Tapouts - Updated Media Pack - India - Local Brand Partners

Post on 21-Jan-2018

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Transcript of Tapouts - Updated Media Pack - India - Local Brand Partners



whats local today

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In 2015 60% of all internet users will access the internet through mobile devices and also by 2017 90% traffic on the

internet would be videos. Hence everything online is easier on TAPs and will be more about Taping than Typing. Social

media is becoming expensive by the day because word of mouth is the best way for any Brand big or small to start

recruiting an honest fan base. In 2014 for fans to find, reach & engage with any local or online Brand, product or service

around them & anywhere in the world on TAPs we launched an App called “whats local today”. This App is the World’s

1st mobile class browser for iOS, Android & Windows that help users to “TAP MORE & TYPE LESS” to connect with

their favourite Brands, Products or Services. In 2015 for any Brand to find, reach and engage with targeted local Fans

through interactive videos/apps/website/other digital content types promoted through TAPs on any selected social

media network, we are introducing tapouts by “whats local today”.

Comparisons with other Local Broadcast based advertising media’s

What are tapouts ?

Tapouts are video ready mobile adverts broadcasted to a targeted audience promoting Branded content throughout

the whats local today network. Recommendations on social media always work better than self-advertising. tapouts

are content ready, boosted social posts sent by “whats local today” delivered into mobile social newsfeeds of targeted

fans on a selected social networks for Fans to be able to like, follow, share or care on a TAP to explore

“whats local today” @ your business / brand?

“Tapouts are independent recommendations about your Brand to your Local audiences based on what they like,

follows, share or care about today & so that they can become fans & endorse your Brand. The networks we choose

to recommend Brands on are Facebook, Twitter, Google+, LinkedIn, Pinterest & Instagram.”

Types of local




10 Crore Guaranteed

50 Crore no Guarantee

50 Crore no Guarantee

10 Crore no Guarantee

Targeting Possible

Pay Per View

Mobile Ready

Social Ready

Content Ready

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How does it work? - As simple as 1, 2 & 3

1. The Brand selects, decided & controls throughout the:

i. Location or Locations where promotion is needed.

ii. Channels on which to promote via the network, i.e. Facebook, twitter etc

iii. Other Demographics & Interests: example, playing golf, playstation etc

iv. Mobile Devices: Brands, Makes & Models of the mobile device to target.

v. Reach & Frequency: i.e. How many mobile impressions are needed?

2. We create a 10-20 second Video sharing the Brands Value & message and send it for approval.

3. Finally we broadcast, analyse & generate a “Tap Report” to understand “who cares” today?

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Annual Mobile & Online Marketing packages

For Full Terms and Conditions please contact your local brand manager.

The above rates are excluding all local taxes which will be charged as per the local laws.

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