Tank and chiller setup

Post on 25-May-2015

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Transcript of Tank and chiller setup

Trout in the Classroom

Tank and Chiller Setup

Step 1:

Disinfect everything with 10% bleach solution

Step 2:

Place tank on insulating foam.

Step 3:

Place undergravel filter in tank with openings towards back of tank.

Step 4:

Place locking tube into corner hole of filter and place pump end into tube.

Step 5: ChillersThere are 4 types of Chiller units currently being used:

Micro Chiller

Aqua-Medic Chiller

Pacific Coast Chiller

Glacier Chiller

Step 5: ChillersMicro Chiller:

Smallest unit used, has external power source.


Water in Water out

Step 5: ChillersAqua-Medic

Only a few of these are being used.

Water in Water out

Step 5: ChillersPacific Coast

These are very reliable units, but a little large.

Step 6:

The pump to run the Chiller should be totally submersed, but not attached to undergravel filter.

Step 7:

Place gravel and rock into tank.

Step 8:

Complete insulation of tank.

Step 9:

Setup and run tank for 2 weeks before eggs arrive to form Biofilter.

Step 10:

Final product if all goes well – a tank full of fry!!