, above plain clay floors,

interleaved with layers of brick rubble (from roofs and

walls) and windblown sand. All of the deposits are dry, but

textiles and wood are rarely preserved. Wind erosion is an

important taphonomic factor at the site.

From the settlement, the oven and hearth deposits

have the highest densities of plant remains; several with

sediments containing up to 70–80% charred content indi-

cating very well preserved in situ burnt deposits. Several

contained greater quantities of ashy material with fewer

charred items, while others had more sterile fills. In

ashy fill deposits in which minimal charred material has

survived, the phytolith evidence indicates key plant types.

Large storage bins found in the extramural villa E12.10

appeared to contain only windblown sand and no charred

remains were present. As these bins were not burnt in

antiquity, any plant content within them would be unlikely

to have survived in charred form; phytolith analysis of bin

sediments (context 2044) confirmed that plant remains

were absent, suggesting that these bins were empty at the

time of abandonment. Floor sediments contained vari-

able to low amounts of charred remains; these are most

likely to represent charred and ashy materials derived and

re-deposited from the ovens or hearths and, as such, are

less strongly contextually related in comparison to the in situ remains from features such as ovens or hearths. Several

pottery fills were dry sieved to test whether or not any plant

macro-remains were present. These typically contained

low densities of charred macro-remains that probably

represent general fill rather than reflecting the purpose

of the jars. In the two site cemeteries [8], the burials are

cut into Nile alluvium or the schist bedrock. So far, the

deposits extracted from vessels placed in tombs have been

sterile. Remnants of wooden funerary objects have been

recovered, as well as plant material used for basketry and

wrapping of the deceased.

Charred cereals, seeds and fruits

The most common botanical elements recovered in the

charred record are cereal grains and crop processing

by-products. In the initial study, the cereals present are

figure 11. Backscattered electron image of a transverse section of doum palm (Hyphaene thebaica) charcoal, showing a vascular bundle embedded in parenchymatous ground tissue. Image: Hitachi S-3700N VP-SEM

figure 10. Backscattered electron image of a transverse section of tamarisk (Tamarix sp.) charcoal, showing large earlywood vessels almost entirely blocked by tyloses, wide rays, banded parenchyma and fibres. Image: Hitachi S-3700N VP-SEM



emmer wheat (Triticum dicoccum) and barley (Hordeum vulgare). On the basis of grain morphology as well as rachis

segments, the barley has been identified as six-row (H. vulgare subsp. vulgare). Most examples of wheat and barley

grains and chaff are excellently preserved.

During threshing, the cereal ears of hulled wheats

break into individual spikelets that then require a second

processing stage to free the grain from its seed bracts

(lemma and palea enclosed within glumes). The crop

processing by-products from hulled wheats that most typi-

cally survive the charring process are spikelet forks and

glume bases, Figure 5. Hulled wheat spikelets differ in some

respects from hulled barley spikelets, with the latter having

residual glumes and more tightly enclosing lemmas and

paleas. After threshing, the hulled barley ear breaks into

both spikelets (barley grains encased within lemma and

palea) and rachis segments and these grains will, like wheat,

require a secondary processing stage if intended for human

consumption, Figures 6a and b. Preliminary analyses indi-

cate high proportions of cereal crop processing by-products

in relation to grains in the majority of samples, high propor-

tions of barley grains in comparison to wheat grains, but

some variability in the relative proportions of barley to

wheat chaff. Barley husk chaff is calculated by the number

of rachis nodes while wheat husk chaff is quantified through

the number of glume bases (spikelet forks comprise two

glume bases). The percentage of husk chaff from wheat (in

comparison to barley) in the grain processing area (room 9)

of villa E12.10 was 89%. In the immediately adjacent oven

room (room 10) the figure was 87% and, in contrast, in

small houses E13.3–N and E13.3–S it was 45%.

