Tap the Enter key to go to the next slide 1 Welcome to Santa Fe Community College Student Employment...

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Transcript of Tap the Enter key to go to the next slide 1 Welcome to Santa Fe Community College Student Employment...

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Welcome to Santa Fe Community College Student

Employment Orientation! We hope that you will be very successful

in your employment.

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Thank you for taking the time out of your schedule to view the entire Student

Employment Orientation presentation.We will Discuss:

Institutional Policy


Human Resource Concerns

Financial Aid

Student Employment PlacementThe opportunity for you to work is a fundamental part of Santa Fe Community

College’s philosophy and program. Participation is voluntary, but every student is urged to take advantage of the opportunity to learn through work, and about work, as

a part of the total education package.”

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Student Employment PlacementIf this is your first time for employment you need to follow these instructions:

Go to the Student Employment Office (Room 204G)for an Interview

Go the Financial Aid Office to determine if you are employed on the Work-Study Program or as a Student Worker

The Student Employment Officer will refer you to different departments for a job interview.

Referrals will be made according to the type of employment you are seeking,your skills, and your schedule availability.

Complete the New Work-Study & Student Employee Orientation Process sheet in your packet given to you by the Human Resource Office.

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Student Employment RequirementsBelow are requirements that you must meet in order to be employed at Santa Fe Community College

Must be enrolled in at least 6 credit Hours. Must have a Declaration of Major. Must be in Good Academic Standing. If you drop below Half-time status you may not be allowed employment. The expected duration of your employment is scheduled for a minimum of one full

semester. During regular school term your maximum hours of employment is 20 hrs week. “Academic credit for my Work-Study job?"

A student cannot be paid for receiving instruction in a classroom, laboratory, or other academic setting.

Please read your Work-Study & Student Worker Orientation Manual for further employment information.

International students must receive approval each semester for employment from the Admissions Director.

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SPECIAL RESTRICTIONS Per Immigration and Naturalization Service regulation, failure to comply with the following policy is a violation of the student's visa status that could ultimately result in deportation.

During the fall and spring semesters, international students may not work more than TWENTY (20) hours per pay week, Friday through Thursday, in ALL jobs combined.

If employed by more than one department or under multiple payrolls, the student must arrange his/her schedule with each department and under each payroll so that the COMBINED hours worked in all positions does not exceed twenty hours per pay week.

During spring break, and summer, if the student is eligible and intends to register for courses for the next semester, an international student may work full time, up to, but not more than, forty (40) hours per pay week, Friday through Thursday, in all jobs combined.

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The Rights of Student Employee are:

1. The Right to be treated fairly and equitably by the University. 2. The Right to know what is expected of you concerning your work schedule, actual duties, and any other requirements made by the supervisor. 3. The Right to be informed about your work performance.4. The Right to an explanation if you are terminated. 5. The Right to use your campus jobs as references for future employers and/or credit institutions.

The Responsibilities of Student Employee are:

1. Take the job seriously. It is a real job and an important one. 2. Perform tasks in a professional manner 3. Know who your supervisor is and what he/she expects of you. 4. Inform your supervisor if you must be late or absent. 5. Keep an accurate account of the hours you work. 6. Do not be afraid to ask for help-there is no such thing as a stupid question! 7. Confidentiality is critical in some offices, act accordingly. 8. Maintain eligibility requirements for work on-campus. 9. Assume responsibility for yourself as an employee. Remember, you are a representative of the College.

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"SFCC employees shall put forth honest effortin the performance of their duties."

This statement refers to the need for professionalism in theworkplace.Student employee positions are real jobs and should be treatedas such. Consider your job as an opportunity for professionaldevelopment and an excellent occasion for you to build skillsyou cannot learn in a classroom. For example, you could learnabout office politics, chain of command, and how organizationswork. In addition, your employer can later serve as a greatcharacter reference and can be an excellent resource for lettersof recommendation.

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Employment Tips Tips for the Workplace:

- Always provide at least 30 minutes notice if you are ill and are not able to report for work. - If you call in, be sure to speak directly to your supervisor. - Do not let friends call in for you. A parent or spouse may call if you physically cannot call. - Provide at least 2 days notice for any scheduled time off (i.e. exams, projects, vacation). - Key: Plan ahead. Stick to your scheduled work times. Don’t change your schedule every week. Your employer relies on you

more than you may realize Dress appropriately for your work environment. Check with your supervisor to see if your department has a

dress code for student employees. Remember that when you are at work, you represent not only your department, but also the College.

