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Transcript of TASTES OF EUROPE

The word KOPIASTE in Greek means join us and share our meal!

Cypriots are passionate about family and food and these often go together. At

every social event we love cooking and sharing food, as part of our celebration of

life! Cypriot cuisineis influenced by Greek, French, Italian, Catalan and Middle

Eastern cuisines and it includes recipes based on the Mediterranean diet.

The following words will help you order a delicious meal in restaurants in CYPRUS

Meze- Literally means "small dishes." A style of eating that has many different courses, but each course contains just a little of each item, enough for everyone to have a taste. Afelia:A Cyprus specialty made from pork, red wine, potatoes and coriander seeds. Calamari - Fried squid. Calamari in Cyprus is tender and especially tasty with fresh lemon juice.

Halloumi- A BRAND NAME Cypriot cheese made from sheep or goat’s milk. It is usually fried

or grilled. It can also be served in sandwiches, salads or with fruit particularly watermelon and


Horiatiki Salata- A Greek or country salad. It is made of tomatoes, cucumbers, green peppers,

feta cheese, olives, olive oil, and vinegar.

Tahini- A pureed sesame seed paste that can be used as a dip or as an ingredient for other


Moussaka - A layered dish of eggplant, lamb, and tomatoes.

Souvlaki - Literally, little skewers of meat. It is can be served either as a sandwich in a pita or

on the skewers. In Cyprus, the souvlaki is usually pork, but could be also be chicken or lamb.

Tzatziki - A dip made from Greek yoghurt, cucumbers, and either dill or peppermint.

Yemista – all kinds of stuffed vegetables such as: peppers, tomatoes, onions, courgettes,

aubergines or stuffed courgette petals.

Koupepia - The famous stuffed grape leaves.

Ingredients and instructions for my Famous Greek Salad

3 large ripe tomatoes some olives

1-2 cucumbers

fresh mint

1 large onion A piece of feta cheese

Slice cucumbers

and onion, dice

tomatoes and put

in a large bowl.

Put a large piece of

feta cheese on top,

season with salt

and dried oregano,

or garnish with

fresh mint leaves

and drizzle with

olive oil and lemon

juice or balsamic


Grate cucumbers, sprinkle with

some salt and put in a colander

for half an hour to drain.

Mix strained yoghurt with

crushed garlic, dried mint leaves

and cucumber and spoon into a


Drizzle some olive oil on top and

serve with grilled pita bread.




250 gr.



1 tbs.



1 clove




½ cup lemon juice 5 eggs 2 cubes of chicken stock

Salt and Pepper

1 lt. water 1 cup rice



Boil water in a saucepan and add the

chicken stock and the rice. Boil until

cooked. (approximately 15 min.)

Whisk the eggs with the lemon juice

in a bowl and when rice is cooked,

take a ladle full of boiling water at a

time and add carefully to the egg and

lemon mixture while whisking.

Return to the pot slowly while mixing

and season with salt and pepper.



1 kg minced pork salt and pepper

6 grated potatoes ground cinnamon

2 grated onions 2 tbsp dried mint

2 eggs 2 tbsp olive oil

½ cup of bread crumbs

½ cup of finely chopped parsley

Salt and peppe







Strain the grated potatoes and mix well with all the other

ingredients. Make small round meatballs and fry until

brown. Serve with chips, salad and yogurt!



1 Kg pork or lamb cut in small portions.

2 cups rice 2-3 cinnamon sticks

5 ripe tomatoes grated + 2 sliced

6 onions chopped

5 potatoes cut in thin slices

3 medium courgettes sliced

salt and pepper

2-3 teaspoons ground cumin

½ glass olive oil


Season the meat and put the first layer in an earth-ware pot or oven proof pot with a

lid. Add half the rice, top with courgettes, onions, graded tomatoes , cumin, salt and

pepper and half of the olive oil. Top with the second layer of the ingredients. Add

sliced potatoes and sliced tomatoes, salt pepper and the cinnamon sticks. Add

enough water to reach the tomatoes and the rest of the olive oil. Cover and cook in

the traditional wood oven for 3 hours.

You can cook Tavas in your oven at medium temperature. Remove the lid during

the last 20 minutes. KALI OREXI! = BON APETIT



1kg of pork ¾ cup red dry wine

salt and pepper 2 tbs. of crushed coriander seeds

3-4 tbs. of olive oil water

Cut the meat into cubes and place

in a bowl with some wine, some

salt and pepper and the coriander

and leave in the fridge to

marinate overnight.

The next day, drain the meat but keep the marinade.

Heat the oil in a pan and sauté the meat until brown .Then add the marinade in the pan with some water . Simmer with the lid on, until the marinade reduces to a thick sauce.



1. 2. 3.

4. 5. 6.

7. 8. 9.


