Task 3

Post on 25-Jun-2015

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Transcript of Task 3

I must do this in different stages in order to bring my indent alive first I will research into ident so I can get a better understanding of them and go more into depths with why they have done it that way. Once that this is done I can then start coming up with my storyboards as I will feel more comfortable with doing this.

Then I came up with three different ideas for the ident and what can happen in them making them different form other and also sicking to that theme of the channel while I was thinking of these ideas. I storyboard them all and then looked at them and then chosen the one I thought would work the best with the audience it’s aimed at and sticking to the theme of the channel and what it’s about. The idea I then went with was the one in which a romantic couple are walking down a path on a nice green field on an sunny day, they are holding hands as they are in love, the continued walking until they get to a point where they see a bench they both head over to the bench and then sit down, they sit quite close to each other, they then turn their heads and look at each other, they look at each other for a few seconds and then they both smile at each other as they start getting close and going in for a kiss. The boy then closes his eyes as they get closer and then the girl then looks over the shoulders of the boy as her eye get a bit more wider, the boy then kiss fine air and then opens his eyes as he see that she is not there he looks round and then he see her running across the field, he stay on the bench upset that she had gone while she is running crazy across the field towards a power grid and then as she runs under it or past it the camera will the pan upwards looking at the lines at the top of the power grids and then electric will come from the lines and then it will spell out “The Grid”

And then after I will put them footage on to the computer where I will then edit the clips together to make this ident come to life, I will use a software called window movie maker to put them together and then for the special affect part I will use another software called After affect to put together that electric effect on the indent. In order to film it I must have two actors and a camera.