tarp [Repaired].pptx

Post on 02-Nov-2015

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Transcript of tarp [Repaired].pptx

Department of Behavioral Sciences and Humanities
A lecture forum On the Psychology law and the oad !ap of Philippine Psychology
Practice!ay "#$ %#"&$A' "$(A!)"%**
L.C4O D4 CA1A5A* U*.'4S.,5  COLL414 O6 A,S A*D SC.4*C4S
D4PA,!4*, O6 B4HA'.OAL SC.4*C4S A*D HU!A*.,.4S
Present this
For actively participating during the lecture forum on
“The Psychology Law and the Road Map of Philippine Psychology Practice” held
at AVR ! L"#$ on May %! &%'(
1iven this "#th  of !ay %#"& at Liceo de Cagayan University
!S8 '41.4 S8 O,.1$ !A  INSTRUCTOR
Liceo de Cagayan University COLL414 O6 A,S A*D SC.4*C4S
D4PA,!4*, O6 B4HA'.OAL SC.4*C4S A*D HU!A*.,.4S
Certi7cate of Appreciation
!rs8 osella O8 Orti:$ !S
For sharing her )nowledge and invalua*le time as the resource spea)er during the lecture forum on “The Psychology Law and
 The Road Map of Philippine Psychology Practice” held at AVR ! L"#$ on May %! &%'(
+iven this %th of May &%'! Liceo de #agayan $niversity(
Dr8 6e S8 ,oli3as D4A*$ CAS
Is awarded to
'P)ACAD4!.C A66A.S
Department of Behavioral Sciences and Humanities
Certi7cate of Appreciation
 This certi,cate is granted to
/ith our sincere appreciation for contri3uting for the success of this Lecture 6orum on ,he Psychology Law and ,he oad !ap of Philippine Psychology Practice8
+iven this && of May &%'! at Liceo de #agayan $niversity(
!rs8 'ergie S8 Otig .*S,UC,O
!rs8 osella O8 Orti:$ !S