½ Kg filo pastry

¾ Kg Anari or

Ricotta Cheese

250 gr. fresh


2 tbsp. icing


1 cup chopped


½ cup milk

2 tsp. ground


3 tbsp.


7-8 tbsp. honey


Brush the filo pastry sheets with some oil, put 2 sheets at a time in a baking tray and bake until golden brown.Crush in a bowl. Mix the cheese with the cream. Dissolve 3-4 tbsp. honey in milk and add to the mixture. Add the cinnamon, sugar and rosewater and whisk well all the ingredients. Add the chopped walnuts and stir gently. In a bowl spread half the crushed filo leaves and drizzle with 2 tablespoons of honey. Add the cheese mixture and top with the rest of filo. Drizzle with honey and decorate with walnuts.

Kalo Prama (Semolina Cake)


Syrup: 2 glasses of sugar, 1 glass of water,

½ glass of orange juice, some orange zest, 1

cinnamon stick.

The Cake: 3 glasses of semolina, ½ glass of

sugar, 1 glass of water, ½ glass of orange

juice, ½ glass of cooking oil, 3 tsp baking

powder, 1 tsp mastic powder and 1 glass of

blanched almonds.


To make the syrup we mix the sugar, water,

orange juice and orange zest and add the

cinnamon stick. We simmer for 10 min. and

set aside to cool completely.

We mix all the ingredients for the cake except

from the blanched almonds and let it to rest

for ½ hour. We put the mixture in a greased

baking tray and smooth the surface with

some orange juice. We decorate with the

blanched almonds and bake until golden.

We pour the cool syrup over the hot cake and

wait until it is completely absorbed.

You can enjoy kalo prama

with vanilla ice cream!


3 cup flour

½ cup water

6 tbsp. Peanut oil

1½ tsp salt


½ kilo peeled and

chopped pumpkin

1 tsp salt

2 tbsp sugar

½ cup bulgur rice

1 tsp cinnamon

4 tsp salt

2 tbsp raisins


Mix the flour with the oil and add the water and the salt. Knead the dough and add some more flour if too soft .Cover and leave for half an hour. Add some salt to the chopped pumpkin and let it strain from its liquids for two hours. Then put it in a bowl, add the salt, the sugar, the bulgur rice, the cinnamon, the oil and the raisins. Take small pieces from the dough and make small disks of about 12 cm wide. Put one spoonful of stuffing on the disks, fold and press the edges with a fork. Bake for half an hour in a medium heated oven.


A Taste of Belgium

Belgium is known for its great cuisine. People all over the world come to

this little country to taste the wide variety of its dishes. A lot of Belgian

restaurants are in ‘The Michelin Guide’, which includes a list of the best

restaurants in the world and it is written by experts who visit restaurants

and assess food and atmosphere.

We have four major national products: French fries,

beers, cheese and chocolate. It sounds a little

strange, but French fries are originally from Belgium.

A legend says that the French had discovered this

great golden potato in Belgium but they ran away

with the honour. The next time you eat French fries

remember they are Belgian fries!

Main courses

Ham-chicory rolls


The ham rolls: 8 heads of chicory Salt 8 slices cooked ham ( 3 to 4 mm thick) Pepper Butter Nutmeg 1 pinch of sugar

The cheese sauce : 7 dl skimmed milk 250 g grated cheese 30 g butter

40 g flour

Preparation The ham rolls : Remove the hard part of the chicory . Cut out a notch. Melt a piece of butter with a bit of water in a large pot. Put the chicory in the pot, and cover the pot. Cook the chicory on a low heat . Then let the chicory to cool and squeeze out the liquid. Melt some butter in a saucepan. Fry the chicory and season with salt, pepper , nutmeg and a pinch of sugar. Remove the chicory from the pan. Roll them in the slices of cooked ham. Arrange the rolls in an oven dish. Place the dish about ten minutes in a preheated oven on 220° until a golden crust appears .

The finishing touch: 1. Pour the cheese sauce over the ham

rolls until they are completely covered.

2. Sprinkle the rest of the cheese over the casserole.

The cheese sauce

The base of the sauce is a batter. Melt 30

gr. butter in a pot and add the flour. Mix

the flour, but be careful that the batter

doesn’t burn!

Once you smell a delicious biscuit smell,

you put the milk into the pot. Stir patiently

with a whisk until the sauce binds. When

you have a smooth sauce, you stop mixing.

Now remove the pot from the heat and

add the cheese. ( Keep some cheese aside)

Also squeeze a bit lemon juice in the sauce.


Place a large casserole over medium heat and let a

knob of butter melt. Peel the onions, cut them in half

and shred them. Stew the onions until they are

translucent. Clean the sprouts thoroughly and cut

them into quarters.

