Taming your email

Post on 24-Jan-2015

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Transcript of Taming your email


Your Email

Ephesians Email Exercises


Ephesians 3:20-21Bring God Glory

Ephesians 4:1-3Be Humble, Gentle, Patient & United on

God’s Word

Ephesians 4:15Email Truth in Love

Ephesians 4:29Send Only What is

Useful for Building Up

Ephesians 4:31-32Avoid Harmful

Language/Think the Best in Others

Ephesians 5:1Be Imitators of God

Ephesians 5:4Avoid Course Jesting

Before Sending…Ask:

1. To Whom is This Going?

Before Sending…Ask:

2. Have I Used “Bcc”?

Before Sending…Ask:

3. Am I Going to Regret Sending This?

Before Sending…Ask:

4. Have I Said All I Need to Say?

Before Sending…Ask:

5. Am I Angry/ Upset?

Before Sending…Ask:

6. “Reply” or “Reply All”?

Before Sending…Ask:

7. Is This a Necessary Forward?

Before Sending…Ask:

8. Have I “Proofed” This?

Ephesians Email Exercise


Ephesians 5:16Make the Most of

Your Time

Keeping Email from Controlling You

1. Don’t Sit and Wait for Emails to Come In.

Keeping Email from Controlling You

2. Use Technology to Your Advantage.

Keeping Email from Controlling You

3. Is It More Important than What You are Doing?

Keeping Email from Controlling You

4. Put Off What Can Wait (Email newsletters, for example).

Keeping Email from Controlling You

5. Work on Email in “Bunches” (schedule time for this task).

Keeping Email from Controlling You

6. Keep Your Address Book Current.

Keeping Email from Controlling You

7. Don’t Feel Obligated to Answer Every Email.

Email is communication, NOT conversati


Keeping Email from Controlling You

8. Save Forms of Common Replies to Avoid Retyping.

Keeping Email from Controlling You

9. Be Intentional & Consistent with Using or Not Using Tags and Folders.

Keeping Email from Controlling You

10. Don’t Keep So Many Emails.


Your Email