Teams -€¦  · Web viewWhat’s real in StarGuards. All...

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Transcript of Teams -€¦  · Web viewWhat’s real in StarGuards. All...


Welcome to the solar system in 2150. Every inch of the solar system has been explored and all the planets are used by humans.

But a series of space challenges are on the horizon. How will you, the rulers of the solar system, solve these challenges?

In the game, we have ‘open negotiation’, where everyone tries to come up with ideas to solve the space challenges. Every time a group of people think they have the solution to a space challenge, they must explain the solution to the Fates. If the Fates agree that this solution is acceptable, the challenge is solved.


· Fate (2 students) – they run the game and can make up new rules

· Voyager 1 (2 students) – they tell everyone what the space challenges are

· the Moon (3 students) – they have resources and a spaceship

· Earth (3 students) – they have resources and a spaceship

· Mercury (3 students) – they have resources and a spaceship

· Mars (3 students) – they have resources and a spaceship

· Venus (3 students) – they have resources and a spaceship

· Saturn (3 students) – they have resources and a spaceship

· Jupiter (3 students) – they have resources and a spaceship

· Uranus (3 students) – they have resources and a spaceship

· Venus (2 students) – they have resources and a spaceship

Things to solve the space challenges with

· machines

· ideas

· resources from teams

· spaceships from teams

· your creative thinking!

What’s real in StarGuards

All the planet information and their resources are real. All the space challenges could happen. The ideas and machines are based on reality, but aren’t actually real.

the fates

The Fates work with the instructor(s) to run the game. The Fates make decisions about the rules and can make up new ones. If teams think they have an idea that will solve a space challenge, they come to the Fates to see if it will work. The Fates ask them to explain their solutions. If the Fates agree that it will solve the problem, they spin the “luck” spinner. If the solution works, they ask the people to explain the solution and then they write it up on the board.

Team members:


Voyager 1

The Voyager 1 team are astronauts on the spaceship Voyager 1. Voyager 1 is the only spaceship to ever leave the solar system. They send back information about space challenges that threaten the solar system. Every 5 minutes you will tell the teams about another space challenge. In between these times they should help try and solve the space challenges with everyone else. Perhaps their being outside the solar system is helpful?

Team members:




Voyager 1

Type of ship

Exploration ship


Can send back information from long distances

the moon

The Moon team live on the satellite that orbits around Earth. The moon is now home to thousands of people who have moved there. Your team lives in a base on the surface of the moon.

Team members:


Celestial body




0.012 of Earth

Distance from Sun

Same distance as Earth





· We only ever see one side of the Earth, because it rotates at the same speed as Earth does

· A person would weigh 1/6th as much on the moon.

· Up to 2018 only 12 people had walked on the moon.



Apollo 19

Type of ship



Can voyage outside of the solar system


The Mercury team live on the dark side of this extreme planet. It is really hot on one side and freezing cold on the other. Mercury’s day (176 Earth days) is longer than its year (88 Earth days)!

Team members:


Celestial body




0.055 Earths

Distance from Sun

0.4 as far as Earth





· Large iron core

· Thin mantle

· No moons



HWSS Defiant

Type of ship



Can carry heavy loads


The Venus team live on the surface of Venus, in a special base protecting them from the heat. Venus has been used by humans for mining silicon.

Team members:


Celestial body




0.815 Earths

Distance from Sun

0.7 as far as Earth



Nitrogen gas


· Thick silicon mantle

· Iron core

· Has a thick atmosphere

· No moons

· Has internal volcanoes

· No magnetic field

· 400oC because of greenhouse gases



Pioneer 5

Type of ship



Can transport silicon


The Earth team live on Earth, where all human life began. It is an important planet because it has life on it. If one of the other planets was wiped out it would be bad but if Earth was wiped out it would be really bad.

Team members:


Celestial body




5,972,000, 000,000,000,000,000 tons

Distance from Sun

149.6 million km


Liquid water

Life (bacteria, plants, animals, viruses)



· Has life on it

· Has a thick atmosphere

· Atmosphere is 21% oxygen



Earthship Avenger

Type of ship



Can attack


The Saturn team lives on a space station on one of the rings of Saturn. Saturn is a gas giant – meaning it is made up of gases (hydrogen, helium and methane). Its rings are mostly made up of ice. It has over 30 rings in 7 groups.

Team members:


Celestial body




95 Earths

Distance from Sun

9.5 times further



Methane Gas


· Lots of icy rings

· Planet is less dense than water

· 62 moons, mostly made of ice

· Titan is its biggest moon (bigger than Mercury)

· Titan is the only moon in the solar system with a decent atmosphere

· furthest planet visible without a telescope



The Albatross

Type of ship



Can travel almost at the speed of light


The Uranus team lives on a base on the surface of Uranus, on the icy mantle (outer layer). Uranus is an “ice giant”. It is the coldest planet in the solar system, at -224oC.