Once the onions have cooked a few minutes , add the

sprouts to it. Peel the potatoes and stir in the pot with

onion and sprouts. Make sure they don’t stick. Cut the

potatoes into pieces and add them to the pot. Wet the

vegetable mixture with chicken broth. Tie the thyme

sprigs together with some bay leaves for extra flavor.

Place the bouquet garni in the pot. Cut the sausage

into bite-size pieces. Add the meat to the stew and

cover the pot. Let it simmer for about 20 minutes on a

low heat. Don’t forget to shake the stew regularly.

Season until you get a nice flavor with freshly grated

nutmeg , black pepper and salt. Serve this stew in a

deep plate.


750 gr. fresh sprouts 3 onions 3 smoked sausages 6 dl chicken broth 4 sprigs fresh thyme

- 4 bay leaves - Butter - Nutmeg - 800 g potatoes

- Salt andpepper

Steak with fries


- 1 steak

- Oil

- 1 whole garlic clove

- herbsprig

- butter, for fillet or

rib-eye steaks

- 5 pounds Russet


- Vegetable Or

Peanut Oil For


- Sea Salt

Preparation: To cook your steaks, heat a frying pan to a moderate heat for fillet, hot for T-bone or very hot for rib-eye. Add a swirl of oil, with a whole garlic clove and a herb sprig. Cook the steak for 1½-2½ minutes on each side.

Begin by peeling five pounds of potatoes, then cut the

peeled potatoes into four of five long pieces and cover

them with cold water. Then dry them off. Next, heat a

pot of oil to 300 degrees. Then fry the potatoes for

about 4 to 5 minutes. The key here isn’t to fry them or

brown them at all…just to start softening them up.

Once they’re soft remove them from the oil. Then,

increase the heat and bring the oil to 400 degrees.

Finish them off a this high temperature. Throw them

back into the oil and fry them till they’re nice and

golden and crisp and irresistibly, ridiculously perfect.




250 g Dark/cooking


200 ml Fresh Cream

200 ml Milk

3 tbs Condensed


2 tsp gelatin crystals

Chocolate chips for



Heat the chocolate in a pan. After the

chocolate melts. cool it for 2-3 minutes.

Soak the gelatin crystals in warm water.

Add the gelatin mixture, milk and condensed milk to the melted chocolate. Use a hand mixer to blend in all the ingredients together. Freezing tip: Place the dessert for setting in the fridge not in the freezer!

3.Now add fresh cream slowly and beat

the mixture using hand beater for best

result. If you dont have a hand blender u

can beat manually with your hand

Classic Belgian waffles


2 cups cake flour

2 tsps bakingpowder

½ tsp salt

4 large eggs, separated

2 tbs sugar

1/2 tbs vanilla extract

4 tbs salted butter, melted

2 cups milk

non-stick cooking spray


Preheat the waffle iron. In a bowl sift together flour, baking powder, and salt. In a second bowl beat together the egg yolks and sugar. Add the vanilla extract, melted butter, and milk to the eggs and whisk to combine. Combine the egg-milk mixture with the flour mixture and whisk just until blended. Do not over mix. In third bowl, beat the egg whites with and mix for 1 minute. Gently fold the egg whites into the waffle batter.

Coat the waffle iron with non-stick cooking spray and pour enough batter in iron to just cover waffle grid. Close and cook as per manufacturer's instructions until golden brown, about 2 to 3 minutes. Serve immediately.

Dutch Donuts


1 tsp sugar

2 small packets of (instant) dry


4 cups flour (400 g)

1/4 cup sugar (50 g)

2 eggs

2 cups milk (475 ml)

1 tsp salt

8 cups vegetable/sunflower oil

(2 liters)

Powdered sugar


Mix the teaspoon of sugar into 1/2 cup of hand-hot water. Mix together the flour and sugar in a large bowl and make a well in the middle. Warm up milk in the microwave. Add half of the milk to the well in the flour and mix until all ingredients are combined. Cover the bowl with a damp dish towel and allow to rise in a warm area for about an hour. Once the dough has doubled, stir in the salt. Heat the oil in a large. Stand the handle of a wooden spoon in the oil. If little bubbles form around it, the oil is ready.

You will need two tablespoons to form and handle the dough, as well as a slotted spoon to remove the 'oliebollen' from the hot oil. Quickly dip the two tablespoons into the oil and form small balls of the dough. The 'oliebollen' will sink to the bottom of the pan and then pop right back up. You should be able to fry at least 6 'oliebollen' at a time, but don't crowd the pan. Fry until golden brown on both sides. Drain on a tray lined with paper towels. Sieve powdered sugar over the 'oliebollen', and serve warm.

A Taste of Portugal

Portuguese cuisine is characterized by having rich dishes, full of flavour but

rather cheap. Garlic is widely used, as well as herbs such as parsley. Portugal is a

nation with a maritime tradition, and this is reflected in the amount of fish and

seafood consumed by the Portuguese. Among them, the most prominent is the cod,

which is the national food of Portugal and of which he says there are more than

365 different ways of cooking, one for each day of the year. Sardines are also very

popular, especially roasted, as well as octopus and shellfish.

