Task 2 a

Post on 13-Apr-2017

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Transcript of Task 2 a




Screen printing is a printing technique that was invented in 1910, a mesh is used to transfer ink, when doing this only one colour can be used unless you use different mesh which allows you to have a multi colour piece. This technique has another name that is rarely used called silk, this is called silk printing as it uses silk in the process.


Woodblock printing is a technique for printing text, images or patterns, these are used widely throughout East Asia. This specific technique was originated in china around 220 ad, this technique has been used ever since it was invented.


Photocopy Is making an exact copy of an original item, a photographic reproduction of a document whether its printing or reproducing. In October 1937 Chester Carlson, a patent attorney in New York, invented the electro photography which is now being called the photocopy machine


Letterpress is the oldest form of printing. In this method, inked letter are raised and pressed down on to the materiel to reproduce the exact image in reverse. mid-15th century, it remained in use until now.


Flexography is a form of printing process which contains a flexible relief plate. It is essentially a modern version of letterpress, this can be used for printing on almost any type of substrate, including plastic, metallic films, paper and even more materials.


Lithography is mainly used by commercial printers, printing companies that will print thousands of copies of the same item, in one production run. This type of printing is done when a mass amount of copies is needed. As the years go on Lithography is frequently used, the growth of using lithography has massively increased.