Teacher Centered Instruction vs. Student Centered Instruction.

Post on 24-Dec-2015

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Transcript of Teacher Centered Instruction vs. Student Centered Instruction.

Teacher Centered Instructionvs.

Student Centered Instruction

Sage on the Stage: Teacher is the primary conduit of information. Ex: Lecture

Guide on the Side: Teacher facilitates student experiences with content.


Advantages Teacher controls content, time, activity A lot of material can be covered Easy to plan

Disadvantages Inefficient for many learners Low motivation Limited opportunities to check progress


Advantages Tends to be more motivational Provides more opportunities to experience


Disadvantages Lack of teacher control/organization Time & resource dependent


Prominent position in the history of mathematics and science

What have pendulums been used for?

In classrooms, pendulums are a common activity for teaching about the control of variables.


Make a pendulumWhat variables could students explore with

a pendulum?What issues would students have to work


Pendulums What variables could students explore with a

pendulum? Period Length Weight Angle of release

What issues would students have to work through? Holding the point of swing steady Measuring the period Manipulating multiple variables simultaneously

TaskCreate 2 informal plans for instruction

Teacher-centered lesson Student-centered lesson

Lesson Focus: PendulumsTeaching objective:

TSSBAT list two everyday items that make use of pendulums.

TSSBAT identify the variables which affect the period of a pendulum.

TSSBAT design an experiment to test for the effects of multiple variables on a system.


