Talented Teens June 2012

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Transcript of Talented Teens June 2012

  • 7/31/2019 Talented Teens June 2012


    The Republican, Tuesday June 12, 2012 SECTION D


    Talented Teens


    Student profiles in music,art, dance and drama

    Pages D2-D15

    Staff photo byMICHAEL BESWICK

  • 7/31/2019 Talented Teens June 2012



    D2 T A L E N T E D T E E N S The Republican, Tuesday, June 12, 2012


    Why:What I enjoy mostabout digital media andphotography is the marry-ing of my passion forcomputer technology andcommunicating throughphotography and abstractdesign. Modern computertechnology allows me tovisualize my ideas in aneasily editable area totruly produce the per-spective I wish for othersto see through.

    Resume:Work has beenpublished in four consec-utive issues ofThe MarbleCollection, a statewidehigh school literary andart magazine.

    College: MassachusettsCollege of Art and Design

    Nominating teacherJohn P. Archambault:This student is one of themost focused and drivenstudents I have had theopportunity to work within my seven years ofteaching.


    Why: I get to learn more things aboutmyself I and I just love creating new ideasto put on paper.

    Resume: One of my charcoal drawings

    won a first place in the annual fine artexhibit at the Chicopee Public Library;enrolled in a pottery class and now this isthe type of art I most enjoy.

    Nominating teacher: Robert J.Meulemans

    Disciplines:Art, music

    Why: Music is very important to me and to use art asanother outlet is amazing.

    Nominating teacher Sara Morrisino: Everything Kylecreates comes from the heart.


    Why: I enjoy the reactions my art invokes the most. Seeing how people interpretwhat I create is fascinating to me.

    Resume: President of art club which did the set for the fall play, Beverly Hillbillies.Doing series of portraits of nursing home residents.

    Nominating teacher Sara Morrisino: Last year, Elsie lost her entire art portfolio inthe tornado. Instead of feeling defeat, she channeled her energy to create a newportfolio that would be even better than her first.


    Why: It makes me feel peaceful,even when I get mad at somethingor someone.

    Nominating teacher Jackie A.Boudreau Kinsey: Chenruis tal-ent lies in her drawing, paintingand sculpting abililites and herobservational skills. She thinksdeeply about each project and thefinal outcome is always breathtak-ing.


    Why: I can express myself in art and let my emotionsdictate how I want a piece to look.

    Resume: Drawing featured as the cover for a horseshow program; Holyoke Community College TaberGallery exhibit

    Nominating teacher: Beth A.M. Stapert

    Discipline: Photography

    Why: I love being able to put my imagination into thephoto and capture the emotion in the memory.

    College: Savannah College of Art and Design

    Nominating teacher: Trisha M. Kemp

    Alexander A. NallyChicopee Comprehensive High School, Grade 12

    Elise Guillen

    Elizabeth C. Teall

    Kyle CookAshley I. Medina

    Chenrui Niu

    Staff photo byMICHAEL S. GORDON

    Staff photo byDON TREEGER

    Staff photo byJOHN SUCHOCKI

    Staff photo byDAVE ROBACK

    Staff photo byMICHAEL S. GORDON

    Staff photo byMARK M. MURRAY

    Staff photo byMARK M. MURRAY

    Cathedral High School, Grade 12

    Cathedral High School, Grade 12

    Chicopee High School, Grade 12

    Granby Jr./Sr. High School, Grade 12

    Chicopee Comprehensive HighSchool, Grade 11

    Holyoke Catholic High School,Grade 11

    Nicole A. Martin

  • 7/31/2019 Talented Teens June 2012


    The Republican, Tuesday, June 12, 2012 T A L E N T E D T E E N S D3


    Why: Painting is my serenity. Ienjoy giving my work to my friendsand family.

    Resume: Third place in TheRepublicans 2012 Kids in Printwriting and art contests; exhibitedand sold art at MassMutual,

    Western New England University,American International Collegeand the Eastfield Mall

    Nominating teacher: Cynthia L.Newsome

    Disciplines:Visual Art

    Why: I like the idea of creating something ofnothing.

    Nominating teacher Beth A. McDonald: Hergrasp of creative thought and her strength in tech-

    nique allows her to create extremely well donepieces that are both exquisitely executed, but alsoshow heartfelt emotion and creativity.


    Why:Art gives me the opportunity to show offwhat I am really feeling and thinking.

    Resume: Independent study in portraiture;Advanced Placement art next year.

    Nominating teacher: Jackie A. Boudreau Kinsey


    Why:Art is a way for meto create an image thatnobody has seen before.

    Resume:Assistant this yearto art teacher Paula E.Fahey; annual student artaward all 4 years

    College: School of theMuseum of Fine Arts,Boston, fine arts and arteducation.

    Nominating teacher:Paula E. Fahey

    Discipline: ArtWhy:You can express yourself in all different formsin making art and show emotions as well as tell sto-ries on a canvas.

    Resume: Most Artistic Award 2012; Art Portfoliohonors

    Nominating teacher: Joanne L. McDonough


    Why: I enjoy trying to improve and actually progress.

    Nominating teacher Joan P. Flahive: Im not sure Ihave ever seen Cameron without a pencil and sketch-book, furiously working on something. We did a unit onfigure drawing. Camerons were always the best.


    Why: I love how art is ableto take a piece of your innerself and, in my case, place iton paper.

    Resume: Heart of Holyoke

    city-wide art show; TheMemory Project, a nationalinitiative for art students tocreate portraits for disadvan-taged children around theworld; Human Anatomy forthe Artist classes at WestfieldState University

    Nominating teacher:Darlene C. Henshaw

    Cameron C. LavalleeStaff photo byDON TREEGER

    East Longmeadow High School, Grade 11

    Avery H. DuboisStaff photo byMICHAEL S. GORDON

    Monson High School, Grade 12

    Gabrielle N. Vega

    Staff photo byDON TREEGER

    East Longmeadow High,Grade 11

    Wioletta Bednarska

    Staff photo byDAVE ROBACK

    Chicopee High School, Grade 12

    Aveour Masters

    Staff photo byDON TREEGER

    Holyoke High School,Grade 12

    Jenna Dianna Lescell

    Staff photo byMICHAEL S. GORDON

    Chicopee Comprehensive High School,Grade 12

    Evan C. Daigle

    Staff photo byDON TREEGER

    Holyoke Catholic High School, Grade 11

  • 7/31/2019 Talented Teens June 2012


    D4 T A L E N T E D T E E N S The Republican, Tuesday, June 12, 2012

    Discipline:Art (media, ceramics, pottery)

    Why: I like bringing my visions alive through my work,pushing boundaries and experimenting with tech-niques and ideas that I have never tried before.

    Resume: Two Silver Keys, Boston Globe Scholastic ArtAwards; two Renaissance Awards for my excellence inceramic design.

    Nominating teacher: Sean I. Burns


    Why:Art is more than a picture,it is a way of life and will alwaysbe that way for me.

    Resume: My logo design forHorizon Home Improvement waschosen to be the new brand forthe company.

    Nominating teacher Kyla M.Korytoski: Dillons out of thebox thinking, dedication, and eyefor professional design make hima Talented Teen.

    Discipline:Visual ArtWhy:Art allows me to tell anystory I want. When people likewhat I do, it makes me happy.

