Task Enterprise 2

Post on 06-Nov-2014

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Task Enterprise 2

Transcript of Task Enterprise 2

The Task Enterprise 2 Not

for Profit

Purpose Of Enterprise 2

To enable you to arrange a school based event / activity.

To enable you to provide an organisational structure for managing & running this event / activity.

To operate a ‘Not For Profit’ enterprise.

Aim 1

Become involved in your own learning and apply entrepreneurial skills in a real context.

Aim 2

Develop personal & interpersonal skills by planning, organising and managing the enterprise event.

Aim 3

Develop decision making & problem solving skills

Aim 4

Experience teamwork

Aim 5

Learn from the experience and take responsibility for your own learning.

Aim 6

Make autonomous decisions.

Aim 7

Build on & extend the abilities, skills & understanding acquired in previous enterprise activities.

Aim 8

Interact with the local community in a variety of situations.

Aim 9

Investigate possible career choices by experiencing different roles related to work.

Three Units

Unit 1: Preparatory Planning Unit

Unit 2: Operational Unit

Unit 3: Review Of Experience

Key Assignments 1

I undertook an assessment of my own skills & qualities & the group’s skills & qualities.

Key Assignments 2

I set specific goals & presented a detailed work plan.

Key Assignment 3

I kept a personal diary of the experience.

Key Assignment 4

I helped to prepare a display of the event / activity e.g. video, photographs, charts etc.

This can be the stand prepared for the Trade Fair where each student describes his / her contribution to same.

In Unit 1 You Will Learn

To enable you to arrange a school based event / activity with a work plan / timetable.

To set your own learning goals in relation to this event / activity.

You Will Learn

To enable you to provide an organisational structure & rules for managing & running this event / activity.

To list the various roles involved in the event and the responsibilities, skills & qualities needed for these roles.

You Will Learn

To identify any training needs as a result of a skills audit.

To create a Job Description for your role in the activity & fill in a Job Application form .

In This Unit You Will Learn

To look at gender equalityin your chosen area.

To involve a Community Representative if needed.

In This Unit You Will Learn

To examine & establish financial requirements & other resources required for the enterprise.

To identify & observe Health & Safety rules.

To maintain a daily Diary of your enterprise.

In Unit 2 You Will Cover

Your Role In The Company

A Review Of The Enterprise

Trade Fairs & Displays

Winding Up The Company

In Unit 3 Review You Will Cover

• Skills Developed

• Individual Performance

• Group Performance

• Successes

• Problems Solved

• Decision Making

• The Future

Structure / Originality

Your Task should be original - i.e. all your own work.

The design should be creative – i.e. colourful with plenty of relevant pictures, videos and graphs / bar charts (if needed).

This is worth 10 marks.

Structure / Cross Curricular

Your Task should contain evidence of

you using at least three other subjects

from Leaving Cert applied. For example:

This is worth 10 marks.

Structure / Presentation

Your Task should be typed up.

It should be: neat



A well presented task is worth 10 marks.

Structure / Presentation

Your Task should begin with a Table of Contents with page numbers.

1) Aims

• It should begin with two clear aims that make sense and are relevant to the task.

• Refer to E5. (p5). You should have two aims in your notes for Meeting Two.

This is worth 10 marks.

2) Research & Planning

Your first section should be titled

Research & Planning

It should contain:

Evidence of background research

Identification of your target group

2) Research & Planning

A Skills Assessment (your own & your group’s)

A Resource Assessment

Alternatives considered

2) Research & Planning

Your Action Plan

Your Projections

This is worth 20 marks.

3) Carrying Out The Task

Your second section should be titled

Carrying Out The Task

It should contain:

A description of the activity

A description of your role

3) Carrying Out The Task

A description of your group’s roles

Resources used

Problems encountered

Any adaptation of plan

3) Carrying Out The Task Quality Control measures

Health & Safety implementation Evidence of your involvement

This is worth 20 marks.

4) Presentation & Analysis Of Findings

Your third section should be titled:

Presentation & Analysis of Findings

It should contain:

Any methods used to measure outcomes / success

– i.e. Were your aims achieved? Any excess income?


4) Presentation & Analysis Of Findings

Any analysis & evaluation of results leading to conclusions.


4) Presentation & Analysis Of Findings

Weaknesses –

Suggestions for improvement relating conclusions to original aims. -

This is worth 10 marks.

5) Self Evaluation

Your fourth section should be titled:

Self Evaluation

It should contain:

An evaluation of your own role

Some knowledge about yourself

Any skills / attitudes developed

5) Self Evaluation

Any difficulties encountered

Any lessons learned about yourself for

the future.

This is worth 10 marks.