Target Audience Development Workbook for Speakers,...

Post on 17-Mar-2018

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Transcript of Target Audience Development Workbook for Speakers,...

Target Audience Development Workbook for Speakers, & Solo-preneurs

(part of the #DoMoreSpeaking series)

Creating a sustainable speaking

or solo business requires knowing

the intended audience, targeting

the content, and curating a

combination of content that gets

consumed and shared. Knowing

who you want to reach requires a

bit of effort!

© 2010-2016 By:

Rae-Ann Ruszkowski

Published: SyncRay Publishing


iStockPhoto & Presenter Media Creative Commons

Rae-Ann Ruszkowski Camden, NJ 08002


2 Target Audience Development Workbook #DoMoreSpeaking

CONTENTS: Forward ………………………….. 4 The Main Reason …………………… 5

What are Target Audiences .…… 7

Target Demographics ….………… 8

Target Tip ………………………….….. 9 Target Generic Problems ………. 10 Creating Personas/Profiles …. 11 The Template ………………..…. 12

Reach ………………………….. 14 Why It Matters …………….… 15

Author Page ………………. 16

3 Target Audience Development Workbook #DoMoreSpeaking

Forward: Can we talk? Get some coffee, or a good cup of real hot chocolate – even some almond milk with some cinnamon, a little vanilla, warmed and drizzled with Organic/raw honey (for those of us that like sweet, but want healthy). Let me tell you how it is. First things first – In consulting, coaching, and mentoring Emerging Speakers, Small Business startups, and Solo-preneurs, I see this one major ‘hurdle’ that holds each and everyone of them back once they get past their idea and diving into doing something with it. Ready?? Wanting to serve everyone – at the same time. That their same message, or idea, will serve everyone equally; that they can ‘tailor’ their speech or service on demand; that they, as an individual, are equally appealing to everyone. This is so not the case. Emerging Speakers initially resist this ‘id your target’ advice, then come back a year later and wonder why they are still not getting paid for speeches. Or small business owners wonder why their product and services haven’t taken off, even though they are on all the Social Media platforms. You cannot serve others or create products / services for ‘everyone’, without first knowing and understanding who you can best serve. This guide helps you identify who you relate to, who needs what you offer, those who don’t yet know that you are the person they need. Identifying these groups of people ahead of time helps you to craft specific content, tools, products / services for them. This is important to you if you are just starting out – whether as a business or a speaker. Established businesses / speakers are already known and connected. It is your responsibility to get the word out about yourself. And the easiest, cheapest way to do that is to use online avenues, tailored to specific, targeted groups. To make the most of those efforts, it is critical to get really specific on whom you want to reach. Focusing successfully on that group of people, and working to establish connections / relationships, then it is much easier to build from there, to get more connected and to get more exposure., and get to serving ‘everyone’. We have created a very basic template here to help you identify and create your key target markets.

4 Target Audience Development Workbook #DoMoreSpeaking

Simply…we want you to be an ‘in-demand’

and ‘profitable’ Emerging Speaker!

You have a powerful message you want to share. You have a product or service which could make a difference in someone’s life. (and YOURS!) You want to make a difference.

AND – You want to make money, more importantly, earn a living from it. Creating the lifestyle you want to live.

There are so many people who go to the grave with a powerful lesson or message in their hearts, who didn’t think they had options. Life is too short, and we live in a time where there are so many (even overwhelming!) options.

You don’t have to be a technically proficient speaker – you need to have a powerful message, tailored for the right people.

We help you conquer the digital divide to get your message out there!

5 Target Audience Development Workbook #DoMoreSpeaking

Whether you are an Emerging Speaker looking to become a Professional Speaker, or a Business Owner / Solo-preneur looking to transition into Speaking to grow your business, if you are committed to bringing your vision alive – we’re here to help.

We create and share support mechanisms, practice platforms, and best practices for the committed Emerging Speaker looking to do whatever it takes to stand out among the established Speakers.


If you are interested, you do what is convenient.

If you are committed, you do whatever it takes! - John Assaraf

Target Audience Development Workbook #DoMoreSpeaking

• What is a Target Audience Persona? A target audience ‘personna’ is a fictional representation of your ideal audience member who would BEST benefit from hearing your message, using your product or service. Based on real data about customer demographics and online behavior, along with educated speculation about their personal histories, motivations, and concerns, you create a ‘profile’ of the perfect client, person that you want to work with, speak to, and support.

• Why use a Customer Persona? A personna, or ‘profile’ allows you to target a specific client or audience member’s uniquely tailored issues, likes, language – allowing you to ‘use their own words’ to directly connect with them, so you can become relatable and relevant – as if you are speaking directly to them. A personna is made of all kinds of information, called demographics, which help you define a create a ‘person’ that directs your content, platform, and visual efforts.

7 Target Audience Development Workbook #DoMoreSpeaking

Ex: Professional Women 45-60, in a Management or above

position OR

Technically oriented milennial male, single, who programs, in the Northeast region


Who are Yours?

Id all of the clients best suited

for your product or services

8 Target Audience Development Workbook #DoMoreSpeaking

?? Are you having a hard time identifying

your ‘real target’ audiences??

Go deeper. Go past the obvious.

Who do you really connect with?


Your differences, those things that make you who you are,

actually are what will get you booked. Your story. Your way.

Ride a Harley?

Fix Porsches?

Triathlete / Ironman?

• Abandoned?

• Controversial?

• Ethnic?

• Early Adopter?

Get to the root of your unique idea; what makes your point of view / message different. Explore what sets you apart…. Why you?

These are the same people you can start with for your personnas.