    Resume: Heart of Holyokecity-wide art show; TheMemory Project, a nationalinitiative for art students tocreate portraits fordisadvantaged childrenaround the world; HumanAnatomy for the Artistclasses at Westfield StateUniversity

    Nominating teacher:Darlene C. Henshaw

    Discipline:Visual Art

    Why:When I sit down to draw,paint or do other forms of art, allof my stress disappears. It is oneof the only times during my schoolday when I get positive gratifica-tion.

    Resume: Founder of the art clubat the high school, Mara attends

    every meeting, initiates projectsand helps her peers. As a volun-teer, she creates set designs forthe performing art shows.

    Nominating teacher: Eva M.Stockhamer

    Discipline:Visual Art

    College:Wentworth Institute of Technology, Boston, architecture

    Nominating teacher Lauren C. Stefanik: Sam is the next Dali.His forms are free, stylistic, and impressive. The viewer is literallysucked into his drawings.


    Why: I can take all of my ideas, opinions and emotionsand express them though art without having to talk tosomeone. I just like being able to say so much without

    saying anything at all.

    Resume: First place in two art shows

    College: Montserrat College of Art

    Nominating teacher Margaret T. Sikes: Sam worksdiligently toward informing our school visually aboutinjustices in America. He comments on hypocrisy, violence

    and the medias exploitation of our society.


    Why: The power and opportunity to affect peopleslives through art is a privilege I will constantly bethankful for.

    Resume: Honorable mention in the Boston GlobeScholastic Art Awards.

    Nominating teacher: Maureen Senn-McNally

    Samuel J. Glidden

    Sophia G. WeinsteinKoryna L. Moore

    Samuel S. Fernandes

    Mara Sobon

    Cuiee Masters

    Dillon S. Richter

    South Hadley High School, Grade 12

    Minnechaug Regional High, Grade 12

    Palmer High School, Grade 12

    SABIS International Charter School, Grade 12

    Holyoke High School,Grade 12

    Lower Pioneer Valley Careerand Technical Education Center,Grade 11

    Holyoke Catholic High School,Grade 11

    Staff photo byMICHAEL S. GORDON

    Staff photo byDAVE ROBACK

    Staff photo byMARK M. MURRAY

    Staff photo byJOHN SUCHOCKI

    Staff photo byDON TREEGER

    Staff photo byDON TREEGER

    Staff photo byDON TREEGER


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  • 7/31/2019 Talented Teens June 2012


    The Republican, Tuesday, June 12, 2012 T A L E N T E D T E E N S D5


    Nominating teacherDawn E. Cooke:Kevin communicatesusing sign languagebut the things he

    cant communicatecome out in his draw-ings. He recentlydesigned a logo for hisdads business. Everyspare minute he has inschool he wants todraw.


    Resume: Silver Medal for draw-ing portfolio in the 2012National Scholastic Art & WritingAwards, receiving the nationalmedal with 30 others at June 1ceremony at New YorksCarnegie Hall; Summer Studiosand Xtreme! Week atMassachusetts College of Artand Design

    College: Massachusetts Collegeof Art and Design, illustrationmajor

    Nominating teacher: DeborahA. Callahan


    Why: For me, painting is a healing and a learningprocess because it taught me so much about myself,who I am, and who I want to be.

    Resume:Worked on a series of painting exploringpotential of color in Advanced Placement Studio Artclass

    Nominating teacher and artist Paul E. Bloomfield:

    Gillian has an amazing ability to be able to look atsomething and transform it into her own personalobject. She can do this in both 2- and 3-dimensions,and it is always fresh.

    Discipline: Photography, both traditional darkroom black and white and digitalWhy: Photography changes the way you look at the world.

    Resume: Gold Key, Boston Globe Scholastic Art Awards and finalist in NationalScholastic Art & Writing Awards; curator and director of 2012 Senior AdvancedPlacement Art show, where 34 pieces of my work will be on display; my work can beviewed at https://sites.google.com/site/emmahaskellportfolio/

    Nominating teacher Judy Neilson: In only one year, Emma has managed tomaster the skills needed to be an excellent photographer.


    Why: I use drawing as a way of depicting my best ideas.

    Nominating teacher Jackie A. Boudreau Kinsey:Victoria is an incredibledraftsperson. Her grasp on perspective and architecture is beyond her years.


    Why: I can express mythoughts and ideas in adeeply impactual way, thatalso allows me to discovermore about myself in theprocess.

    Resume: Richard NealCongressional ArtCompetition

    Nominating teacherMaureen N. Shea:Elizabeth works diligently

    at creating thought-pro-voking pieces both in andoutside of school.


    Why:As singers expresstheir feelings throughthe song and writersexpress their thoughtsthrough the stories, Ienjoy most when I put

    my stories and feelingson the canvas.

    Resume:AdvancedPlacement Studio Art,concentrating on humannatures multiple per-sonalities

    College: School of theArt Institute of Chicago,fine art

    Nominating teacher:Paul E. Bloomfield


    Stephanie Ji

    Meredith DiSessa

    Gillian Callahan

    Staff photo byMICHAEL S. GORDON

    Staff photo byMICHAEL S. GORDON

    Staff photo byMARK M. MURRAY

    Staff photo byMICHAEL S. GORDON

    Staff photo byDON TREEGER

    Staff photo byDON TREEGER

    Staff photo byMARK M. MURRAY

    Willie Ross Schoolfor Deaf, Grade 10

    Longmeadow HighSchool, Grade 12

    Wilbraham and Monson Academy, Grade 12

    Wilbraham & MonsonAcademy, Grade 12

    Emma Haskell

    Victoria Stuetzel

    Elizabeth M.Hollering

    Longmeadow High School, Grade 12

    Holyoke Catholic High School, Grade 11

    South Hadley HighSchool, Grade 11

  • 7/31/2019 Talented Teens June 2012


    D6 T A L E N T E D T E E N S The Republican, Tuesday, June 12, 2012


    Why:Art is like a getaway for me.Whether I am in a bad mood or agreat one, expressing my feelingsis never a problem. When I was lit-tle I drew horses every day andthat made me realize how much Iloved art. Doing what you love andworking hard at it will take youplaces. Art is a part of who I am.

    Resume: Excellence in DrawingAward, Worcester Art All-Stateand Advanced Placement StudioArt.

    College: University of NewHampshire, equine/art.

    Nominating teacher:Serena M. Willis


    Why: I enjoy creating some-thing beautiful, or imagina-tive that will grasp onesattention no matter what theyare doing.

    Resume: Honorable Mentionin the 2012 Pioneer ValleyHigh School Art Show atHolyoke CommunityColleges Taber Gallery.

    Nominating teacher:

    Sean I. Burns


    Why: My favorite part about art is that Idont have to be perfect. I can mess upand still make something beautiful out ofthe mess up.

    Resume: 2011 Worcester Art All-State,schools excellence in drawing and paint-ing award, school mural project.

    Nominating teacher: Serena M. Willis


    Why: I enjoy the freedom and imagination that comeswith creating works of art. It allows me to create whatpreviously inhabited only the unconscious parts of mymind.

    Resume: Two honorable mentions in Boston GlobeScholastic Awards; honorable mention at the HolyokeCommunity College Taber Gallery exhibit.

    Nominating teacher Lisa H. Leary:Anna isextremely creative and can work in any medium. Shehas been accepted at several art schools.


    Resume: First place in high school art category inThe Republicans 2011 Kids in Print writing and artcontests; image appeared on cover and chosen forthe anti-bully T-shirts of the Carl Joseph Walker-Hoover Foundation; Ty Pennington, the Emmy Award-winning host of ABCs Extreme Makeover HomeEdition that built a new home for the Walkers, worethe T-shirt with the design in the foundations 2011fall race; first Putnam student to participate in theMassachusetts Art All-State at the Worcester ArtMuseum helping to create a tornado two days beforecoming home to one; first place in What VeteransDay Means to Me, 2011 citywide art contest.