Portuguese cuisine although relatively restricted to an Atlantic sustenance, it has

Mediterranean influences. The influence of Portugal's former colonial

possessions is also notable, especially in the wide variety of spices used. These

spices include piri piri (small, fiery chilli peppers) and black pepper, as well

as cinnamon, vanilla and saffron. Olive oil is one of the bases of Portuguese cuisine

both for cooking and flavouring meals. Garlic is widely used, as are herbs such

as coriander and parsley. Portuguese breakfasts often consist of fresh bread,

with butter, ham, cheese or fruit preserves, accompanied with coffee,

milk, coffee with milk, tea or hot chocolate.

Petisco is a Portuguese word frequently used to

describe a special food that we like very much or

a kind of starter.

You can learn more about Portuguese words related to

the Portuguese cuisine:

Pipis - chicken giblets that are cooked in a stew

using garlic, onion and bay. At the end we add

curry and lemon.

Pevides – they are pumpkin seeds, dried and

salted. People eat them with beer.

Tremoços – lupines. People eat them with beer.



Pataniscas de Bacalhau

It´s the name for a Traditional Portuguese dish originally from the region of Estremadura.

The Pataniscas, consist of pieces of shredded “Bacalhau”(Codfish)

previously coated in a wheat flour batter, and a mix of other

ingredients as onion, seasoned with salt, pepper and parsley, etc., and

then fried in vegetable or olive oil.

They can be served with a salad as light meal or be eaten as a “petisco”

Ingredients and instructions

•1 big piece of “Bacalhau”

( more than 500g)

•Juice of ½ lemon


•60g flour

•1 egg

•1 small onion, chopped

•1 TBSP olive oil

• 1 Parsley, small bunch

•2garlic cloves, fine chopped

•Salt and pepper to taste

•Vegetable oil or olive oil to fry

Boil the “Bacalhau”, clean from

bones and skin and shredded it into

small pieces. Drizzle with the lemon

juice, cover with milk and let it rest

from 1 to 2 hours.

In a separate bowl, blend in the

flour, egg, chopped onion, the

tablespoon of olive oil and part of

the parsley. Season it with salt and

pepper to taste.

Drain the shredded “bacalhau” and

mix into the flour mix above. Add a

little bit of liquid from the

marinade and stir until you get a

smooth texture.

Deep fry table-spoons of this mix of

batter and “Bacalhau” in a very hot

vegetable oil or olive oil.

Remove with a slotted spoon, and

dry on paper towels to remove any

excess oil it might have. Serve hot.

Toast and cheese

Ingredients and instructions

Slices of toasted bread

Cut the cheese.

Sprinkle with oregano

and serve with toasted bread.

Fresh goat cheese

Caldo Verde


4 potatoes

Olive Oil Smoked Sausage


Salt garlic

Peel off 4 potatoes and one big garlic tooth, wash and cut it and put it in a saucepan. Cover them with water and put the olive oil. Spice with salt and let it boil until the potatoes are cooked. When they are cooked mash

them and cook the cabbage

apart in other saucepan with

water and a bit of salt.

Add a sliced smoked sausage

and then mix everything

simmer a bit to accentuate the


Serve while warm.




Frango na Púcara

Ingredients and instructions

1 Chicken 1 Carrot

100grams pork fat Smoked sausage

1 Spoon of Butter

Prepare a chicken and cut it in


Put a parsley sprig ,one carrot in

pieces and one cup of white wine

in the clay pot.

In another pan stew 100grams of

pork fat, 100grams of smoked

sausage and one spoon of butter

always in low heat for 15 minutes.

Bar the chicken pieces with the

stewed and put it in the clay pot

that goes on the stove to cook for

15 minutes.

Cod Fish with Cream

Ingredients and instructions


Cod fish


Olive oil


Lemon juice

2 eggs




Bake the cod. Slice the onions and chop the garlic. Graze the onions with olive oil. Fry the potatoes. Then mix the cod with the cooked onions and stuff for 3 minutes. Mix the eggs, the lemon juice, the béchamel and the cream. Join the potatoes and the previously cooked cod, and mix well. Add the liquid mixture. Put in a tray and take it into the oven.


Ingredients and instructions

2 onions

3 heads of garlic


2 bay leaves

1 pinch chilli


1 tomato

Tomato sauce


olive oil

1 pinch of black


½ carrot

1 chorizo

1 black chorizo




Fore/hind feet

(pork feet)


Start by doing the stew . Cover the bottom of

the pan with olive oil, add the chopped onion,

the chopped garlic, the chopped parsley,

black pepper and chilies. It is also added to

the tomato sauce . Let it stew for a few

minutes. Pour the wine and meat broth

where you previously cooked the meat .

