Teach Them To Play, Not Plays Theme Work

Post on 18-Dec-2014

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A presentation on why teaching athletes to play and allowing them to make smart decisions will improve the program as a whole.

Transcript of Teach Them To Play, Not Plays Theme Work

Teach Them To Play, Not Plays

No script needed.

Fundamentals are critical – a well-coached team is taught to make decisions on the field

- Set plays have their place in certain situations.- Examples:

- 10 seconds left, up or down by one- Extra Man- Schemed situations (i.e.: 3 short sticks stuck on



Knowing the fundamentals of the game is essential for success

Teaching set plays before knowing how to play is “putting the cart ahead of the horse”; Lacrosse is not football

Lacrosse is a game of flow (we’re not talking about hair). It’s why soccer, basketball, and hockey players are more easily adaptable to the game.


Settled Situations2 pass shooting drill - Teaches proper skills

within the offense you are running Starts with ground ball, split dodge, etc. 3 players in 1-4-1 shell – no one at X or crease

◦ 1 at point◦ 1 at each side of the cage, 10 yards from cage,

along GLE Drill begins with point man running a split

dodge followed by a quick pass to player along GLE (either side)

Offensive End – Frank Clark

Adjacent player receives pass, running through the ball, in a triple threat position

He, immediately, throws a skip pass to opposite side player

The last player catches the ball with proper form and finishes as instructed◦ Time & Room◦ Split to shot on the run◦ etc

Offensive End – Frank Clark

2 Pass Shooting Drill

Unsettled Situations- Full Field Ground Ball Transition

- 3 A, 3 D, Goalies in cage in each color- Middies in alternate colors on opposite side of

midline (one side white/dark/white – other side dark/white/dark)

- Coach rolls a ball to one side for a 2 v 1- Color that gets the ball adds 1 or 2 players to

create an unsettled situation- 10 minutes max – high intensity- Can run it w/ 2A, 2D if limited numbers – use short


Offensive End – Frank Clark

Full Field Ground Ball Transition


Unsettled Situations- 4 v 4 Lock on to Transition – Starts 4 v 4 in

the box (run a “shell” of any set)- Coach passes to O players who are locked off –

must get open- One pass is made, closest D adjacent to ball

doubles quickly- Ball carrier must protect ball from double team

and move it to create odd-man situation

Offensive End – Frank Clark

Offense1. Getting open when

locked off2. Moving their feet

through the ball on a catch

3. Off-ball picks4. Dealing with a double5. Moving the ball under

pressure6. Two feeds to the open

or back side7. Recognizing a 2 on 1

Defense1. Anticipation2. Quick & Hard

Double3. Sliding in Transition4. Force the Offense

to throw as many passes as possible

5. Recover and replace to the back side

4 v 4 Lock on to Transition Drill – What is Taught?

4 v 4 Lock On to Transition


Settled Situations – Communication is paramount

- Blind Coach Drill- Jersey Drill

Settled Situations – Basic Skills- Approach Drill

Defensive End – Rob Graff

Starts in 6 v 6 Scrimmage Situation1. Head Coach Stands to side with eyes

closed2. Another coach whistles the play down at

his discretion3. Head Coach points to where he believes

the ball to be based on D communication4. If Head Coach points to the ball, the D has

done a great job – then, whistle coach checks off ball positioning

Blind Coach Drill

Communication / Reacting to being down a man

1. Starts in 6 v 6 – Coach calls out a # – that # runs out of the drill to touch a cone, wall, or bench

2. If he calls a defenders #, O must note advantage and move appropriately – D makes proper call and gets into Zone/MDD look

3. When defender returns, balance out

Jersey (Numbers) Drill

Communication / Reacting to being Man-Up1. Starts in 6 v 6 – Coach calls out a # – that

# runs out of the drill to touch a cone, wall, or bench

2. If he calls an O player’s #, D must communicate and look to pressure/double the ball intelligently

3. D must recognize when advantage is over and check up

Jersey (Numbers) Drill

Beginning Drill in a Series of 3 – 4 Drills / Progression

1. Monkey in the Middle2. Approach with Dodger / 2 Passers3. 2 Passers / 2 Dodgers4. Circle (Hidden Conditioning)

Approach Drill

Unsettled Situations- Your players CANNOT execute a settled

clear or ride without knowing the fundamentals of unsettled riding and clearing.

- How you teach unsettled clears / rides will impact what you do in settled situations

Riding and Clearing / Transition – Troy Hood

Unsettled Clearing – Coach Hood’s Values1. Just like EMO – you have one extra player2. The easiest place to clear the ball is where

it passed or shot from.3. If the opposing ride has a chance to drop,

the ball must change sides of the field4. “Bang it off the wall”5. All 10 players on the field committed to the


Riding and Clearing / Transition – Troy Hood

“Bang It Off The Wall”If you have the ball on the outside, look

inside. If you have the ball on the inside, look


Virginia does this constantly. With this simple concept (and superior athletes), they turn every clear into a scoring chance

Riding and Clearing / Transition – Troy Hood



Player Path


10 Players Committed to the Clear- This isn’t “time off” for the attack- Keep moving. Use the off-ball skills taught

to get open and help your team clear- The ball is coming to you if successful; work hard

for what you want- Working to get open will kill even the best ride

Riding and Clearing / Transition – Troy Hood

Settled Situations Take advantage of what you do well in

unsettled clears MULTIPLE OPTIONS with every pass Solid stick skills from your team Involve all 10 players

◦ Run clearing drills with players out of position◦ Helps them understand each others’ jobs

Riding and Clearing / Transition – Troy Hood

Unsettled Rides- Great reason to teach attackmen the basics

of defensive play- You’re down a man; play like it- Keep your man, and the ball, in front of you

as long as possible – play the rule to your advantage

- Put the ball on the ground and kick-start transition offense

Riding and Clearing / Transition – Troy Hood

Settled Rides- Same as unsettled rides- Look for match-up advantages

- i.e.: defensemen / goalie with poor stick skills- Deny “bang it off the wall”; if they’re in an

alley, keep them in it and use the sideline as an extra defender

- “Double the hero” – if someone wants to run the ball out by himself, make him earn it!

Riding and Clearing / Transition – Troy Hood

Settled Situations

Unsettled Situations

Goalie Specifics – Sam Litman

“It’s your dime, folks!! Bring it.”

We won’t offer a set answer to every situation. What we will offer is a way to prepare your players to make correct decisions for your team.

Open Forum

Give the players the tools they need to succeed in any situation. This is their game and their youth / high school / collegiate experience. The coach’s role should be such that game day is enjoyable; if you’ve done your job, it will be.
