Tax Workflow Software for Accountants & CPA Firms

Post on 17-Jul-2016

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description :- Tax Workflow Software for Accountants & CPA Firms

Transcript of Tax Workflow Software for Accountants & CPA Firms

Tax Workflow Software for

Accountants & CPA Firms

Presented by Jetpack Workflow

Defining Workflow It’s riti al to thi k through ho our fir ill defi e orkflo .

For example, is it taking a holistic approach at everything that moves

through the office?

Or will you be focused solely on client work?

It’s also riti al to refle t o past e perie es uildi g out orkflo a d systems.

What’s go e ell?

What has ’t go e ell… a d h ?

Laying out these foundation questions can give you a jumpstart on

launching a sustainable, workflow solution for your firm.

Benefits of Optimizing Workflow

• Increase client services and billable time

• Improve team efficiency and company


• Create a system that can scale and grow

• Improve profitability and cash flow

• Create freedom in your firm

3 Ways to Improve Workflow

Our Story

David Cristello


2325 East Carson Street Pittsburgh, PA 15203



Mapping it out, pen and paper or mind


No need to map out everything

Pick the most time consuming, frequent,

and/or profitable jobs you do.


1. Receive client work

2. Scan it in

3. Pass it along to X

4. Prepare the return

5. 1st review

6. Send notes and complete review

7. 2nd review

8. File

9. Invoice client

10. Receive payment

The Good News

The more information you put down, the better.

It can be a list

It can be a visual

Even post it notes or a white board (our personal


Pick Three workflows that are common / time

consuming / annoying/ painful / most profitable





• Perfe t is ’t additio , it’s eli i atio

• Each Step Earns it’s pla e • Duplicate or Inconsistent Work

• Multiple workflows for the same job

• Bottlenecks identified (which make is

unnecessarily long?)


• Perfe t is ’t additio , it’s eli i atio

• Each Step Earns it’s pla e • Duplicate or Inconsistent Work

• Multiple workflows for the same job

• Bottlenecks identified (which make is

unnecessarily long?)


Grade each step

• A: Efficient, easy to understand

• B: Efficient, not easy to understand

• C: Not efficient, easy to understand

• D: Not efficient, difficult to understand


Most Time Consuming Jobs:

• A: Efficient, easy to understand

• B: Efficient, not easy to understand

• C: Not efficient, easy to understand

• D: Not efficient, difficult to understand



• Date in procedure

• Review procedure

• Feedback procedure

• One off jobs and tasks?

• Pulling time sheets?

Technology Checklist

After ou’ e go e through the orkflo pro ess, ou’ll the a t to look at hat a pote tial ideal orkflo appli atio ould look like.

Needs to be cloud based

Ability to sort and track hundreds of clients

Able to assign team members work

Easy way to see which work needs reviewed

Ability to add custom recurrences

Time tracking capabilities

And so on

Putting together a simple checklist will dramatically improve the odds

of finding, or selecting, the best workflow software for your firm.

Your End Vision

After outlining your checklist and current workflow, the next step is

defi i g hat su ess looks like.

Are you looking to cut down unbillable time from X to Y?

Are you look to complete all returns before a specific date?

Or have your team work only so many hours per week?

Or even for you to be able to have more free time (read: any free time)

during busy season?

Bringing Your Team on board

Now that you have a great foundation, the final step would be

communicating the workflow roadmap (ie implementing a new system)

to your team. You can get their feedback on the current process (after

all, they could provide great insight into bottlenecks!), as well as

o u i ati g WHY ou’ e de ided to prioritize orkflo .

Chances are, they will appreciate your concern of work/life balance,

focusing more on client work, and building a stronger, more efficient


As lo g as our tea sees it’s a o e to etter life ala e, a d ot a a to add ore ork to their plate, ou’ll set ourself up to i ple e t

a great, sustainable, workflow solution.

Bonus: Inside Look

Create custom work views

Setup custom work views so you know exactly

what you need to be working on.

Easily setup recurring client work

Track, sort, filter, and search for relevant client


Email notifications to keep you on


Quick see what is falling through the cracks, which client,

team member, or category of work is falling through the


Can you quickly review work?

Usi g our preloaded filters, si pl use the eeds re ie fu tio to see ork that eeds our attention.

Is it proven?

Jetpack Workflow has tracked over 85,000 jobs

and tasks, and works with professionals from all

over the world.

Is it secure?

Jetpack Workflow uses top of the line encryption

(SSL Certified), as well as manages multiples

backups every day.

Want to Learn More?

Click Here to View an in-depth Video Tour of

Jetpack Workflow

To Learn More or to Start Your Full, 14 Day

Free Trial, Visit