Other crops present include domesticated lentils (Lens culinaris) and flax (Linum usitatissimum). A concentra-

tion of charred flax seeds was found in a burnt occupation

deposit (context 4295) in building E13.3–S Small legumes

were present in a number of samples, most frequently

members of the Trifolieae tribe (which includes clover),

possibly grown for fodder. The identification in several

contexts of Corchorus spp. seeds (cf. C. fascicularis) is inter-

esting, as species from this genus are widely cultivated in

the Nile Valley today as a leafy green vegetable known as

mulukhiyah [23].

Several fruits have been identified, including the

sycomore fig (Ficus sycomorus), doum palm (Hyphaene thebaica), white cross berry (Grewia tenax), Christ’s

thorn (Z. spina-christi), Cucumis sp. (a genus that

includes melons), colocynth (Citrulllus colocynthus) and

watermelon (Citrullus lanatus). Watermelons have been

cultivated in the Nile Valley since approximately the

second millennium bc [33]. Sycomore fig trees may have

been wild or cultivated through clonal propagation; wild

examples grow near streams or ephemeral water sources

and are still present in modern Sudan [33]. Doum palms

may also have been wild or propagated, and today the

doum is found growing naturally in Sudan and southern

Egypt [2, 21]; its pounded kernel can be ground into flour

[34]. No charred date stones from Phoenix dactylifera

have been found and thus the status of the date palm is

unclear, but it needs a reliable surface water supply or high

ground water [33]. Other fruits such as Christ’s thorn and

the colocynth would have been gathered from the wild.

The wild colocynth grows in desert and semi-desert sandy

soils, while Christ’s thorn has a wide distribution across

savannah, thicket, desert oasis and Nile bank environ-

ments in Africa and across the Middle East [33]. Most

commonly, the seeds of fruits are retrieved, but in several

instances whole charred items are present, including syco-

more figs (Figure 7), G. tenax berries and an example of a

whole doum palm fruit (although the hard internal doum

fruit endocarps are more usually retrieved).

Seeds from taxa that grow in wetter environments, such

as along the Nile, include sedges (Cyperaceae), mainly

Fimbristylis sp. (Figure 8) and Cyperus sp. and, more

occasionally, rushes (Juncaceae). Some of these sedges

and other wild seeds, including members of the Amaran-

thaceae family and Portulaca oleracea (Portulacaceae

family), may have been cultivation weeds. Acacia seeds

are also present and there are several acacia species in the

region, with different growing habitats. Some of the seeds

are from Acacia nilotica, which grows along the banks of

the Nile. Wild grasses have been found infrequently as they

are generally charred beyond recognition, but identifiable

examples include C4 grasses from the chloridoid subfamily

of the Poaceae. This wild grass subfamily is typically known

to favour hot arid conditions [35].

Desiccated wood and charcoal

While the ultimate overall objective is to give careful

consideration to each chronostratigraphic context from

Amara West to evaluate economic and technological

change alongside differences in the composition of vegeta-

tional communities, at this phase of the analysis the most

significant results within the corpus of desiccated wood

and charcoal are presented. There is a marked reliance on

sycomore fig (F. sycomorus) for providing coffin wood and

funerary artefacts and also for much of the fuel present in

domestic contexts. Some use has also been made of the

wood from several tamarisk species (Tamarix spp.) (Figures

9a and 10) for funerary objects, as well as for domestic fuel.

Only present as charcoal in fuel debris are doum palm (H. thebaica) (Figures 9b and 11), Christ’s thorn (Z. spina-christi) and Nile acacia (A. nilotica).

The phytoliths

Phytolith types extracted from sediments include silica skel-

etons (multi-cell phytoliths) from husks (seed bracts) and

straw (stems) of wheat and barley. No multi-cell phytoliths

from panicoid C4 grass husks (such as from domesticated

and wild millet grasses or sorghum) have been identified

thus far.



