Task 5 development

Post on 09-Jul-2015

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task 5

Transcript of Task 5 development




raptor rushRaptor rush

Raptor rush

Fopi rushOne of the fonts I have looked at is called ‘Fopi Rush’. The reason I looked at this font is because it goes well with the product due to the fact it has energy and connotes speed. It is also quite simple and easily legible which means that the reader can easily read what it says without trouble or a second glance.

The quick brown fox jumps

over the lazy dog



Another font that I have looked at is called ‘INFECTED’. The reason I looked at this font is because I thought it was aesthetically pleasing and would appeal to the target audience. Even though it is not as basic as some fonts it is still easily readable and not overcomplicated.

The quick brown fox jumped over

the lazy dog


riotAnother font that I looked at is called ‘Riot’. The reason I thought that this would be good is due to the fact that it is bold and easily readable. It also suits the target audience of the product but is fairly simple and wont look overcomplicated and busy when printed onto a can.

raptor rush

the quick brown fox jumped over the lazy



Raptor rush

This is yet another font I have looked at. It is called ‘speedy’. One of the reasons I looked at this font is because it is big and bold. Unfortunately I do not think it will work very well for the application I intend due to the texture of the font. I think that when it is small and on a can it may be less effective than others. I think it will still be legible but I do think that another font may be better.

The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog


Raptor rush

‘Raptor’ is another font I have looked at. The reason I thought that this font would be good is due to the fact that it directly relates the the name of the brand. The text itself is rugged and appears to have scratch or tear marks in it, which not only suits the brand but also the target audience.

The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy


Fopi rush

Fopi rush

Fopi rush

Fopi rush

Fopi rushInfected


















RaptorI have looked at what the different fonts will look like at different sizes and how legible they are at them sizes. The fonts above are intended to be used in large and I will further research into fonts for the smaller aspects which are required for the product (ingredient list etc.) however I think that the ‘Riot’ and ‘Raptor’ fonts may be suitable for a secondary, smaller font than the main but I will still need a more basic font for the smallest type.

I have experimented with several different coloured backgrounds in combination with the fonts that I have chose. The font on this slide is the one which I am going to develop further due to the fact that I think it suits the intended audience and purpose. Next I am going to look at experimenting with the different coloured versions of the font on white and black backgrounds, in order to get an idea of what sort of colour combinations are most effective.

Font colour experimentation (white/black background)

In my experiments featuring different coloured variations of the written text presented on both a white and black background I discovered that the majority of colours looked a lot better on the darker, black background. It is for this reason that I am going to have the product presented in a black can in order for the text to be most effective and legible. I also think black is a good idea because it suits the target audience of young males, who are more likely to be attracted to the product than if it were to be white. If this was a real life project black would also be suitable due to the fact that other flavours could be presented in a can of relevant colour, with black being the original flavour.

Product development

Product development

Product development

Product development