Let it stew a bit more and add the carrot,

sausage, chorizo and “farinheira”. It keeps

stewing some more and add the sliced meat.

Finally, put the beans, and leave in the fire

for some more minutes and, then, it is ready

to serve. Bon appetit!


Sweet Rice

Ingredients and instructions

Cook the rice in plenty of salt seasoned with salt. Warm the litter of milk with the bark and the sugar and stir. Remove a little bit of milk and set aside. Drain the rice and add it to the milk and let it boil (5/10 minutes). Add to milk reserved two sachets of pudding and stir with a wooden spoon, and add it to the rice. In the end, put the rice pudding into bowls or a platter and decorate/sprinkle with cinnamon.

Baked Apples with Cinnamon

Ingredients and instructions

Remove the apples’ core with an

accessory fit for the purpose and

place them on a tray.

Place a cinnamon stick into each

apple, sprinkle with the Port and

with sugar.

Bake until they are roasted.


Apples cinnamon sticks (one for each apple)


Port wine

Fatias Douradas

Ingredients and instructions


4 eggs

Olive oil or vegetable oil

brown sugar


3 pinches salt

Heat the olive oil or vegetable oil. Cut the bread into slices and dip the bread into the milk. Beat the eggs with a pinch of salt and dip the bread slices in the egg mixture. Fry the slices and finally add the preparation of sugar and cinnamon. Bon appetit !

Using the freshest ingredients, the local people in Tenerife offer a

satisfying range of delicacies including mouth-watering tapas,

seafood and exotic dishes brought here via the Canary Islands’

close links with South America.

Some Canarian dishes come from Spanish cooking, but the

Canarian specialities have their own touch of originality ,the

basis of Canarian cuisine is a variety of fresh vegetables, fruit

and fish, generally light meals, easier to digest in a warm

climate. Meat is usually consumed as a part of stews or as


In this section we will show you a small selection of traditional

Canarian cuisine, including starts, main courses and desserts.



-2 Bunches of watercress

-400g Salted pork ribs

-2 Corn cobs

-75g Pinto beans

-200g Onion

Virgin olive oil & salt

100g Green pepper


Soak the ribs in cold water to desalt them. Change the water as many times as necessary. Also, leave the

beans to soak.

- ON THE DAY -Cook the pork ribs and beans in water. Skim the scum off from the surface.Add a spurt of

olive oil, corn cobs (already in pieces) and peeled potatoes.Add half of the cleaned and finely chopped

watercress together with the finely chopped onion and green pepper.Cook over a low heat for 1 hour in

an uncovered pan.Crush garlic, cumin and salt using a pestle and mortar and, 20 minutes before it is

finished, stir in the crushed mixture. Check the salt. Just before removing the broth from the heat, add

the remaining finely chopped watercress and stir.


-500g chickpeas

-3 garlic cloves

-200g salted pork ribs

-100g ripe tomatoes

-1 salted pig’s trotter

-Virgin oil

-100g bacon

-1csp sweet paprika

-100g chorizo

- Ground black pepper

-175g onion

-1 tsp cumin

-75g red pepper

-1 bay leaf


THE DAY BEFORE-Put the salted meats in water to desalt them and leave the

chickpeas to soak.

ON THE DAY-Put the chickpeas, ribs and the cut-up trotter in a pan with water. Skim

off the scum.Add the bacon and the chorizo. Also, check the salt.Fry the onion and

garlic over a medium heat for 15 minutes. Add the pepper and fry for another 10

minutes.Add the tomatoes (peeled and seedless), bay leaf, black pepper and cumin. Fry

for a further 10 minutes.Once everything is fried, remove it from the heat and mix in

the paprika. Mix everything together (chickpeas , meat, fried vegetables)


The stew The fry

400g chickpeas -300g onion

600g beef -125g red pepper

300g chicken - 200g ripe tomatoes

75g onion -4 garlic cloves

2 garlic cloves -1 tbsp paprika

50g green pepper -1 bay leaf, spring


50g tomatoes -1 csp cumin

1 bay leaf -Salt, peppercorns

Salt, peppercorns. -50ml white wine,

100ml stock of the stew

Water -200g potatoes,

10 sprigs parsley

THE DAY BEFORE Leave the chickpeas to soak

THE STEW-Cook the chickpeas with the beef, skinless chicken, cut-up

vegetables and spices over a medium heat. Remove the meat when

tender, strain and set aside the stock. Cut or shred the meats and

remove the bones. Sauté the chickpea in olive oil until lightly brown.

