Task 1

Post on 01-Nov-2014

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Transcript of Task 1

Task 1

Oli Georgiou

Each sub heading is bold to show where a new topic starts. The language is very descriptive as it needs to talk about every feature of the bus to make sure all points of the bus are covered. It makes it very clear to read and an accurate description of the bus. The writing is quite formal as it does not have any shortened down words. The power of three is used at the top “Newer. Sleeker. Better” which makes it more memorable.The layout is quite simple because it just has three images located in the middle of the page and are all roughly the same size. The text is spread around the images as the paragraphs are not too long so on topic wont spread onto the next page.

This leaflet is about the introduction of the new shape of buses in London. The first paragraph is bold and stands out to show a fact about the history of the buses in London. The whole leaflet is a factual description on the new features of the buses explaining what is does and all the little things like LED lighting. The round red edges of the pictures match the rounded edges of the bus. The red border also matches the colour of the buses. Red is quite an alarming colour but using it on a bus it will make it more visible to pedestrians so the colour scheme of the leaflet will have to include red to match the bus colour. However the red will catch the eyes of people and stand out.

It is numbered to show a step by step way using the watch. The image is laid out well because it just points out everything on the watch and is easy to understand and follow.

This instruction is very simple with little text but it makes it simple for the reader to understand as it does not go into as much detail. The main title is bolder than any other of the text to stand out more so people see that it is the manual for the watch. The headings in bold separate each part so people know which heading to look under. The diagram is labelled well to point out each part of the watch and the button on the side is stretched out to show each setting. No colours are used because it does not need to look decorative because it is not trying to attract anyone because it is informing people how to use/work the watch. It is very concise to make it simple for the reader. It makes it very easy to read because too much information could confuse people. The font is very formal and basic because it does not need to give off any message it just needs to tell people who to work the watch.

This camera manual is very basic as it only has labels for each camera part for example to change each camera setting. Each label in numbered to make it easy for the eye to follow. It is very concise as there is little text and all the pieces of text are very short which makes it very direct and easy to read. The image is just of the camera with arrows pointing at each feature on it so the readers eye can follow easily. The whole manual is very clear as there is not a lot of text at all and it clearly point out each part of the camera. It is informing people how to use the camera properly so it is factual because it is explaining the camera. Also the copy is quite formal but it is only pointing out parts of the camera so it is not describing it in sentences. The text is all in capital letters to make it clearer to read and follow. The image is displayed well to include all the features on the front and top. The title header has the same colour and font but is bolder, not all in capitals and bigger.

• This museum leaflet is very bright because it needs to grab peoples attention if they were to pass it by or we’re visiting the museum. The colours of the text vary from red to black making the red stand out more than the black text. The red text would be the parts that they want to stand out more and they also use it as a header for each section. The font is quite old fashion to fit in with the toy and model theme of the museum because the toys they would put on show would be old fashion toys and models. The leaflet is quite busy looking as it has a lot on it but it is quite easy to follow. There is quite a lot of text on this leaflet but not any long paragraphs or sentences. It is accurate as it gives opening time information, where it is, contact details and prices etc. It is not bias by saying it is the best museum of its kind or using statements to persuade people to visit. The pages are laid out differently on each page because there is different pieces of text and different images on it. The left page is full of text and different pieces of information are split up into sections. The prices and opening times are in boxes to stand out more because they are more important because they need to be pointed out to the audience.

This piece of factual writing is from a newspaper article. It is set out with a big bold title header and small piece of text to briefly describe the story. It then has the smallest bits of text which is the actual new story. The images are set around the pieces of text but mainly put above the text which could grab more peoples attention. It is a news story so it will be accurate and describe the story clearly. The page is very busy but set out well to make it look neat. The big header and brief description of the story make it clear for the reader to understand the piece of writing. The language used is quite formal as it is a newspaper and it is about a real story and is factual. It also avoids ambiguity because it explains every part of the story as it needs to inform the reader exactly what happened. It is not biased because it just needs to inform the public. The image of the map clearly shows where the tunnels are being built and is also labelled so the reader can understand the map clearly. Using the image it gives the reader an idea of what it looks like underground where they are building so that could get people interested and want to read the full story.