When you leave a position, always give 2 weeks notice and write a letter of resignation. Your personnel file is open to anyone with authority to view it. This includes prospective employers, law

enforcement agencies, the military, and anyone doing a background check. If you receive any additional training on the job, make sure to have a copy of the certification form placed in

your personnel file. Please do not study while on the clock. You are paid to work, not study!

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What follows will answer questions raised by many students concerning their

employment at Santa Fe Community College.


AFFIRMATIVE ACTION POLICY Santa Fe Community College does not discriminate against any person in employment, promotion, or education opportunity because of race, color, creed, religion, age, sex, marital status, beliefs, national origin, disabling condition, veteran s status, or limited English proficiency. The College subscribes to the provisions of Title IX of the Educational Amend-ment with respect to equal opportunities for man and women in its educational program and encourages students to investigate non-traditional careers.

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Alcohol Abuse & Illicit Drug Use

"Santa Fe Community College (SFCC) is committed to protecting the safety, health, and well-being of itsemployees, students, and all people who come into contact with its property and facilities. Recognizingthat drug and alcohol abuse poses a direct and substantial threat to this goal, SFCC is committed toproviding a drug-free working environment for all of its employees.

Illicit Drug Policy: SFCC prohibits the illicit use, sale, attempted sale,conveyance, distribution, manufacture, cultivation, dispensation, purchase, attempted purchase, andpossession of illegal drugs, intoxicants, or controlled substances, at any time and in any amount or in anymanner. Illicit drugs include all drugs for which possession is illegal under federal or state law, includingprescription drugs for which the individual does not have a valid prescription.

Prescription Drug Policy: SFCC prohibits the use of prescription medications for which the employeedoes not have a valid prescription, and the use of prescription medication in a manner inconsistent with theprescription.

Failure to comply with this Rule may result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination.

An employee who violates any of the drug laws will be reported to the appropriate law enforcementagency and will be subject to prosecution in accordance with the law. Legal sanctions for violation oflocal, state and federal laws may include, but not be limited to: fines, probation, jail or prison sentences."

Human Resources Office

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"From time to time SFCC employees may need to make personal telephone calls during working hours. Normally, such use does not result in additional costs or damage to SFCC and generally will not hinder the day-to-day

operation of an office. Incidental use of SFCC telephones during working hours by SFCC employees for local calls is not considered to be a misapplication of state property, and is permissible so long as it does not unduly interfere

with the employee’s assigned responsibilities or the normal functioning of an office."

"Use of telephones, facsimile machines, electronic mail, and other means of communication is considered to be a misapplication of state equipment if it results in additional costs being incurred by SFCC employees, including long

distance charges, or damage to the equipment.”

This policy states that you are entitled to use the equipment in your office, within reason.

Before placing any personal call, check with your supervisor. Most supervisors will not mind you placing an occasional personal call from work, as long as you do not make the call in a high traffic area or from a main phone

line. Calls made should be brief.

Long distance calls on phone or fax may be placed using a calling card or by calling collect.DO NOT ATTEMPT TO CHARGE LONG DISTANCE CALLS TO THE SFCC SYSTEM.

If you are given an e-mail account through your office, find out the purpose of the account. Ask if you can you share the address with friends and family or if it is it business use only.

Respect the purpose of office copiers. They are not intended for personal use.

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Sexual Harassment

"Sexual harassment means unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexualfavors, or other verbal, visual or physical conduct of a sexual nature, submission towhich is made a condition of a person’s exercise or enjoyment of any right,privilege, power, or immunity, either explicitly or implicitly."

"Some examples that may constitute sexual harassment are: Offensive sexual flirtations, advances, or pressure for sexual activity; unwanted touching, pinching, or unnecessary brushes; unwanted exposure to sexual graffiti,photographs or suggestive objects; sexual innuendoes or statements made atinappropriate times or disguised as humor, or obscene gestures; disparaging remarksabout one’s gender; or any offensive or abusive physical contact."

Employees should never be made to feel uncomfortable at work. If somethinghappens, notify someone! If you are not comfortable speaking with your employer,speak with someone in the Human Resource Office or with the Dean of StudentServices.

This policy is not intended to dictate behavior to anyone, it was designed to protect allemployees. However, you must be mindful of conversations and the officeenvironment. All students, parents, and visitors, as well as employees should findSanta Fe Community College to be a welcoming and friendly campus.

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Sexual Harassment

Sexual harassment is a form of sex discrimination that violates Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

Unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexualnature constitutes sexual harassment when submission to or rejection of this conduct explicitly orimplicitly affects an individual's employment, unreasonably interferes with an individual's workperformance or creates an intimidating, hostile or offensive work environment.

