tco international Mexico Developing Global People March 2015

Post on 07-Apr-2016

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Transcript of tco international Mexico Developing Global People March 2015

developing global people: communication and

influencing skills across cultures

a one-day master class

Edition 1

March 23, 2015 8:30 - 17:00 J.W. Marriott, Andres Bello 29, Polanco

Conference room: The Thai Room

Edition 2

March 24, 2015 8:30 - 17:00 J.W. Marriott, Andres Bello 29, Polanco

Conference room: Bosques


a unique event

in tco International we call this – the global people dilemma.

As the strength of Mexico’s position in the world economy grows, Mexican managers need to grow their own confidence, sensitivity and skills as well as that of their high-potential staff for working across geographic boundaries and distance.

tco international is a recognised market leader in Europe for the development of global people. After a successful launch into Asia and the Pacific Rim, we are now launching our Global People services into Mexico as a key hub within Latin America.

How good are your own influencing & communication

skills, and those of your staff, for working in a global


How sensitive are you to how best to manage cultural differences and collaborate at a distance?

Finding the right answer to these questions means knowing when to adapt to others in a global environment and when to seek consistency around corporate values and norms.

This event is an opportunity to introduce you and your organisation to TCO International through a day of fun, interactive and insightful learning concerning the challenge of working globally. It is also a moment to take time to reflect on your own personal impact on your organisation’s global strategy.

We are calling the event a ‘masterclass’ as the two facilitators are recognised experts in their field and have a total of 60 years’ experience between them of helping people succeed across cultures and distance.

Participate in a day facilitated by two key members of the tco team – Nigel Ewington co-founder of tco international & developer of Global People Programme, plus Sue Bray an expert in global collaboration & developer of the tco Virtual Collaboration across Boundaries programme

Enjoy the combination of being a protagonist – involved in powerful simulations, role-plays, video case studies and interactive exercises – but also a recipient of practical ideas on managing cultural differences & distance.

Develop first-hand understanding of the opportunity that core tco programmes such as the Global People Programme and Virtual Collaboration can offer key members of your staff. Learn best practices in what makes global people successful – going away with a full set of follow-up insights to continue your learning after the event




4 benefits of attending


8.30-9.00 REgIsTRATIon




Managing oneself and others in a global environment

Introduction & warmer activity

Meeting the Morenians – the challenge of being global pioneers (1)

10.45-11.15 CoffEE BREAK



Meeting the Morenians (2)

The Feedback Challenge – from instinct to strategy when communicating in global teams

13.00-14.00 LunCh





Managing global teams

The Morel International Team – broadening the cultural framework

Insights into virtual team collaboration

Summary & conclusions Karla Reyes Bedoya (Mexico)

Enrolment fee:

Cost per participant: 320 USD dollars Discounts are granted if you send more than 2 delegates.The fee includes all course material, follow-up documentation, lunch and coffee breaks

Please RsVP your attendance to:

Karla Reyes Bedoya at

Sue Bray (USA)

Nigel Ewington (Europe)

Additional Opportunities to Participate

Invitations will be sent and you can follow updates and signup details for the webinar at

Let’s stay connected!

Watch tco international tv on YouTube: “What is our World vision?”

Do you have a colleague that might benefit from these resources? We encourage sharing!

Ask us - What do we love about working in Mexico? tweet to us @tcointl or click here

Connect with our global associate network on our Linkedin Company Page

Connect with our Senior Associate in Mexico - Karla Reyes Bedoya (

For those attending the Developing Global People event, we have organised a webinar on


This is a special opportunity to hear from tco international senior partners David Trickey and Nigel Ewington during a live webinar on 19th febuary 2015