Task 7

Post on 06-Aug-2015

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Transcript of Task 7

Task 7 : Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to full product 

Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from

it to full product?

When making the title sequence It was very important for us to get audience feedback as we were providing our title sequence for them. Without getting audience feedback, the product might not be liked by the audience as we have had no idea on what type of thing our potential audience is. The members in our class looked at our title sequence before it was finished and gave us some feed back which is below…

The feedback we got from the people in my media class helped us a lot when developing our Title sequence. Without the Feedback, a lot of people may have not liked our opening sequence as certain aspects were no liked by the feedback team so this enabled us to improve it before showing it to our potential target audience. I believe the feed back we got had a huge reflection on our task as a lot of things they said allowed us to improve it. Half of the class Believed that our editing of our opening sequence's was very good which did mean a lot to us as we tried very hard with the editing. This piece of feedback reinsured us that we were doing the right thing. As it was not the whole class who said our editing was very good, it showed us that there was a still of level of improvement. Before that feedback was given I believed our title sequence was edited to a very a high standard and I believe that was a strength of our sequence. Before the feedback was given I felt the Sound was a weakness as I didn’t think it did make a lot of sense but when we got the feedback that half of the class liked it, I was very surprised which gave us the ability to improve the sound to a higher standard. Overall I believe the Feedback we got from the audience was very fair and without the feedback we got, I believe our title sequence would have not to the standard that it is at.

Here is the target audience research video.