Target audience

Post on 20-May-2015

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Transcript of Target audience

Target Audience


Who are teenagers?

A teenager is someone who's age falls between the range of thirteen and nineteen (13-19). Nowadays teenagers are vastly becoming a topic of discussion because of the changing lifestyle and habits that on a large scale bring about a drastic change in the world and its thinking.

Why Pop Music?

I formed group of youths ranging from ages 13-17, I asked them all which music genre they preferred. Majority of the teenagers, Boys and girls prefer “Pop” music.

Teenagers can enjoy every type of music because of there adaptability they can listen to any music.

Life style (GIRLS)

Modern Girls would work service industry styled jobs and live on their own, not completely dependent on there family, there mother teach them how to manage a household. They. The hobbies now a days are far different from what they used to be rather than collecting dolls they watch TV shows and listen to music and some might not even take up extracurricular as life in the modern world is very hectic and busy.

Dressing (GIRLS)

Life Style (BOYS)

Boys are actually independent, work on there own and build there own future. They spend most of there time with there friends. Most of the boys are addictive to music. They actively take parts in extra-co-curricular activities. They like Sports and watch them on TV for hours. They are mostly interested in cars, mobile phone, computer mostly in technology. They love video games and spend hours playing games on there computer or gaming console.

Dressing (BOYS)

Hangout Places