Teachers Training by BVN Resource Persons 2014-15

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Transcript of Teachers Training by BVN Resource Persons 2014-15

7/18/2019 Teachers Training by BVN Resource Persons 2014-15

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Kendriya Vidyalaya 3, Naraina, Delhi 

Date: 6th June 2015 Time: 09:00 AM – 12:30 PMVenue: Kendriya Vidyalaya 3, Naraina, Delhi  Title of the program: ‘Phyi! "#r$h#%&No f teachers: 50 P'( )r#* KV+ !#untryide

Resource Persons: 1. Pra-ya N#%any 2. /enu MittalSpecial Initiative: Prin!i%al Dr +anay, KV 3 antt

What a rich interaction on Mechanics !lui" Mechanics # $ptics % the&'ugal(an"i) (et*een the +VS teachers an" the resource person *asama,ing raise" the level of the *or-shop for (oth.


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Kendriya Vidyalaya, /an-%uri, Delhi 

Date: 5th June 2015 Time: 0:30 AM – 11:30 AMVenue: Kendriya Vidyalaya, /an-%uri, Delhi  Title of the program: ‘+!ien!e "#r$h#%&

No of teachers: 35 ('( )r#* all ndia Kendriya Vidyalaya+an-athanResource Persons: 1. Pra-ya N#%any 2. +uta%a 4ahaDeSpecial Initiative: Prin!i%al, KV /an-%uri

Demonstration of activities on &Mechanics) an" &$ptics) got the teachersecite" an" the/ "iscusse" in great "etail a(out each aspect of the"emonstration an" ho* to "rive home the un"erl/ing concept to thestu"ents in the class. 0fter the program the/ remar-e" a(out not reali,ingho* the time of hours passe" a*a/2 This is the aim % to ma-e stu"entsen'o/ the lecture thoroughl/2

Kendriya Vidyalaya, /an-%uri, Delhi. 

Date: 31t De! 201 Time: 10:30 AM – 12:30 PM Venue: Kendriya Vidyalaya, /an-%uri, Delhi. Name of the *or-shop: Nati#nal ner7i!e trainin- %r#-ra* )#r ('(No of Participating teachers: 2 ('(Resource Persons: 1. Mr Pra-ya N#%any

  2. Mr /enu Mittal

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Mrs Renu Mittal # Mrs Prag/a Nopan/ con"ucte" a session on &$ptics) for T3Ts from three northern states of In"ia. The lo* cost activities range"from rectilinear propagation of light to re4ection refraction total internalre4ection lenses an" mirrors an" "i5raction. The teachers *ere enthralle"an" re6ueste" for more such sessions for stu"ents.


Kendriya Vidyalaya, NA, Delhi.

Date: 29th – 30th De! 201 Time: 09:00 AM – 1:00 PM Venue: Kendriya Vidyalaya, NA, Delhi. Name of the *or-shop: Nati#nal ner7i!e trainin- %r#-ra* )#r P'(

No of Participating teachers: 1 P'(Resource Persons: 1. Mr +uta%a 4aha De2. Mr /enu Mittal3. Mr Vinita +harat. Mr Pra-ya N#%any

0 *or-shop of Ph/sics at +en"ri/a Vi"/ala/a IN0 *as con"ucte" forteachers teaching at 78 level from 9 am % 1: pm.

 The topic on Mon"a/ 89th Decem(er 81; *as $ptics. The activities *eresho*n (/ Ms. Sutapa <ahaDe an" Ms. Renu Mittal. The teachers o(serve"

all the activities *ith -een interest an" participate" in the 6uestion ans*ersession enthusiasticall/. There *ere lots of anious moments heate""iscussions an" goo" eplanations of various activities.

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 The +V teachers participate" in the "iscussions ver/ activel/ an"contri(ute" their o*n i"eas of variations in ehi(it

 Miranda 8#ue, Delhi ni7erity.

Date: 11th N#7 201 Time: 12:30 PM – 02:30 PM Venue: Miranda 8#ue, Delhi ni7erity. 

Name of the *or-shop: la*in- the +%ar$No of Participating teachers: ;0<evel of participating Teachers: <.=l.=d.(ea!herResource Persons: 1. Mr +uta%a 4aha De

2. Mr Pra-ya N#%any

In this *or-shop on &Science communication among elementar/ scienceteachers) Mrs Sutapa <aha De # Mrs Prag/a Nopan/ traine" the teacherson &=n6uir/ (ase" learning) through "emonstration of a(out 8 activitiesaime" at removing man/ common misconceptions.

