Team Psych Weekly Newsletter Jan 24 2011

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Team Psych Weekly Newsletter Jan 24 2011

Transcript of Team Psych Weekly Newsletter Jan 24 2011


    Your Bike Shop for Team Psych Bike Jerseys and Full Sublimated Tech T Shirt

    GREAT STRIDES WALK Saturday, May 21 Lowry Park Zoo 5:30 PM Registration/ 6:30 PM Walk Starts Tampa Registration

  • Team Psych Weekend Bike Ride See Weekly E Mails

    See Page 20

    Suncoast Bicycle 8:00 am Sundays

    40-60 miles Check their web page to see if they have one this


    Carrollwood Bicycle 7:30 am Saturdays

    27 mile loop

    University Bicycle 10:00 Wednesdays

    8:00 Sunday San An

    TEAM PSYCH Weekend

    Open Water Swim Lets wait til Feb 2011

    At least monthly

    Bob Sierra YMCA 6:30 M, W YFC

    Sat 10:30

    New Tampa YMCA Contact

    Dave Naffziger 813-727-9693

    Open Water Swim 6:30 Wednesdays Pass a

    Grille Beach Not until spring 2011

    Track Workouts 6:30 pm Thursdays

    Ben Hill Middle School Returns with Daylight Sav-

    ings Time in Spring

    Bob Sierra YMCA 6:30 pm Tuesdays

    Temple Terrace Run 7:00 am Sundays 5,8,10 mile loop

    Train Hard, Race Fast, Party Hard, Give Back


    TEAM PSYCH memberships

    Team Psych T shirts with your sole logo on back

    Immediate printing and delivery of team T shirts

    logo on our sporting gear and publications

    Corporate logo on our 4 X 8 Race Site Banner

    Corporate ad on our Team Psych Weekly E-zine

    Link on our website

    Exclusive Product / Service Sponsorship

    Wellness seminars from Davis Sound Mind EAP

    Association with our Charities ( Voices For Children/ Guardian Ad Litem, James A. Haley Breast Cancer Patients,

    Youth Triathlon Series )


    Im not Evil

    I do a lot of good for

    my triathletes and my


    Help me Raise this flag

    by January 31st 31th.

    Email me now and ask

    for a Sponsorship

    Package at MDavis@TeamPsychTri.


  • To see more pictures click

    "I've done a triathlon!!!" - The weakening of Tri I was sitting at Hooters with some friends and friends of theirs re-cently. I had done a race that morning, and my damn race num-ber hadn't completely disap-peared from my arms. One of the girls at the table asked about it and to my surprise says, "I've done a triathlon!!". I love hearing that! It just tickles me to meet ran-dom people who happen to be tri-

    athletes. Its such a small popula-tion (or so it used to be...) She was from Tampa, so I asked which one she had done. I didn't recognize the name of the race and asked more about it. "Well, it was a 4 lap swim, a 2 mile bike, and a 1 mile run"....I can't control my expres-sions very well, so I imagine my face was saying something like.."!@^(()%#@@%^!!!!!!" (Pardon my French). Really though...? Come on... Seldom anymore do I get asked "What's a triathlon???" anymore,

    Ive done a

    Triathlon !!!

    The Weakening of a


    ..Nicole Davis

  • because someone would have to be living under a rock to not know by now. It seems like everyone in their mother has com-pleted a triathlon - and I have two polar opposite views on it. I know you've seen em, folks...those people who are pushing 300 lbs (and you know I'm not talking about Clydes-dale), or those people with pink rhinestone iron-man hats, or designer sunglasses, etc. Don't get it twisted here, everyone deserves all of the re-spect, confidence and pride that comes with completing a triathlon. And it takes a lot of balls to make that decision to register, much less, show up on race day; RE-GARDLESS of circum-stance. They go back to work on Monday and tell everyone "I did a triathlon this weekend!", as their friends and coworkers' mouths gape at the thought of this. They must think, "Well, if THEY can do it..."...and so it grows.