Sauté the meats and mix with the chickpeas

THE FRY-Fry the chopped onion together with bay leaf and thyme at a

low heat for 10 minutes. Add the chopped peppers and fry for another

10 minutes. Add the chopped tomatoes (peeled and seeded) and cook for

another 10 minutes. In a mortar, pound the garlic, paprika and cooking

salt to form a smooth paste. Dilute the mixture with wine and the stock

and pour over the fried. Give it time to evaporate and the season to your

taste. Mix the chickpeas, meats and fried together. Heat it all together

and serve.


-1kg beef -1 tbsp of

sweet paprika

-600g small potatoes -salt, black


-250g onion -Virgin oil

-100g red pepper -100ml white


-100g tomatoes -Meat stock

-5 garlic cloves -6 sprigs of


-250g carrots -1 bay leaf -1 sprig


PREPARATION: Clean the meat and cut in to small pieces, season

and brown slightly in a pan with olive oil. Set the meat aside.

Sauté the finely chopped onion and garlic in the same pan on a

low heat for 10 minutes. Add the pepper and sauté for a further

10 minutes. Finish the fried by adding the chopped tomatoes

(peeled and seeded) together with the bay leaf and thyme. Dilute

the paprika in the white wine and add to the fried. Add the meat

again and cover with meat stock. Simmer for 30 minutes and add

the carrots. Fry the potatoes and then add to the stew. Season to



-1 medium-sized rabbit

-1 csp oregano

-8 garlic cloves

-6 sprigs parsley

-Red hot chilli

-Cooking salt, virgin oil

-2 tbsp paprika

-50 ml vinegar wine

-2 tsp cumin

-200 ml dry white wine


THE MARINADE-Crush the sliced garlic cloves, cumin, oregano and

salt in a mortar. Add the chopped parsley and paprika. Crush again.

Dilute with vinegar, white wine and oil. Marinate the rabbit for 12


THE DAY-Fry the rabbit in olive oil until lightly golden brown.Fry the

liver. In a mortar, prepare another marinade and add it at the last

moment. Pour the marinade over the rabbit and cook at a low heat

until tender.


-3 medium size potatoes

-6 eggs

-2 medium size onions

-tbsp of salt

-Olive oil


Peel and chop the potatoes and onions and then cut into small pieces.

Fry the potatoes and onion in the oil until golden brown. Mix some

eggs in a bowl and add a little salt. Add the potatoes and onions to the

egg and stir. Put the mixture in a frying pan to cook until golden

brown. Using a plate, flip the omelette and leave to cook on the other



(4 servings)

-400g thickly ground sweet corn.

-1 litre milk

-150g sugar

-50g raisins

-50g almonds

-1 sprig of cinnamon

-Half lemon rind


Put the milk, sugar, ground corn, cinnamon and lemon rind

together in a pan. Cook on a medium heat, stirring constantly

until the mixture begins to thicken. Remove from the heat and

take out the sprig of cinnamon and lemon rind.Add the raisins

and almonds. Mix well and pour into a bowl.Let it cool.If, during

the cooking, the liquid reduces too quickly before it is completely

done, add more milk.


Cut into equal pieces and serve

INGREDIENTS (SERVES 4) -200g almonds -100g sugar -20ml water

PREPARATION Toast the peeled almonds in a frying pan or bake them. Remove and leave it to cool. In a pan, pour the water and sugar in with the almonds and boil at aprox. 114°. Once reached this temperature and the almonds and stir until they are completely covered in caramel. Remove the pan from the heat, arrange the caramel-coated almonds on non-stick paper and leave to cool. Once cooled, keep them in a sealed container so they don’t lose their crunchy texture. Serve in a bowl.

INGREDIENTS (SERVES 4) -500g Canarian fresh cheese. - A little whey -100g flour - 2 eggs - Half a lemon rind -200g sugar - Ground cinnamon - Aniseed

PREPARATION Grind the cheese and gradually add it to the whisked eggs, lemon rind, cinnamon,

aniseeds and flour.Mix until you get a smooth dough.Fill the classic tiny cheese cake tins with the

mixture. Bake at 180° for 20 minutes. Serve once cold.

“In Denmark we usually eat around 6 o’clock pm. At dinner, we eat warm

food, at lunch we get cold food. In Denmark, we eat a lot of potatoes, rice and

pasta. A lot of our food is inspired by South Europe and The East, but the

recipes in this cook book show traditional Danish food. We love open

sandwiches, which in Denmark we call Smørrebrød. The bread we use for

Smørrebrød is rugbrød, also known as rye bread, which is dark, healthy bread.

On top of the bread, we love to put Salad, meat and liver pate. Enjoy cooking

our food .”

Patty shells filled with chicken.

Wash the chicken, and clean it for entrails (do this in cold water). Pour water in a soup pot, add 2 dices of vegetable bouillon and make

the water boil.

When the water is boiling, add the chicken.

Let it boil for 1 ½ -2 hours.