    Nominating teacher Karen A. Whitney: Her pas-sion and intrinsic drive for art keep her on top.


    College: New Yorks Pratt Institute, fine arts

    Nominating teacher Margaret T. Sikes: Hope ison the path toward becoming a professional artist.Her work is amazingly skilled, sensitive and pro-found. She uses her drawing ability to createmeaningful pieces that reflect the human condition.


    Why: Practicing my art form allows me to release stressand express myself through various media. The processis when I allow myself to let go. I love the productwhen I have been able to enjoy the process. I learnthings about myself every time I finish a piece.

    Resume: Gold Key and Silver Key in Boston GlobeScholastic Art Awards; Honorable Mention in HolyokeCommunity College Taber Gallery exhibit.

    Nominating teacher: Lisa H. Leary

    Molly E. McGuill

    Timothy J.


    Anna S. Ashe-Simmer

    Deanna C. Young

    Hope H. Hagen

    Nicole H. Robinson

    Joni M. Sullivan

    Monson High School, Grade 12 Northampton High School, Grade 12

    Roger L. Putnam Vocational TechnicalAcademy, Grade 12

    Minnechaug Regional High School,

    Grade 12

    Palmer High School,Grade 12

    Monson High School, Grade 12

    Staff photo byMICHAEL S. GORDON

    Staff photo byDAVE ROBACK

    Staff photo byJOHN SUCHOCKI

    Staff photo byMICHAEL S. GORDON

    Staff photo byMICHAEL S. GORDON

    Staff photo byJOHN SUCHOCKI





    Northampton High School, Grade 11

  • 7/31/2019 Talented Teens June 2012


    The Republican, Tuesday, June 12, 2012 T A L E N T E D T E E N S D7


    Why: I enjoy the freedom art gives you; being able to create whatever you please.

    Resume: Renaissance Awards for painting, drawing and printmaking

    College: Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences majoring in diagnos-tic medical sonography.

    Nominating teacher Sean I. Burns: Luisa is not only a wonderful artist and studentbut has also been helpful to the school overall by creating backdrops for our dramaproductions and creating murals for our elementary school.


    Why: I have beendrawing for years. It ismy favorite pastime. Ilove the accomplish-ments in finishing apiece that took a lotof effort. Art has noboundaries and that

    is why art is so spe-cial, not just to me,but anyone else whoappreciates andenjoys it.

    Resume: Created thecover for schools lit-erary magazine;Junior Art Award; 10-foot skeleton selectedfor the HolyokeCommunity CollegesTaber Gallery 2012art show.

    College: MontserratCollege of Art,Beverly, majoring inpainting.

    Nominatingteacher: Margaret T.Sikes

    Disciplines:Art, drama

    Why:What I enjoy about art is thatthe feelings you cannot alwaysexpress in words, you can express incolors! The process of art is full ofmistakes that lead to your next mas-terpiece.

    Resume: Represented St. Marys atseveral area art shows including ThePioneer Valley High School Art Show inTaber Gallery at Holyoke CommunityCollege; integral part of the sceneryfor Drama Club 2012 production ofGuys and Dolls and for ThoroughlyModern Millie in 2011.

    Nominating teacher:Ellen Sullivan Farley


    Why: It has allowed me to process throughmoments, feelings, and events that I would not havebeen able to get past verbally.

    Resume: Honorable mention in Boston GlobeScholastic Art awards; $25 award for the HolyokeCommunity College Taber Gallery exhibit; and SnowFarm,The New England Craft Progam, 2011 summerprogram for high school students.

    Nominating teacher: Lisa H. Leary


    Resume: Silver Key in Boston Globe Scholastic ArtAwards.

    Nominating teacher Christie M. Bianchi: Matthewsartistic process is amazing to see from concept to sketchto finished product. He stands out among his peers notonly based on his talent, but also on his creativity.


    Why: I love creating works of art becausethey help me express myself and it is some-thing that pushes me to think in ways I nor-mally wouldnt. The most rewarding aspectof my design takes place in the process ofcreating works of art and solving all the lit-tle questions and problems that inevitablyarise.

    Resume:Amherst College drawing class;co-leader of art club; first place in schoolart competition, and donated her prizemoney to Rays of Hope Foundation at

    Baystate Health.Nominating teacher Hilary B. Godin:Not only can Kathryn design and sew one-of-a-kind apparel, she also creates her ownaccessories.


    Resume: MontserratCollege of Art, Beverly

    Nominating teacherLauren C. Stefanik:Kassandra puts her wholeheart in art. Her emotionspour out like paint on a


    Luisa M. Maslon

    Sterling M. Porchelli

    Johanna R. Renard

    Kathryn L. Higham

    Matthew R. Gregory

    Kassandra A.Torres

    Palmer High School, Grade 12

    St. Mary High School, Grade 12

    Minnechaug Regional High School, Grade 12

    Northampton High School, Grade 11

    Springfield Central High School, Grade 12

    SABIS InternationalCharter School, Grade 12

    Longmeadow High School, Grade 11

    Staff photo byMICHAEL S. GORDON

    Staff photo byDAVE ROBACK

    Staff photo byMICHAEL S. GORDON

    Staff photo byJOHN SUCHOCKI

    Staff photo byMARK M. MURRAYStaff photo byMICHAEL S. GORDON

    Staff photo byMARK M. MURRAY

    Ashley R. Phaneuf

  • 7/31/2019 Talented Teens June 2012




    Staff photo byDON TREEGER

    Staff photo byDAVE ROBACK

    D8 T A L E N T E D T E E N S The Republican, Tuesday, June 12, 2012



    Discipline: Dance

    Why:What I love the most about dancing is, no matterwhat kind of day Im having, I can just go to the dancestudio and dance out all my emotions. As soon as I walkinto the dance room, all of my problems and stress goaway, and dance takes over.

    Resume: Member of New England Dance Centers SeniorElite Dance Company; named to United StatesTournament of Dance national acrobatics team; volun-teered with Dancers Fighting Hunger

    Nominating teacher: Loree Cloud, director, NewEngland Dance Center, Westfield

    Discipline: Dance

    Why:Aside from the incredible teachers, the best feeling of dance is performing for any number of people,whether they are 9 or 90 years old, and being able to bring joy to the audience.

    Resume: Second runner-up as Miss Western Massachusetts Outstanding Teen, performed as half-time dancerat the 2008 FedEx Orange Bowl in Miami, as a Shark girl in West Side Story at The Bushnell in Hartford.

    Nominating private teacher: Eva Stockhamer

    Discipline: Dance

    Why: Dance allows me to be a storyteller andto interpret the music on a very personal levelwhile sharing it with the audience.

    Resume: Numerous dance titles, awards fromcompetitions throughout the Northeast since theage of 8; performed in the Nutcracker withthe Moscow Ballet and Albany Berkshire Ballet;

    performed at many area venues including theBig E in West Springfield, First NightNorthampton, VA Medical Center

    Nominating teacher Catherine E. Daly: Thisyear in our annual talent show, Natalie choreo-graphed a dance of senior girls and boys, manyof whom had no previous experience. Shepatiently taught the dance to the group and itwas a success!

    Discipline: Dance

    Why: Pure joy iswhat I feel when Idance.