    Have you done a Ft. DeSoto race lately?? If I had a dollar for every first-timer, and a dollar for how many times I shouted "on your left" to peo-ple riding all over the road - I could have easily covered two ironman entries and bought another set of AOR wheels. I couldn't believe my eyes when I got Craig (my boy-friend) a USAT card last year for Christmas, the damn USAT # must have been about 8 or 9 numbers long. Soon enough it will have let-ters in it. I applaud people for getting out and becoming active or staying active,

    Somehow I dont see El Fuego doing

    A pool Triathlon..

  • Caring and confidential help for

    personal and family problems



    We will now be scheduling our Free Flat Repair Class every third Tuesday of every month. The next class will be September 21st at 7:00 p.m. Hope to see you all there.


    BACK !!

    See Website

    After a hard swashbuckle bashing to the face I get my cosmetic dentistry done at...

    Bulnes & Buckenheimer!

  • and flattered that they choose triathlons as their means to do it. If you complete a triathlon, you're a triathlete. Fact This is undeniable. (Except for pool tri's, I'm not buying all that balo-ney). However, I wonder if all of this makes triathlon look weak? For instance, my brother called me up asking the distance of an ironman, because his friend said "Psh, I can do an iron-man!"... well my friend, I invite you to collect those hypothetical

    dollars from Ft. Desoto and regis-ter....have a ball...or maybe two...because you'll need em. Nicole Davis

    To see more pictures click

  • December 2010

    Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat




    3 4 5 6 7 8

    Drunk & Stumble

    Bowling Party

    9 10 11VOC Chartiy

    Happy Hour at

    Datz Deli

    12 13 14 15


    Dirty Duo

    17 18 19 20 21 22

    Team Psych

    2010-2011 Party

    23 24 25 26 27 28 29

    Gasparilla Parade

    30 31


  • Tri CHUCK VS CORPORATE TRIATHLON GIANT A Triathlon Parody by El Fuego From time to time in your life there are defining moments. Moment where you are faced with a decision. A decision once made that is irreversible. Such was this kid of moment form Chuck. There he was hunched over his laptop. A virile thirty something athlete turned triath-lete. A once sort distance jogger who needed to lose twenty pounds, eventually started into a few road races and then a poor unfortunate soul who while channel surfing as mint often do came upon a yearly broadcast of Ironman Kona. You know the one I'm talking about. The show where some god forsaken athlete is dragging his or her bloodied carcass across a finish line. A sight so ghastly that most humane folks would have complied with pleas to just shoot him to put him out of misery. Thats when Chuck got the idea to do triathlons. That was two years ago. One sprint lead to another, Then he became obsessed moving quickly to Olympic distance, then 70.3 distance. Then it finally culminated in this insane moment. A moment of decision. Chuck just sat there mesmerized by the screen. There he was squared off with des-tiny. The pictures of Ironman Florida at Panama City, leading him to I am Athlete page. From inside his head the voice screamed louder and louder Just Do It! His finger began to twitch.

    The show where some god forsaken athlete is dragging his or her bloodied carcass across a finish line.

  • Then it happened. Almost as if the finder rebelled against the mental bat-tleground of do it - dont do it. The curser pushed the BUY NOW Button. It was done. His shoulders dropped from their stressed arched position and he sighed. Such is the chain of events that would not only lead him to complete the ironman months later. It would lead him to the most unimaginable chal-lenge of his life. A challenge no triath-lete, ironman or not could imagine. Like any run of the mill cult level ob-sessed triathlete he would embark on a t land of attack at Panama city geared for success that would certainly make any triathlete envious. Even planners of Operation Desert Shield would be impressed by his level of detail to every aspect of his attack. He landed on the beach in the fall of 2010 and was just twenty minutes behind his projected time of 16:35:30. Yes, he had it planned down to the very second. I warned you he was obsessed. In the following days of physical re-couperation in which all the aches melded with all the mental exhilarations of his accomplishment his high with himself grew and grew. Now he began thinking this was time to do it. Come on, you know what I'm talking about here. He had been staring at them form nearly two years now. It was no longer whether I am going to do it . It was where. If you dont know where this is going then your are not a triahtlete and some friend of yours has sent you this article. While several body parts were rising to the top of the list . there was this inner voice once again shouting at him. Get over it your obsessive freak and just

