Teaching With Webquests

Post on 06-Jul-2015

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Final PPT for the training with LCS teachers on 3.16.09

Transcript of Teaching With Webquests

Teaching with WebquestsTeaching with Webquests

What is a webquest?What is a webquest? A webquest is an assignment which asks students to use A webquest is an assignment which asks students to use

the World Wide Web to learn about and/or synthesize the World Wide Web to learn about and/or synthesize their knowledge about a specific topic. their knowledge about a specific topic.

A “true” webquest, as originally designed by Bernie A “true” webquest, as originally designed by Bernie Dodge and Tom March, requires synthesis of the new Dodge and Tom March, requires synthesis of the new knowledge by accomplishing a “task,” often to solve a knowledge by accomplishing a “task,” often to solve a hypothetical problem or address a real-world issue. hypothetical problem or address a real-world issue.

Simpler web activities designed for students to Simpler web activities designed for students to investigate and collect new knowledge from web-based investigate and collect new knowledge from web-based sources can also be a more engaging and effective sources can also be a more engaging and effective replacement for read-the-chapter-and-complete-the-replacement for read-the-chapter-and-complete-the-review-questions. review-questions.

Teacher’s First TutorialTeacher’s First Tutorial

Why Why webquestswebquests??

A good webquest makes learning interesting for A good webquest makes learning interesting for your students. your students.

Puts the power of the web behind your topic. Puts the power of the web behind your topic. Because websites can take your students Because websites can take your students anywhere in the world, they can discover anywhere in the world, they can discover information for themselves.information for themselves.

Webquests are a way to let students work at Webquests are a way to let students work at their own pace, either individually or in teams. their own pace, either individually or in teams.

A webquest lets students explore selected areas A webquest lets students explore selected areas in more depth, but within limits that you have in more depth, but within limits that you have selected. This makes webquests ideal for selected. This makes webquests ideal for classes which combine students with different classes which combine students with different ability levels. ability levels.

Why webquests?Why webquests?

Webquests offer a different, more dynamic Webquests offer a different, more dynamic approach to teaching the value of research. approach to teaching the value of research.

Webquests are also highly visual.Webquests are also highly visual. Webquests can also increase the "comfort level" Webquests can also increase the "comfort level"

of students using the Internet for learning of students using the Internet for learning activities. While your students are probably activities. While your students are probably already computer literate, a properly designed already computer literate, a properly designed webquest can help students become creative webquest can help students become creative researchers rather than simply "surfing" from researchers rather than simply "surfing" from one site to another. one site to another.

A good webquest can provide a more authentic A good webquest can provide a more authentic learning experience for students, as they are learning experience for students, as they are solving a real-world problem and completing a solving a real-world problem and completing a professional-type task.professional-type task.

Elements of a WebquestElements of a Webquest

IntroductionIntroduction What will the students be learning on this quest? How does it What will the students be learning on this quest? How does it

relate to their in-class learning? What is the issue being dealt relate to their in-class learning? What is the issue being dealt with?with?

TaskTask Probably one of the most important components of a webquest - Probably one of the most important components of a webquest -

What will your students be doing with the information they gain What will your students be doing with the information they gain on the quest? Try to come up with a task that is as authentic as on the quest? Try to come up with a task that is as authentic as possible (give them an authentic audience or setting if possible) possible (give them an authentic audience or setting if possible) and that requires the students to interact with the information, and that requires the students to interact with the information, not just regurgitate. not just regurgitate.

ProcessProcess What steps will students complete to accomplish their task? Are What steps will students complete to accomplish their task? Are

there forms to fill out while they research? Are there decisions there forms to fill out while they research? Are there decisions that need to be made by the group? that need to be made by the group?

Elements of a WebquestElements of a Webquest

ResourcesResources This is where students actually visit the websites you have This is where students actually visit the websites you have

picked for the quest. Weblinks are provided in some sort of picked for the quest. Weblinks are provided in some sort of ordered format. This requires pre-searching on your part and ordered format. This requires pre-searching on your part and evaluating the websites you find. Students could do some free evaluating the websites you find. Students could do some free surfing during the quest, but I would suggest at least giving them surfing during the quest, but I would suggest at least giving them specific search terms to use.specific search terms to use.

EvaluationEvaluation Students should be told up front how they are going to be Students should be told up front how they are going to be

graded on this activity. Will they be quizzed on the content? A graded on this activity. Will they be quizzed on the content? A rubric should be given for evaluating what they produce from the rubric should be given for evaluating what they produce from the task.task.

ConclusionConclusion Give the students some praise for completing the webquest, Give the students some praise for completing the webquest,

summarize the information, etc.summarize the information, etc.

Looking at the “Task” more closelyLooking at the “Task” more closely

The task is the single most important part of a The task is the single most important part of a WebQuest. It provides a goal and focus for student WebQuest. It provides a goal and focus for student energies and it makes concrete the curricular intentions energies and it makes concrete the curricular intentions of the designer. A well designed task is doable and of the designer. A well designed task is doable and engaging, and elicits thinking in learners that goes engaging, and elicits thinking in learners that goes beyond rote comprehension. beyond rote comprehension.

There must be fifty ways to task your learner. Since There must be fifty ways to task your learner. Since 1995, teachers have been adapting the WebQuest 1995, teachers have been adapting the WebQuest model to their own needs and settings, and from their model to their own needs and settings, and from their collective wisdom and experience some common task collective wisdom and experience some common task formats have emerged. This taxonomy describes those formats have emerged. This taxonomy describes those formats and suggests ways to optimize their use. It formats and suggests ways to optimize their use. It provides a language for discussing WebQuest tasks that provides a language for discussing WebQuest tasks that should enhance our ability to design them well. should enhance our ability to design them well. It's likely It's likely that the task in a given WebQuest will combine elements that the task in a given WebQuest will combine elements of two or more of these task categories.of two or more of these task categories.

More Examples/ResourcesMore Examples/Resources

QuestGarden.comQuestGarden.com – searchable database of – searchable database of teacher created webqueststeacher created webquests

WebQuest.orgWebQuest.org – searchable database of – searchable database of webquests maintained by the co-creator of webquests maintained by the co-creator of webquestswebquests

Best Best Webquest.comWebquest.com – searchable database of – searchable database of webquests maintained by the other co-creator of webquests maintained by the other co-creator of webquestswebquests

A google search for webquests – using search A google search for webquests – using search terms “____________” and “webquests”terms “____________” and “webquests”