Specific single cells can also be used to distinguish

between C3 and C4 grasses.3 Habitually, C3 grasses (which

include the cereal crops wheat and barley) favour temperate

climates, while C4 grasses are more common in high

temperatures [35]. Within the C4 grasses, the chloridoid

subfamily is more often associated with aridity and the pani-

coid subfamily with moister conditions. In the Amara West

phytolith record, there are low numbers of bilobe forms

(associated with panicoid grasses); these suggest that some

of the very charred grass seeds in the macro-record could

be from panicoid grasses, but the small quantities imply that

this group of grasses was not economically important. In

contrast, saddle forms are present more frequently and in

higher relative abundances, some possibly from the same

wild chloridoid grass identified in the macro-record and are

possibly associated with ashy fuel remains.

There are also phytoliths present from sedges (Cyper-

aceae), trees, shrubs and palms. Palm leaf phytoliths are

commonly present in ashy deposits and include globular

echinates as well as multi-cells. In several oven and hearth

samples there are high quantities of multi-cell leaf phytoliths

from dicotyledonous plants (trees and many herbaceous

shrubs). These dicotyledonous forms may either be entering

the record via leaves attached to the burnt charcoal or in

dung burnt as fuel. Further analyses from dung pellet

samples will help to clarify which phytolith forms may

reflect part of the animal diet.


Charred dung was found in several ovens or hearths. The

contents of dung pellets are being investigated through their

dissection for macrobotanical remains, via VP-SEM analysis

of the charred contents and through processing to extract

their phytolith content. Preliminary analyses have found no

whole charred seeds or plant parts, however highly frag-

mentary plant parts suggestive of leaf or stem material are

present. VP-SEM analyses of selected fragments show some

to be from barley lemma or palea material, suggesting that

barley chaff was being fed to animals. Some plants may have

been included within dung materials, for example, through

being trodden into the floor areas of animal pens, or being

added in the form of chaff temper to dung cakes to be used

for fuel.



The presence of wheat spikelets in the villa and houses indi-

cates wheat de-husking in multipurpose spaces in smaller

houses and in a dedicated room in the villa. This suggests

wheat was stored in spikelet form, yet to undergo a final

processing stage prior to grinding and consumption. Differ-

ential access to cereals is suggested by the large storage

features in elite villas, such as the open courtyard (room

7) in villa E12.10, and their absence in smaller dwellings.

The evidence for wheat de-husking, but no storage facili-

ties, suggests the smaller houses had grain provided in ear

or spikelet form from centralized storage facilities, possibly

the magazines.

It is noteworthy that in the grain processing area of villa

E13.10 (room 9), the barley grains displayed hull removal,

suggesting the use of barley as a food in addition to wheat.

Although barley is often considered inferior to wheat and

grown as an animal fodder crop, it tolerates higher salinity

and drier conditions and can be an important human food

crop [33]. While some of the barley grains from hearth and

oven contexts had their hulls removed, others were still in

their hulls; it is possible (pending further analysis of dung

pellets) that some of the barley may reflect animal diet and

that the barley assemblages represent more than one tapho-

nomic pathway.

Access to storage facilities within their large homes for

members of the elite – whether priestly, military or admin-

istrative – is well attested at Tell el-Amarna [36]. In contrast,

although there is evidence for cereal de-husking within houses

at Amara West, there are no mortar emplacements resembling

those found at sites such as the workmen’s village at Amarna

or Deir el-Medina in Egypt [37], which suggests some differ-

ence in the methods used for de-husking. However, there are

similarities in other features connected with plant use. For

instance, the circular structures of fired clay, coated in mud

plaster, with walls tapering inwards and containing charred

plant remains, are similar to those interpreted as bread ovens

in New Kingdom sites throughout Egypt [37].

As yet, there is no suggestion of the C4 grass consump-

tion noted from later Nubian sites [18]. Any indication of C4

grass consumption would be significant as a marker of diver-

sification in cereals exploited, as well as the use of summer

sown cereals. Furthermore, any such evidence for C4 grass

use from specific buildings could hint at local plant use

traditions. The apparent absence of free-threshing cereals

matches the theory that emmer wheat was the predominant

wheat species in Nubia until the later first millennium bc

[18]. The presence of six-row hulled barley is interesting

because two-row barley is identified from later Nubian

sites, while six-row barley is more commonly grown in New

Kingdom Egypt [38]. This suggests a similarity in barley use

with contemporary Egypt, but does not necessarily indicate

a deliberate cultural choice versus local two-row. Some of

the later two-row barley identified in Nubia has been linked

genetically to an earlier six-row form [39], while barley

found from sites that are earlier than Amara West is not

generally reported in the literature to species level.

