TC Dojo Ageism-12-8-2014

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Transcript of TC Dojo Ageism-12-8-2014

Ageismand technical services workers

Andrew Davis, Synergistech Communications

12/08/14TC Dojo Open Session 1


• Context• Symptoms• Concerns• Solutions• Successes• Techniques

12/08/14 TC Dojo Master Session 2


TW = Technology Worker

HT = Hiring Team

OC = Older Candidate

12/08/14 TC Dojo Master Session 3


My biases and disclaimers, and the industry’s

12/08/14TC Dojo Open Session 4

Andrew’s Context

12/08/14TC Dojo Open Session 5

‒ Recruits content developers in Silicon Valley software industry

‒ Works with TWs in their 50s, 60s, and 70s every day

‒ Isn’t a lawyer, doesn’t seek an adversarial solution

‒ Finds few skilled 20-/30-something TWs*

Industry’s Context

‒ Engineers control budgets (again)‒ New technology demands new tech

skills Most TWs haven’t kept current

‒ HTs seek peers with similar skills, values, work ethic‒ HTs value these over experience,


12/08/14 TC Dojo Master Session 6


When should you suspect you’re facing ageism?

12/08/14TC Dojo Open Session 7


12/08/14TC Dojo Open Session 8

‒ Portfolio reviews and phone interviews go well, F2F interviews don’t HT realizes that the candidate is a couple

decades older than their average age

‒ HT goes silent, says “too much experience”

‒ Feedback boils down to “overqualified”

Underlying Concerns

12/08/14TC Dojo Open Session 9

What’s worrying the HT?

Underlying Concerns, pt 1

12/08/14TC Dojo Open Session 10

• Cultural fit• Energy level• Health‒ Insurance costs, protected class


• Tolerance for chaos• Flexibility‒ Tools, processes, systems *

Underlying Concerns, pt 2

12/08/14TC Dojo Open Session 11

• Agile-compatibility• Onsite, open seating• “Experience” vs “potential”• User-compatibility• Fear of ‘age and treachery’ *

Addressing HT’s Concerns

Addressing Concerns

12/08/14TC Dojo Open Session 13

Stay calm, don’t lecture, and act pre-emptively

Addressing HT’s Concerns, pt 1

Preemptively counter HT’s Age-related issues:

• Efficiency‒ Past experience in similar situations gives OC

sixth sense for what works, what users need, and the easiest way to achieve goals

• Quality‒ Past successes and failures help OC understand

and avoid typical pitfalls, recognize the right solution more readily, and deliver with less friction

• Focus *‒ OC can easily tune out noise and apply effort

where it’ll do most good

Addressing HT’s Concerns, pt 2• Pacing‒ OC’s reluctance to burn out on fire drills‒ OC can work steadily and sanely, meeting

commitments long-term

• Self-awareness‒ OC understands own strengths and weaknesses‒ OC knows when to seek help (or delegate)‒ OC can accept suboptimal outcomes without blaming

• Frankness‒ OC is realistic about own limitations, candidly assesses


• Clarity‒ OC sets clear expectations, won’t overcommit (then


• Mentoring‒ Some HTs want help improving processes; who better

than an OC?

Success Stories

OCs get best results when they:

Put HT’s needs first Don’t lecture, bully w/ their experience Meet HTs more than half-way Find ways to become indispensable Achieve autonomy w/ tools, products Earn trust Make HT members look good Over-communicate

Success Stories

What works for you? Let’s hear how you have resolved – or

been thwarted by – problems related to ageism.

What have I failed to address? Are OCs doomed to work only on

temporary assignments? *


• Anticipate HT concerns, address them preemptively and in detail

• Show that you keep current w/ technology, are just as productive

• Characterize HT’s goals, discuss and demonstrate how you’ve delivered in similar contexts

• Share relevant proof (references, testimonials, even code)

Public SessionsQuestions?

