Task 6

Post on 16-Dec-2014

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Transcript of Task 6

Marketing and PR Presentation



What are the objectives for this project?The objectives are to sell more and more albums and single. We want to try and beat previous sales.

Who do you want to target? I want to target teenager because they are the main audience for a lot of singers and rappers of todays music. So if I aim towards them it will help sell the album.

How many records do you want to sell?I am hoping to sell around 100,00 copies of the album, I think this is a reasonable amount that is reachable and realistic, without setting a target which is impossible.

What would make this a successful exercise?This will be a successful exercise if we promote and advertises as much as we can. If we make sure we do as much promotion we can we will achieve our selling goal which will make this whole exercise successful.


Band Profile

Name: Taga

Age: 18

Previous releases: they have already released 3 singles and an album.

Genre: hip hop

Style: rapper

Contemporaries: Eminem, 50 Cent, Lil Wayne, Jay Z, Wrech 32, Kanye West, Nicki Minaj.


Think SMARTSpecific: Is there a clear aimThe aim is to promote the bad and sell records and albums to have a successful career and a happy life.

Measureable: How will you measure the effect?When you do promotion for the bad, you need to measure your process to see if you have achieved anything because if you promote them and not gain anything then it is a waste of time and you need to be doing something better. You will measure the effects by seeing how many singles or albums you have sold.

Achievable: Is it something that you can do?Yes if you set yourself a target of selling a certain amount of albums, you will be able to achieve it if you promote the band enough and aim it toward the audience well. If you set your target too high then you probable are not thinking realistic therefore you will probably not achieve it.

Realistic: Is this something that would actually happen?Yes you need to make sure that you make your aim realistic, which is what I have done, the aim is reachable.

Time-related: Are there timescales for your project?Yes you need to make sure that you do everything in time for the album release. If you don’t you wont achieve your goal.



Who is the audience for this band?The audience are teenagers ages from 16 to 19, but could go a bit higher into the 20’s. the reason for this is because the band are young and they rap which is very popular with todays teenagers.

What age are they?They age from 16 to 23.

What do they look like?They loo like average teenagers, mostly female.

Why do they like this band?They like the bad because they are hip hop and fashionable and fit in with the society of today, therefore the audience in a way idolizes the band because they want to be like them.

Who else do they like?Other rappers such as drake, Eminem and lil Wayne.



What media will you use and why? Be specific about the platforms you will use. I am going to use a range of different media to promote the album, I think that using more that one will help to sell more. The first platform that I am going to use are magazines I will make sure that they are in magazines that relate to the styles of music that they produce. If they are promoted within magazines that don’t relate the genre it wont be any good because the wrong audience will see it. The album will also be advertised on the popular TV channels such as MTV, VIVA and 4MUSIC. These channels will be good because a lot of teenagers watch these channels and the music played also fit within the hip hop genre. Their music will be played on the popular radio stations such as capital, and radio one again this is because most of our audience that we are trying to target listen to these radio stations. I will make sure that they use as many social networks as they can because teenagers these days use social networking sites more than anything else, and social networking sites have been proven that they can help someone's career by a large percent. And we would uses these social networking sites to communicate with their fans and to help promote singles and albums. They would give interviews to magazines and websites that want to help promote their upcoming singles/albums.



What merchandise would you use to promote this band?We would use a large range of different merchandise because the audience will all have slightly different styles so they will all like slightly different items of merchandise. I think it is a good idea if we looked into the merchandise that the audience itself had created because then they are getting exactly what they want because they have made it themselves. The merchandise that would be made would include items such as t-shirts, hoodies, socks, mugs, key chains, posters, phones cases, bracelets, hats, magnets, books, DVD’s etc.


Manage the message

What is the message you want to communicate about this band?The message that I want to get across is that they are a professional band that write all their own music and want to make music that all their fans and everyone else can relate to. They enjoy making music that people can relate to because it brings them closer.

What is the main selling point of the band and the album? The main selling point is that they have written all their songs for their audience, which will help to sell because their audience will be able to relate to all the songs. We think that if the audience can relate to the music then that will be the main selling point. It is also all new unheard music that people will want to hear therefore people will want to buy it. The music that is featured on the album includes other famous artists that people might be interested in so people outside the original audience may want to buy the album to hear the other artists.



Every marketing and PR campaign uses hyperbole. Its role is to make things seem better than they really are by using exaggeration and emotive words or imagery.

What are the words you will use? What words will help you sell and will appeal to your audience? We are going to try and use truthful and honest words with a slight hint of hyperbole, because everyone needs to include hyperbole to help increase your sale. No one is going to get far selling an album is you don’t exaggerate slightly to make people want to buy it more. Some of the words that we may use are words like: better than ever before, amazing, excellent.

EventsWhat events would you put on as part of the promotion of this band and album?Some events that we could put on to promote the band and the album we could try and see if someone a lot more famous could have us as one of their support acts on their tour, this is a good way of getting know to a large amount of people.

Would they play small secret gigs?Yes, they would do small gigs around cities to get more and more people aware of their music. This is also a good way of getting closer to the fans because if its only a small gig they might be able to meet part of their audience after performing.

Would they appear for a signing in a flagship record store?Yes they will go on a signing tour to meet their audience and to help promote the up coming album.

Would they play on TV chat shows?Not right now. They will do more TV shows once they have released the album after a few months so it gives people chance to know more about them before they play on the TV.

Would they go on a huge arena tour?Yes they would after they have released their album they will wait a while to do a few interviews about the album, then they will go on their arena tour.

What other events and happenings could you create to raise the public profile of the band?We could run competitions on social networking sites for the fans to win merchandise with an album.



Internal motivation

What is the motivation behind this project?The motivation behind this project is to have a successful career. Each member in the band wants to live a happy life with a successful career.

Why is it an important project for you?It is important to me because I want to help achieve the bands goal of having a successful career. If it isn't important to me then I would be no good trying to help them because I would try my best.

Why is it an important project for the band?It is important to the band that they have motivation because if they don’t then they wont get very far, because people will think that they aren't bothered about what they are doing. If they have motivation they will achieve higher goals making them more successful.


Motivation of media

Why would the media be interested in this project?The media might be interested in the project because they want to help promote the album and have something interesting to write about that may attract people towards their media.

Which parts of the media or media products (be specific) would be interested in the project?Magazines may be interested in the project because they will be able to have interviews and write them up for their magazines. Websites maybe interested in the project because they will be able to advertise the advert.