Sexual harassment can occur in a variety of circumstances, including but not limited to the following:

The victim as well as the harasser may be a woman or a man. The victim does not have to be of theopposite sex. The harasser can be the victim's supervisor, an agent of the employer, a supervisor inanother area, a co-worker, or a non-employee. The victim does not have to be the person harassed butcould be anyone affected by the offensive conduct. Unlawful sexual harassment may occur withouteconomic injury to or discharge of the victim. The harasser's conduct must be unwelcome.

It is helpful for the victim to directly inform the harasser that the conduct is unwelcome and must stop.The victim should use any employer complaint mechanism or grievance system available.

When investigating allegations of sexual harassment, EEOC looks at the whole record: thecircumstances, such as the nature of the sexual advances, and the context in which the alleged incidentsoccurred. A determination on the allegations is made from the facts on a case-by-case basis.

Human Resources Office

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Work Schedules

Student employees are hired as part-time, and should be scheduled as such. We rely on themanagement skills of supervisors and the good judgment of student employees to take allfactors into consideration when establishing work schedules. Supervisors and students shouldensure that academic pursuits remain a top priority.

In between semesters (when classes are not in session) or during a summer term in which astudent is not enrolled, student employees may work 40 hours a week. Any hours over 40 areeligible for overtime pay or compensatory time. However, overtime pay cannot come fromCollege Work Study funding.

NO STUDENT EMPLOYEE can work during time scheduled for class.

Work performed during school holidays and breaks between academic periods is eligible for theexemption if: 1.The break is less than 5 weeks long, and 2.The student is enrolled or eligible to enroll in the first academic period following the break.

However, if the break is longer than 5 weeks or the student is not enrolled or eligible to enroll inthe next academic period, the student will not be eligible for the FICA exemption. Therefore, itis possible (or even probable) that a student employee will have some wages that were subject toFICA taxes and some wages that were exempt from FICA taxes during the same year.

For more information, contact Payroll Office at 505-428-1244

Financial Aid Office & Payroll Office

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Student employees are not eligible to receive paid holidays,retirement, vacation nor sick leave. Additionally, as a part-timeemployee, the condition of employment is considered At Will*,and as such, employees may be terminated at any time.

*At Will means that an employee is not under contract. At anytime, for any reason, your employer can terminate youremployment. At the same time, you can quit at any time, for anyreason. In any case, it is good practice on both the part of anemployer and an employee to discuss issues affecting performanceor attendance. Employees should be given an opportunity tocorrect actions before being terminated for disciplinary reasons.Any employee in violation of Santa Fe Community College policyor the law may be terminated involuntarily.

Payroll Office

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College Work Study Timesheets

The Federal and State College Work Study Programs provide part-time employment for U.S. citizens, permanentresidents and certain other non-citizens who are half-time students and have a demonstrated financial need.Students who attend the University during the summer session only are not eligible for this program. The maximumamount a recipient may earn under this program is determined through the Free Application for Federal StudentAid (FAFSA). Students employed under this program are paid at least minimum wage and may work up to 20hours per week (depending upon financial aid award and class schedule). Overtime cannot be paid from work studyfunds.

It is the student's and supervisor's responsibility to monitor work study earnings in order to ensure that they do notexceed the allocation awarded.

If you run out of funding, check with the Financial Aid Offce to see if you are eligible for additional funding. If youare not eligible for additional funding your employer may be able to pay 100% of your wages as a student worker.Otherwise, your employment may be terminated.

The Financial Aid Office MUST receive all work study timesheets by 10:00 am Thursday before the Pay Period.Whose responsibility it will be to send timesheets to the Financial Aid Office should be negotiated with yoursupervisor. If the Financial Aid Office does not receive your timesheet, you will NOT be paid that pay period. TheFinancial Aid Office must authorize payment of CWS funds before checks are cut. Timesheets are used in verifyingtime reported.

Work study students may Not exceed the allocation awarded

Work-Study students are paid every other Friday (every two weeks). Paychecks are sent to the business office-Cashiers.

Please go to the Cashiers Office to pick up your Employment check!

Financial Aid Office

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TimesheetsIt is a good idea to keep a copy of your timesheets as a means ofdouble-checking the accuracy of your paycheck. It is also a good practice tomaintain your timesheet daily. In addition to the number of hours that youworked (i.e. 4 hours), record the specific time that you worked (i.e. 1:00–5:00 p.m.).Keeping track of your time daily will help you avoid having to remember what hours youworked last Monday.

Please remember to submit your timesheets to the Financial Aid Office by the Deadlinedate.

