Tank Battle - A simple game powered by JMonkey engine

Post on 11-Apr-2017

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Transcript of Tank Battle - A simple game powered by JMonkey engine

Tank battleFarzad Nozarian - Vahid RanaeiAmirkabir university of technology


Problem DefinitionTank Movement

Android Devices Orientation Sensors

Desktops ‘WASD’ Control Keys


Problem DefinitionTank Movement/Android Devices

public void onSensorChanged(SensorEvent sensorEvent) { if (sensorEvent.sensor.getType() == Sensor.TYPE_ORIENTATION) {

float headingAngle = sensorEvent.values[0];float pitchAngle = sensorEvent.values[1];float rollAngle = sensorEvent.values[2];// TODO Apply the orientation changes to your application.


Problem DefinitionTank Movement/Desktop Devices

inputManager.addMapping("Lefts", new KeyTrigger(KeyInput.KEY_H));inputManager.addMapping("Rights", new KeyTrigger(KeyInput.KEY_K));inputManager.addMapping("Ups", new KeyTrigger(KeyInput.KEY_U));inputManager.addMapping("Downs", new KeyTrigger(KeyInput.KEY_J));inputManager.addListener(this, "Lefts");inputManager.addListener(this, "Rights");

Problem DefinitionTank Movement/Desktop Devices


if (binding.equals("Ups")) { if (value) { accelerationValue -= 800; } else { accelerationValue += 800; } player.accelerate(accelerationValue); } else if (binding.equals("Rights")) {

if (value) { steeringValue += -.5f; } else { steeringValue += .5f; } player.steer(steeringValue); }

Problem DefinitionTank Movement

Some Abstractions


Move Forward (Accelerate)

Move Around (Steer)…

Problem DefinitionTank Movement

vehicle.steer(steeringValue) vehicle.accelerate(accelerationValue)applyImpulse





Pattern Definition

• Decouple an abstraction from its implementation so that the two can vary independently

• When abstractions and implementations should be extensible through subclassing


Pattern Definition

Pattern SolutionBridge

Problem DefinitionTank Shooting

Shooting In Real World !

Burst mode

Selective fire

Automatic firearm

Bump firing

Same ‘Fire’ Different Behaviors ?!

Pattern DefinitionTank Shooting

• Many related classes differ only in their behavior

• We need different variant of algorithm

• We need run-time shooting variationStrategy


Pattern SolutionStrategy

Problem DefinitionWorld of Complexity!

Geometrypolygon mesh


specifying its shape


Problem DefinitionWorld of Complexity!


Purpose: Abstract data structure that stores user data and transformations(= translation, rotation, scale) of elements of the 3D

Geometry Node

Visibility: visible 3D object invisible "handle" for a group of Spatials

Purpose: represent an object's lookstructure and group Geometries and other Nodes

Examples: Box, sphere, player, building, terrain, vehicle, missiles …

rootNode, audioNode, vehicleNode or shipNode with passengers attached, etc.

Pattern DefinitionWorld of Complexity!

• Compose objects into tree structures to represent part-whole hierarchies

• Clients treat individual objects and compositions of objects uniformly

• We want clients to be able to ignore the difference between compositions of objects and individual objects


Pattern SolutionWorld of Complexity!

Problem DefinitionFamily of Game Entities

Problem Definitiongame configuration Resolution


Full screen

Master volumeVoice Volume

Menu music in-game volume

..move buttons

Action buttons


Bunch of configurations !!


Problem Definitiongame configuration

public static class UserBuilder { private final String firstName; private final String lastName; .. public UserBuilder(String firstName, String lastName) { this.firstName = firstName; this.lastName = lastName; } public UserBuilder age(int age) { this.age = age; return this; } .. public User build() { return new User(this); } }


public class User { private final String firstName; // required private final String lastName; // required private final int age; // optional private final String phone; // optional private final String address; // optional private User(UserBuilder builder) { this.firstName = builder.firstName; this.lastName = builder.lastName; .. } public String getFirstName() { return firstName; } public String getLastName() { return lastName; }

public user getUser(){return new




.address(‘’Fake address 33)


Problem Definitiongame configuration

 public class Configuration {

private int displayResolution;// display resolution

private int displayMode;// full screen? private int soundVolume;//Sound volumeprivate int musicVolume; //Music volume//....

private Configuration(ConfigBuilder builder) { this.displayResolution = builder.displayResolution; this.displayMode = builder.displayMode;

.. }

public int getDisplayResolution() {return displayResolution;

}public int getDisplayMode() {

return displayMode;}..public static class ConfigBuilder{

private int displayResolution=0;// display resolution

private int displayMode=0;// full screen?

private int soundVolume=0;//Sound volume

private int musicVolume=0; //Music volume


public ConfigBuilder displayResolution(int dr)

{this.displayResolution =

dr;return this;

}public ConfigBuilder

displayMode(int dm){

this.displayMode = dm;return this;

}..public Configuration build(){

return new Configuration(this);



Problem Definitiongame configuration

But it is not all of it ..

Problem Definitiongame configuration

Builderton pattern !? :o

Problem Definitiongame configuration

public class Configuration {private static Configuration c;private int displayResolution; // display resolutionprivate int displayMode; // full screen? private int soundVolume; //Sound volumeprivate int musicVolume; //Music volume//....

private Configuration(ConfigBuilder builder) { this.displayResolution = builder.displayResolution; this.displayMode = builder.displayMode; this.soundVolume = builder.soundVolume; this.musicVolume = builder.soundVolume; }

public int getDisplayResolution() {return displayResolution;

}public int getDisplayMode() {

return displayMode;}…public static class ConfigBuilder{

private int displayResolution=0;private int displayMode=0;

private int soundVolume=0;private int musicVolume=0; //....public ConfigBuilder displayResolution(int dr){

this.displayResolution = dr;return this;

}public ConfigBuilder displayMode(int dm){

this.displayMode = dm;return this;

}…public Configuration build(){

if (c == null){ c=new

Configuration(this);return c;

}else return c;



To Be Continue …