    get it done. Get it done now. have it done now or I will scream out put it on my fore-head! This lead to Atomic Tattoo Parlor. I really don't now why they call them par-lors. Its not like an ice cream parlor, a bordello parlor, or a funeral parlor. Ill have to Google that up. Maybe parlor will be a category on Jeopardy. Walking into a tat-too parlor is like a strange land in Disney-world. There are all these characters in there from the receptionist, I think tats what you would call them to the artists there. Yeah thats what they are, artists. Really they look like those kids you knew in high school that were Goth. You know they wore black all the time, I mean all the time, studs, leather and those sheer black stockings up to their forearms with their fingers sticking out. I always wondered what those kids did after high school. I thought they all went off to travel with the

    Walking into a tattoo parlor is like a strange land in Disney-world.

  • Major Markdown of prices on these items. Please note inventory list. SIMPLE PRICING INCLUDES Tax Tag & Title/ Item, Tax & Delivery to your home

    Check Payable to Team Psych Fax 813-968-5051

    17001 Amber Lake Ct

    Lutz FL 33549

    Payment: ____MasterCard ____Visa _____Discover _______Check

    ________-_______-________-________ Exp. Date_________

    Name ____________________________________ Phone___________________

    Address ___________________________________________________________

    Size Quantitiy Item Name Price





    $ Total

    See our catalog of Triathlon Apparel

    Mail, Fax, or Email Your Order Use Form Below

  • While They Last

    S M L XL XXL New Price

    2 2 Cycling Jersey Mens Short Sleeve 51

    2 Cycling Jersey Womans Short Sleeve 51

    1 2 1 Technical T Shirt Short Sleeve 48

    1 Technical T Shirt Long Sleeve 51

    1 Female Sola Race Short Giro Pad 80

    Tri Tank Male 19-inch zipper 48

    2 Tri Tank Female 19-inch zipper 48

    2 2 Tri Short Male 50

    3 1 Tri Short Female 50

    1 1 Tri Skin Suit Male 80

    1 Tri Skin Suit Female 80

    1 1 Running Singlet Male 41

    1 Running Singlet Female 41


    Monday Bob Sierra YMCA 6:30 PM

    Thursday New Tampa YMCA 6:00 PM


    Monday Bob Sierra YMCA 5:15 AM

    Wednesday Bob Sierra YMCA 6:00 PM

    Cant get out on your bike .

    Then get with two of Team Psychs athletes that will help you

    put the pedal to the metal - indoors.

    Train Hard, Race Fast, Party Hard, Give Back

  • renaissance festival folks. How wrong could I have been. They became regular folks, well kind of. Well thats when I got introduced to Spike. A fitting name actually as he had nu-merous spikes at first glance. Lets see there is one in his lip, eyebrow and chin. I could not count how man y he had in his ears. In any event he had an impressive portfolio of tattoos he had done. It had fire, skulls, de-mons, etc .. you know, the usual fare of tat-too artists. I'm kind of partial to classic sailor art with bare breasted women. More on that later privately. Just a guy thing I guess. Yeah Spike was they guy for me Chuck thought. The artistry, and of course he was not busy this afternoon. I showed him the tattoo I wanted. I could read right through his mind at that moment. Here was a guy hoping I could make his afternoon with money and stretch his artistry talent in a mesmerizing grand Mac daddy tattoo that would cover my entire shoulder down to my wrist. It was not to be as I would show him the coveted ironman tattoo. We discussed and concluded where, how big, how much