2 tablespoons of wheat flour 2 dices of vegetables bouillon

Remove the scum from the surface of the water with a spoon.

Save the soup for later use when making the sauce.

Take the chicken out of the water and refrigerate it on a plate

(remember to save the water)

3 tomatoes. 1 can of asparagus Cut the chicken into little pieces.

Melt the butter and stir the flour in.

Add milk and cream while stirring.

Add the water from the asparagus and the soup, as much as needed.

Let it boil - 5-10 minutes

12 patty shells 1 cucumber Add the chicken and asparagus and heat it up.

In the meantime warm the patty shells.

Decorate the patty shell with tomatoes and cucumber.

500 g of chicken 0,5 dl of double cream

25g of butter 1 dl of full-cream milk


Toast the rye bread

Cut the avocado into

small boats

Place the avocado

boats on the rye bread

Tear a little lemon peel

out over the avocado

Sprinkle it with salt

and pepper

At last decorate with

some parsley



2 Avocadoes

Salt, pepper

1 Organic



Rye bread


Canapé with potatoes INGREDIENTS

Potatoes Mayonnaise Chives Rye bread Butter


Boil the potatoes

Smear the butter on the rye


Cut the boiled potatoes into


Decorate with mayonnaise

and chives

Canapé with salmon INGREDIENTS: Salmon , Cream cheese , Dill


Toast the rye bread

Cut the bread into triangles or circles

Roll a piece of salmon with cream cheese and place it on the


Decorate with dill

Potatosoup with leeks

A bit Chives

The soup

Let the butter melt at high heat, but

without browning it. Sauté the onions

and the potatoes for about 2 minutes.

Mix with leeks and onions for 1 more

minute. Pour the bullion and let the soup

boil for about 20 minutes or until the

vegetables are soft. Blend the soup until

it is thicken. Pour the soup back into the

casserole, add cream, salt and pepper.

Make the soup boil and taste it.

The bacon

Pour the bacon in a dry pan and roast

the bacon at high heat for about 3

minutes. Turn the heat down and finish

roasting the bacon at normal heat for

about 5 minutes. Take the bacon of the

pan and let it dry on a piece of kitchen

roll. Dry the pan of and pour the leeks

in. Roast them at high heat in about 4

minutes. Crush the roasted bacon light

and mix it to the leeks.

Serve the soup with bread and the

crushed bacon. Decorate with chives

and cheese on top.

500 g Potatoes 150 g Cheese

¾ Buillion 1 dl cream 150 g bacon

Leeks - The white part

350 g Leeks - The green part

350 g

The final soup

Roasted porkIngredients:


Roasted pork:

1500g pork with crackling

1-tablespoon salt

6 dl pork broth

3 shallots

Brown sauce:

1½-tablespoon wheat flour

0,5 dl fluid from the pork roast



Browning sauce


900g small potatoes

4,2 tablespoon sugar

42g butter

Red cabbage:

800g red cabbage

6 pieces juniper

Fluid from the pork

2 dl red wine

2 pears

1-tablespoon honey

Roasted pork: Cut down between the pork crackling so there is 1½ cm between the pork crackling without cutting the meat itself. Rub the pork crackling with

salt. You may put some bay leafs between the pork crackling. Put the pork, the shallots and the pork broth in an ovenproof dish. Place the

ovenproof dish in the middle of the oven. Turn on the oven at 200 degrees and let the pork roast for 1½ hour. When the meat thermometer reads

77 degrees, the roast done. If the pork crackling isn´t crisp, turn the oven grill on for a short while.

Browning sauce:

Pour the gravy from the roast in a pot. After a while, remove excess fat. Shake flour and water into a thickening and add it while stirring. Season

the sauce and let it boil for a few minutes.

Brown potatoes:

Boil, peel and cool the potatoes. Let the sugar melt on a big pan at very low heat. When it is melted and brown, add the butter. Do not touch the

sugar before the butter and the sugar have melted into a brown mass, then add the potatoes. Stir the potatoes once a while. The potatoes are

finished when the sugar sticks to the surface.

Red cabbage:

Season the red cabbage with crushed juniper, salt and pepper. Let it sauté in a pot with a lid, add the melted pork fat and honey. 25 minutes later,

you remove the lid and add the red wine. Let it simmer for a few minutes.

Fried pork with parsley sauce

Dab the slices of pork dry with paper towels.

Heat the frying pan, when the frying pan is really hot place the

pieces of pork on it. Fry them ½-1 min. on each side.

Reduce to medium heat and fry until they are golden and crisp.

Turn the slices often. Place the slices on a fat absorbent paper.

Sprinkle with salt.

Now place the slices on a grate and place it upon of jelly

rollpan whit aluminum foil on the bottom. This eases the


Place it in the top half of a cold oven and turn it into 200

degrees C.