Samples analysed from the villa and smaller houses thus

far highlight the role of agriculture based on wheat, barley and

pulses, which matches a typical New Kingdom agricultural

pattern. The high proportions of barley may reflect multiple

taphonomic pathways as well as aridity. It is interesting that

many of the fruits present are taxa geographically associated

with Northern Sudan and with wild populations still present



today; it is possible that the use of local fruits was an expres-

sion of local habits and cultural decisions. The absence of

taxa such as the date palm and grapes may reflect the lack

of suitable horticultural conditions as well as other land use

priorities enforced by the bounded nature of an island.


The archaeobotanical component of the Amara West

project is providing new information about agricultural

strategies in the occupied region of Upper Nubia in the

late second millennium bc, together with insights into

the degree of colonial control versus local traditions. The

record is important for tracing food production trajec-

tories in Sudan in the Late Holocene, where, at present,

very little is known from urban settlements of the third

and second millennium bc. Botanical data tables from

the pilot study and comparisons between datasets on a

context-by-context basis, in conjunction with site plans,

will be presented in subsequent publications, together with

statistical analyses of spatial variations in plant distribu-

tions. Future research aims include investigating whether

patterns of plant use shifted alongside the collapse of

Egyptian control (c.1070 bc) and increased regional aridi-

fication. Risk buffering might be attested through changing

ratios between cereals with different water requirements

or the use of supplementary wild plants. Studies of plant

micro-remains (phytoliths and starch) from dental enamel

in faunal remains recovered from the same deposits will

help to clarify whether animals were foddered on wheat

or barley (C3) or ate wild C4 grasses. The environmental

evidence from the plant remains will be contextualized

with landscape reconstructions by the geoarchaeological

team from Manchester University (Jamie Woodward)

and Aberystwyth University (Mark Macklin). To date the

contexts analysed have been predominantly from within

specific buildings, but this will be expanded in the future

to include sun-dried mud bricks made from local allu-

vium, roofing impressions of plant material (some tied in

bundles, or woven into mats) that was laid over a network

of wooden poles and beams, and rubbish deposits; these

will allow further characterization of the distribution of

plant remains.


Fieldwork at Amara West would not be possible without the permis-sion and support of the National Corporation of Antiquities and Museums (Sudan), with particular thanks to Hassan Hussein Idris, Salah Mohamed Ahmed, Abdel Rahman Ali Mohamed and our inspector, Shadia Abdu Rabo. The project is generously funded through the Leverhulme Trust research project on ‘Health and diet in occupied Nubia through political and climate change’ and by grants from the British Academy and the Michela Schiff Giorgini Founda-tion. Thanks are also due to Dorian Fuller for helpful advice and to Wakehurst Place, The Royal Botanic Gardens Kew, for providing refer-ence seeds.


Philippa Ryan ( and Caroline Cart-wright ( are scientists in the Department of Conservation and Scientific Research at the British Museum. Neal Spencer ( is Keeper of the Department of Ancient Egypt and Sudan at the British Museum.


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1. Further information on the Amara West project is available from the British Museum website, (accessed 10 June 2012).

2. C3 and C4 grasses have different photosynthetic pathways. C3 grasses (which include wheat and barley) are generally associated with temperate climates, while C4 grasses are adapted to hotter climates. C4 grasses include the grass subfamilies panicoid and chloridoid. There is variation between individual genera, but as a rule panicoid grasses (which include wild and domesticated millets and sorghum) prefer moister conditions, while most chlo-ridoid grasses are more arid adapted [35].

3. See note 2.