$n Dec th Mrs Sutapa <aha De too- up a ; minute session on &!lui"Pressure. 0fter that Mrs Vinita Sharat # Mrs Prag/a Nopan/"emonstrate" a(out 8 activities on =lectrostatics >urrent =lectricit/# =lectromagnetic In"uction.

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> DAV +!h##l, +hrehth Vihar

Date: 2th June 201 Time: 9:00 AM –12:30 PMVenue: DAV +!h##l, +hrehth ViharNo of Participating teachers: 30<evel of teachers: ('( ? P'(Resource Persons: 1. Mr Pra-ya N#%any

2. Mr +uta%a 4aha De

Pr#-ra**e Detail:

0 training program on &0ctivit/ (ase" teaching of ph/sics) *as organise"(/ D0V Pu(lic School for T3Ts # P3Ts of 18 D0V schools. Mrs Prag/aNopan/ # Mrs Sutapa <aha De the resource persons from ?VN@I0PT0nveshi-a an" Mrs 0nami-a Aain from the host school "emonstrate" 88activities on Pressure >urrent =lectricit/ =lectromagnetism # $ptics.

!ocus of training program *as ho* to conve/ the ecitement of ph/sicsthrough proper selection of activities ho* to lea" the stu"ents from theo(servation to inference ho* to use the same "emonstration activit/ to"rive home multiple concepts.

 The participants foun" the activities ver/ interesting the "iscussion ver/

enriching. Some of them *ere thrille" to tr/ the activities themselves #

some came up *ith ne* suggestions an" variations @ this *as the most

the satisf/ing part of the program.

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> Kendriya Vidyalaya /an-%uri, Ne Delhi.

Date: 11th June 201 Time: 02:00 PM – 0:30 PMVenue: Kendriya Vidyalaya /an-%uri, Ne Delhi.  Title of the *or-shop: nn#7ati#n e@%eri*entati#n in ear!h #) ne

*eth#d#l#-y&No of Participating teachers: 2<evel of teachers: Middle ? 8i-h +!h##l (ea!herResource Persons: 1. Mr +uta%a 4aha De

2. Mr /ani (e!$!handani

Pr#-ra**e Detail:

 The +.V in service teachers training *or-shop *as con"ucte" (/ +.V.

Rangpuri Delhi in *hich ;8 teachers from "i5erent +V of northern region

of In"ia Participate".

  The range of topics covere" the curriculum of mi""le school # high schoolof >?S= . The resource persons s-illfull/ conve/e" the ecitement of

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ph/sics using "i5erent approaches li-e 6ui, "oa(le activities *ith lo* costmaterials. The teachers *ere thrille" (/ the performing some activities inthe han"s on session speciall/ @scattering of light pipe manometer etc.?oth the resource person emphasi,e" on incorporating innovativeteaching metho"s importance of eperiments for "eveloping ne* i"eas #pro(lems solving attitu"e among the stu"ents.


<VNAP( An7ehi$a > (, Kan%ur

 The NWBPT@81; *as con"ucte" (/ the National 0nveshi-a >oor"inator #eminent professor Dr. C.>. Verma from 8r" Ma/ to 8th Ma/ 81; at IIT+anpur in *hich ; selecte" school teachers from all over the nation *eretraine" for activit/ (ase" teaching of ph/sics.

$n recommen"ation of ?VN@I0PT 0nveshi-a seven teachers from "i5erentschools of Delhi # N>R *ere invite" to atten" this uni6ue program @ MsRa'ani Tec-chan"ani # Ms Poonam Sharma ESa"hu Vas*ani InternationalschoolF Ms ?harati +ulshreshtha ED0V school Sahi(a(a"F Ms 0runa AalanE!ather 0ngel school F Ms Visha-a 3arg E 0mit/ International Noi"aF DrS.+ Singhal E0mit/ International Ma/ur ViharF # Ms Sutapa <aha DeE Mo"ern School ?ara-ham(a Roa"F.

 The si "a/ *or-shop intensive in "epth an" etensive in eposureinclu"e" classroom eperiments long pro'ects visit to various la(s series

of lectures (/ "i5erent specialists presentations (/ participants an" stagesho*s.

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Re6ueste" (/ Dr Verma to sho*case the *or- of ?VN@I0PT 0nveshi-a MsSutapa <aha De too- initiative to con"uct the session in form of a teampresentation (/ all the seven participants from Delhi.  The team "emonstrate" 1 activities *hich are "evelope" collectivel/ (/the resource persons at ?VN@I0PT 0nveshi-a (ase" on various "iscussionsan" eperiments un"er the gui"ance of Prof C.> Verma Prof ?.N Das # Mr.