Let the slices become golden on one side before turning them.

Finish frying on the other side. Frying time is longer in an oven

than on a frying pan.

Sauce: whisk flour and 1-cup of milk for thickening.

Whisk while you make the sauce boil let it simmer approx. 5

min. add the fat and season with salt and pepper. Add the

washed, chopped parsley.

Breadcrumbs 6 eggs. 3 tbsp. Wheat flour.

5,25 dl. Semi skimmed milk. 1,5 bunch. Parsley, fresh. 15g. Butter.

900g. Pork. Belly with rind.

Raw. 1500g. Potatoes.

Meat Balls in Curry Sauce

600g minced


8 tablespoons


2 onions

dl 2 milk

11/2 teaspoon salt

Minced meat: Stir the minced meat with salt, to the meat is tough. Add onions,

pepper and eggs, and then stir it all together. Then add the milk, while stirring and

then add the flour. Put the meat in the fridge covered with a tea towel for 30 minutes.

Bring water with added salt to the boil in a big pot on a big surface. Give the minced

meat a nice stir. Dip a tablespoon in the boiling water and mould the minced meat

into a ball with the tablespoon in your hand. Put it in the boiling water. Tone down

the heat, when all the balls are in the pot feels firm after about 8-10 minutes. Take the

meatballs up with a skimmer and put them in a sieve and let them drain off.

Curry sauce: Melt 20g butter at powerful heat. Sauté the onions in one 1 minute but

they must not take color. Tone down to a steady heat and add a dust of curry and

sauté it in one minute. Dust the flour over the mix, and stir it until it´s totally gone.

Pour 5dl boiled water from the meatballs, while constant stirring. Add 7dl the rest of

the boiled water and add the tarragon. Let the sauce boil at low heat, while stirring in

5 minutes. Taste it with salt and heat the meatballs in the sauce. Boil 8 dl rice (about

320 g). Follow the instructions from the rice pack. Then serve it.

2 Eggs

4 tea



1 tea spoon



Minced meat

Curry sauce

5 table

spoons wheat


1 dl finely grated


Danish rise with almonds


Split the vanilla pods and take the corns out.

Boil the rice, milk and vanilla at low heat under

the lid for 45 minutes.

Stir in the saucepan, now and then.

Take the vanilla pods out, and cool the rice.

Chop the almonds, save one entire almond (it is

a Danish tradition, that the one who finds an

entire almond wins a present).

Pour the almonds in the cool rice.

Whisk the heavy cream stiff, and fold it in. Add

the other ingredients.

Season it, with a little sugar.

17½ dl milk 220g pudding


2 vanilla pods

130g almond


4½ dl. Heavy


130g sugar

A little salt

Cherry gravy:


Mix a thickening of juice and potato flour.

Pour the berries, the rest of juice and sugar in a

saucepan and make it boil.

Take the saucepan off the heat and add the

thickening while stirring.

After that, the sauce must not boil.

Stir the sauce for a while and season it with

sugar. 200 g pickled cherry,

1 dl juice from the cherry

1 tablespoon potato


2 table spoons sugar

1+2 3

Strawberries, blackcurrant and

raspberries. Wiped cream.

4 5

Sugar. Potato flour.

Rødgrød med fløde - Red porridge

with wiped cream

1. 1 kg Strawberries and blackcurrantt mix

2. 200 g raspberries

3. ½ L wiped cream

4. 300 g sugar

5. Potato flour 6. 1-2 tablespoon potato flour

Wash the berries, put them in a pot with water and sugar, mix it

all together and let it rest a few hours.

Set the pot over low heat, and let the berry mix boil. Boil the

berries 2-3 minutes.

Remove the pot from the heat, and carefully stir the raspberries,

make sure that they do not brake.

Thicken the porridge a little with a few tablespoons potato flour

mixed with cold water. The potato flour mix and the cold water

need to be added when the porridge is just below boiling piont.

It’s inportant, that the porridge is still warn.

Sprinkle the porridge with a thin lay of

sugar, and let it cool down.

Eat the porridge with some cold wiped



Danish Pancakes


For the dough:

For the fill:


150 g flour 4½ dl milk 3 eggs ½ tsp salt 50 g butter

300 g raspberry 100 g sugar

For the decoration:

Blueberry Icing flour



Whip the flour together with the half of the milk,

until it will be a smooth mix

Now mix in the rest of the milk, eggs and salt – and

whip it all together.

Melt the butter in a pan and put it into the mix.

Bake thin pancakes on a warm well-greased frying


Use ½ - ¾ dl of the mix pr. pancake.

Now you have to make the raw jam

Mix the half of the sugar and the berrys together, until

you get the texture of jam.

Put the jam in a bowl, and keep it in the fridge

Now put some jam and some sugar in every

pancake, and rool them.

And now you can eat your tasty Danish