    Resume: 2011Young Miss DanceOvation in regionalcompetitions ofSagus-based DanceOvations

    Nominatingteacher: LoreeCloud, director, NewEngland DanceCenter, Westfield

    Staff photo byMICHAEL BESWICK

    Disciplines: Dance, art

    Why: I enjoy the creative aspectof both dance and visual arts,and how I can use each mediumas a means of self-expression.

    Resume: Helped lead and teachdance for the past four years

    College: Bridgewater StateUniversity, dance education

    Nominating teacher: PamelaE. Grant

    Discipline: Dance

    Why: Dance is an art form unlike any other.Everything dancers feel at a particular moment in timeis shown on their face and in their movements. This ismy favorite part about being a dancer the ability tosurrender to your feelings. Flying through space, let-ting your eyes drift close, and your heart beat to themusic. There is nothing else better in the world.

    Resume: Trained with Vermonts Burklyn Ballet,Connecticuts Nutmeg Conservatory, Summer StagesDance at Concord Academy and premiered choreogra-pher fellow Kelly Donovans piece in New York City.Choreograph and perform works at New EnglandDance Conservatory.

    College: Connecticut College, dance major

    Nominating teacher: Melissa S. OGrady

    Katelyn M. McGovern

    Stephanie M. Reeves

    Darby Q. Bailey

    Natalie D. Martin

    Kelsey L. Williams

    Staff photo byDAVE ROBACK

    Staff photo byJOHN SUCHOCKI

    Staff photo byMICHAEL S. GORDON

    Westfield High School, Grade 12

    Agawam High School, Grade 11

    Cora D. PaulWare Jr. Sr. High School,Grade 12

    East Longmeadow High School, Grade 12

    St. Mary High School, Grade 11

    Wilbraham & Monson Academy, Grade 12

  • 7/31/2019 Talented Teens June 2012



    The Republican, Tuesday, June 12, 2012 T A L E N T E D T E E N S D9

    Discipline: Music (trumpet)

    Why: Music provides a bridge of communication and expres-sion for moments words cant describe.

    Resume:As one of four winners in the 2012 Rhodes ConcertoCompetition got to perform with members of the SpringfieldSymphony; 2nd chair with the Massachusetts Music EducatorsAll-State Band, New England Music Camp Honor Society.

    Nominating teacher: Michael A. Mucci

    Disciplines: Music, drama

    Why: Its a way to express myself and just to escapefrom reality.

    Resume: Massachusetts Music Educators AssociationAll-State Festival, four years, and a soloist in two

    pieces; MMEA Western District Chorus; performed atWest Springfields Majestic Theater with musician

    Frank Manzi; school choral group and jazz ensembleand musicals, Our Town and Bye Bye, Birdie

    Nominating teacher: Charles C. Shrader

    Discipline: Music

    Why: The drummer is always the backbone of themusical group, so as my confidence has grown, sohas my ability to showcase my talent in every groupIve played with.

    Resume: First place for two consecutive years atthe New England Music Festival, sponsored by theAccordion Teachers Association of America; mem-ber of percussion ensemble, Drumocracy

    Nominating teacher and professional drum-mer Clark Siebold: He is the next generation oftalented musicians.

    Discipline: Music

    Why: Practicing a new piece of music is like gettingto know a new friend. I find different beauty insidethe melody each time I play. And at last, when I canperform this whole piece of music, I feel proud ofmyself.

    Resume: Third prize for marimba in national per-cussion competition in China; highest level of pianocertificate test in China.

    Nominating teacher: Thad Wheeler

    Discipline: Music

    Why: Musical theater is anart form, thus an extensionof expression. I can sing

    words and emotions that Imight never be able to sayout loud, and others whohear or see it can be effect-ed as well.

    Resume: MassachusettsMusic Educators AssociationWestern District Chorus,three years; HonorsMadrigal Singers, threeyears; Martha in SpringAwakenings.

    Nominating teacherRaymond W. Drury: Oneof the best performingmusicians.

    Discipline: Music

    Why: I love being able toshow the things I have prac-ticed to my audience, to beable to share the emotionsof my music.

    Resume: Ten-year memberof Suzuki Strings, theensemble of the SuzukiTalent Education Partnershipand also member of STEPChamber Ensemble;Springfield Symphony YouthOrchestra; MassachusettsMusic Educators AssociationWestern District SeniorOrchestra, three years;Suzuki Institute at University

    of Hartfords Hartt School ofMusic, summer 2009; per-form at many area venuesincluding Bethany Assemblyof God Church in Agawam;member of schools SeniorHandbell Choir and playpiano besides viola.

    College: Berklee College ofMusic, Boston, on scholar-ship

    Nominating privateteacher Lani J. Bortfeld,

    director of STEP: Throughhard work and persever-ance, Dinorah has succeed-ed against the odds todevelop her talent into anability.

    Michelle Clark

    Olivia S. Opal

    YiJia (Jenna) Chen

    Joseph Michalcyk-Lupa

    Matthew P. Robbins

    Dinorah N. Rosario

    Shane M. Coughlin

    Staff photo byMARK M. MURRAY

    Staff photo byDON TREEGER





    Staff photo byDAVE ROBACK

    Staff photo byDAVE ROBACK

    Staff photo byJOHN SUCHOCKI




    Cathedral High School, Grade 12

    Minnechaug RegionalHigh School, Grade 12

    The MacDuffie School, Grade 11

    Wilbraham & Monson Academy, Grade 12 Wilbraham & Monson Academy, Grade 12

    Longmeadow High School, Grade 11

    Disciplines: Music, drama

    Why: Music tells a story, so singing and/or playing a song tells me that story which Ican sometimes relate to. Singing also releases emotions, not to mention, its just fun.

    Resume: Sang with the Dane Kane Singers for four years; soloist with high schoolchoir, set design for drama department

    Nominating teacher: Sarah N. Campbell

    Pioneer Valley Christian School, Grade 12

  • 7/31/2019 Talented Teens June 2012


    Staff photo byDAVE ROBACK

    Staff photo byDON TREEGER

    D10 T A L E N T E D T E E N S The Republican, Tuesday, June 12, 2012

    Disciplines: Music, drama, dance

    Why:What I enjoy most about prac-ticing my art forms is their boundlesspotential. It is impossible to becomea perfect dancer, thespian or musi-cian. There are always ways toimprove.

    Resume: Massachusetts Music

    Educators Association Senior WesternDistrict and All-State Festivals; nomi-nated for MMEA All-Eastern DistrictChorus; pianist and trombonist forschool jazz band; leading roles inschool musicals.

    Nominating teacher: KenLongstreeth

    Disciplines: Music, art

    Why: I enjoy the journey as well as the des-tination when it comes to my visual art.When it comes to music, I enjoy the hardwork of promotion and recording, but nothingmatches up when it comes to the feeling I getwhen playing and hearing applause.

    Resume: Play professionally under the name

    Wishbone Zoe; venues include Iron HorseMusic Hall in Northampton and the GreenRiver Festival in Greenfield, as well as on col-lege radio stations; recorded a CD; attendedrecording workshops and summer performingprograms for five years at the Institute forMusical Arts in Goshen; Younger Singers ofGreater Westfield member of eight years.

    Nominating teacher: Kristin A. Puleo

    Discipline: Music

    Why: Every song has emotion that comes alongwith it and as a singer youre the one who hasto bring out the emotion.