Samar ?agchi. The activities *ere (ase" on the concepts of emf series #parallel com(ination of cells maimum current theorem surface tension converging # "iverging of ra/s through a fuse" (ul( refractive in"emoment of inertia vi(ration of air column. The activities "oa(le in class*ithin the permitte" time limit use" lo* cost materials li-e "oughaluminium foil *ater paper ,inc coate" nail potato etc.

 The activities "emonstrate" (/ the team ?VN@0nveshi-a *ith enthusiasman" team spirit *ere further ela(orate" (/ Prof C.>.Verma an" opene"the Gel" for further "iscussion thro*ing up possi(ilities for furtherinvestigations.

 The entire ?VN@I0PT 0nveshi-a team ta-es (ac- *ith it not onl/ the 'o/ oflearning an" the 'o/ of sharing (ut also the 'o/ of caring *hich are goingto re4ect in their future classroom practices.

 The team mem(ers from ?VN@I0PT 0nveshi-a conve/ their than-s for thisopportunit/ to participate in NWBPt@1; # epress a "esire to *or-together for the (etterment of the stu"ents # societ/.

3limpses of Ne*spaper Report:



ner7i!e (ea!her (rainin- Pr#-ra* > Kendriya Vidyalaya, JN

Date: 8Hth Decem(er 81 Time: 8: PM % :PMVenue: Kendriya Vidyalaya, JN Title of Program: ner7i!e (ea!her (rainin- Pr#-ra* )#r P'(Phyi!B

No of Participants: ;<evel of Participants: P3TsResource Persons: 1. Mr Pra-ya N#%any

2. Mr +uta%a 4aha De

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Program Details: 8: PM % :PM Intro"uction of ?VN@I0PT

0nveshi-a # Its


  : PM % ;: PM Demonstration of activities on

electromagnetism # Discussion

;: PM % : PM Interaction *ith the participating

teachers=""/ currents magnetic <orent, force para an" "iamagnetism magnetic

Gel" of a coil tor6ue on a "ipole in magnetic Gel" motional emf self

in"uction series an" parallel com(inations of cells *ere some of the

concepts ta-en up through the "emos. Senior teachers from +en"ri/a

Vi"/ala/as coming from "i5erent parts of the countr/ participate" ver/

activel/ in the "iscussion on activities an" o5ere" goo" anal/sis. 0ll

participants appreciate" the "emonstrations.


n7ited Cy Vi-yan Praar >A*ity nternati#nal +!h##l, +e!t#r ,N#ida

Date: 8Hth an" 8th Aune 81 Time: 9: 0M % ;: PMVenue: A*ity nternati#nal +!h##l, +e!t#r , N#idaParticipating Schools: 0ll 0mit/ 3roup of SchoolsNo of participants: H<evel of Participants: P3Ts # T3Ts

Resource Persons: 1. Mrs Prag/a Nopan/  8. Mrs Sutapa <aha"e

. Mr Ra-esh ?hara"*a';. Mrs Ran'ana ?hara"*a'

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Programme Details: 0n orientation *or-shop for school teachers on

intro"ucing &Innovative =periments in Science) into the "a/@to@"a/

classroom *as organi,e" (/ 0mit/)s >hil"ren Science !oun"ation in

colla(oration *ith Vig/an Prasar at 0mit/ International School Sector ;;

Noi"a on 8Hth an" 8th Aune 81. The scintillating *or-shop *as atten"e"

(/ H Ph/sics an" >hemistr/ T3Ts an" P3Ts from all the (ranches of 0mit/International School.

 The *or-shop *as inaugurate" (/ Dr 3opichan"ran Director Vig/an

Prasar an" a motivational speech (/ Mr. Rintu Nath Scientist = an" hea"

of <a(oratories # Information s/stem Division of Vig/an Prasar s-etche"

the scientiGc vision of Vig/an Prasar for the nation an" the signiGcant role

of teachers. The t*o "a/ programme meticulousl/ planne" an" 4a*lessl/

eecute" *as "esigne" to -eep the teachers engage" in lo* cost

activities "oa(le *ithin a classroom using interactive teaching metho"s to

"evelop the o(servational an" anal/tical s-ills of the stu"ents.

