Target Audience profile

Post on 13-Nov-2014

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Transcript of Target Audience profile


What Age Group Are You? This graph shows me that my main audience are between the ages of 16-18. This is a relatively young age, and could stereotypically be classed as a youth age group. However, I also need to be aware of the other smaller age groups who also are a part of my target audience.

Younger Than15 16-18


26 +

Where do you like to see the artist on the Album Artwork?

This graph shows me how important the artist appearance on the digipak is to my target audience. In this case, I can see that they most like to see the artist on the front of the digipak, but would also like to see images on the back and also inside. 1 person thought it wasn’t essential.





Do you expect the song artist to be in the video?

The majority of my target audience believe that it is highly important that the song artist is in the video. However, there is a split between the amount of people who say ‘sometimes’ and ‘not always’. In this case, I will make sure I do include the artist, as the majority of people would like to see this.

Always SometimesNot Always

Do Props and Costumes play and important part of the overall video in your opinion?

The majority of people feel that props and costumes are important, but not the most important aspect of the video, although the amount of people who say it is the most important is very similar. This tells me that overall, it is essential that I make sure the props and costumes are right in the video, in order to please my target audience.

Very Important



No Relevance

Do visuals and lyrics always have to have a connection?

This question shows me that the opinion on if visual and lyrics should have a connection is split. The amount of people who agree and those who disagree are almost equal, however there are also quite a few people who strongly agree. Therefore taking all of this into account, the overall opinion would be that visuals and lyrics do need to have a connection.

Strongly Agree




How do you hear about new music?

This graph shows that the majority of people asked find out about new music via Music channels, and therefore watch music video’s. therefore, this means that my music video will have to be memorable as the audience need to remember the song and want to download it. Other high majorities include both the radio and social networking. Social networking is an important factor as it is the current zeitgeist and people may post the video for others to see and therefore the video needs to be good in order for them to want to re post it and spread.

SocialNetworking Music Channels



Do you favour music videos filmed on a set or location? The people who answered the questionnaire have said that they would prefer a music video which combines both a mixture of an outside location with some filmed in a studio. Alternatively, they would rather a music video filmed mainly on an outside location. This tells me that they would rather a music video that combines both outside location and studio set, however the majority of the video filmed on location. This is what I have planned for my video, therefore meeting the audience needs.

OutsideLocationStudio Set


Do you favour music video’s which are technically pleasing or conceptual? The majority of my audience like a music video which has meaning to it, compared to one which is mainly produced ont eh computer with special effects. For the music video I have planned am going to combine a mixture of both but have more of the video with meaning to it, than special effects. I am going to film some of the video on a studio set, and for this part I will use special effects, however the parts filmed on location will be natural. This way, although the majority prefer conceptual video’s, I am able to please everyone.



Do you prefer a video with more than one actor?

The audience like a video which has more than one actor. This is understandable, because my personal opinion would be that a video which has just one actor could become boring. This is why I made sure I would have at least 2 actors in my video. However, there are also parts of the video where there is just one actor being filmed.

Yes No

What music video channels do you watch the most? The majority of people have said they watch Viva the most. This might be because this is a free view channel which is available to everyone, in comparison to the other channels which aren't. 4music however is also a free view channel, but has the same amount of views as satellite channel MTV. YouTube is also available to everyone, as it is a internet channel and is categorised as a social networking website, and for this reason I thought this would be the most popular choice, but has come in at 3rd most popular.

MTV4MusicViva The Box YouTube

My Target Audience Profile I have found out from the research that I conducted, that my target audience

are mainly between the age of 16 & 18. They like to see the artist on the front of the Digipak more than anywhere else and also expect to see the artist in the video, apposed to just dancers for example. This tells me that they like to be able to associate with the artist, perhaps model themselves on the artist, which can only be done if they can see the artist. This point is then backed up with the results from the question ‘Do Props and Costumes play and important part of the overall video in your opinion?’ as the majority of answer were either Very important or important, therefore, my audience like to too see artist and see what they are wearing. For my music video therefore, to please the target audience I am going to ensure the artist is in the video and also on the Digipak, and I am going to make extra effort to make my actress look the part, as the audience would expect. I am also going to try to make the ‘look’ achievable for my target audience themselves. The song that I have chosen to do a music video for is Rihanna’s Take a Bow. The song is about a couple, and one has been unfaithful in the relationship, and the other has found out, so as a result they are now being kicked out of the house. However, instead of being upset, the female, who is kicking the male out of the house, she is instead proud that she found out about it, until nearer the end of the song when she begins to feel emotional. Therefore, I am going to demonstrate this to the target audience, as majority like to be able to see what is going on in the song.

Continued… To do this, I am going to be filming at the house where the couple live and I

will be showing the female inside the house looking out at the male outside the house beginning for forgiveness and to come in to talk about it. However, as the chorus of the song is repeated throughout the song, this is will filmed in a studio. I decided this because the target audience like to have a mixture of both location scenes and also studio scenes, and also it breaks up the video and stops it from becoming boring. As I have previously mentioned, there will be both a male and female in the video to demonstrate what is going on, as this will enable the audience to have a greater understanding of the lyrics of the song as it will be better demonstrated with two people. Also my target audience prefer video which have more than one actor in, therefore this will be pleasing to the audience.

As you may agree, this video is a video which has a concept. The video is about relationships and break up’s. the message in the video is that women can still be independent and strong even without men in their lives, and therefore shouldn’t depend on them. When they are in the wrong, women should do what's right for them and put themselves first, especially when going through a hard time. Women should be strong even when they are hurting inside. That is what I want my audience to be able to see when watching the video. And I thought getting a message across was more important in a video, as the target audience agrees.

Continued…From the polls, I was also able to find out that the majority of my

audience find out about new music from watching music channels. Therefore, the video needs to be right, because although they will not see the video when they are listening to the song from the mp3 player, they will be constantly reminded of the video every time they hear the song, and I would rather the video be something they want to remember rather than something they are forced to remember and don’t like. 4music & Viva are popular choice to watch music video’s, and these are both free view channels, therefore, anyone can access them at anytime. This is even more reason to get the music video exactly how the audience want to see it, as if they turn on the TV and the video is on, I don’t want them to change the channel over to a different channel. I want them to want to watch it, and they won't if they don’t like it. YouTube is also another popular choice, which is also available to everyone at all times, however you have to search for the video to be able to access it, and they only way that people are going to search for it is if the video is good, and they want to be able to watch it whenever they want, in there free time.