    Resume: Massachusetts Music EducatorsWestern Massachusetts District Chorus, 4 years;2012 MMEA All-State Chorus; chorus treasurer

    and womens choir, both at school.Nominating teacher: Carol L. Toth

    Disciplines: Music

    Why: Joy. Sadness. Freedom. Exhilaration.

    Resume: Ithaca (N.Y.) College Piano Competition, firstplace; Young Artists Piano Competition at Westfield StateUniversity, first place for five consecutive years;Massachusetts Music Educators Association All-StateFestival, alto saxophone, second chair and MMEA EasternMassachusetts District All-State Festival recital

    Nominating private teacher Ellen M. Buoniconti, TheMusic Cellar, West Springfield: He is one of the mosttalented students I have had in my 46 years of teaching.

    Discipline: Music

    Why: Music has always been there to help me grow, and it is amazing to be

    able to see it help others do the same.Resume: Massachusetts Music Educators Western District Chorus; co-composedand performed song at the National Education Association conventions annualgala in Washington, D.C.; intern with Childrens Chorus of Springfield, andAdvanced Placement music theory.

    College: Smith College, Northampton, where I plan to join a cappella choir

    Nominating teacher: Jeanne C. Parks

    Discipline: Music (tenor, saxophone)

    Why: I really enjoy working on a piece until I have itperfected. I really like the feeling of accomplishment,knowing that I conquered something that I previouslycould not have finished.

    Resume: Summer Youth Music School at theUniversity of New Hampshire; performed with theNew York City Veterans Day Band of Pride in TimesSquare during the World Trade Center 10th anniver-sary tribute; accepted into the University of HartfordsHartt School of Music

    Nominating teacher: Patrick T. Kennedy

    Discipline: Music

    Why: I very much enjoy the opportu-nity to work with various conductors,and to perform at a high level withmy peers. I will always be thankful forthe appreciation I have developed formusic through these opportunities.

    Resume: Springfield SymphonyYouth Orchestra, principal flute, per-formed with SSO; MassachusettsMusic Educators Association All-Stateband; MMEA Western District SeniorOrchestra; Soloist on CecileChaminades Concertino with theschools honors wind ensemble

    Nominating teacher: Margaret E.Reidy

    Andrew Poirier

    Bianca L. Couture

    Sean P. Tanguay

    Lauren Gerberich

    Alexia Kallaugher

    George Yuan

    Sara M. Kochanski

    Smith Academy, Grade 11

    Springfield Central High School, Grade 12

    East Longmeadow High School, Grade 12

    Westfield High School, Grade 12

    Minnechaug Regional HighSchool, Grade 12

    Westfield High School, Grade 12

    Longmeadow High School, Grade 10

    Staff photo byJOHN SUCHOCKI

    Staff photo byMICHAEL S. GORDON






    Staff photo byMICHAEL S. GORDON

    Staff photo byMICHAEL S. GORDON

  • 7/31/2019 Talented Teens June 2012


    The Republican, Tuesday, June 12, 2012 T A L E N T E D T E E N S D11

    Discipline: Music

    Resume: First clarinet (playing since middle school), John Philip Sousa Award fortop musicianship in high school band; National Fine Arts Award, jazz, concertbands.

    Nominating teacher: Joan Cavanaugh

    Discipline: Music

    Why: I have enjoyedmeeting all the greatpeople during the lastfour years of band. Each

    new year brought togeth-er the faces of old andnew, making differentexperiences and friend-ships.

    Resume: Band librarian;trumpet section leader;member of church choirand playing piano sincethe age of 9

    Nominating teacher:William G. Love

    Discipline: Music

    Why: Playing music helps me get through the day.

    Resume: First chair clarinet; president of band andsix-year member; Ware Community Band.

    Nominating teacher:William G. Love

    Discipline: Music

    Why: Music fills you up with happiness to know thatit is coming from you and that you are making itsound that way.

    Nominating teacher Jeff D. Schumann: Jean hasonly been playing piano for three years and is

    playing college level music. He practices before andafter school and during his lunch. He is the most

    naturally gifted pianist I have ever met.

    Discipline: Music

    Why:When I sing, I can truly be myself. I dont haveto hide anything. Its as if I can throw every bad dayinto my art and make it something beautiful.

    Resume:Vocalist for school jazz ensemble and jazz

    combo, noted soloist award at Enrico Fermi JazzFestival, writing a blues album.

    Nominating teacher Patrick T. Kennedy: Lexi hasan incredible voice which crosses many genre.

    Disciplines: Music(flute, piano, soprano,chimes), drama

    Why:All of my art

    forms compose mypersonality today. Thesound that the bellsand chimes producesexcites me every time,because of how itrings and lingers in theair even a few minutesafter being played.

    Resume: Studied flutefor six years; playbells, chimes in per-cussion ensemble; alsolong-time pianist; singin school choir, choraleand my church choir;2012 FestivalInvitational Band for

    high school students atProvidence (R.I.)College; Band Day fortwo years with theUniversity ofMassachusettsMinuteman Marching

    Band in Amherst.

    Nominating teacher:Sarah N. Campbell

    Discipline: Music (violin, alto)

    Why: Music has the power to draw me in; it is my obsession,but it is the healthiest obsession in the world. It does not harmme, and only gives me constant satisfaction.

    Resume: Schools orchestra concert master for three years;Massachusetts Music Educators All-State Music Festival, 2011,2012; schools womens choir and honors choir

    Nominating teacher: Kayla B. Werlin

    Megan PoppHolyoke High School, Grade 12

    Cheyanne K.M.CampbellWare Jr./Sr. High School,Grade 12

    Alexa M. WegielWestfield High School, Grade 12

    Jean L. CarrasquilloPutnam Vocational Technical Academy,

    Grade 11

    Nancy A. PreisslerWare Jr./Sr. High School, Grade 12

    Joan DanielCathedral High School,Grade 12

    Mai-Tram RiquierLongmeadow High School, Grade 12

    Staff photo byDON TREEGER

    Staff photo byMICHAEL S. GORDON

    Staff photo byMICHAEL S. GORDON

    Staff photo byMICHAEL S. GORDON

    Staff photo byMICHAEL S. GORDON

    Staff photo byMARK M. MURRAY

    Staff photo byMICHAEL S. GORDON

  • 7/31/2019 Talented Teens June 2012


    D12 T A L E N T E D T E E N S The Republican, Tuesday, June 12, 2012

    Discipline: Music

    Why: I get to express myself freely, and escape from reality.

    Resume: Band president, flute section leader, bari sax player for jazz band;sound technician for all school plays, musicals and concerts

    Nominating teacher: Raymond Dandurand.

    Discipline: Music (clarinet)

    Resume: Class musician 2012, firstclarinet and first chair in band, 2011,2012

    Nominating teacher Joan Cavanagh:A fine musician and extremely dedicat-ed.

    Discipline: Music (instrumental)Why: Playing music allows me to create a bond with thepeople around me, and the composer of the music. It isan outlet for my emotions and it always will be.

    Resume: Massachusetts Music Educators AssociationWestern District Festival 2011, 2012, Massachusetts LionsAll-State Band

    College: Berklee College of Music in Boston, musicproduction and engineering

    Nominating school music department head:J.P. Kiernan

    Disciplines: Music, drama

    College: Holyoke Community College, music

    Resume highlights: Massachusetts MusicEducation All-State Chorus, Madrigal Choir

    Nominating teacher Mark G. Todd: Patrickhas a beautiful tenor voice which is very ver-satile. He can be singing classical, switch tofolk and then do a Broadway tune.