Also, it is a good idea to keep your timesheet at work. Do not keep it in your book bagand carry it with you. Make sure your supervisor knows where you keep your timesheet.If timesheets are due and you are not at work on that day, your supervisor will be able tosubmit it for you. However, unless you have recorded your time daily, you supervisorwill not have anything to submit.

If you miss the timesheet deadline, you will not be paid that pay period. Your hours willbe reported on the next cycle. It is not your supervisor's responsibility to remind youwhen timesheets are due. Virtually every department across campus posts the SFCCBiweekly Student Employees Pay Schedule (Payroll will also provide you a copy). It isimportant to realize that at certain times of the year, timesheets may be due on a day outof the ordinary cycle. Your supervisor will be able to provide this information.

Financial Aid Office

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Santa Fe Community College Statement of Vision and Values

"SFCC recognizes that all people have rights at work, including the right to be treated withrespect and dignity, the right to be recognized and rewarded fairly for performance, andthe right to a work environment free from discrimination and harassment. SFCC iscommitted to these rights. All people at SFCC are expected to treat each other inaccordance with these rights." (excerpt)

Student Employee Grievances

The Dean of Student Service Office assists student employees who feel that they havebeen treated unfairly by their supervisor or fear that their working conditions are not whatthey should be. The Dean of Student Service staff is happy to act as a sounding board andoffer suggestions for dealing with your situation. In addition to informal counseling, theHuman Resource Office facilitates a formal grievance process for employment-relatedincidents. Please notify the Dean of anything that you feel is unethical or makes you feeluncomfortable. It is important that we know how our student employees are being treatedin the workplace.

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Willie Bachicha, Kelly Baca

Meena Moest Alice Ortega Angelina Romero Dolores Napier

Barbara Tucci

505-428-1268 505-428-1285 505-428-1203 505-428-1208 505-428-1264

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Security and Safety for Student Employees

The major responsibility for the safety and well being of students, faculty and staff members at SFCC restswith the Campus Safety personnel which are sensitive to the unique nature of the college community.

The well-trained officers investigate all criminal incidents on campus. They also are trained to performemergency first aid.

The Campus Safety officer cooperates with other law enforcement agencies at the local, county, state andfederal level. This includes police communications, a computer system accessing nationwide records,coordination of special events and a mutual assistance program.

The department offers these additional services to the campus:

- Nighttime escorts on campus- Full-time crime prevention unit- Foot patrols throughout the campus during evening hours- Monitor service for 911 calls- Response to network of fire, smoke, and intrusion alarms

Other Safety ResourcesFire services – The Santa Fe Station Fire Department responds to fire calls and activation of alarms on campus.

Medical emergencies –. These are based at the St Vincent Hospital on a 24-hour basis.

Remember,Please write the word “Money” in the Money Bag symbol on your Orientation Certificate!!!-Important

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Please Print Information:

Social Security Number __________________________ Student Name ______________________________

Department Employed __________________________ Dept Supervisor ____________________________

This is to certify that I have attended or viewed the Student Employment Orientation Session held for all student employees atSANTA FE COMMUNITY COLLEGE.I understand that all policies of Santa Fe Community College are subject to all relevant laws, rules, and regulations of the federalgovernment. Any policy, regulation, rule or procedure found to be in conflict w ith a state or federal law, rule, or regulation shall be nulland void to the extent of the conflict. In addition, as a new student employee of SFCC, I acknowledge viewing information concerning thefollowing specific topics of interest: Alcohol Abuse & Illicit Drug Use Ethics Policy Sexual Harassment Policy Workers' Compensation Information Overtime Policy for Student Employees Student FICA Exemption Student Employment Status and Benefit Eligibility

I understand that I am not eligible to receive paid holidays, retirement, vacation or sick leave. Additionally ; as a part-time employee, thecondition of my employment is considered At W ill, and as such, I may be terminated at any time.

____________________________________________ _______________________________ Student Signature Date

Please retain a copy of th is certificate for your records and submit a copy to your employer as proof of completion.

I f you have any questions regarding the areas discussed above. The following is a list of individuals you maycontact:

Vivelo, Frank President-Santa Fe Community ColllegeCordova, J udy Dean-Student ServicesOrtego, Sheila Acting Dean-Administrative ServicesBachicha, Willie Financial aid OfficeDebbie Nikita Stover Student Employment Placement OfficeRomero, Angelina Payroll OfficeOrtega, Alice Human Resource Office

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Be sure to complete your section of the Student

employment packet and return the signed documents to Human


Please go to the Financial Aid Office to Sign or Please go to the Financial Aid Office to Sign or Submit the Orientation Certificate, showing Submit the Orientation Certificate, showing

you have viewed the presentationyou have viewed the presentation.