Target Audience Development Workbook #DoMoreSpeaking

Examples: • Lack of adequate healthcare for freelancer

• Inability to design room specific heating/cooling

• Lack of sales training for >50 women

• Difficulty to obtain quick, reliable, relatable tech solutions in home for elderly

What problems can you ID based on your ‘person’?:

In order to present yourself as a solutions provider / ‘the’

speaker to hire, you need to research & id key issues /

needs that specific groups are facing.

10 Target Audience Development Workbook #DoMoreSpeaking

You will derive the most benefit from ‘personalizing’ and ‘socializing’ your target personnas, to do that it helps to id:

Their Background (where they live, what they drive / where),

Basic demographics (age, income, family size)

Mannerisms: their language, terms, keywords, who they hang out with, what they do / how they do it

Their goals

Their challenges

How you can help (why you are the best person to help this group)

Give them a name, a picture, everything to ‘personalize’ so you can speak to them (hint: this can be someone you know, someone who inspires you, someone you truly want to reach)

11 Target Audience Development Workbook #DoMoreSpeaking

• Background / Lifestyle

• Demographics (age, race, gender, education, marital status, where they live, etc)

• Mannerisms / descriptive terms

• Hobbies

• Platforms they are on, topics that appeal

• Where do they work

Picture Name Age Gender Education Income

Get as specific as possible,

key is to bring them to life.

Can be modeled after people

you know.


12 Target Audience Development Workbook #DoMoreSpeaking

• Quotes / Objections / Sayings

• Goals

• Challenges / Struggles / Pains

• Objections (why they in particular will say no)

• What are they aiming for / striving towards

• How can you help, or why they need you

Picture Name Age Gender Education Income


13 Target Audience Development Workbook #DoMoreSpeaking

• How can you market to them? What specific language can you use to explain your solutions, your products / services / you so your personna will connect? What platforms?

• What’s your elevator pitch to this person?

Picture Name Age Gender Education Income


This exercise helps you create messaging specifically tailored to your target audiences, and helps to keep you consistent across platforms, so the same messaging carries through.

14 Target Audience Development Workbook #DoMoreSpeaking

To make this whole exercise even

more beneficial, try it with / for

Planners, and pitching them only

after you created a profile for them.


As an Emerging Speaker, outside of your key target audience, your #1 target audience is the planner. Many more are looking to take a shot on an Emerging Speaker, to get some new blood, new thought, new energy into the event (not more of the same ole same ole).

You have several ways to make yourself stand out – and understanding the planner and the event is the top must-do’s.

Planners are a unique bunch. Overworked – particularly weeks before the event. And many are volunteers. Make their jobs easier. Make it easier to:

• Find you • Hire you • Promote you • Recommend you

Target Audience Development Workbook #DoMoreSpeaking

16 Target Audience Development Workbook #DoMoreSpeaking

Meeting Planners

Category 1

Sub Cat 1.1

Sub Cat 1.2

Cat 2

Category 3

Sub Cat 3.1

Sub Cat 3.1













– ID




o E





– ID





Meeting Planners



Mktg Profs Comm Profs

Info Systems

Student Club Pres

Business Fraternities


Mid tier schools





PA Chapter NJ Chapter











Target Audience Development Workbook #DoMoreSpeaking


Target 1: Quick Facts

1 Quick Fact #1 2




WHAT THIS SAYS about Planner 1

Give yourself key personal attributes, important facts, commonalities you can connect on (in a sincere way, not a fake, just to get the connection way). This could also include things you want to remember when reaching out to them, ways you can help, it’s to help you really connect, and improve your com- munications with them, and establish a relationship that will last beyond you getting to speak at the organization. Org major pain point: identify 1 or 2 pain points so you can use when talking & how you can help Target 1: PMI Chapter, Event Committee

Quick Fact #2 Quick Fact #3

Quick Fact #4

Quick Fact #5 Quick tip: if person is online, copy their pic

and paste here



Because you want a Bull's-eye.

Because you want to make money.

Because you want to progress.


As an Emerging Speaker, interested in getting more speaking engagements and getting paid, there are several key areas that must be addressed within an integrated strategy, and identifying your key target audience(s) is in the top 3. Once identified and you focus on reaching this audience, all kinds of doors open. In future and expanded editions of this workbook, you will be presented with how to specifically use this information for marketing, messaging, emailing and further segmenting so you can better benefit and grow from these audiences.

It’s about building momentum, by getting the right version of your message

to the right audience, at the perfect time that they need it.

Target Audience Development Workbook #DoMoreSpeaking

A Coachsultant for Solo-preneurs, Freelancers, Speakers, Small Business owners and Individuals looking to create something bigger for their speaking, their business, and their career. As the Founder of the Emerging Speakers Bureau, and her own business, she knows how hard it is to get your speaking off the ground, to bootstrap your business, and to build your exposure. Some things can be done via the DIY method, sometimes with a partner, and sometimes you need the expert. It’s tough to appear like a professional, build your brand, AND keep your expenses down while building a business. That’s why the Digitally Speaking Institute, the SSM4SU (SMART Social Media for Startups course) and corresponding workbooks were created. With an extensive Fortune 500 background in Web Site development, Marketing & Communications, and Project Management, Rae-Ann is your Ultimate Wingman. She’s been in your spot – and she can ignite your

dream and work with you to get you there.

AUTHOR PAGE: Rae-Ann Ruszkowski

@RARuszkowski Emerging Speakers Facebook Group Emerging Speakers Meetup

19 Target Audience Development Workbook #DoMoreSpeaking

People want to be a part of something bigger, something that

captures or delivers emotion, provides for a change of state, solves a

pain. The more story you share about your mission, your

commitment, why you love what you do, in a manner and language

specific to your target. the more your target will be involved with

you and support you in the future – especially if you ‘get’ them, and

communicate on their level.

What story can you start weaving, with your target audiences?

20 Target Audience Development Workbook #DoMoreSpeaking