    Disciplines: Music, drama

    Why: My goal is for peopleto see how importantmusic really is: It is univer-sal, a language everyone

    can speak.Resume: MassachusettsMusic EducatorsAssociation All-State Choir;MMEA WesternMassachusetts DistrictChoir, three years; fulllength jazz and originalsong album; music librari-an for school chorus, mem-ber of school womensensemble and band.

    Nominating teacher:Carol L. Toth

    Disciplines: Music, drama anddance

    Why: I love being able toexpress myself through the artsand connecting with an audi-ence.

    Resume: Massachusetts MusicEducators All-State Chorus;South Hadley High best

    actress, 2011-2012

    Nominating teacher:Beth Ayn Curtis

    Discipline: Music (soprano)

    Why: Singing is my passion! I

    love making music and hear-ing beautiful harmonies withina piece of music.

    Resume: President of concertchoir, member of a cappellagroup, help direct childrenschoir at my church.

    Nominating teacher:Beth Ayn Curtis

    Joshua DesouzaSpringfield Central High School, Grade 12

    Kate MitchellElmendorf

    East Longmeadow HighSchool, Grade 11

    Erin M. ProvostSouth Hadley High School,Grade 12

    Patrick J. WellsHolyoke High School, Grade 12

    Jiayin R. SperrySouth Hadley High School,Grade 12

    Maureen A. CavanaughHolyoke High School, Grade 12

    Christopher M. HodgeEast Longmeadow High School, Grade 12

    Staff photo byMARK M. MURRAY

    Staff photo byDON TREEGER

    Staff photo byDON TREEGER

    Staff photo byDON TREEGER

    Staff photo byDON TREEGER

    Staff photo byDON TREEGER

    Staff photo byDON TREEGER

  • 7/31/2019 Talented Teens June 2012


    The Republican, Tuesday, June 12, 2012 T A L E N T E D T E E N S D13

    Patrick J. MoskalHolyoke Catholic High School, Grade 11

    Eva SnyderThe MacDuffie School, Grade 11

    Brianna E. JacksonCathedral High School, Grade 12

    Holyoke High School, Grade 12

    Rebecca StreeterSt. Mary High School, Grade 11

    Staff photo byJOHN SUCHOCKI

    Staff photo byDON TREEGER

    Staff photo byDON TREEGER

    Staff photo byMARK M. MURRAY

    Staff photo byMARK M. MURRAY

    Staff photo byJOHN SUCHOCKI

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    Disciplines: Drama, music

    Why: To have the opportunity to dive into a wholenew life is amazing, and the friends that come withworking in theater will last a life time.

    Resume: Juliet in Romeo and Juliet, Emily inOur Town and Rosie in Bye Bye Birdie

    Nominating teacher: Denise Boutin

    Disciplines: Drama, music

    Resume: Collaborated on the writing and performingof the original play, Grandmas Christmas Book;

    helped develop the performance group, ChildrensReader Theater; generally perform in at least two ofthe schools annual three shows and assist the light-ing director with the others and work set construction

    Nominating teacher: Eva Stockhamer

    Discipline: Drama

    Nominating teacher Michael H. Dziura: Nicholasis one of the most dedicated and hard-working the-ater students I have ever worked with. He comes toevery rehearsal ready to delve into the deepermeanings of the text and into the ways in whichthose deeper meanings affect the relationshipsbetween characters.

    Disciplines: Drama,music

    Why: I love gettingcreative with my rolesby using the script toshowcase my energyand sense of humor.The thunderousapplause at the end of

    a performance bringsa surge of pride thatmakes the long hoursof preparation worth-while.

    Resume: Four-yeardrama award; nomi-nated for CathedralTheater Hall of Fame;drama captain.

    Nominating teacherJohn M. Anziano:She makes directingeasy.

    Disciplines: Drama, music

    Why:After rehearsal I always feel composed and energized, which helps mestay on top of my school work.

    Resume: School musicals for four years; a cappella choir, and Madrigals

    Nominating teacher Mark G. Todd: Jessica is perfectly suited for the stage.She can sing, act and dance.

    Disciplines: Drama, visual art

    Why: Through different art forms the world morphs into anything you want itto be or see fit. The world is your canvas and you just need to find the rightcolors.

    Resume:Westfield State Universitys College for Kids, both student in actingand playwriting classes and assistant; performer in eight drama productions

    Nominating teacher: Ellen Sullivan Farley

    Wilbraham & Monson Academy, Grade 12

    Nicholas C. Jalbert

    Jessica E. Hill

  • 7/31/2019 Talented Teens June 2012


  • 7/31/2019 Talented Teens June 2012


    The Republican, Tuesday, June 12, 2012 T A L E N T E D T E E N S D15

    Benjamin Roy Hannah R. Migeed

    Holyoke Catholic HighSchool, Grade 11

    Chicopee High School, Grade 12

    West Springfield High, Grade 12

    Cathedral High School, Grade 12

    Staff photo byDON TREEGER

    Staff photo byDAVE ROBACK Staff photo byMARK M. MURRAY

    Staff photo byMICHAEL S. GORDON Staff photo byDON TREEGER

    Disciplines: Drama

    Why: Practicing and exercising my art form is not justabout the enjoyment for me, its about the experience.The challenge and the thrill I get while on stage, devel-oping a whole other person from within myself.

    Resume: Hosting the fashion and talent shows at theWest Springfield High School, with strictly improvisa-tion; starring in the musical Into the Woods as thebakers wife; and being the broadcaster for ourschools morning announcements.

    College: Endicott College, Beverly, media studies, the-ater

    Nominating private teacher: Michael C. Pandolfi

    Disciplines: Drama, music

    Why:You dont have to be the best, so long asyou feel something when you perform.

    Resume: 2012 Western Massachusetts MusicEducators Association Western District FestivalChorus; lead in 35th Annual Putnam CountySpelling Bee, Horton in Seussical; NovaChorus, advanced piano class

    Nominating teacher: Deborah L. Salli

    Discipline: Drama

    Why: I love how acting allows me to take abreak from the stress of life and take on a newidentity. When portraying such diverse charac-ters, I learn more about myself and betterunderstand the people around me.

    Resume: Four-year drama award and nomina-tion into Cathedral Theatre Hall of Fame.

    Nominating teacher: John M. Anziano

    Disciplines: Drama,music

    Why: I perform to give theaudience entertainmentand an appreciation forthe performance.

    Resume:A cappellachoir; lead in Hello,Dolly; other showsinclude Scapino,Cinderella andGodspell

    Nominating teacherJoseph M. Toritto:Monique has grown to bean outstanding alto singerwho can also sing tenorand soprano parts. Sheproduces a rich, full soundwith excellent pitch.

    Husband with fatal disease determined to enjoy life nowear Abby: Myhusband, who is55, has been diag-nosed with Picks

    disease, or frontotemporaldementia. His prognosis isfrom two to seven years -only God knows. We arehandling this with better-than-average concern. It ishis diabetes that everyonekeeps going on about. Heson medication and his dia-betes is under control.

    My problem is, I let myhusband eat whatever hewants within reason. Ifwere out to dinner and hewants ice cream, or asksme to buy him his favoritelemon cookies, I dontargue. When people tellme I shouldnt do that, myhusband replies that he isalready dying, so whyshouldnt he enjoy his lifenow?