    a n d c o m e back in n i n e t y minutes and we will do it. S o with time to kill

    time Chuck did what any red blooded Ameri-can triathlete would do awaiting his real un-

    changeable destiny. He went to Hooters, ordered wings, and a pitcher of beer with a buddy. And just to fortify his conviction and provide cheap anesthesia, this grand last supper was followed by three shots of tequila. With Mescal tequila he hardly noticed the bites on his skin and the drone of the machine dulled by hard rock from the mp3 jacked into his ears. He just sat there grinning from ear to ear making ri-diculous comments that kept anyone in earshot in stitches. All good mescal buzzes must come to and end and so did this one. Yeah, to wake up the next day with a new friend. Well at least this time Chuck knew her name. It was Iron-man, and she would stay with him for-ever. What Chuck did not know is that in time he would find out that his new tat had a life before him. That would be this tat had an insanely possessive suitor. In the months that passed he shared his story about her whenever asked. He relished it when folks would comment or ask about the tat. He was never at a loss for words. Would you be? A time did come when Chuck would

    find it difficult to gather words and his

    thoughts. It was Tuesday he picked up

    the mail as usual. Sifting through it as

    he made his way to his easy seat.

    What's this he thought. Its not junk mail.

    With four names in the corner, its obvi-

    ously some legal firm. Certified. Usu-

    ally when you got one of those its not

    certified and it is some casting call ask-

    ing if you want to be part of some group

    legal action. But certified. Tension

    builds. Getting closer to speechless.

    Eyes slowly read. Its personally ad-

    dressed and it opens with it personally to

    Chuck the Triathlete. Its from her pos-

    sessive suitor.

    he had an impressive portfolio of tat-toos he had done. It had fire, skulls, demons, etc .. you know, the usual fare of tattoo artists.


  • February

    13 Chilly Willy Du Ft DeSoto

    26 & 27 Gasparilla Distance Classic


    5 USAT Draft Legal Tri Clermont

    13 Miami International Olympic Ironman

    19 San Juan Ironman 70.3

    20 Gator Sprint & Olympic Sarasota,

    discount to the Team Psych for the Gator half or Olym-

    pic distance triathlon on March 20th in Sarasota,

    Visit 2011 Triathlon Race Calendar At :( Under construction)

    go to

    discount code is "psych"

    26 Great Clermont Tri Olympic 27 Long Course Duathlon National Championship Powerman Alabama


    10 Nautica South Beach

    10 Galveston Island TX Ironman 70.3

    17 New Orleans Ironman 70.3

    16 Escape From Ft DeSoto

    16 Child of the Sun

    Sun, Feb 13 Chilly Willy Duathlon Fort Desoto

    Sun, March 20 Gator Half & Olympic Tri & Duathlon

    Sat, April 16 Escape from Fort Desoto Sprint

    Sun, May 1 St Anthonys Tri

    Sun, May 22 Mad Beach Tri Madiera Beach

    Sat, May 28 Crystal River Sprint 1

    Sun, June 19 Heartland Triathlon Sebring

    Sun, June 26 Morton Plant Mease Tri Sand Key

    Sat, July 2 Crystal River Sprint 2

    July 30 Top Gun Tri Ft Desoto Sprint

    Sat, Sept 3 Crystal River Sprint 3

    Oct 16 Longleaf

    Sat, Oct 22 Suncoast Fort Desoto

    Sun, Oct 23 Longboat Key Sprint -Olympic Tri

  • Calling all members to mark your calendar to volunteer to be a ride marshall at the Soldier Ride here in Tampa February 20th. Just like we do at YTS. Register to be a ride Marshall at: Put TEAM PSYCH under company name.

