Target audience includes both internal and external LaMPSS ...€¦ · Target audience includes...

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Transcript of Target audience includes both internal and external LaMPSS ...€¦ · Target audience includes...

Target audience includes both internal and external LaMPSS users who are responsible for reporting on/validating service registration activities.


The EAS activity report has been split into 4 reports in release 2.09. The Case Management Activity Summary and Detail reports and the Service Registration Activity Summary and Details reports. Each of these reports was based on the design/content of the applicable EAS activity report section. Reports were split out to improve system performance as well as to support those agreements that will involve service registration but not case management.

This material will cover the Service Registration reports.


The Service Registration Summary report provides a summarized view of the group/individual services completed during the selected date range for the selected accountability.

For Group services this report will display:• A single summarized row showing the total sessions and participant counts for the

selected report parameters• A summary row, by service type and service name, showing the participant counts

for each service (group session) that completed within the selected report parameters

For Individual services this report will display:• A summary row, by service type with summarized participant counts indicating the

total number of visits to each service type for the selected report parameters• A summary row, by service type and service name, showing the total number of

participants who attended that service and the total number of visits (or sessions) that completed for the selected report parameters

The report display has also been improved in the sense that column headings have been re-labelled to improve the users awareness of what the number they are seeing


represents (e.g. addition of the words “unique” and “new” to the column heading).


This report is available to both internal and external users. Both groups access the report the same way – from the Reports left side navigation menu off the Organization Home Page. External users may only execute the report for their services whereas internal staff may execute the report for any organization’s services.

New reports have the same functionality as the existing reports in that they can be generated, saved and attached to an activity reporting submission to support the numbers reported.


All parameters are required, at least one accountability must be selected.

The drop down will contain a list of all OFA’s that are enabled for Case Management/Service Registration for the organization, i.e. the list contains any OFA, for the organization, where the associated program allows Service Registration.


In this example the report is being run for the West Nova Inclusive Employment Society and includes services that occurred between 1-Sep-2014 and 31-Mar-2015 for agreement 146799.


The group services section of this report provides a summary of the group services delivered during the selected reporting period for the selected accountability.

In this example there are a total of 3 group services that saw a total of 55 participants completed those services between 1-Apr-2014 and 31-Mar-2015. There were 20 unique participants, implying that some participants may have attended multiple services, and 15 of the 20 were new participants to the service under the agreement.

The next section displays one row for each group service type delivered including the name of the workshop, the date(s) delivered and the total participants in that session.


The individual services section of this report provides a summary of the individual services delivered during the selected reporting period for the selected accountability.

In this example there were a total of 5 individual services. Looking at the 1st service “Assessment-CareerCounselling” there were a total of 95 sessions that occurred between 1-Apr-2014 and 31-Mar-2015. There were a total of 51 unique participants who participated in those 95 sessions, of the 51 participants 34 were new participants to the service during the reporting period. For each row in the Service Type section the first number represents the total visits by all participants then the next 2 numbers provide information about the number of unique participants in a service based on if they were existing or new participants.

The Service Type section displays a row for each individual service delivered by service type and includes the name of the service, total visits to the unique participants in the service, total new unique participants and total visits to the service for the selected reporting period.

Notes: • total unique this period is a count of all participants across all services that have


never participated in a service with this organization since the start date of the (OFA) agreement.

• this report is executed in real-time and reports on the information as of the point in time the report is requested. The statistics may change if the report is re-run at a different time due to on-going and/or retro-active updates to case information that impacts the case status.


Depending on the report parameters selected and the state of the service registration information this report may generate no results or include 1 or many group/individual services. This report is point in time – if information is updated after the report is generated the next time the report is requested it may display different totals!


This report was based on the Enhanced Services Group/Individual sections of the EAS Activity Report. For this release the report has been enhanced to include additional report parameters and will display any additional participant information entered for participants in a service included on the report.


Internal/External users access the report the same way – from the Reports left side navigation menu off the Organization Home Page. External users may only execute the report for their services whereas internal staff may execute the report for any organization’s services.

New reports have the same functionality as the existing reports in that they can be generated, saved and attached to an activity reporting submission to support the numbers reported.


New report selection criteria include Contact Person, Service Type, Service Status, Service Format and Participant Status.

When Service ID is entered with other parameters LaMPSS will display a message warning indicating “other search parameters are ignored when service ID is provided”. Note: when searching by Service ID Service From and To Dates are also required.


In this example the report is being run for the West Nova Inclusive Employment Society for both group and individual format services where the contact person is either Gina or Simonne, for all service statuses and all participant statuses for all service types that occurred between 1-Sep-2014 and 31-Mar-2015.


The report will display 1 row of information for every service that meets the report selection criteria. Expanding the row (by clicking the ‘+’ to the left of the row) will display the participants enrolled in the service.

Note: this report displays “scrubbed” – the information displayed is for demonstration purposes.


Depending on the report parameters selected this report will display a list of 1 or multiple services; for each service users may expand the service to see a list of participants enrolled in that service; for each participant in a service, when additional participant information exists, users will be able to expand the participant information to see any additional participant information that has been entered.