Team members:


Celestial body




14 Earths

Distance from Sun

19.2 times further than the Earth



Liquid diamond


• Orbits on its side

• 27 moons

• Cold centre

• Puts out hardly any heat



ISV Harmony

Type of ship

Colony ship


Can transport living organisms


The Mars team live on a Mars. Mars is now home to thousands of people, who moved there. The Martian team live in a space base, protecting them from the conditions on Mars. Mars is a terrestrial planet – meaning it is made of solid matter.

Team members:


Celestial body




0.1 Earths

Distance from Sun

1.5 times further than the Earth


Carbon dioxide

Iron dust


· Red soil

· Two moons: Deimos and Phobos (which were asteroids that got captured in Mars’ gravity)

· Atmosphere is carbon dioxide

· The sun looks only half as big from Mars



Midway 2

Type of ship



Has space for gas storage and transport


The Jupiter team lives on a large space station that orbits Jupiter. Jupiter is a gas giant. It is 2.5 times bigger than all the other planets put together.

Team members:


Celestial body



Distance from Sun

5.2 times further than the Earth





· Cloud bands

· Strong internal heat

· 79 moons: 4 largest are Ganymede, Callisto, Io and Europa

· Made up of similar stuff to the sun

· The Great Red Spot on Jupiter is a storm that has raged for 350 years



SS Stormfalcon

Type of ship

Mining ship


Can mine material from out of planets or moons


The Neptune team lives on a space station orbiting the planet. Neptune is mostly made up of gases (hydrogen and helium), but has ice and rock (including nickel) at its centre, so it is known as an “ice giant”.

Team members:


Celestial body




17 Earths

Distance from Sun

30.1 times further than the Earth


Liquid nitrogen



· 14 moons

· One moon, Triton, has geysers of liquid nitrogen spewing out of it

· There are lots of storms, some speeding around the planet at 1,340km per second



HMS Nemesis

Type of ship



Can store and carry large amounts of liquid

Space challenge:Aliens

There is an alien invasion coming from outer space. They do not seem very friendly. They are flying into the solar system in space ships. They are heading straight for Mars!

This challenge is shown on the board by this piece:

Space challenge: Comet

A comet is a small icy solar system body. When it flies close to the sun it pumps out gas. There is a comet that has come out of the Oort cloud. The Oort cloud is a collection of minor planets and rocks. Sometimes comets come out of this cloud. Scientists on Voyager 1 have learnt that “Octa 5”, a large comet, is flying towards Mercury.

This challenge is shown on the board by this piece:

Space challenge:Space junk

There are lots of old satellites orbiting around Mars, Earth and the Moon. This causes problems because new satellites and spaceships might crash into them.

This challenge is shown on the board by this piece:

Space challenge:Meteor shower

A meteor is a space rock, or meteoroid, that enters the atmosphere of a planet. When lots of meteors fall at once, we call it a meteor shower. This is what we call a “shooting star”. The bright streak is not actually the rock, but the glowing hot air as the meteor speeds through the atmosphere. There is a massive meteor shower on the gas giant planets, Saturn and Jupiter, which may destroy the space bases there.

This challenge is shown on the board by this piece:

Space challenge:bacteria

Scientists have detected living bacteria coming from outer space. It has come from outside the solar system and has begun to infect the space stations on the ice giants Neptune and Uranus. This extra-terrestrial life could be dangerous to human life.

This challenge is shown on the board by this piece:

Space challenge:Gravitational waves

Gravitational waves are disturbances in the fabric of spacetime made by huge objects in space moving around. Voyager 1 has detected two black holes that have collided in a faraway galaxy. However, the gravitational waves are being felt on the two ice giants, Neptune and Uranus.

This challenge is shown on the board by this piece:

Space challenge:Sick Scientists

There are astronaut scientists that live on the asteroid belt. They have begun to get sick. Because they are not in a planet with an atmosphere to protect them, they are starting to become ill from the harmful solar radiation that comes from the sun.

This challenge is shown on the board by this piece:

Space challenge:Artificial intelligence

The Earth in 2150 has very advanced computer technology. One company has developed sophisticated computer software, artificial intelligence. It is a program that has taught itself. It then connected itself to the internet. Both Earth and the Moon are connected to the same internet. It has now infiltrated the whole of the internet and is able to shut it down, which would cause huge problems for Earth and the Moon.

This challenge is shown on the board by this piece:

Space challenge:asteroid

There is a massive asteroid, called Aros 657, that is headed towards Venus. If it hits the planet it will knock it off its orbit and wipe out the people that live there.

