TCI 2016 Foodtech Brainport: where agrofood meets new technology

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Transcript of TCI 2016 Foodtech Brainport: where agrofood meets new technology

Titel presentatie [Naam, organisatienaam]

Touring Day - Agrifood Cluster Tour

Ivo Ploegsma

Foodtech Brainport: where agrofood meets new


TCI Cluster Tour

November 8th 2016

where agrofood meets new technology

• 10:45 Food Tech Brainport, Innovation in a cluster model

• 11:10 Kuijpers Kip, Cluster challenges

• 11:50 ZLTO, Transition of a region

• 12:15 Lunch

• 12.55 Tour (Food Tech Park)

• 13:25 All aboard!

• 13:35 Departure to Venlo


Food Tech Brainport .....

Food Technology Brainport (FTB) is an important crossover between

the agri-food sector, high-tech systems and the chemical sector.

FTB offers SME’s unique pilot services and demo-facilities for

valorization, matching the ambitions and achievements of a European

top region.

FTB has developed into a "business accelerator" which allows

companies to achieve technical and / or technological innovations and

translate these into economic growth and exports.

FTB is driven by entrepreneurs with a strong believe in innovation,

cooperation and acceleration and is working in close collaboration with

educational institutes on the Human Capital Agenda


Three-phase Approach


• Responding to social surveys in order to timely detect challenges on sustainability (resource efficiency), nutrition and health, and to put these into concrete opportunities


• Applying new technologies that offer solutions to social issues. Currently, our focus is on mild preservation, mild separation and the valorization of plant residues.


• Bring new products and technologies successfull to market

• Technology focus:

– Centre for Mild Conservation Technologies

– Centre for Mild Separation Technologies

• Application focus:

– Centre for Valorisation of Plant Residues

• Market Focus:

– Centre for Go2Market

• Working model:

– Fór entrepreneurs and bý entrepreneurs

– Connecting Knowhow-Network-Capital

– Deployment of industry specialists (brokers) to support SME’s

– Sharing facilities for piloting-demo’s-tolling activities

Strong Focus & Practical Working model

Adding value to AgriFood raw materials through the isolation, separation and (optionally) drying of valuable components / ingredients.

tank IEX/Chromatography Evaporato Agitated Thin

Film Dryer

Spray Dryer


S2D Freezcon Rotary Disc


IEX / Chromatography

For screening purposes

Centre for Mild Separation Technology

Strengthen the AgriFood sector by opening up new, innovative technologies

In the field of Mild Preservation.

Clean Label

Fresh Experience

Food safety

Longer Shelflife

Centre for Mild Preservation:

• Lab & Pilot scale: assisting SMEs in finding maximum added value in their raw material, product and / or residues

• Demo facilities: validation of technology and processes, possibilities for SME’s to make trial productions, to perform market testing, or convince potential end customers (seeing is believing)

• Tolling facilities: support building market for starting SME’s in the scale-up to own production facilities. Threshold reduction (reduction of risk and capital) to go to market with innovations

How is this done (how is business supported):

• Clusters of companies that, individually or collectively , by means of contribution of knowledge and technology can offer a broad range of technology to raw material suppliers and / or end users

• Physical presence on the Food Tech Park Brainport is preferred (but not essential)

• Earning model for the various partners can be different (development technology & market, developing new applications, valorization raw material/ residual)

With whom do we do this (underlying business model):

• Objective is the valorisation of fruits and vegetables process residues

• To achieve this objective, the following steps will be taken (market pull based):

• Defining markets and product requirements

• Defining necessary technology and develop applications

• Locating fruits and vegetables residues

• A first case is built around carrots, followed by a translation of the methodology to other vegetables

Centre for Valorisation of Plant Residues (project “Eindeloos”)

At the end of 2017 start with a vegetable processing plant for residue streams with a capacity of 50 to 100,000 tons

Final goal of the project

Commercialisation of Innovaties (Go2Market)

• Accelerate and grow our focus areas

• New (additional) focus areas:

– Food & Health (protein enriched food)

– Internationalization (knowledge exchange, business development)

• European projects

– TripleF (FoodfromFood, Interreg VL/NL)

• Expansion of facilities and activities

– Grow critical volume

– Shift from public financing towards private financing

On the year(s) plans

• It takes time…….. • To develop • To gain trust of all stakeholders • To develop a business model • To understand each other (crossovers) and talk same business language

• It takes efforts……. • To manage (management by content vs. management by project) • Innovation clusters have a higher risk profile than branche clusters • Crossovers represent huge potential, but are not easy to establish

• It takes focus……. • Specialization • Smart deliverables

Experiences / Lessons learned:

Food Tech Brainport

Scheepsboulevard 3

5705 KZ Helmond