In ph/sics four topics% Mechanics $scillations an" *aves

=lectromagnetism # $ptics *ere ta-en up (/ the resource persons Mrs

Ran'na ?hara"*a' Mrs Sutapa <aha"e Shri Ra-esh ?hara"*a' # Mrs

Prag/a Nopan/ in parallel (ut separate sessions for T3Ts # P3Ts. Series of

short activities an" interactive 6uestions "esigne" appealingl/ to 'og the

min"s -ept the teachers captivate" an" as-ing for more2

 The &$ptics) sessions "ealt *ith Ra/ of light formation of sha"o*

refraction of light an" total internal refraction (/ Dettol (ottle an" hollo*

prism focusing of conve concave lens mirror in smo-e (o re4ection of

light un"er *ater optics accommo"ation of e/e spherical an" chromatic

a(erration "i5raction of light Gn"ing the value of refractive in"e (/ laser

an" (/ using pla/ing car"s Gn"ing the *avelength of light an" thic-ness

of human hair.

 The sessions on &=lectricit/ an" Magnetism) "ealt *ith topics of 

con"uction factors in4uencing the resistance of a *ire emf an" terminal

voltage factors a5ecting internal resistance Wheatstone (ri"ge potentiometer magnetic <orent, force =""/ currents.

In &Mechanics) section fun Glle" activities *ere ta-en up on pro'ectile

motion "i5erent t/pes of contact forces@ friction a"hesive # cohesive

(uo/ant force force "ue to pressure "i5erence % (oth static an" "/namic

long range forces % gravitation electrostatic electromagnetic an"

magnetic <a*s of Motion Wor- %=nerg/ Theorem Vectors.

>oncepts in &$scillations Waves # Soun")@ SCM phase change path

"i5erence *ave spee" resonance (eats polari,ation etc *ere sho*n(eautifull/ (/ using san" pen"ulum string pen"ulum empt/ glass

*or-ing mo"el of human ear ma"e *ith lo* cost material etc.

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 The resource persons traine" at IIT +anpur un"er the gui"ance of national

resource persons li-e Mr Samar ?agchi Dr ?.N.Das # Dr C.>.Verma

emphasi,e" the nee" to select classroom activities having elements of 

fun m/ster/ an" "rama to (e a(le to engage the /oung learners



8and #n #r$h#% )#r %hyi! tea!her><VN

Date: 8r" !e(ruar/ 81 Time: 1: 0M % 1:PMVenue: ?irla Vi"/a Ni-etan Title of *or-shop: Can"s on *or-shop for ph/sics teachersNo of Participating Schools: 1No of Participants: 1<evel of Participants: P3Ts an" T3TsResource Persons: 1. Mr Vi-rant Manchan"a

8. Mrs Prag/a Nopan/  . Mrs Sutapa <aha De/

Programme Details: 1: @ 11: Demonstration of 1H activities(/ Mr Vi-rant Manchan"a

11: % 11:; Tea ?rea-11:; % 18: Demonstration of 1 activities (/ Mrs

Prag/a Nopan/ # Mrs Sutapa <aha De/18: @ 1: Can"s on eperiments

>oncepts eplore": >entripetal force !riction >entre of mass #=6uili(rium Measurement of angular spee" Moment of

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Inertia Tor6ue Measurement of pressure Surfacetension Thermal =pansion $scillations S/mpatheticvi(rations Resonance # Soun". Resistance Net*or-=lectrol/sis Ceating e5ect of current Rotational motionin magnetic Gel" Image formation in lenses >hromatica(erration >olour perception Time constant of R>circuit RectiGer circuits logic gates.


n7ited Cy NP+ > <al <harti PuCli! +!h##l, '/8 Mar-

Date: th Novem(er 818 Time: 1: 0M % 11: 0MVenue: ?al ?harti Pu(lic School 3RC Marg Delhi Title of *or-shop: Wor-shop for P3T Ph/sics Teachers$rganisers: National Progressive Schools) >onference ENPS>F

No of Participating Schools: No of Participants: <evel of Participants: P3T an" T3T>hief Resource Person: 1. Dr C.>.Verma Professor IIT +anpur?VN@I0PT 0nveshi-a Team comprising of Prag/a Nopan/ Sutapa <ahaDean" Ran'ana ?hara"*a' *as invite" (/ Dr C.>.Verma # NPS> to"emonstrate ph/sics activities. The team sho*e" 1 short activities on=lectricit/ # Magnetism out of *hich *ere "evelope" (/ team mem(ersthemselves.