    Start Location: Macy's at the WestShore Mall 250 WestShore Plaza Tampa, FL 33609

    Schedule of events: 6:30am Registration and Packet Pick-up Opens 7:45am Kick-off Celebration 8:00am Ride begins Post-ride Community Picnic

    What Is Soldier Ride? Soldier Ride is a WWP initiative that provides rehabilitative cycling opportunities across the country to help wounded warriors restore their physical and emotional well--being. Its also a wonderful opportunity for the public to participate in a cycling event that honors the men and women of our military who sacrificed so much. Soldier Ride offers the public a chance to ride alongside as our warriors promote their positive mes-sage of recovery. The event raises funds for WWP programs and initiatives that ensure this generation of wounded warriors is the most successful, well--adjusted generation of wounded warriors in our nations his-tory. Feel the Honor . . . Show Your Support . . .Join the Ride! The men and women of the United States armed forces have responded with courage and resolve to the needs of our country. This is your opportunity to give while cycling alongside them!

    Current Volunteers: James, Mark


    NOW Free

    Active / Retired / Discharged Military

    And Family !

    Team Psych Welcomes you to enjoy

    One Year Free Membership

    Get the word out ! Just select Military Membership on our

    website member registration

    Sign Up now at:

  • 2005 Felt S22, (superlite) tri bike. It is a 50cm aluminum frame . The bike has car-bon forks, seat post and aerobars. The components are shimano. I just put on a new drive train. It has 650 Easton wheels, includes computer as well. I don't have accurate mileage, however it has been ridden & is in good condi-tion. 650 American Classic 58mm deep dish carbon fiber wheels. Contact Chris

    Classifieds are without any cost to any team member, just email

    I am selling a Broyhill Attic Heirlooms nightstand and dresser. The night stand alone cost $579. I have attached a picture of the nightstand, but mine is in white. Please let me know if anyone is interested. I think the dresser sells for $1,900. I will sell both for $700.00. Please forward to anyone you think might be interested, I really need to start emptying the house! My loss, your gain!

    Roy Taylor


    Roy Taylor from Body Construction (on West Kennedy, near Westshore Mall) is selling a cou-ple of Lemond Bike Trainers for $250 each.

  • Flatwoods Bike Trail Bruce B. Downs Entrance Sunday 7:30 am

    Triathlon is a Time Trial. This training is one of four types of bike rides we organize.

    This will be several loops: consisting of a warm up, 3 mile time trials, 7 mile time trials,

    every other mile fast spins, and perhaps group time trial rides. We will ride until our legs

    fall off.

    Bring plenty of fluid & fruit.

    This ride accommodates all levels of riders. So Beginner riders come on out too! Fast

    riders are handicapped with slower riders getting the jump. All will work to the finish line

    together. The training is designed to work your fast twitch muscles, and push your lungs

    and legs! We will leave the parking lot promptly at 7:30 and will proceed to the loop. If

    late, wait at the rest stop at the loop.

    This Sundays Ride is powered by Accel Gel. Samples available to all team members.

  • This is the four by ten foot


    We were at 30+ races last season, who knows this year

    Athletes step in front of Team Banner for a photos

    ? Are you here ?

    Medal Level Sponsors will Dominate the Banner

    $100 $400 will get you there

    Deadline for the Banner is 2/15/2011

    Email with subject Dont Leave Me Off The Banner

  • Hey Team Psych Members Please send any ideas you have to me. About the team, activities, whatever. We value your input and will post it and will post it here. Just send to El Fuego at Dear El Fuego, I think team members ought to be assigned suc-cessive numbers based on when they joined. Or maybe nicknames? What do you think ?

    Volunteer at the Gasparilla Distance Classic

    Go to the link below and sign up as a Team Psych member and volunteer with the GDCA to help put on this major event. This really lets them know what an awesome group of athletes we

    are. I recommend you volunteer for packet pick-up.

    Once on the link you will receive a message on their contacting you for your volunteer detail.

    Please go to the following link to sign up with the Gasparilla Distance Classic:

    Saturday : JP giving out medals, Laura, Mark packet pickup