This challenge is shown on the board by this piece:

Space challenge:Gamma ray burst

Gamma ray burst are short bursts of very bright gamma-ray light, lasting anywhere from a millisecond to a few minutes. Gamma rays are a kind of really ‘energetic’ light, a type of light that is radioactive. Scientists on Voyager 1 have noticed that there was a supernova in the Canis Major constellation, 3,900 light years away. It has sent a gamma ray burst towards the solar system. It is on target to hit and destroy both Mercury and Venus, unless something is done to stop it.

This challenge is shown on the board by this piece:

EXAMPLENearby supernova

A supernova is a star exploding. It sends out massive amounts of energy into the surrounding universe, destroying everything in its path. Voyager 1 has detected a supernova is about to happen 100 light years away. It will send radiation into the solar system and wipe out all life if nothing is done.

This challenge is shown on the board by this piece:


Cold Cannon

A large cannon-style gun that can be attached onto an existing spaceship. It will allow that spaceship to shoot ice like a bullet.

This machine looks like this:


Gas Ejector

A cylinder that will stick on to the back of a gas-carrying spaceship. With the gas ejector, a spaceship will be able to fire helium gas out of it.

This machine looks like this:


Force Weapon

A special weapon that can be added to any spaceship. It can shoot two things out at once like a gun. It will work with shooting rocks and helium gas at the same time.

This machine looks like this:


Iron disruptor

Using iron, a large ball can be created. This iron ball creates such a strong magnetic force that it can stop gravitational waves. You need iron to create this machine.

This machine looks like this:


Gas Blender

A giant mixing machine. Put in any two gases and it will mix them together.

This machine looks like this:


Diamond Defender

This large weapon can be stuck on the side of any spaceship. It will allow that spaceship to shoot liquid diamonds like a gun.

This machine looks like this:


Spacecraft Cement

A special type of superglue that will stick two different spaceships together. This means that the spaceships special powers can be used together.

This machine looks like this:


Complex circuit board

A circuit board that can be put into a computer. This circuit board has small bottles on it so that liquids can be sent into the computer.

This machine looks like this:


Genetic modifier

This machine can change beings. Put a creature in here and add a chemical. It will change the being so that the chemical is part of it.

This machine looks like this:


Space mirror

Radiation waves, such as those that are emitted when a star explodes, can be deflected back into space with

This machine looks like this:


How to destroy floating waste

By combining a few different things together, you might be able to destroy floating trash. Helium 3 is a great source of energy. If you used it to blast iron dust into an area, you might just be able to destroy things.


What to do against unwanted space visitors

Rumour has it that intelligent life from outside the solar system are also warm-blooded, just like humans. So perhaps using something really cold could work against extra-terrestrial invaders.


When a giant ice-ball comes flying at you

Comets are made of rock and ice. Trying to destroy the ice might probably make the comet fly in a slightly different direction. Then it would miss hitting what it was heading for. Helium is a powerful source of energy. If it is used as a flamethrower to burn something. You would need a ship that can go really fast to get close enough to the comet.


Why it is best to ‘fight fire with fire’

The best way to deal with a load of meteors raining down is to use a whole heap of meteors right back at them. So maybe shooting lots of rocks at them might knock enough of them away to stop them from destroying things.


Where it might come in handy to make a mutant

Tiny, microscopic life forms are very difficult to deal with. There are two common elements that scientists think life can be based on: (1) carbon, which is what all life on Earth is based on, and (2) silicon. Maybe if microscopic life from space comes and threatens the solar system, you could create a life form based on a mixture of silicon and carbon to fight it off.


Where its best to deal with problems that unbalance the solar system

Gravity is what binds the galaxy together. It is what keeps the planets orbiting around the sun. If something were to upset gravity, it would cause serious problems to the solar system. It might send one or more of the planets spinning out of their normal orbit around the sun. To deal with gravity related problems, make sure you do it outside of the solar system.


When humans and space don't mix

It is not healthy in the long run for humans to live in space. It is better for them to live on a planet where the atmosphere protects them from harmful radiation from the sun. Humans need nitrogen, carbon, oxygen and hydrogen. These elements are all found in Earth's atmosphere, which is why we can live safely on Earth without a spacesuit. Perhaps a combination of these gases might help people who get sick from living in space for too long.


How to take down technology

Artificial intelligence is stored in computers, and computers cannot survive without electricity. Water can short circuit electrical items. Ammonia dissolves in water, which can burn electrical circuits.


What is the strongest substance?

When a problem needs something really strong, diamond is a much stronger material then even rock.


When combining elements is the best bet

Really strong light can be very damaging. No one material alone will be enough to stop a burst of this kind. Both iron and nickel are strong metals, perhaps by combining these two you might solve a problem.


How to reflect radiation

Mirrors alone cannot reflect radiation. They need to be coated with a specific set of chemicals: silicon, iron and nickel.

© Ben Lawless 2018