    He still enjoys baseballand taking our grand-daughter to the zoo. He isstill mobile and, in fact,has recently lost 45pounds. People dontunderstand his attitude,but he is right. He ISdying, and I am letting himenjoy his final years. Am Iwrong for doing this? I

    want himto enjoywhat hecan now, asthere willcome atime whenhe cant. -Loves Himin Nebras-ka

    DearLoves Him:

    Please accept my sympa-thy for your husbandsdiagnosis. As someonewho also believes in quali-ty of life rather than quan-tity, I see nothing wrong inallowing him those pleas-ures he enjoys. For yourhusband, the countdown tozero has begun. You areboth being rational andrealistic. Clarify that factfor the naysayers or ignorethem.

    Dear Abby: I am awoman who suffers fromsyncope. I become light-headed whenever I musthave blood drawn or aneedle prick - it doesntmatter which. My physi-cian and her nurse alwaysaccommodate me by allow-ing me to lie down duringthese procedures, and con-

    sequently I have neverfainted.

    However, if I go else-where for a procedure, as Irecently did to a free med-ical screening, after tellingthe medical personnelabout the syncope, thereactions I typicallyreceive range from a looklike I have two heads tocomments like: Oh, thiswill be real quick; youwont feel a thing, Dontwatch or Think of some-thing else.

    Well, I did experience anepisode of syncope duringthat last screening, and itwas very embarrassing.Why wont medical per-sonnel LISTEN to what apatient tells them? Whoknows my body betterthan I do? - Synco-Peevedin the South

    Dear Synco-Peeved:Believe me, I empathize.However, free screeningscan be as jam-packed as acasting call for AmericanIdol. Overwhelmed med-ical personnel may not beable to accommodatesomeone who has specialneeds. Thats why itsimportant when you hearcomments such as those

    you mentioned that youinsist on being helped bysomeone who understandswhat the implications ofsyncope are. You mayhave to wait a bit longer,but it may prevent a black-out.

    Dear Abby: Should amother call her son if he isa father to wish him aHappy Fathers Day? -Andrietta in New York

    Dear Andrietta: Thatwould be a nice gesture.He qualifies.

    Dear Abby is written byAbigail Van Buren, alsoknown as Jeanne Phillips.Write Dear Abby at

    orP.O. Box 69440, Los Ange-les, CA 90069.

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    Samantha G. DiStefano

    Rick J. GiordanoHolyoke Catholic High School, Grade 11

    Disciplines: Drama, music

    Why:When I am not on stage, it feels like a part ofme is missing.

    Resume: Played Judas in Godspell, HoraceVandergelder in Hello, Dolly! and ChristopherBelling in Curtains, all with schools performing artsclub; Sir Dandiprat Bombas in Snow White and theSeven Dwarfs with the Exit 7 Players; member of

    schools a cappella choir, speech team

    Nominating teacher: Eva Stockhamer


    Monique T.Desnoyers

  • 7/31/2019 Talented Teens June 2012


    MUTTS By Patrick McDonnell

    ZITS By Jerry Scott & Jim Borgman

    PEARLS BEFORE SWINE By Stephan Pastis

    TIGER By Bud Blake

    MARVIN By Tom Armstrong

    APARTMENT 3G By Frank Bolle and Lisa Trusiani

    ADAM By Brian Basset

    LOCKHORNSBunny Hoest & John Reiner

    FAMILY CIRCUS By Bil Keane

    PEANUTS By Charles M. Schulz

    BIG NATE By Lincoln Pierce



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    D16 C O M I C S The Republican, Tuesday, June 12, 2012

  • 7/31/2019 Talented Teens June 2012


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    GARFIELD By Jim Davis

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    WIZARD OF ID By Brant Parker and Johnny Hart

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    CURTIS By Ray Billingsley

    MONTY By Jim Meddick

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    The Republican, Tuesday, June 12, 2012 C O M I C S D17

    GET FUZZY By Darby Conley

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  • 7/31/2019 Talented Teens June 2012


    D18 The Republican, Tuesday, June 12, 2012 L I F E S T Y L E


    If today is your birthday: New ambitionscould be awakened in you in the year ahead,such as a strong and powerful desire to scalenew heights. These inclinations can befulfilled if your methods are practical and yourmeans are effective.GEMINI (May 21-June 20) It behooves youto try to reduce your expenses when it comesto nonessential interests. If you really meanbusiness, you wont make any purchases orcommitments that you cant afford.CANCER (June 21-July 22) Be able to

    determine the difference betweenaggressiveness and assertiveness.Attempting to bulldoze your way throughsituations that affect your career will onlymake matters worse.LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) Dont be so quick tobelieve everything that you hear. Informationthat comes to you from questionable sourcescould be distorted or biased, or both.

    VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) If you hope toprofit in some manner at the expense ofanother, you had better examine yourmotives and have one heck of a goodreason. Operating along the wrong lineswill de rail you.LIBRA(Sept. 23-Oct. 23) When in apartnership arrangement, have a clear-cutunderstanding in advance as to who isresponsible for what. Without any groundrules, the venture could veer off course,leaving everyone in the woods.SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 22) Fail to

    approach your work in a positive manner andyoull make what you have to do much moredifficult then it actually is. Make sure that everydetail is covered, but smile while doing so.SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 23-Dec. 21) If youknowingly go against the odds, dont besurprised if you have to pay theconsequences. Lady Luck isnt likely to bearound when you need her the most.CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) Letsleeping dogs lie and dont bring up any old,unresolved domestic issues when everyone istrying to relax. It could open Pandoras box.

    AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) Even if youthink the criticism youre offering is veryconstructive, the recipient of your remarksmight feel differently, and deeply resent yourinput. Judge not, lest ye be judged.PISCES (Feb. 20-March 20) Financialconditions are likely to be a mixed bag for youat this juncture. On one hand, your earningslook promising, but on the other hand, your

    extravagances may go completely unchecked.ARIES (March 21-April 19) There is likely tobe far too much outside interference for youto do your job as smoothly as you like.Throwing a fit wont solve a thing, but it canmake matters worse.TAURUS (April 20-May 20) If you allowyourself to be influenced by past events, itcould put a damper on fresh developments.Obsessing over yesterdays only inhibits newsuccesses.



    Today is Tuesday, June 12, the164th day of 2012and the 85th dayofspring.

    Todays history: In 1963, civilrights leader Medgar Evers was as-sassinated in Mississippi.

    In 1978, David Berkowitz, theSon of Sam serial killer, was sen-tencedto 365 years in prison.

    In 1987, President Ronald Rea-gan instructed Soviet leader MikhailGorbachev to tear down this wallin a speech delivered in dividedBerlin.

    In 1994, Nicole Brown Simpson,ex-wife of professional footballplayer O.J. Simpson, and her friendRonald Goldman were murdered inLos Angeles.

    Todays birthdays: George H.W.Bush (1924- ), 41st U.S. president;Anne Frank (1929-1945), diarist/Holocaust vi ct im; J im Nabors(1930- ), actor; Marv Albert (1941-), sportscaster; Chick Corea (1941-), musician; Hideki Matsui (1974- ),

    baseball player.Todays sports: In 2002, the Los

    Angeles Lakers won their third con-secutive NBA title, sweeping theNew Jersey Nets in the best-of-sev-en Finals series.

    Todays fact: Assassinated civilrights leader Medgar Evers brother,Charles Evers, was the first African-American since Reconstruction to beelected a mayor in Mississippi, in1969.

    Todays quote: I do not likebroccoli, and I havent liked it sinceI was a little kid and my mothermade me eat it. And Im presidentof the United States, and Im notgoing to eat any more broccoli. George H.W. Bush

    Todays number: 28 years theBerlin Wall stood separating EastandWest Berlin.

