Task 3

Post on 19-May-2015

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AS Media

Transcript of Task 3

Task 3What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

What does a production company do?• A production company is in charge of the

development of a film, and the filming itself. • The production company choses writers and

directors to develop the film. • A production company finances the project,

although the money may come from somewhere else (such as a private investor or a partner company).

• Production companies can collaborate on films, and they are also often part of or working for a film studio.

• Production companies oversee the distribution of the films, and the marketing, as well as production and post-production.

Production Companies

The Production company logos you have chosen and or created and why?

• We created the company ident for our production company “dreamcapture films”

• We chose this name as it is a play on the word “dreamcatcher” – capture relates to the capturing of footage.

• We wanted our company to look like it made a variety of styles of film as opposed to just thrillers. The simplistic style of our ident shows that it’s a low-budget company, but it can produce high-quality films. We took inspiration for our ident from others, such as Dreamworks and Paramount. The small stars from the Paramount ident fitted with the word “dream” in ours, so we created an animation using stars.

Our inspiration

What does a distributor do?• A film distributor handles the marketing of a film.

This includes advertising and press coverage. • Posters and other advertising tools are created, as

well as interviews with cast members on television and radio.

• The various cut-outs and other print work found in cinemas when a film is showing are also produced by the distribution company.

• Details like release dates, showing times and the size of the screens a film is shown on is decided by the distributor.

Distribution Companies

Why you have chosen the distribution companies you have to release your film?

• We have chosen a British based distribution company, because our film is a low-budget production that would not be in demand internationally.

• Revolver Entertainment are British-based, and often distribute low-budget British films.

• They have distributed many thriller films before, and even the name of the company “revolver films” lends itself to the promotion of a thriller film.

How might your film have been funded?• Our film is likely to have been funded by either a

small independent group or private investor, or a company wishing to promote low-budget British films.

• Some companies have various grants and funds available for small independent films, including the British Film Institute, which is funded by the lottery and has various schemes giving funding to smaller projects. We think this is the most likely way our film would have been funded, as other companies may not want to take a risk on a smaller film.