    Todays moon: Between lastquarter (June 11) and new moon(June19).


    Winston Churchill said,Courage is what it takes tostand up and speak;courage is

    also what it takes to sit downand listen.

    It can be courageous (cor-rect) to stand up or sit down(playhighor low)at the bridgetable. Which is right in thisdeal? South is in three no-trump. West leads fourth-highest from his longest andstrongest, the heart five. Eastwins with his ace and returnsthe nine, the higher of two re-maining cards. What happensnow?

    North opened with a weaktwo-bid, showing a respecta-ble six-card suit and 6 to 10high-card points. South bidwhat he thought he couldmake.

    When in no-trump, alwayscount your top tricks, your im-mediate winners. Here, Southhas seven: three spades, onediamond and three clubs.There are four or five moretricks available from the dia-monds. What is the danger tothe contract?

    If the hearts are 5-3 and thediamond finesse is losing, thedefenders might take one dia-mondand fourhearts.

    At trick two, many Souths

    would stand up, playing theheart queen. But then theyshould go down if West knows

    to sit down, ducking the trick.

    Then, when East gets in withhis diamond king, anotherheart lead defeats the con-

    tract. Instead, at trick two,South should sit down, play-ing his other low heart. He re-

    tains a stopper and b reaks thecommunication between thedefenders.

    South should think aboutstanding up and sitting downat trick two. Analyzing bothshould result in his finding therightchoice.

    Screen times

    Agawam Fa mily Ci nemas(413-786-8800) Hunger Games 7:10Lucky One 5Five Year Engagement 7:15Three Stooges 5:15Amherst Cinema (413-253-2547) Best Exotic Marigold Hotel 1:50,4:30, 7:10, 9:40Monsieur Lazhar 2:30, 4:45, 7:20,9:20Bernie 2:45, 5The TurinHorse7:30Cinemark Theatres, Hadley(800-326-3264, ext. 1118) Prometheus XD 3D 1:30, 4:20,7:10, 10

    Prometheus 3D 12:05, 6:15Prometheus 3, 9:15Madagascar 3D 11:15, 1:45, 3:25,4:15, 6:45, 8:35, 9:20Madagascar 12:05, 1, 2:35, 5:05,6:05, 7:35, 10:05Snow White and the Huntsman11:50, 1:20, 2:50, 4:20, 6:05,7:20, 9, 10:20Men in Black 3 3D 11, 1:35, 4:25,7, 9:40Men in Black 3 11:40, 1, 2:20,3:40, 5, 6:20, 7:40, 9, 10:20Battleship 4:30, 10:15What to Expect When Your Expect-ing11:05, 1:40, 7:35Dictator 11:45, 2:15, 4:25, 7:30,10:10Dark Shadows 11, 1:40, 4:25,7:05, 9:50Avengers 3D 11:30, 3:20, 6:30,9:45Avengers 12:15, 4:05, 7:15, 10:25Entertainment Cinemas, Spring-field Plaza (413-858-8800)

    7:30Snow White and the Huntsman12:45, 1:15, 3:45, 4:15, 6:50,7:20, 9:35, 10:05Men in Black 3 12:35, 1:35, 3:05,4:05, 5:30, 7:30, 8, 10Chernobyl Diaries 12:50, 3, 5:15,7:45, 9:55Battleship 12:40, 3:45, 6:45, 9:40Dark Shadows 12:50, 3:50Dictator7:10, 9:20Avengers 12:30, 1, 1:30, 3:30, 4,4:30, 6:35, 7:05, 7:45, 9:35Hunger Games 1:25, 4:35, 7:50Greenfield Garden Cinemas(413-774-4881) Snow White andthe Huntsman 4:30, 7, 9:30

    Madagascar 3 3D 4:30, 6:30, 8:30Avengers 4:30, 7:30Dark Shadows 4:30, 6:40, 9:20Men in Black 3 4:30, 6:40, 9:20Madagascar 3 4:30, 7, 9Prometheus 4:30, 7, 9:30Rave Motion Pictures Eastfield16 (413-543-3440) Snow Whiteand the Huntsman 9:45, 10:20,12:20, 1:20, 3:30, 4:30, 6:30,7:30, 9:30, 10:35Prometheus 10:50, 12:15, 1:45,4:45, 7, 7:45, 10:45What to Expect When Youre Ex-pecting 10:05, 12:45, 3:45Battleship 6:50, 10:05Dark Shadows 2:20, 7:35Chernobyl Diaries noon, 5, 10:15Crooked Arrows 10:35, 1:10, 3:50,6:50, 9:20Avengers 9:40, 1, 4:10, 7:20,10:40Dictator 12:40, 3:20, 5:40, 8:20,10:40Men in Black 3D9:35, 12:10, 2:50,

    3:15, 4:15, 6:45, 9:15, 10Madagascar 3 3D 11:30, 12:50, 2,5:15, 7:15, 8, 10:30Men in Black 3 10:30, 1:40, 4:25,7:10, 9:50Rave Motion Pictures Enfield 12(860-741-2376) What to ExpectWhen Youre Expecting 9:05,11:50, 2:20, 4:50, 7:30, 10:05Men in Black 3 9:45, 12:25, 2:55,5:25, 7:50, 10:35Men in Black 3 3D 9, 11:25, 1:50,4:20, 6:55, 9:30Dark Shadows 9:10, 11:40, 2:15,4:45, 7:35, 10:25Avengers 3D 9:30, 3:55, 10:20Avengers 12:40, 7:20

    Dictator 9:50, 12:05, 2:30, 5:30,8:15, 10:40Prometheus 11,2, 5, 8, 10:50Prometheus 3D 10:15, 1:15, 4:15,7:15, 10:10Snow White and the Huntsman9:35, 10:30, 12:45, 1:35, 4, 5:05,7:05, 8:05, 9:50, 10:55Madagascar 3 10, 12:30, 3, 5:15,7:45, 10Madagascar 3 3D 9:15, 11:45,2:05, 4:30, 7, 9:20Rave Motion Pictures WestSpringfield 15 (413-733-5134) Avengers 3D 12:55, 7:40Avengers 9:35, 4:05, 10:05

    Dark Shadows 10:25Dictator7:45, 10:10Battleship 1:45, 6:55What to Expect When Youre Ex-pecting 11:05Best Exotic Marigold Hotel 9:55,12:50, 3:45, 6:35, 9:20Chernobyl Diaries 4:40, 10Men in Black 3 3D 2:15, 4:55,7:55, 10:25Men in Black 3 10:35, 1:40, 4:25,7:10, 9:40Snow White and the Huntsman9:40, 10:10, 11:10, 12:35, 1:20,2:10, 3:30, 4:20, 5:10, 6:45, 7:25,8:10, 9:55, 10:20Madagascar 3D 10:15, 10:45, 1, 4,4:30, 7, 9:30

    Madagascar 3 9:30, 11:15,12:15, 1:30, 2, 3:15, 5, 6, 7:30,8:30Prometheus 3D 9:45, 11, 12:40,2:05, 3:40, 5:05, 6:40, 8:05, 9:45Prometheus 10, 1:10, 4:10, 7:15,10:15Tower Theaters, South Hadley(413-533-FILM) Madagascar 33D 2:30, 6:30, 8:30Madagascar3 10, 12:30, 4:30Best Exotic Marigold Hotel 10, 1, 4,7, 9:30

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